→ ℋospital




who's that boy

that's looking

back at me

that's my bed

Jaemin (Sleeping Beauty) 3 months ago
@Shi Zhan Jaemin can't help himself from smiling at the other's way of talking. The way he kept rambling seems adorable to him. In fact, he just wanted to tease the other more to see how he would react on that. But he figured Shi Zan must have been exhausted after what happened today, so he settled to a low chuckle instead. "Relax, I'm not leaving you here, especially in your current state. Don't worry about the bills. Come on, I'll send you home," he stand up and extended his hand, "I bet your little Avenger is looking for you. He's fine. I got him some treat when you were out, figured he must be hungry."
Jaemin (Sleeping Beauty) 3 months ago
@Shi Zhan Jaemin thanked the nurse with a small bow and smiled as he walk back to the bed where Shi Zan was supposed to be resting, stopping short once their eyes met. "Oh. You're awake." It came out as a statement rather than a question. "The doctor almost thought you passed out or something," he chuckled, placing the crutches by the bed before settling down on the chair. "Urmm... sorry, I had to carry you inside," rubbing his nape sheepishly, Jaemin suddenly feeling embarrassed at his previous boldness. "I tried to wake you up but you were out cold so..." He cleared his throat, diverting the topic immediately before it gets too awkward.

"Anyway, you're free to go home now. They said you sprained your knee and might need to use these for a while." He gestured to the crutches, "They prescribed some meds too, but make sure to come back if the pain worsened."
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
@Xu Kai [x] lmao, no matter how much denial one is in, something will always work through the thick dense skull right?

Heechul nodded his head, he watch as Kai leave. He still have to stay for another day longer, until the doctor that care for him release him from dangerous patient stat. He didn't think much about what Kai would have done, about adding emergency contact and all with the hospital. Not to mention this was his first time being sent to this particular hospital close to the show and mansion. Everything was a good start since Kai show up, and that probably all that matter,
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
@Xu Kai That fluctuation in his eyes continues, his gaze finally make way to move toward Kai as he listened to the rest of what the man said. Then, like rain fallen in drought time, a smile, albeit lightly lit, still lit nonetheless. That is right. He was the hero in their eyes, although his hard time, he still manage to brought smiles to so many little one. He was, as they call him 'father.' Perhaps that was he needed, someone to remind him that, although there may be no adult whom care much about him nor understanding him, although he have no one he can really depend on, although even if he is gone, the children would still have someone to take care of, but still, they still look up to him nonetheless. He was their savior, the one they trust. No, someone did care, this man before him was. Heechul didn't say anything more, he just watch as Kai made way to the exit. Only when Kai turn to look back at him and said something, he answered, "thank you, xuxu."
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
@Xu Kai If he have the will to even laugh at what Kai said, he would've. Sadly, he doesn't, even if it were to laugh about the fact that the person who is hurt is him. This is what he wanted, this is the result of his own doing, he didn't care about it so why would anyone. His face remain emotionless, not much shown just like how empty he was feeling. That lingered long enough until Kai brought up the children at the shelter. That was when something flickered through his eyes as if he was thinking about it, like that was the only thing at the moment that make him ponder over. "I won't go see them for a while," he finally respond. Yes, that is what he think. He just doesn't have to go see them, so then he wouldn't have to answer their questions, to see their worry.
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
@Xu Kai Heechul pretty sure that the other man wouldn't believe the he said, but he doesn't really care. Not that he was hiding anything. He was simply responding to whatever that was ask of him in the simple way, and it wasn't like he didn't speak the truth. It's just that the question didn't ask to what he need to say. He didn't look at Kai though, just eyeing the empty space where his eyes been to before, spoken only when he heard the question. "My fault, no police report, no one was hurt."
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
@Xu Kai heechul blinked, unsure where he is as he look into the empty distant, not that he care anyway. that only last until a familiar voice break the silent, as least, the silent that he was in despite the commotion within the busy hospital. he looks toward the direction of said voice, blinking his eyes, taking a moment to realize who that was. someone he knew, of course. He wanted to smiles but that was a feast in itself, he wasn't like how he was few days prior, yet he is also that state at the same time. So, he kept that emotionless gaze and face, nodding toward the other to give the man that he notice him, recognize him. However, as the man as him, he tilting his head to the side, ponder over why he was here. Everything was a blur but he could guess why. "Car crash," he stated simply as that was probably the reason, but truthfully, he knew why, his suicidal attempt, his movement following his emotions without logic. He didn't care then, nor he is now.
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
Day went by in a flash, he continues to sat staring at the empty space before him. The only few times that he wasn't doing so was when he got drugged to rest. Eating was not in his mind and he was kept for observation. Fluid went to his IV, body bandaged at certain area, clearly the aftermath of his wreckless driving.
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
[x] Trigger warning. Don't read.

