→ ℒotus



flower shop

in one side

bar at other

the lotus 

Sejun (Lucifer) [A] 2 years ago
@Yoongi hmm I can probably do a few tricks, depending on nights and events some customers buy drinks for their bartender to drink with them
*laughs softly and hums standing up and moves the chair back and out of the way*
I am sure he will be fine and he has his reasons for staying in that type of pairing... I am sure you also want to be paired with Jimin right?
*brushes my thumb over my glass softly as I look back at my cup and nods my head*
We held conversation but it would have been nice if it all wasnt just that
Yoongi 2 years ago
@Sejun tricks? I'd like to see those but you've been drinking already, I don't want you to make a mess--
*drinks some more while I ponder what you just said* there must be a reason why he's been waiting so long... but I haven't been able to find it... I can see there are already a lot of people who would love to be paired with Jimin instead--
*tilts head a little* one of those then. Just coming around to scratch the hitch and then running off to their life that doesn't include you. Sounds like you made a good choice breaking it off.
Sejun (Lucifer) [A] 2 years ago
@Yoongi I am a very lazy one today, I would do tricks normally
*shakes my head and watches you for a moment*
I dont know he is always away and didnt really speak to me so I would say no
*makes me another drink*
We had conversations but I feel like when he was here we would always just have
Yoongi 2 years ago
@Sejun *snickers against the cup* you're a lazy bartender--
nnh- yeah, definitely too nice at times--
at least you've met him... what do you think? Do you think Jimin is right to wait for him for so long?
*hums* you didn't have conversations with your ex?
Sejun (Lucifer) [A] 2 years ago
@Yoongi Well its so we can refill it and I wont need to get up and down
*laughs softly and rubs the back of my neck*
but he is to nice at times... as for the pair I have only met them a handful of times I think he only talks to Jimin at this point
*hums watching your surprised expression before drinking another glass*
I like a few people but Jimin is the only one I actually talk to and hold conversations with
Yoongi 2 years ago
@Sejun The whole bottle? *snorts, when you place the bottle in front of me*
he's so ready to give everyone advice, but doesn't follow his own, eh-- I wonder if I'll meet this mysterious pair...
*is surprised* wait, are you saying that of all the people here in this place, you only like Jimin?
Sejun (Lucifer) [A] 2 years ago
@Yoongi as I have rum
*gets up and looks for a bottle and comes back setting the bottle down for you*
No im glad you liked it
I try to stand up for him at times but Jimin is a kind person so I can see what you mean
*hums sipping my new drink and thinks*
I dont know who else to really call my favorite person, though we are getting close
Yoongi 2 years ago
@Sejun Nah, I like rum and coke…
*chuckles* not shocked, just letting you know it is… unless you didn’t want me to tell you?
I think Jimin is still waiting for him… he doesn’t know how to stand up for himself…
*leans on the counter, sipping the rest of the drink* yeah? Who is your favourite people? Apart from Jimin of course.
Sejun (Lucifer) [A] 2 years ago
@Yoongi If you have a recommendation feel free to ask for it Yoongi
you seemed shocked it was good?
*chuckles and finishes my drink and sets the cup down at the bar and sighs softly*
Jimin was lonely during that time, though I think the 2 are still talking and paired with each other
*nods listening to you as I make me another gin and coke*
There are a lot of nice people here and a lot of them are fun to hang out with
Yoongi 2 years ago
@Sejun mm, starting simple, ok--
*I sip the drink and nods* it's good--
sounds like you were in Jimin's situation, he's also waiting for his pair all the time...
am I? *I drink half of my cup* I think it's easier to be nice when everyone is nice... it's a nice bunch of people here...
Sejun (Lucifer) [A] 2 years ago
@Yoongi Ym this one is gin and coke, something simple to start
*chuckles as I prop myself against the bar and nods*
Then I'll be scared of you and see the powerful short man
You have a point, then I'll be sad and see how my life goes when I feel a little bit better later on... we didn't necessarily have any issues he was just away a lot and I was always here waiting.
*smiles and clink my glass with yours and starts to drink it*
You're a lot nicer than you make yourself out to be you know? You're a good friend
Yoongi 2 years ago
@Sejun *takes the cup and looks at it* what is it?
yeah... I don't know why-- makes me feel powerful?
*I try the drink, taking a break when you talk*
sometimes it's like that as well... that no one does anything wrong... I was surprised though, I didn't know you guys had issues...
I'd be completely insensitive if I didn't feel sorry for your pain... *I clink my glass to yours*
Sejun (Lucifer) [A] 2 years ago
@Yoongi Well thats good to hear
*slides the cup closer to you*
It can be fun to be scary?
*sits down and sips my drink letting out a soft hum as I listen to you and nod*
I guess you're right, and I just feel bad how it ended since he didn't do anything wrong
I'm glad yiu had a good day though, there's no need to feel bad for me... I made my choice and here I am
Yoongi 2 years ago
@Sejun I can hold my own...
*I look at the drinks* which one is mine?
*shakes my head and wrinkles my nose at your poke* not necessarily... it can be fun sometimes...
Ahh that's not how it works, right? Break up hurts even when you're the one deciding... *nods* it wasn't a bad day for me... but I still feel bad for you...
