Accidental couples house


choi seunghyun & wu yifan


pair house

who's that boy

that's looking

back at me

i don't know you

Cjamm (Cupid) [A] 4 days ago
hi guys sorry to interrupt you need to evict and choose a new place

[the links all got broken you're guys free to find your own link or wait for me to update new houses and pick new place for free or like i said send me ur own links of pictures of your house rooms etc ]
Choi Seunghyun 7 months ago
@Wu Yifan ☣ chuckles as I rest my head on your back, hands happily resting on your crotch but then the sudden stop makes my face hit on your back. "hey!" I was surprised by the sudden stop but more surprised when you shot and smacked my hand but laughed after hearing your next words. "Of course, I always missed you sometimes it hurts" I continue chuckling and fondly staring at you until you lean for a kiss. I happily kiss you back, pulling you closer as I want the kiss to last longer and just like, I don't care if passersby are looking at us. They can watch all they want, I bet they are just jealous because I have a very handsome man as my man. I break the kiss with a smile, rubbing your lips with my thumb "I think you are the one who misses me the most" tease you and lean for another kiss.
Wu Yifan 10 months ago
@Choi Seunghyun Actually put so much trust in you that I just believe that maybe you will be the one giving me a ride back home later. "Mister Choi..." clears my throat obnoxiously as your hands traveling lower, "I'm being careful here," I pedal a little faster to get to the smoother road. But then--then I make a sudden brake, no, YOU make me brake with all my might, because your hand already between my legs. "You-" I smacked your hand away and turn to look at you, my hair tousled because of the wind, eyebrows knitting together to scold you, but soften again soon when I see you. I smile to you fondly, "wow, look at you," I pull down the bike's kickstand and step down to stand beside you, "you look so beautiful, we turned orange," brush your messy hair with my fingers as the sunset behind me being a paid actor to support our biking moment. "You miss me, don't you? Touching me like that," I lean to give you a soft kiss, doesn't even mind about the jogger passing by.
Choi Seunghyun 1 year ago
@Wu Yifan "you are pulling your innocent card on me again" I bit your back once again because of your remarks "I am not being a clingy prince, it's just that it's your turn first, and then later it will be me" trying to hide the truth that I don't want to ride the bike by speaking in a diplomatic way. I pressed my check on your lower back and then slid down my wrap hand to rest between your legs even though you are starting to have difficulties in making the bike stable. "Dr. Driver please be careful, I can't afford to get injured now" teases you by groping your crotch. "are you willing to take responsibility once I got injured?".
Wu Yifan 1 year ago
@Choi Seunghyun "We who? I don't have any other form of 'exercise' in mind. Only proper exercise," said that full of sincerity as I sat down on the bike with your lead. I then laughed while positioning myself properly, "you see--" laugh again as I start to pedal, "how's this 'our' exercise?? This is just me," heading to the big tree behind our house and circling it, "look at you just clinging to me like a Prince-baBY!" yelling at the last part, bike swaying unstable because of your pinch and bite.
Choi Seunghyun 1 year ago
@Wu Yifan "Well, I think we need to have a real exercise aside from the "exercise" we have in mind so I got this" smiling so widely and then pulled you to ride the bike as I sat at the back. "You pedal and I will ride here at the back" adjust my seat, wrapping my arms around your waist "you need to drive carefully" leans at your back "drive around the whole neighborhood, this will be our second cycling date". pinch your tummy and playfully bite your back.
Wu Yifan 1 year ago
@Choi Seunghyun I peek to the window when I hear your car pulling up, finishing the strawberry that I eat quickly because you're calling me outside. "Coming," I wipe my hands and walk to see you outside, to where you smiling like a little child riding a really posh bike, clearly showing it off and that makes me laugh. "Woah baby," I approach you and the bike, holding the front part of the bike with a smile, "why you get this out of the blue? Reminding me of our date back then, we went to cycling track."
Choi Seunghyun 1 year ago
@Wu Yifan When I arrived, I honk my horn before parking the car. I got out and goes to the trunk removing something from it before shouting at you again "Yifan baby, come out for a sec" I fixed it and then try it out, happily smiling showing off the bike that I just brought. "You need to try this".
Choi Seunghyun 1 year ago
Wu Yifan 2 years ago
@Choi Seunghyun Actually still can't believe how the whole situation turned up this way, and I actually want to just sulk and yell because you just eat and drink the things that I want there. But I bury all that in the back of my mind and still smiling as I face you. Our eyes met briefly, showing visible glint of rivalry.

