❺ N & N


jungkook & seonghwa

pair house

who's that boy

that's looking

back at me

i don't know you

Kyuhyun (Spiderman) 2 months ago
@Kim Jongin [-] poke ???
Kyuhyun (Spiderman) 2 months ago
@Kim Jongin But I still have to work... and my sons-
/he complained, whining follow when he felt the way your thumb is brushing over the mark. Another whine came as respond to the younger male before a pout forming on his lips. Truly he have nothing to respond to the man as those words ran true./
I remember that... just I'm not always going to follow it...
Kim Jongin 2 months ago
@Kyuhyun I smirk at your whine, enjoying the sight of your teary eyes and the pout on your lips. "If I mark lower, it won't be as visible," I murmur, brushing my thumb over the fresh mark on your skin. "And I want everyone to see it." Your retort makes me laugh coldly, the sound sharp and mocking. "Last night was memorable, but this mark is a reminder," I say, my hand trailing down your body with a rough, possessive touch. "A reminder of who left you begging." As you squirm and roll your eyes, I grip your chin harshly, forcing you to look at me. "I don’t expect you to be totally obedient," I snap, my eyes narrowing with a dangerous glint. "But don’t forget, I’m the one with the reins here. You do what I say, when I say it." I lean in, my lips grazing your ear as I whisper harshly, "No matter how much you tease, I’ll always put you in your place. You’re mine to control, and I’ll make sure you remember that."
Kyuhyun (Spiderman) 2 months ago
@Kim Jongin I didn't
/he whined before a loud cries left his lips when the younger man bites down hard enough to leave mark on his skin. His eyes teary as he looks up at Kai, a small pout forming./
Can't you mark lower... now I have to cover that-
/even though it was clear the younger man was asserting dominant, he still fighting back over little matter, for now. He made a face upon hearing the next few statement from the younger man./
Do I need a mark to remember? Last night probably the better memory to have.
/he retort but still squirming under the hand that touches all over his body with a hint of roughness. The little feisty in him cause him to roll his eyes./
I would remember it, yeah. But that doesn't meant I won't try to tease you again. Wouldn't be fun if I was totally obedient~
Kim Jongin 2 months ago
@Kyuhyun Kai’s eyes darkened with a fierce intensity as he watched Kyuhyun’s reactions, his control over the situation evident in every movement. With a determined expression, he leaned in closer, his breath hot against Kyuhyun’s ear. “You wanted to play,” Kai’s voice was a low, commanding whisper. “Now you’re going to see just what happens when you push me too far.” He moved his lips to Kyuhyun’s neck, his kisses becoming more urgent and rough. Kai’s teeth grazed Kyuhyun’s skin, and he bit down hard, leaving a mark that would be unmistakable even after he pulled away. The bite was firm and possessive, a clear sign of Kai’s dominance. “Don’t think you’re getting away without a mark,” Kai growled, his voice a mix of satisfaction and challenge. “You teased and pushed me, and now I’m making sure you remember this.” He pulled back slightly, his lips curling into a smirk as he looked at the red imprint left on Kyuhyun’s neck. “That’s going to be a reminder,” Kai said with a touch of dark amusement. “A mark to show exactly who you were dealing with.” His hands continued to explore Kyuhyun’s body, the rough touches now tinged with the satisfaction of having asserted his dominance. “Every time you see that mark, remember how you pushed me,” Kai murmured, his voice filled with a mix of satisfaction and warning. “And remember who’s in control.”
Kyuhyun (Spiderman) 2 months ago
@Kim Jongin /a squeak left out of his lips when he was lifted over the younger's shoulder. His eyes seeing Kai rear and the floor following each footsteps that is taken. Then just as sudden as he was picked up, he was toss just as suddenly too. It explicit a gasp out of his lips as he bounce on the mattress. It was a good thing he saw where the other is heading as well as guessing what going to happen next./
I didn't even tease you thar much.
/he respond before wriggling around trying to get out of the younger male hold over his wrists. He want to say more but soon his lips was captured in a heated and demanding kiss. He could feel the anger bubbling within his pair but clearly he isn't always as submissive as he let on at first sight. However he couldn't help the natural respond from his body over what the younger is doing. He shudder as he was litter with open mouth kiss that possibly leaving visible marks for the day to come./
Don't leave mark... work... ngn-
/he want to challenge Kai but his body squirm under the rough touch. Arousal apparent as he have nothing to cover over his private part. Moan fallen out of his lips when he was still trying to get out or the tight grips on his wrists./