Sejun (Lucifer) [A] 2 years ago
@Yoongi Mm are you a pretty strong drinker?
*asks as I pull a few drinks and sets them on the counter and sits across from you*
Do you want to be scary?
*snickers and pokes your pout*
I... I was the one who broke up with him so I should be as sad as I am now... but today was busy and you met so many people
Yoongi 2 years ago
@Sejun Otherwise just make me what you're having, I'll try whatever--
*pouts* I thought I was a scary guy--
*nods* today was crazy, nn? It was very busy... and then all that happened to you...
Sejun (Lucifer) [A] 2 years ago
@Yoongi I am not sure, the manager orders the popular drinks
*scratches the back of my neck and looks through what I have*
When did yiu become a stranger? And why would I be scared?
*nods and glances at you giving a small smile*
It's nice when no one else is around
Yoongi 2 years ago
@Sejun Do you have something with coffee liqueur?
*smirks* aren't you scared to be alone with a stranger?
*I look around again* I guess we can talk about whatever... and it's not loud...
Sejun (Lucifer) [A] 2 years ago
@Yoongi mhm I can make my drinks as strong as I want, what drink would you like?
*ruffles my hair and gives a smile and nods grabbing to glasses*
Is it a problem with is being just us here? I find it more comforting
Yoongi 2 years ago
@Sejun oh wait... so you'll be making the drinks?
*watch in surprise as you go behind the bar, and then I glance around to notice that indeed there is no one else around*
so it's just us? *sits on the chair and leans on the bar*
Sejun (Lucifer) [A] 2 years ago
@Yoongi *looks back at the flowers and hums before closing the door behind us*
I owned the photography part for 3 years and after going to school for bartending I opened the bar half its been about 2 years. I had some friends join in but they bailed last minute thinking it wouldnt work out
*leads you to the bar and pulls out one of the chairs for you and goes behind the bar and drags a chair with me*
luckily its one of the days its closed
Yoongi 2 years ago
@Sejun oh ok... *chuckles and lets you pull me to the other part of the store* it looks cool though...
how long have you had this place?
Sejun (Lucifer) [A] 2 years ago
@Yoongi Ah its for a photoshoot
*grabs your arm and pulls you to the back and opens a door leading to the other side of the building with the bar half*
I went through the wrong way
Yoongi 2 years ago
@Sejun *walks in and looks around* wow... flowers?
Sejun (Lucifer) [A] 2 years ago
@Yoongi *walks in and holds the door open for you*
Namjoon 2 years ago
@Woo Jiho Just cause... Felt like you might have taken my words the wrong way.. that's all..
I'm sure your cooking is fine, Ji. Did you always cook for yourself? Well I suppose you had to.. Did you do it at the academy as well?
*chuckles and shakes head* no no- well I kind of am comparing you to them, yes.. just remind me of them sometimes, you know?
Well that's true, probably wont be the best if I travel now, huh? *hums as i push open the door of the restaurant, holding it open for you to go in first*
It's okay, you can laugh, it is a funny story *i say, smiling at you when i notice you trying to hold back your laughter* They are idiots, but it was fun, a good memory..
Table for 2 please, ahjumma. Thank you. *follows the lady to our table*
Woo Jiho 2 years ago
@Namjoon /I look at you weirdly/ why are you apologising?
/smiles/ I'm not a great cook... I just do what I can to eat something varied...
Torture you? Joonie, you're the one who brought it up in the first place! /gasps/ Are you comparing me to your students?
A suggestion? For me? /nods as you mention going places on your own/ ahh if you end up traveling during the time you're supposed to use to find a boyfriend, I don't think it's gonna work...
/I try to keep a straight face as you tell me about your accident, but it is really difficult not to crack a smile when you say your pants were ripped on your / oh boy- /I cover my mouth and bite on my lower lip/ I mean... your friends sound like idiots... but I'm glad you didn't get hurt...
Woo Jiho 2 years ago
@Namjoon Namjoon May 1, 2022 17:08:46 Reply History
*i'm unsure of your reaction.. I feel like I offended you in some way, making me bite my lower lip nervously* I-i'm sorry.. *i end up apologising, for what? Honestly I dont know either* I would love to try your cooking some time though..
Why would you torture me like that? *it comes out as a sort of whine, making me huff* Cause bratty uni students isn't enough for me?~
Oh. Oh no.. No plans for a roadtrip. It was a suggestion. I do go to places on my own a lot.. Kind of as a brain reset? If things are stressful... *i shrug before sighing* I haven't been on a roadtrip in a while, with the PhD papers, teaching, extra help for students, I just don't have the time for it anymore.. Maybe i should take this chance since I have less things to do for work.. *mumbles the last part, mostly to myself*
Well okay, maybe i downplayed it a little... my friends and I thought it was a great idea to sit down between each other's legs and for like a catepillar line and slide down the slope...
It was a steep slope too, and I was at the front... And well, my friend who was behind me thought it was a great idea and let go of me.. and i ended up sliding down solo. Me being me, i leaned too far forward, and you know how your head is heavy? I guess gravity though it would be great to pull my head to the center of the earth and i started tumbling towards the end of the slope... and yeah.. When I reached the bottom, my pants were ripped in my area from sliding down and i was covered in snow..