I smirk as your gaze trailing down my body. "Mmmm," I respond to your gentle caress on my skin. I let your hand stay there, all warm, "have any bread you like, baby," I look up and meet with your deep eyes. I lowered my gaze down to your lips as you come closer, closing my eyes and savor the taste of your lips in the brief kiss.
I my lips as your lips part away, can't bring myself to look at you and just stare at the rim of the table. Because my heart suddenly beating louder, wanting more, more than those kiss, more than the coffee, more than your warm hand on my skin, wanting to just climb to your lap and do all the unspeakable to you. But-- but...

"Okay," I adjust back my bathrobe, and my feelings. Tying the belt more properly and get back on my food, cutting my omelette and the bread and put it to my mouth. I leaned my head to your shoulder as I munch on the food. "Feed me," I requested, fork stabbing on the hashbrown on your plate, "I'll wash the dishes." Honestly though, wasn't I just successfully annoyed you? Now better try being clingy just to continue with the project.
Choi Seunghyun 2 years ago
@Wu Yifan I enjoy more on teasing you than the breakfast but I make sure in your eyes I enjoy the breakfast the most. Sipping the coffee after I ate the hash brown that I cut earlier. "because it tastes good" I happily eat another bite and smile at you.

I thought you are about to give up breakfast when I saw you stand up and carried your plate. I watches you and a soft "oh" escaped my lips when you put your chair next to mine and even sit next to me. I don't remember if this has happened before aside of course when we are watching on the couch. We always ate our food across each other, not like this. I bring the cup of the coffee to my lips and take a few gulps, holy cow! why do you need to be so seductive in this early morning? I can smell your sweet and gentle scent, I tilt my head and saw your expose skin, those milky white skin, and your pinkish . I can feel my body tense up. I clear my throat and strengthen my body, removing my gaze from your alluring figure.