I have been good boy, you just ngn! Bully me!
/he whine while continues to struggling his arms to get free but the noise was a constant sound falling out of his lips./
Kim Jongin 2 months ago
@Kyuhyun Kai’s eyes gleam with a dark hunger as he suddenly grips Kyuhyun by the waist, lifting him effortlessly. He slings Kyuhyun over his shoulder like a ragdoll, the sudden motion eliciting a gasp from Kyuhyun. The dominance in Kai’s actions is unmistakable as he carries him across the room, each step purposeful and filled with intent. With a swift and rough motion, Kai throws Kyuhyun onto the bed, the impact making Kyuhyun bounce slightly on the mattress. Kai stands over him for a moment, his eyes raking over Kyuhyun’s form, taking in every inch of exposed skin. The look in his eyes is predatory, filled with a promise of what’s to come. “You’ve been teasing me all night,” Kai growls, his voice low and dangerous. “Now, you’re going to see what happens when you push me too far.” He climbs onto the bed, his movements fluid and commanding, positioning himself over Kyuhyun with a dominant presence. Kai’s hands grip Kyuhyun’s wrists, pinning them above his head as he leans down to capture his lips in a searing kiss. The kiss is rough and possessive, filled with a mixture of anger and desire. Kai’s teeth graze Kyuhyun’s lower lip, tugging slightly before moving to trail hot, open-mouthed kisses down his neck. He bites down on the sensitive skin, marking Kyuhyun with a possessive fervor, each nip a reminder of who’s in control. Kai’s hands move down Kyuhyun’s body, his touch rough and demanding, leaving a trail of tingling sensation in their wake. “You thought you could tease me?” Kai whispers against Kyuhyun’s ear, his breath hot and heavy. “Now you’re going to pay for it.” He shifts his position, pressing his thigh between Kyuhyun’s legs, increasing the friction and making Kyuhyun arch against him. The intensity of the moment is palpable, the air thick with anticipation and desire. Kai’s grip tightens on Kyuhyun’s wrists as he leans back slightly, his eyes locked onto Kyuhyun’s. “Now, be a good boy and take it,” Kai commands, his voice a mix of sternness and seduction. “You wanted this, and now you’re going to get exactly what you asked for.” His hips grind against Kyuhyun’s, the pressure and rhythm increasing, each movement a reminder of his dominance and control.
Kyuhyun (Spiderman) 2 months ago
@Kim Jongin Not my fault you're getting teased simply by me getting comfortable ~
/he answer choruses tone. The giggles following as he continues be acting cute as he listening to what Kai is saying. However all his acts dropped the moment his hips was gripped and the younger male act in repute to his own actions. The slight pain from the harsher grip making him groan softly. A small hitch of breath make it way out of him when the friction between his increasing with how much he got pulled down. The hand on his neck told him that he has poke the tiger too much and he really going to get it rough tonight. It was both arousing and scary how dark Kai has turned into. A small whimper come out before he pleading the other as his getting grinder against./
The food...
Kim Jongin 2 months ago
@Kyuhyun Kai’s eyes narrowed as he watched Kyuhyun’s antics, a smirk playing on his lips. “Comfortable, huh?” he drawled, his tone laced with mock understanding. “Funny how your idea of getting comfortable conveniently involves teasing me. You’re a real piece of work, you know that?” As Kyuhyun wriggled his once more and then started acting cute, Kai couldn’t help but let out a low, dangerous chuckle. “Cute?” he repeated, his voice dripping with condescension. “You think batting those lashes and acting all innocent is going to get you off the hook? You’re playing a dangerous game.” When Kyuhyun ped Kai’s pants and placed his manhood between the crack of his , Kai’s smirk vanished, replaced by a look of dark determination. “Oh, you’re really pushing it now,” he said, his voice low and threatening. “You want to tease me fully? Fine. But don’t think for a second that you’re in control here.” Kai grabbed Kyuhyun’s hips more forcefully, his grip bruising. “You’re in for a rough night,” he growled. “You want to act like a brat? I’ll treat you like one. Keep rubbing against me like that, and I’ll make sure you regret it.” With a firm hand, Kai pushed Kyuhyun’s hips down harder, increasing the friction between them. “You want to see what happens when you push me too far? You’re about to find out. I’m going to make you beg for mercy.” Kai’s other hand moved to Kyuhyun’s neck, holding him in place as he continued to grind against him. “You think you’re so clever, don’t you? Let’s see how clever you are when you’re at my mercy.” The intensity in Kai’s eyes was undeniable as he leaned in closer, his breath hot against Kyuhyun’s ear. “You asked for this,” he whispered, his voice a mix of menace and promise. “Now you’re going to get it.”
