→ ℋotel







Kwon Jiyong (Fireman) 4 months ago
@Jungkook *rolls my eyes at your words* You never said that to me! how can you count that?? You just said yes yes to everything I said that night...
*I smile back at you, fond and touched, flicking your hair back before I pull my hand away* I know you will, you're a determined young man~
There are no weights for babies! *I protest, just to then look at you sideways* Are there?
I chose the restaurant, so technically everything there, I chose it *chuckles* I'm sorry food is just not a topic I can relate much to...
*I put the sat nav on and then sit back, it's more interesting to watch you drive than to look out the window, so I do that. Needless to say, you're beautiful with the city lights flickering on your focused face*
Jungkook (Demon) 4 months ago
@Kwon Jiyong Oh- Uhm- Yes! duh!- /scratches cheek/
I was right about us separating not being a good idea! /scrunches nose/
/I'm looking down when you talk and explain it. My eyes shooting up when you say you'll always take care of me and I try not to tear up, nodding/
Thank you hyung.. I'll do my best to be the same.. /returns your smile/
I won't~ you can do the small baby ones~ /teases with a wink, turning my attention to the road as I drive off/
But I want to eat something that -you- chose..
Yes.. Let's~ /laughs as I drive out of the parking lot/
Kwon Jiyong (Fireman) 5 months ago
@Jungkook do -you- remember something you were right about? *eyebrow curls in question*
*my laughter dies down, as I remember where you come from, it's where I come from* it is... it's supposed to be like that... people taking care of each other... just things don't happen as they are supposed to sometimes... *I your hair back* but I like you, so I'll take care of you, always. *gives you a small smile*
mm, if you say so... *shuffles a bit in the seat* I guess I could give it a try... just don't let the big weight crush me~
*shakes my head* I don't really get cravings... so really, all's good for me
*smiles at the smooch and then the peck* forgiven~ let's go to our peasant's parking spot~ *jokes*
Jungkook (Demon) 5 months ago
@Kwon Jiyong /gasps/ How could you not remember?
I... I dont know... /I say softly/ I would assume so?
I'm saying its a chance for us to spend more time together! Nothing to do with your appearance.. And it will get you out the house~
I know~ /grins/ But even if you dont eat a lot, we can still eat what you would like to eat..
I'm only just teasing you hyung~ I like being subtle about things! /leans over to smooch your cheek/ I'm not disappointed, promise~ /tilts your head so i can peck your pout. Moves back to my side of the seat to start the car/
Kwon Jiyong (Fireman) 5 months ago
@Jungkook we'll see, we'll see, I don't remember anything you were right about~ *teases*
*giggle, covering my mouth* isn't that what everyone does for the people they like?
*gasps* are you saying I'm fat? *touches my inexistent belly*
I also eat anything, just not a lot of it... *I say, a little shyly, I think about everyone knows I don't eat much, but I don't know if the rumour has gotten to you yet, or if you've noticed during the time we spent together*
*chuckles at your answer* boy, and I thought you were a down-to-earth guy! Am I disappointing you already? *pouts towards you once I buckled in*
Jungkook (Demon) 5 months ago
@Kwon Jiyong /sticks tongue out/ I'm always right! /doubles down with a cheeky grin/
You are~ You love and care about all those that you love.. That's sweet
Mm.. We can go for walks and dates! Maybe I can take you to the gym?~ /teases/
Good~ We can order whatever you want to eat too! I eat anything.. oh? Private parking space? I need to park my own car? Theres not even valet? Tsk~ /pretends to be boujee, chuckling to myself as I put on my seatbelt/
Kwon Jiyong (Fireman) 5 months ago
@Jungkook have you? I mean... there's a bit gap between telling it and actually being always right *giggles*
*smiles wide* am I? eheh
Fine, guess we can't be homebodies together thennn... what are we gonna do?
*snorts* young people these days, really~
yeah, I won't eat as much as you, but I can enjoy it... *I close the door and shuffles to the other side, getting in* I'll put it on the sat nav, we have a private parking space~ *puts in the coordinates*
Jungkook (Demon) 5 months ago
@Kwon Jiyong /wraps an arm around your waist, letting you take me to the car/
I'm always right! I've told you before that I'm always right~ /grins/
You are sweet hyung~
/grins/ I'm not thaaaat much of a homebody! But we can always have days in~
Nope~ no respect~ /sing songs/
/kisses your cheek before I climb in/ That sounds good, and you're okay with the meat? Strawberry cake sounds so good
Kwon Jiyong (Fireman) 5 months ago
@Jungkook *smiles when you poke my cheek, and lean into you as we walk*
I guess you're right... *grins at you* but keep calling me sweet hyung~
oh... I was hoping to convince you to be a homebody with me!
yeah yeah, always teasing your hyung! No respect for the old man in your life!
*hums as I open the driver car door for you* I asked them for a meat menu, since I know you like that.. and then I think they have a strawberry cake? those are nice...