"what bread?" I asked nonchalantly, trying to hide the effectiveness of your way but I can't help but tease you, moving my hand under the table and caressing your abs "this ?" I then looked at you directly in your eyes and then moves gently kissed your lips, making you have a taste of the coffee "that is your share for the coffee".
Wu Yifan 2 years ago
@Choi Seunghyun Wow... just--wow.. you did not just provoke me with the coffee like that. I can smell the coffee even clearer now and you just took it away from me with all that provocative words. I just stare in my seat, don't even know where to look. You're suppose to be the one annoyed right now, not me. "Ok," I managed to say before taking a deep calm breath. That is until you also didn't spare me the hashbrown. The hash brown that I spent whole evening making it just so I can eat it quickly in the morning. My hash brown.... I can hear my heart cracking right now, and I want to just whine and cry on the floor. "Hyun--why you have two hashbrowns??" I stare at you in disbelief, eyebrows knitted pitifully.
I then carry my plate and sit beside you. I also drag my chair closer to you until our chair bump to each other. "Hyun, let's share," I suggested, my tone come out very calm, "I can pour the milk to your coffee, then you pour your coffee to my milk," I turn my head and body to face you better, then I put my elbow to the table and lean, resting my jaw gently to my palm. I grin at you, the flirty kind of grin, as I'm letting the bathrobe drop from one of my shoulder, exposing bunch of skin, and chest, "then the hashbrown... I'll trade it with my bread.. half."
Choi Seunghyun 2 years ago
@Wu Yifan The sweet but gentle smell of the shower gel reached my nose when you appeared in the kitchen and the look of disappointment was written all over my face. I keep quiet even when you sit down, my eyes didn't leave your face so I saw the envy in your eyes. I know what cause that expression and the evil me decided to teach you a lesson "nothing can beat the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning" I then moved the cup of coffee near your nose to make you smell it and then I bring it in my lips and takes a sip "Woah! the taste is incomparable" I then smile at you and takes a sit "here's your food" I put some omelet and bread on your plate but didn't put hashbrowns even though you are the one who request to cook it "there baby, enjoy your breakfast with milk" I put two hashbrowns and an omelet on my plate and eat. I am quiet but I am sulking in my mind, How could you take a shower without me? I didn't even shower and cook breakfast because I want to shower with you but you shower without me? I keep on murmuring in my mind while cutting the hash brown.
Wu Yifan 2 years ago
@Choi Seunghyun "I'm going to," I responded with a whinier tone, expecting you to be annoyed by this empty promise of help.
But I got a kiss instead.
And you actually let me sleep back?? I'm so spoiled.
I didn't expect it, but I ended up drifting off to sleep for a bit after you left. I only raise to sit later when you come out from the bathroom. With my tousled bed hair and my eyes still very heavy with sleep. I then go to the bathroom after you're gone. It's kinda cold but... I actually decided to take a shower. Showering alone at weekend like this. Giving you no chance to even watch. You haven't seen me showering for a long time too. I chuckled as I showered. That one evil chuckle. Let's see if you will be offended now.
I finished showering just in time when you call me out to eat. I walked in to the dinning table with bathrobe and damp hair, obvious sign of showering, also with towel around my neck to dry my hair. "Ehh?? Why you finish so quick? I just about to come help," I met your eyes with innocent look on my face then approach closer to you with a faint smile. I then kiss your lips as you busy pouring the milk, a cold smooch from my lips, "thank you for the breakfast, baby, I'll eat well." I sit down in front of the plate, staring at your cup of coffee with envy.
Choi Seunghyun 2 years ago
@Wu Yifan I have the expression that you will come with me and helps me prepares our breakfast since you are the one who wakes me up. You snuggle on the bed and let go of me, indicating that you really don't have any plan to help me, and knowing you that few minutes will count a lot of minutes I probably finished cooking and you are still laying on the bed "aren't you going to help me?" I asked before completely removing my body from the bed. I stretched my sleepy muscles then lean down to kiss your cheek and whispered "you sneaky baby" I said with a teasing tone "I'll call you up once the breakfast is ready" I strengthen my body and headed to the bathroom first to wash up and brush teeth. After a while, I got out of the bathroom looking refreshed and saw you still in bed "I'll be fast". I said before exiting the room and heading to the kitchen.
I bring out the hash brown that you said and some eggs, while frying the hash brown I make an egg omelet and toast some bread. I set the table and call you while I am pouring the coffee on my cup "Baby, the food is ready to come out and eat" I open the fridge again to get the milk and pour some into your glass.
Wu Yifan 2 years ago
@Choi Seunghyun My mind just repeating the 'cute', 'so cute', 'wah', 'wah so cute' the moment you start moving and speaking. That's like a reminder just how much of a simp I am. But seriously, instead of getting pissed that I disturb your sleep, you just smile and try to warm me up instead. Who wouldn't think it's cute.
"I don't think it'll be this cold," I snuggle to the warmth, feel pampered, I even get an early kiss. Suddenly it feels like a great idea to sleep back. That until your belly grumbling, I can even feel it vibrating. I chuckle with you and give you unecessary spank for that.