Kyuhyun (Spiderman) 2 months ago
@Kim Jongin /a finger shown before Kai before it wiggle left and right while accompanied his head shaking and him clicking his tongue./
Tsk tsk, you forgot since yesterday, I find comfort in being in a shirt only at home? So this wasn't for you though, I'm just getting comfortable ~
/he laugh before wriggle his once more. Sure, he do like being in a shirt only at home but that could wait and he didn't have to do it right at the moment. He eat a few more bites before he balled up his fists while pressing them against his cheeks as he blinking his eyes, acting cute in front of Kai./
I am cute, don't you think so?
/he purposely doing so in respond to the mockery in the other's voice. Batting his lashes some more in his cute actions./
Sound like I might get my back break tonight huh? I wonder what the surprise you'll show me. So... since you plan to punish me, I might as well tease you fully~
/he add as he undo Kai pant to take out the younger's manhood. He place it in between the crack of his before returning to eat once more. His movement making his cheeks rubs up and down the length slowly in torment.
Kim Jongin 2 months ago
@Kyuhyun Kai’s eyes darkened with a blend of amusement and a sharp edge of dominance as he watched Kyuhyun’s bold move. “Oh, so now you’re getting on my lap?” he said with a smirk, his voice carrying a teasing yet authoritative tone. “You really think that’s going to get you any special treatment? You’ve got some nerve.” He placed his hands firmly on Kyuhyun’s hips, his grip assertive. “You’re not just here to amuse yourself,” Kai continued, his gaze intense. “If you’re going to act like this, you better be ready for the consequences. You might think you’re being clever, but I’m not easily swayed.” As Kyuhyun wiggled and leaned forward, Kai’s expression remained stern but with a hint of challenge. “So, you’re a ‘good boy’ now? That’s cute,” he said, his tone edged with mockery. “But don’t think that’s going to earn you any favors. If you want to play games, you’ll have to deal with the rules I set.” He took a bite of the hotpot, his eyes locked on Kyuhyun with a smirk. “And as for what’s next? You’ll just have to wait and see. I’m not going to make it easy for you. If you’re going to tease me, you better be prepared for a bit of discipline.” Kai’s voice was low and commanding, the underlying threat clear. “You think you can just get away with this? You’re in for a surprise.”
Kyuhyun (Spiderman) 2 months ago
@Kim Jongin /laughter echoing in the kitchen as he laugh in respond to what the younger is saying./
I think you are going to want to own me sooner or later, and be my husband. Just so you can tame me and my wild side, isn't it?
/he tease as he continues to wiggle albeit the grip on his hips./
And I know I'm quite delicious, it's hard to not want to eat me instead.
/he put his chopsticks down when he heard what Kai said. He undo his pant, kick it off along with his socks, shoes and underwear, now stark on the younger's lap, at least from the waist down. He then return to eat as if he didn't just get rid of his clothes, happily taking the bite of food given./
I am enjoying the food very much~
/he answer before leaning forward slightly on purpose to get some food, the movement making his pushing back against the younger's crotch. He sit straighten again, popping the bite of food he got into his mouth to eat as if his little movement wasn't to arouse someone./
I'm such a good boy, always deserve to get rewarded~ though now I'm curious of what plan you got ahead for me.
Kim Jongin 2 months ago
@Kyuhyun Kai’s eyes darkened with a mix of amusement and desire as Kyuhyun’s playful antics continued. The way Kyuhyun wiggled on his lap, pushing back provocatively, made Kai’s breath hitch slightly. He leaned in, his voice low and commanding. “You really are something else, you know that? If you keep this up, I might have to take you up on that park idea sooner rather than later.” He placed a firm hand on Kyuhyun’s hip, his grip steady and assertive. “You’re making it incredibly hard to focus on anything else,” he said with a smirk, his tone carrying a hint of dominance. “A walk in the park or anywhere else—if you keep teasing me like this, I might just have to find a way to claim you right here and now.” Kai’s gaze was intense as he watched Kyuhyun, his fingers tightening slightly on Kyuhyun’s waist. “You’re going to have to be careful, though. I’m not above taking you somewhere private if you keep being this irresistible. And don’t think for a second that I wouldn’t enjoy every moment of it.” With a chuckle, Kai shifted his attention to the hotpot, picking up some food with his chopsticks. He leaned over to Kyuhyun, his movements deliberate. “But let’s not get too carried away just yet,” he said, his voice still carrying that dominant edge. “We’ve got some hotpot here, and I think you should join me in enjoying it.” He carefully fed Kyuhyun a bite of the hotpot, his gaze lingering on Kyuhyun’s face as he did so. “Consider this a little reward for being such a tease. But don’t get too comfortable—I’ve got plans for us that might just make your night even more interesting.”
