→ ℒix ℬakery



who's that boy

that's looking

back at me

that's my cake

Heechul (Bunny) 3 months ago
@Son Dongpyo I tease everyone though, you was just around often and come upon my beck and call.
/he teasing still with a grin./
I don't know...
/he shook his head after a moment of thinking to himself but can't seem to think of an answer to that question./
What about you?
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 3 months ago
@Heechul that's because you tease me too much u.u buy I wouldn't unalive you— for that.
he smiled to himself as he continued to eat the banana cake, watching as you eat the pie.
mmm and what's your favorite dessert, hyung?
Heechul (Bunny) 3 months ago
@Son Dongpyo Oh really? Don't seem like it since you threaten to unalive me.
/thinking before nodding/
Yeah... I do like it... not my favorite but I do like mango.
/he kept the mango creak pie to get another small bite of it/
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 3 months ago
@Heechul because I'm kind and take care of my friends.
he poked his tongue out then leaned forward, watching you try the desserts and smiling at your reaction.
you like mango a lot, hyung?
he asked as he pulled the banana cake closer to eat another bite, letting you have the mango pie since you liked it more.
Heechul (Bunny) 3 months ago
@Son Dongpyo Uh huh~ but you taste test for me~
/teasingly quirk a brow before nodding/
Mhm... seem like you like them both so it won't be a waste if I can't eat a lot huh?
/chuckle before he get a fork to try the one he wasn't interested first before he tried the mango one./
This one is better
/he point to the mango cream pie
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 3 months ago
@Heechul I'm not your servant and will never be. I'm royalty myself~
he said with a toorhy grin.
oh, that's fine, hyung. I'll be happy even if you only eat a tiny bit.
he then tried the banana cake and hummed in approval.
hmm delicious— you definitely need to try them, hyungie
he said as he pushed the two desserts closer to you.
Heechul (Bunny) 3 months ago
@Son Dongpyo Tsk tsk, what a bad servant, kicking your majesty Luke that
/he grin before laughing as he dropped the act/
Sure, but I can't promise I'll eat much... still getting use to eating again.
/he shrugs as if that's not a problem then watched as the younger male try the one that pipe his interest first./
Seem like it would taste good too.
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 3 months ago
@Heechul i—
he squinted at you at and playfully kicked your foot under the table.
fine. I'll try them first, but you WILL eat with me or else I'll be super sad and upset hmph
he huffed and picked up a fork to try the mango cream pie first, eyes widening at the taste.
mm! it's amazing!
Heechul (Bunny) 3 months ago
@Son Dongpyo /turning his head to looks at the younger before he leaning back against the chair backrest. His hand motion softly before placing upon his chest, a teasing glint playing in his eyes./
I'm a royal descendants, of course I would have to wait for my loyal subject to test if the food have poison or not before I would try.
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 3 months ago
@Heechul upon your words pyo's bright expression instantly disappeared and his lips formed a genuine pout.
oh? you're not gonna eat with me, hyungie? I thought we were gonna try them together..
Heechul (Bunny) 3 months ago
@Son Dongpyo I think it's the classic that most people like...
/he nods before waiting for the younger man to finish ordering and paying for their items. Following to where he was led, he settled down and then looks out the window./
You try it, tell me which one you like better hm?
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 3 months ago
@Heechul I love brown sugar milk tea— I'll have one of those too.
he said to the employee at the counter and they payed for their items. once they had their desserts and drinks in hand, he quickly lead you to a table next to the window where they took a seat.
I'm so excited to try these~
Heechul (Bunny) 3 months ago
@Son Dongpyo /shaking his head as he whisper with a smiles/
/he follow along to go over to the counter/
Mhm... I want brown sugar milk tea...
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 3 months ago
@Heechul at his hyung's response, he beamed brighter and without thought, he bounced over to the counter to order the sweets they've chosen.
should we get something to drink too? like some milk to go with the cake?
Heechul (Bunny) 3 months ago
@Son Dongpyo /blinking as he looks over what the younger has just mentioned before turning to look at the beaming child as he nodded his head/
we can try both
/he said although he was only interested in the word 'mango'/
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 3 months ago
@Heechul glances over at chul and beams a little seeing the older's smile.
okay— let's try something new together then. mmm oh! how about mango cream pie or banana cake? or both!
he pointed to the mentioned desserts.
Heechul (Bunny) 3 months ago
@Son Dongpyo /blinking his eyes as he can see the excitement from the younger before that brought a smiles to his lips/
mhm, it is.
/he nodded his head in agreement before following over, shaking his head though when the other man asked the question./
I don't know, I only eat when I feel... not sad