"Breakfast sounds good," I lift up my head from the blanket that's been covering half of my face to warm my nose. I then stare at you. The thought of wanting to see you pissed and angry still in the back of my mind. I'm thinking of annoying you whole day until your patience worn out. For science purposes. Heheh. "There's this ready hash brown on the fridge, you can fry that," I'm still not letting go of my hug, "can you fry that for me too? I want to lay down for a bit more," I remove my hug and give you kiss on your nose, "I'll come to help soon. Just give me few more minutes," I bury myself under the blanket again, closing my eyes.
Choi Seunghyun 2 years ago
@Wu Yifan It is seldom that you wake up earlier than me, I usually up before you and this is one of those days that you woke up first. Knowing it's the weekend and I don't have anything planned, I continue sleeping even after that light kiss thinking you just woken up and eventually will fall back to sleep but it doesn't happen instead I felt your cold hands against my skin and I shiver a little "baby" I said in a hoarse voice, wrapping my arms around your waist too. Your hands are really cold, I wonder if you didn't wear enough clothes again. I open my half-lidded eyes and give you a sleepy smile "you wear thin clothes again, you should dress properly" one of my hands loosen from the hug to pull the blanket to cover us, especially your body "are you feeling warm now?" asking while pressing soft kisses on where ever it landed on your face. I closed my eyes again, not hinting that I wanted to stand up, I feel lazy plus I am snuggling with you this early morning and this will be the best wake-up time for me. I will try to make it longer if only my stomach didn't growl in protest "this is crazy" I said with chuckles and squeezed you "do you wanna eat breakfast now?".
Wu Yifan 2 years ago
@Choi Seunghyun It's a lazy weekend, when the sun just rise for a while and the air still a bit cold. And I'm still under the blanket with you just right beside me. I stretched my limbs with a little grunt. It's been a week since we plan to make our own vegetable garden on the weekend. We even already purchased the equipment and watched the tutorial on YouTube together. It's the day for us to do it.
But actually… why… why we do that when we can just buy vegetables? It's not like zombie apocalypse will come anytime soon.
I stare at your sleeping face. Then I scoot closer to see you more clearly, hand reaching to brush your hair away from your face. Then I just stare, and momentarily just lose my mind over your existence like--god…you probably have no idea how much I like you. I barely show any affection, sometimes even denying kiss requests and all. I chuckled. You have no idea how my heart still races every time you are around. The whole 3 years.
"Hyun," I place my lips to yours, giving a light kiss, "'s cold," my hand now wrapped around your waist as I press my body to yours. "I don't like cold," I attempt to annoy you to wake you up. Wanting to see if you'll be pissed at it.
Wu Yifan 2 years ago
Choi Seunghyun 2 years ago
@Priest (Wu Yifan) *after that and as the sensation wear off, I finally feel the outcome of lack of exercise, I am breathing heavily and I feel like I lost all my energy. I suddenly feel lazy to stand up and you, hugging me like you don't want to let go is making it harder for me to leave. I hugged you for a few minutes, listening to your words while telling myself that I will not like the consequences if I will take an off day today. I sigh deeply and kissed your forehead*
I need to stand up baby, I need to go to work
*I brush your cheek with my thumb then softly kiss your lips*
go to sleep, you don't have to see me off. I can manage
*I smile again then kiss your lips again then hug you tightly before dragging myself off the bed. I went to the toilet and wet a small towel. I went back to you and wipes your body making sure I didn't miss any spot especially your wonderful hole, then get a new pair of pajamas and helps you change to it before I went to the bathroom and take a shower. When I went out, I change into my work clothes and prepare a sandwich for you. I leave it beside the nightstand with a note "eat this when you wake up, drink water, no coffee for you". I kiss your forehead again before leaving for work.
Wu Yifan 3 years ago
@Choi Seunghyun *I can't even answer to you, but I do try my best to hold myself despite how you keep abusing my sweet spot. My moan start to get whinier every , and my body spasm after your bite to my shoulder. It's like a trigger, and I without even touching myself, eyes closing and lips parting to a strained moan. I'm glad that soon I could feel your release. I can feel you filling me full, deep inside me, I'm pretty sure it won't leak out even if I spread my legs*
I love you...seunghyun
*said that back to you as I pant, eyes teary out of the overwhelming session and how your lips still pretty busy on my skin. I caress your hair, feeling really tired from the lack of sleep and an intense workout like this. I place my legs back to the bed, eyes feeling so heavy, mind randomly thinking about the sheet getting messy*
you still need to have a proper breakfast
*cups your jaw so you will stop biting me and I give a kiss to your lips instead*
I want to sleep...
*i stare at you, still panting softly, still taking you inside me well, skin red all over and my wetting my own chest. My arms wrapped around you as if not allowing you to go but loose enough for you to remove it easily*
but if I sleep now, I won't see you go
Choi Seunghyun 3 years ago