Jungkook (Demon) 5 months ago
@Kwon Jiyong /hums at the kiss, poking your cheek/
/gives you a hug, squeezing you/ Sweet hyung, just believe me okay? It'll be a good date.. I dont see how this could be back if we're getting food and cuddles after! /laughs/ I guess we'll have to come out more
/grins when you complain/ hehehe Im still just teasing you hyung~
Have you had a look at the menu? Was there anything you saw that you wanted to definitely get? /smiles when you say youre hungry/
Kwon Jiyong (Fireman) 5 months ago
@Jungkook you're very welcome~ *gives you another small kiss before pulling away with a blush, I just hope I can bring you some happiness too*
I'll keep wishing until the end and once again if or when we have the next one... *huffs* I'm actually quite the home body... so I don't go to restaurants much in general *chuckles* nevermind with a handsome boy at my arm
*gasps dramatically* that's not the kind of pain I like! Don't use it to your convenience now!
*hum* uhuh, definitely a good plan~ can't wait~ I also want actual dessert though, I'm hungry *blushes, I don't think I've said those words in a long time*
Jungkook (Demon) 5 months ago
@Kwon Jiyong /smiles at the kiss/ I will, thanks for the advise hyung~ /grins/
You sound like youre still wishing that itll go well! /laughs but nods/ I'll let you know, don't worry~
I definitely know~ /pokes your cheek/
I do~ /giggles as i swing our hands/ But you also like the pain, so does it really matter if I twist it?
Oh- Yes both can be for dessert! I think that sounds like an amazing plan~
Kwon Jiyong (Fireman) 5 months ago
@Jungkook Good boy~ *pecks your lips* nonsense, you're absolutely out of his league~ * your cheeks with my thumb* you do what makes you happy, ok?
*shuffles a bit in protest* this is me trying to be positive! you can tell me if you're not having fun, ok?
you know I do *nudges your shoulder with mine*
*blushes when you repeat that I'm weak, but what can I do, it's true* you really like twisting the knife, mm?
*chuckles* I meant the , but sure, that too~
Jungkook (Demon) 5 months ago
@Kwon Jiyong Well I should right? /grins, blinking at you when you cup my cheeks/ Hey! That's not true! He's more than good enough for me! I feel like I'm not good enough for them..
/chuckles and nods/ Yep "only" if it goes well~ Stop saying as if it wont! Dont welcome that negative energy here!
But you love it~ /teases/
/laughs/ Weak! Weak hyung! You're weakkkkkkkk /teases with a smile before kissing your cheek/
Cuddles for dessert? /tilts head with a smile/
Kwon Jiyong (Fireman) 5 months ago
@Jungkook oh? you want to ask for permission? *chuckles when you ask about it next, and I cups your cheeks, trying not to laugh too loud* I would be against it, he's definitely not good enough for you, but you seem to be keen, so I guess I'll allow it?
*blushes, am I being too needy? It's just been a long time since I spent the night, and we used to do it quite a lot before our break* I'd like that... but only if the date goes well!
*giggles* cheesy! *but I'm blushing*
you want that kind of thrill? *snorts* oh, I can tell you if I got you on my , I'd be crashing after the first metre, I am weak!
I do~ lots of cuddles~
*chuckles* maybe for dessert, we'll see~
Jungkook (Demon) 5 months ago
@Kwon Jiyong Hmm.. why don't we ask him about it? /grins/ So what do you think about me "shacking it up with an old guy", Mr Sponsor?
Poor baby, mm? Should I help you sleep tonight? Do you want to stay over?
I do like views.. But you expect me to concentrate on that when you'll be sitting across from me? /tilts head/
But wheres the thrill in that?~ /grins but nods/ That's probably the best choice.. Unless you let me blow you one time when youre driving~
/whines when you wiggle away but i follow after you, laughing/ You definitely need some cuddles~
I can drive~ Then you can ~ /wiggles brows teasingly/
Kwon Jiyong (Fireman) 5 months ago
@Jungkook *chuckles along* would he approve of you shacking it up with an old guy though? I don't know I don't know~
ah... not that well... *leans into your neck* but that's also because you weren't there...
oh, that sounds lovely though~ *but I doubt it's as pretty as you, I think to myself* The restaurant we're going to has a nice view too... I hope you'll like it...
*sighs, you really had my mind going with those images* yeah... maybe also just stay parked? *chuckles*
mm, ok... I consider myself invited then... *turns my head to leave a little kiss on your jaw and then I wiggle out as the elevator's door open* Come on, let's go, the faster we eat, the faster we can come back~ do you want to drive by the way?
Jungkook (Demon) 5 months ago
@Kwon Jiyong /grins, giggling happily when you play along, nodding/ He would he would~
I can see that you've been worried, mmh? Did you even sleep last night? /gives you a squeeze/
Why thank you~ Unfortunately, I think the view is nicer than me this time round.. Especially when the lights are one in the city..
/grunts as I squeeze you again/ Maybe we wont be driving on the highway then? Probably safer..
It is.. But like I said.. Im already extending the invitation for you to come back to mine so we can be like this for however long we'd like~
Kwon Jiyong (Fireman) 5 months ago
@Jungkook *snorts* I think the hot guy gave you money to use on your films, not on your dates~ *hums* but it's true, he'd pay for everything if it made you happy~
*lets out a nervous breath when you peck my pout* I hope so... I hope you'll like the place at least...