Heechul left the mansion after the threaten on his life was brushes aside or was joke into something else. It wasn't the first time he received it and it was barely anytime apart. Sure, he might have started it but he was playful when he does it, however, it was clear what he received wasn't anywhere playful. Not only that, but the fact that people believe him to be this terrible person who can harm other people was making him felt awful about himself. Sure, he has been multiple time doing thing that harming himself, but most of the time it was not in his mind with that intention. Thing hasn't been calm for him from what has happened before, yet constantly receiving new stuff that only pushing his mind down to the worst area was not good. The constant tiring feeling, the worthlessness, the feeling of uselessness, so many emotions coursing through him. How he tried so hard to be cheerful, to fit in, to be part of thing, to push his feeling aside so he doesn't bother other, to removed himself when he thought he was making other uncomfortable or bringing the mood down. So many thing happened, so many thought clouded his mind. His psychiatrist has been showing great concern about his conditions, he knew, but does it matter at this time? No, no, it doesn't. All he can think of is to remove himself from the world entirely. To be gone with the wind, to not feeling this suffocating emotions, to not be upset at the thought his mind like to give him. It was just like a volcano, waiting for that one little spill to finally erupted. In which, his psychiatrist has been working with him in a more regular frequent trying to regulate his thought and help ease that volcanic from exploding. After all, it has been many years since his last attempt. However, all thought aside, Heechul is currently driving really fast, heading to the rented house by the beach, away from population. It was actually a good thing as there is no one around that he could end up harming, the last logical thought that bugging his mind but also, the other thought in him was telling him how he going to die and no one would find out about it. How he would disappear and no one would remembered his existence. So much negative thought flood his mind and logical reason soon flood out of his system. His foot step on the gas harder, pushing the car to drove over three time the speed limit. And where he was suppose to head toward to, that is not in his mind, he just drive, and drive, and drive, following the road way mindlessly until everything went black. By the time his eyes opened once more, he was in the VIP hospital bed of the ICU section. His room was bare with minimal items, clearly to prevent him from further harming himself. His wrist have a wristband that state of warning, clearly he was being put under surveillance. He didn't care though, after he glance around to take in his surrounding, he just blinked his eyes, staring empty up to the ceiling. Once again, return to the numbs state he was in few days prior.
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin (Mm.... forest bubble? Have a little picnic and watch the sunset?)
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin (Hmm.... we can just go to the date~)
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin If it gets to be too much, I'll cry and you'll stop everything until you fix it so I have a fail safe method~
*opens the car door and pulls away from you before getting in and buckling myself*
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin *laughs softly and nods when you add that*
Good idea
Mama gets final say on everything~
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin *presses a kiss to your lips*
We already have the nursery set up
And it's only one baby so I won't worry about mixing him up with anyone else
No need for a color scheme~
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin You'll be just as much his dad as you will be for any child you put in me in the future
*says with a soft smile*
And the girls will only remember you in their lives, too
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin He absolutely is your son, even if you didn't put him inside me
*chuckles softly as I lean into you and give your hand a light squeeze*
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin Aish... you're determined to cause drama, hm?
Convince everything that you're totally oblivious to the fact that the baby isn't yours~
*laughs and just shakes my head, all tears gone*
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin What will you do if Eliseon has a dimple like Siwon?
Neither of us have one so people will think I must have been cheating on you and you're pretending not to know
*replies playfully*
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin (It's okay <3<3)

*smiles softly as I carefully get up, taking the pictures from you to look at*
Appearance or personality wise?
Because if you hope he looks like you then we're going to have to have a serious conversation about genetics~
And personality to some extent, too... but that's a bit more influenceable
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin Okay
*agrees with a wet chuckle*
I'm ready to go...
We can go buy things for our baby boy
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin We can just sit in the car and cry without driving
*replies, sniffling and wiping my eyes*
Okay.. I can't promise I won't cry later, too, though
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin I can keep crying in the car if I need to
*admits with a soft, watery laugh*
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin *takes a deep, shaky breath*
Should we go shopping now?
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin *wraps my arms as tight around you as I can, burying my face in your neck*
We're going to have a son...
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin *fixes my shirt once my belly is clean, trying to calm myself down*
I love you
And I love him...
*carefully sits up once my clothes are fixed*
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin *Wraps my arms tightly around you, leaning my head into your kiss*
He's perfect...
*The doctor gives you the pictures and some towels to clean me up, letting us know that everything looks good and we're free to leave whenever we're ready*
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin A boy... it's a boy...
*sniffles as my tears instantly fill my eyes*
*squeezes your hand tighter as I try not to sob and the doctor begins printing pictures for us*
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin *squeezes your hand slightly with a soft laugh*
Relax, babe...
*she gives you a reassuring smile. "Lots of dads are nervous, it's normal," she says as she puts the gel on my tummy and begins to examine the screen, checking the things she needs to take note of before turning the screen toward us. "Alright, here is your little one," she tells us as the image of our baby fills the screen, obviously a small human now. "It looks like you'll be having a boy."
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin *The doctor pulls up her stool and has me lay down before I lift my shirt and she begins an outer exam of my belly while asking questions. "Everything seems good from this side. We're going to do the ultrasound, now, and do some measurements. Are you interested in learning the today?"
Yes, please~
*tells her happily as she chuckles and gets the machine ready*
Dongho (Catwoman) 3 years ago
@Lee Taemin That's true...
*smiles as I lean into you*
I can't either
*there's a knock on the door and the doctor comes in. "Nice to see you again."*


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strwbrrymlk 11 hours ago
hi hello ;; ive asked this before and never got a answer but is it possible to (re)join as a professional gamer??
DiabloEaterMfkr 1 week ago
Umm hello?? 0 n 0
density 1 week ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 1 week ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 2 weeks ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 1 month ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
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