Woo Jiho May 1, 2022 2:37:33 Reply History
yeah, no, I get it... it's ok /I say with a dismissive wave of the hand/
/snorts/ you just said you want me to be a brat... but not to you? Seems unfair
/blinks at your confusion/ well you just said it'll be nice to go on a roadtrip... it sounded like you were planning something... maybe with your pair?
/lets out a breath of relief/ why do you list it as a good memory?
Woo Jiho 2 years ago
@Kwon Jiyong I'm sure that's not how it works! /I protest, scoffing when you poke my shoulder/
I'm saying you had a tougher life than I had... but I still grew up to be a pretty antisocial guy... /I look down at my hands on the table/ the guys... in the force... they weren't as good as you would hope them to be...
/I frown, but at first I can't say anything, just letting you go on as you voice your insecurities, I don't understand why you would want to be hated and if you wanted me to hate you too/
I don't think I know the extent of what you had to do... but I know you managed things many others couldn't... so I don't think you are the on anyone's shoes... no one deserves to be called that..
/snorts at your words, but then I realise you are serious and I look at you weirdly/ I was an outcast... you were my only friend... and I guess yeah, the job can be considered normal, and I liked it... but it wasn't easy...
/the question cuts into my thoughts like a blade. Is it what I want? I never thought about it this way, it was always a 'I should' and 'it's better', nothing about wanting anything/
/I my lips nervously/
I don't think I can really... stay away...
/it's not really an answer, but it's the truth/
You sure you didn't believe in goodness? /I ask with a sad smile/ Because if you didn't... how could you like someone like me? I have no money and I was always going to be just a cop, I didn't have anything to offer apart from some lousy morals... so I would say maybe you did like the goodness part...
/I can see your adam's apple move as you swallow, and I sigh/ I wouldn't know... you're my only ex... /I scratch my cheek/ if we trust films, they never are friends... are they?
/there's a pink hue that settles above my cheekbones at your words/
/I take a long sip of wine/
I didn't think you could miss a cop...
Kwon Jiyong H 2 years ago
@Woo Jiho Only dorks think they're cool. *I poke your shoulder with a smirk*
You didn't need to be closed off from me? Feel what way? *tilts my head curiously*
*I glance down with a quiet nod*
If I couldn't be loved then I wanted to be hated.
*shrugs* why wouldn't you? I was a piece of . *laughs under my breath* I've always been nothing more than the dirt on someone's shoe, never good enough for anyone. Why should you be any different when you find out who I really am? Everything I've had to do to live?
Mhmm. You held down a normal job, admired by your peers, had friends.
*I take a long sip of my wine afterwards and breathe out with a sigh itching for a smoke right now*
But is distance what you really want?
*I glance back up at you and breathe in deeply* How can you be? You arrested people like me for a living. You believe in justice and goodness and I'm... I'm not that. I've never been that.
*swallows deeply* It's not something I should have held against you. People are friends with their exes all of the time, right?
*sighs* I want you to be ok too... And I didn't realise how much I missed you...


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DiabloEaterMfkr 2 days ago
Umm hello?? 0 n 0
density 1 week ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 1 week ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 1 week ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 3 weeks ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
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