*chuckles at your words* you're pretty nice to look at too though..
*almost chokes at the way your voice goes low and whispers those filthy images in my head* you sure we wouldn't crash? Can you really stay still inside me? While I whimper and beg for you?
*rests back against your chest as the elevator goes down to the garage, hands on your arms around me* it's a shame we can't be like this the whole time~
Jungkook (Demon) 5 months ago
@Kwon Jiyong /hums/ I have this really hot guy that gives me money~ It's okay if I spend it on you~ /teases, even though I don't get money from you anymore/ He'll pay for everything~
/pecks your pout/ I'm just kidding, hyung~ It will go as well as we want it to
The view at the window! Not me! /laughs/
/huffs/ Stilllllll~ I can imagine every little movement I make would make you whimper and whine, begging for me to you~ /whispers, my voice going lower and deeper/
/moves slightly behind you so I can back hug you/ Like this~ /grins/
Kwon Jiyong (Fireman) 5 months ago
@Jungkook Yeah, it would only be fair~ *chuckles* but don't spend too much money on me, mm?
*pouts* yeah.. if this one goes well..
the view, mm? how will you show it to me, exactly? *grins*
*laughs at your words* I don't think you've had scarsity of sitting though, have you? Just need to be a good boy and wait for the right time~
*I pull you into the elevator and smiles fondly* cuddles sound nice...
Jungkook (Demon) 5 months ago
@Kwon Jiyong Mmhhmm~ I mean youre taking me on one, so I should also take you on one too~ -If- this one goes well~ /teases you with a grin/
/chuckles and shakes head/ No no~ Just someone I would like to show the view too..
I do like the Maserati! But it is holding me back from having you sit on my ~
/nods/ mmhmm~ I could do with some nice cuddles before bed~
Kwon Jiyong (Fireman) 5 months ago
@Jungkook Maybe next time... *looks at you, hopeful* for our second date?
Mmhmm, you seem keen to bring me there though~ I'm not a sponsor, am I?
*chuckles at your words* Should I buy a suv? Just so you can have me in your lap when driving? Thought you liked the maserati though~
*nods, eager, maybe a bit too eager* y-yeah- uhm... I mean. It'd be nice. If the date goes well~
Jungkook (Demon) 5 months ago
@Kwon Jiyong We couldve~ doesnt have to be matchy matchy~ But like a hint of each other's outfits or something~
I know I know~ Maybe next time? /laughs/ Meetings and dinners with sponsors.. thats mainly it..
/pouts/ Well we need a bigger car next time! /acting childish about it, before laughing/
Want you to sit on my ~ /grins but nods/ Maybe later? When we come back and we can cuddle and watch a movie or something?
Kwon Jiyong (Fireman) 5 months ago
@Jungkook *blushes, and then smiles like an idiot* you want to go out matching with me? *smiles even wider when you touch my hair, it feels really nice*
*head tilts up* hey! I made a reservation! And I'm starting to worry about what you've been doing in that private room!
right yes, I need to focus *gulps at the whisper in your ear* that sounds lovely, but there's no way we can fit in my car like that *chuckles* even if you're inside me~
Jungkook (Demon) 5 months ago
@Kwon Jiyong Have you looked at yourself? You shouldve told me you were wearing blue~ I could have matched you in some way~
/grins, fixing a piece of your hair/
/hums and nods/ I would like that.. Maybe I should bring you to the place where i have a private room? /grins/
/laughs as I give your hand a squeeze/ I thought you just said that we werent gonna the whole time?
Wouldve preferred if you sat on my lap whilst I was driving though~ /whispers lowly into your ear/
Kwon Jiyong (Fireman) 5 months ago
@Jungkook well, have you looked at yourself? *pouts* you look really good... *brushes my hands on your chest* so good..
*chuckles at your suggestion* I bet you would like that, but I don't want to get banned... and I think we're supposed to be having a proper date and not the whole time during it... as tempting as that is...
*I take your hand and I pull you towards the exit* Maybe I could keep you in my mouth while you drive my car, think you can do it? *already contradicting myself*
Jungkook (Demon) 5 months ago
@Kwon Jiyong Tongue tied? Already? But the date barely even started~ /teases/
/kisses your nose as I rest my hands on your waist, laughing/
Maybe you can me off under the table at the restaurant?~ /wiggles eyebrows teasingly/
We can go
Kwon Jiyong (Fireman) 5 months ago
@Jungkook *the blush starts over his nose and spreads to my ears as you pull me closer, hands going to your shoulders*
got tongue tied..
* my lips*
can I you off- I mean. Uhm. Should we go?

(he's only human XD )
Jungkook (Demon) 5 months ago
@Kwon Jiyong /grins as i pull you closer/
Just handsome? I thought I would look more than that?

[i dont know xD tsk tsk jiyong~]


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strwbrrymlk 11 hours ago
hi hello ;; ive asked this before and never got a answer but is it possible to (re)join as a professional gamer??
DiabloEaterMfkr 1 week ago
Umm hello?? 0 n 0
density 1 week ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 1 week ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 2 weeks ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 1 month ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
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