@Wu Yifan *I feel I am being swallowed by you, I can feel how your wall is clinching around me. I feel like your wall is choking my and it is so ready to cut it because damn we are doing this for years but seems like your tightness is still the same as the first time we did this. I groan to every and make sure I do you hard and fast, you are about to and so as I am, my hips move like there's an earthquake in our room. Good thing we don't have any neighbors since our room is so full of lewd noises coming from us, from our body, and from the bed*
me, too let us together
*I doubled my speed and targeted your sweet spot while biting your shoulder and tiring you off, I should make sure you will just sleep for the entire day. Damn! I need to ditch work today if it's only an ordinary week I won't hesitate to call it sick but it's not so this is all I can do, for now, tire you oof, I go to work while you sleep and have the second batch when I went back home later*
I love you, dr. wu
*declaring my love to you while spilling my beans inside you, my fast pace starts to decrease until it stops but my lips don't stop on kissing and biting your skin*
thank you baby, this is the best morning call and breakfast in bed that I have
Wu Yifan 3 years ago
@Choi Seunghyun *I know that you love to kiss, you love to do it even if you rarely ask for one. But right now you’re the one giving me bunch of it, all over my skin, like you’re tracing me with your lips and overwhelming me. I moan when your lips land on my neck, or on my chest, or when your teeth sink to mark me until it’s bruising red. I like it. I roll my hips in return and I can clearly hear all of your whisper. That simple ‘I love you’s that making my heart soar. That makes me look to your eyes. And there I realized that you feel guilty about leaving, because your hold was gentler too*
*And I--who was planning to make you late by keeping you inside me as long as I can—just canceled that foolish decision. How could I do that just to satisfy my selfish possessive self? How could I do that to the man that I love the most in the whole world? How could I do that to the man that makes me feel very loved when I feel unlovable?*
I love you, Hyun—very much
*I touch my cheek after I wipe the sweat on my forehead, because it feels so hot. My whole face feels hot. And you kissing my feet just making it worse, I cover half of it with the back of my palm. Is it me getting shy or is this how it feels to blush or am I just burning from the exercise, I don’t even know. I can’t even think anymore when you start to move and to me that hard. My eyes squeezing shut as I voice out my moan. Instead of spreading my legs more, I gather my knees and hug it together, clenching my entrance even more, making it tighter*
nghhh.. I’m close
Choi Seunghyun 3 years ago
@Wu Yifan *Those dejected eyes that staring back at me and shouting to the deepest part of my soul, oh please baby don't look at me like that. I wanted to say it to you but I don't have the heart to do it, even though I am so tempted to call sick for today but I can't do that since it's the busiest time and I will need a good and valid reason if I will not report to the university. I can't ask you to stop what you are feeling right now, that is your natural human right and I don't have the power to stop it. I held you closer and gentler when I am showering kisses all over your face and body. I left my mark all over your body and once again forgot about your whining because you can't hide since I leave it at visible spot*
I love you, I love you
*I keep on whispering those words to you, every time my lips touch your burning skin, and my hips moving to penetrate you deeper and harder. That is all I can do for now since I can't stay home with you. I will make sure that you will feel that I am all yours and you are the only person that can make me feel this way*
Your wish is my command, my love
*I moved and make my body straight so I can move freely. I hold your legs, kissing your feet and legs before starting to faster and harder, I will give you what you wanted and maybe tire you up today that will make you sleep for the entire day and you won't notice that I am gone*
Wu Yifan 3 years ago
@Choi Seunghyun *lustily my ohh and aahh when you start to move, my redden and leaking precum, you’re moving slow but rubbing me in the right spot and I am savoring the feel of it. Actually, I used to be in a huge denial about bottoming, since I never do that before I met you. It used to make me shy doing it, it makes me feel very vulnerable and exposed, and that feelings will stay for a while each time it’s all over. That’s the moment where I will hug you or just hold your hand for a long time, because that way I will feel safe again. Today will be one of that time when you will leave afterward and even though I understand the situation, I can’t hide the dejected feeling in my eyes. I stare at you with it, unable to say anything in return*
*but then your lips are all over me again and I gradually kiss you back, my fingers dipping to your hair as my eyes closing in bliss, pouring all of my hums and moans to your lips. You’re moving faster and harder, and my body spasm each time you hit my spot. The bed is shaking, and the moment your lips move to my jaw, my moan is filling the room again. I bare my neck for you, whimpering as I’m letting you bite and mark me without fighting it*
it feels good..
*I say breathily between my panting*
Wu Yifan 3 years ago
@Choi Seunghyun H ((end like what? What do you mean? Like wrap it up after done?))
Choi Seunghyun 3 years ago
@Wu Yifan (holy , this been going for 5 months, we need to end this. though I don't mind if we continue, but we still have other plans so let's end)