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 3 months ago
@Heechul once inside, he looks around with sparkling eyes and an excited expression.
woaah~ this place is prettyyyy. and it smells amazing—
he nodded towards his hyung and stepped closer to take a look at the pastries and sweets.
any recommendations, hyung?
Heechul (Bunny) 3 months ago
@Son Dongpyo /leading the younger male with him out of the lounge room from the mansion to go to the bakery that was run by an ex-member of the show/
here we are, I guess let see what they have here huh?
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
@Wonwoo That's true or else it'd be quite boring and predictable if everyone were the same
Don't be flattered, you are handsome and hangout with a handsome man is quite nice.
/he stand and held the tray of food they have chosen
You get the drink okay?
And I'm working on myself, I'm isolated myself a lot. It a problem I'm working on.
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
@Wonwoo Everyone is different and that what make the world a wonderful place.
/he nodded his head, since it was the truth and he doesn't need to hide it.
Well, more likely the first person I ask out for this friend date ever since I joined.
/he ordered a avocado smoothies for himself before paying their order
Ah. I was as well although I crave the attention from other. However, I'm just not good with reaching out. I think the party I went to was because it more in business's manner than for fun. I've missed out a lot and only since I joined that I let myself go.
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
@Jeon Wonwoo I agree and I am trying to apply that to other aspect of my life though there are other who work because they enjoy working and not necessarily because of materialistic reason
/he turn to look at wonwoo after the man has chosen the pastries for himself/
what do you want to drink? order it too so you don't end up choking on a pastry, I don't want the first guy I ask out on a date this month to die on me.
/he turned to order a avocado smoothies for himself before shrugging his shoulders to look at the other man again./
well, I am just someone who go on thing a little too logical that it seem illogical sometime
I think I did too much thing by myself at younger age that I crave to have someone accompany me now more than ever.
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
@Jeon Wonwoo ah, I see. you seem quite young and already able to successfully retired, that's quite good to be honest.
/point toward the coconut cream bun so the person behind the counter would be able to help him get it, as well as a slice of cake/
it's something I do out of boredom, and perhaps because I do that to help my family before in dealing with competition companies and enemies. beside, getting to know about things isn't that harmful.
/he smiles sadly toward the other man and shaking his head
yeah, really, I have minimal interaction with other people except in the mansion, people don't look for me and I rarely hang out with anyone...
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
@Jeon Wonwoo mhm, so what do you do for work?
/he glance at the other man before focus back on the treat in display before letting out a soft laughs./
hey, my information isn't free and you can't buy with with the worldly currency.
/he nodding his head/
mhm, it's nice and this is actually the first time I come here
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
@Jeon Wonwoo /he nodding his head and let go of the other's elbow since they have arrived at the location, he went in and looks around/
they do, many own or work close by. some aren't, some travel for work, all kind, depend on their career choice.
/he laughs and shaking his head/
I can't tell you what I know just because I know. it arrive when we are talking about something and it remind me of it, then I would be able to tell.
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
@Jeon Wonwoo /he held the younger male's elbow and lead the man out the mansion, heading toward the bakery that was owned by someone in the show./
this is a store owned by one of the participant in the show, although I am not that familiar with them but I know a lot of thing. Nosy, one might say.
/he chuckles as they walk until they reached to the stores/
Song Kang 3 years ago
@Taekwoon (Continue at park love)
Song Kang 3 years ago
@Taekwoon "Ready" he smiled at the older, taking his hand. He opened the door and let him pass through it first. "Follow my lead my love."
Song Kang 3 years ago
@Taekwoon Smiling, he nodded. He helped the other to put the rest of the pastries on a plate and clean up the rest.
Song Kang 3 years ago
@Taekwoon "Ahh.. okay" he definitely dont want him to suffer later so Kang ended up finishing his drink. He then finishes the bread as well, grabbing a little bite on the cake, he again stares outside. "Let's go to the park after this, there's something i wanna show you"


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DiabloEaterMfkr 2 days ago
Umm hello?? 0 n 0
density 1 week ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 1 week ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 1 week ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 3 weeks ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
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