*I just chuckles when you said I am so bad since I am, I wake you up for this and shove my inside you, even though I know it will hurt you I still did it. To make it up to you, I synchronize my movement to the way you roll your hips. You are needy, just like how needy I am*
*I look at your eyes sadly because I can't grant your request, it's very rare for you to do it but my work won't let me*
I'm sorry baby but I have work that's why we are doing this early in the morning
*I kiss your lips, afraid to see the disappointment in your face, and gradually increasing the speed of my hips movements, I should take your mind away from thinking that I can't stay with you for the whole day. Passionately kissing your lips that travels to your jaw and neck, leaving marks on your skin because I forgot it's no longer cold and you can't cover it with a sash or turtleneck clothe*
Wu Yifan 3 years ago
@Choi Seunghyun H no-
/I answered short, unfinished, and it's not about the breakfast. That soft short 'no' is for the 'going to work' part. Yeah, I don't want you to go to work, and I don't even know how to say it. I can't even say it when I'm like this, intoxicated with the taste of your lips and all flushed from having you deep inside me/
who's that someone? you?
/then you shut me up with kiss, and i'm smiling as I circle my arms behind your neck, kissing you loosely, like we have all the time in the world, taking my time as my tongue collide with yours, brushing and poking all the soft part inside our mouth. That is until you knock my body with one hard , the one that make my body jerk and make me scream out my moan/
/I open my eyes to your smirk and yes, yes, i can definitely tell that it's all in now/
you're so bad
/my voice meek and tremble as i said that, eyes watering but still daring as I hold your gaze. But I'm quiet after you question me, because I'm breathing a bit hard and still trying to calm down from it. I cup your face, with both hands, giving you gentle look as I roll my hips in circle/
you can choose...but... umm...
can you not go to work today? please..
/I soften my eyes that's looking to yours, both trying to persuade you and being desperate for it. Honestly we haven't been meeting properly this week, or month, i'm not even sure. But I'm totally missing you. Sometimes i'm home at morning but you're working, and when you go back home, i was called to hospital at night. Just like last night/
/I'm badly missing you today, I really really need you by my side whole day. And to be honest, if you really need to work, I won't hesitate to make you late today/
Choi Seunghyun 3 years ago
@Wu Yifan Shouldn't we have breakfast first before going to work?
*I answered back with a question as well, moving my hips forward to slides my inside your clinching wall but it's really difficult because of the tightness. I lean down on you, pressing kisses on your lips while murmuring*
someone is being excited or greedy? which is which?
*I grind my lower abdomen in your hardening , I still feel the tightness, and even though you are trying to make loosen it only helps a little. I am panting both with eagerness and sensation and those feelings are maximized when you move your hips*
I have my answer now, its greediness
*I speak and conquer your lips, parting it and taking your tongue, twining our tongue together and since you are moving I shove my in your hole and ended our heated kiss with a smirk*
It's all in now
*I moved my hips, rubbing my on your wall as if it still has some room to move. I stare back at you with my eyes full of admiration and lust*
what should I do next? how do you want your breakfast? soft or hard?
Wu Yifan 3 years ago
@Choi Seunghyun H *watch how you really drink everything until my slowly soften up along with me exhaling audibly*
You're not funny
*My eyes follow your face as you crawl on top of me, my hands caressing your body, over your chest and abdomen. A smile tugging on my lips as i stare at you. I smile despite how not funny your words are, just because I keep remembering that sausage and 2 eggs shenanigans, for breakfast*
Are you not going to work?
*softly asking you between our kissing session. My hands are already under your shirt, trying to tease your or open your shirt or just feeling your abs, which is very much disturbed when you entering me and make my breath hitch*
*raise my legs up in hope you'll slide in easier, because currently my wall clamping so tightly to your . I'm pretty sure you prepare me enough earlier but you can feel so large at times, just like right now*
*I hug to your neck as I carefully roll my hips, my is harden again. I moan softly to your skin as i needily pulling your body closer, taking your deeper as i push down my hips*
Is everything in?
*I stare at you with soft panting, feeling so full to the brim and stretched so much already. I about to ask for a small break, to adjust. But if it's only halfway in then... I'm gonna probably whine*


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DiabloEaterMfkr 2 days ago
Umm hello?? 0 n 0
density 1 week ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 1 week ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 1 week ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 3 weeks ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
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