Kyuhyun (Spiderman) 2 months ago
@Kim Jongin /laughing softly as he recoiled back from the touch to his ear before looking at Kai with mischief. /
You really should keep a close eyes on me. I'm quite naughty when I wanted to.
/he add before wiggle his on Kai lap, slightly pushing back to it could grind a bit over the younger's crotch./
I know, and it doesn't have to be just groceries shopping, could be other thing too. Like a walk in the park, so open, so easy to tease. Maybe... I guess you wouldn't mind walking in the park late at night to pull me over by a tree and ing me against it.
/he chorus cheerfully, the teasing making him more lively than when he just return from work. But still, he turn to feast on the food which now have cooled down to gobbled down./
Kim Jongin 2 months ago
@Kyuhyun As Kyuhyun pouted and made his mischievous remark, Kai’s smile widened, though his gaze grew more intense. He leaned in slightly, his voice low and teasing. “Is that so? I’ll have to keep a close eye on you then. But you know,” he whispered, brushing his lips against Kyuhyun’s ear, “if you keep this up, I might just have to find a private spot and take you up on that offer.” He pulled back slightly, his eyes dancing with amusement. “Grocery shopping might turn into quite the adventure if you keep teasing me like this. I think I’m looking forward to it already.”
Kyuhyun (Spiderman) 2 months ago
@Kim Jongin /kyuhyun happily obliged and moved to settle himself comfortably on the younger male's lap. A happy sighs follow soon after as he nestle himself against the firm chest before kicking his foot a bit around./
So nice ~
/he turn his head slightly, another pout formed onto his lips./
I'm a good boy, most of the time. Sometime I could be naughty too!
/he add before whispering into the younger ear./
I could tease you senseless until you can't control anymore and take me somewhere hidden, while we were out doing something outside in public like... grocery shopping perhaps~
Kim Jongin 3 months ago
@Kyuhyun Kai chuckled softly, his expression softening at the sight of the older man's playful pout. “Oh, I see how it is. I’m just here to make sure you’re well taken care of,” he said, moving closer with a grin. “And as for sitting on my lap, I suppose I can’t say no to that request.” Kai patted his thighs with a welcoming gesture and looked at Kyuhyun with a warm smile. “Well, come sit here then,” he said playfully. “I promise it’ll be worth it. Make yourself comfortable and let me take care of you.” Kai chuckled and leaned in closer with a playful smirk. “Well, I’ll spoil you as long as you’re a good boy,” he said, his tone light and teasing. “So, let’s make sure we both keep up our end of the bargain.”
Kyuhyun (Spiderman) 3 months ago
@Kim Jongin /nodding his head as he reach a hand back to massaging the back of his nape while letting out a small sighs./
Usually it wouldn't be so, just I over judge and was greedy in the morning so...
/he whines and pout again before eyeing the younger man./
Thanks, are you going to eat with me? I still wanna sit on your lap...
/a faint pink color tinting his cheeks when he heard the playful tone from Kai, nodding his head to what the younger have stated./
I will... let you know what I need... ugh you are spoiling me so much, I'm going to be sad if you don't want me anymore, then I won't get this spoiling-
Kim Jongin 3 months ago
@Kyuhyun Kai chuckled softly as he watched the older man’s reactions, amusement clear in his eyes. “I get it, you’ve had a rough day and need a bit of pampering,” he said with a warm smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you get exactly what you need to unwind.” He moved around the kitchen, quickly preparing more food and ensuring it was at a more manageable temperature. “Here, let this cool a bit before you dig in next time. I’ll get you something that’s both delicious and won’t burn your mouth.” Kai set up a plate with care, placing it within easy reach. “Now, just relax and let me handle the rest. You’ve earned it, after all.” He leaned in a bit closer, adding with a playful tone, “And don’t worry, I’m more than happy to spoil you tonight. Just let me know if you need anything else.”
Kyuhyun (Spiderman) 3 months ago
@Kim Jongin /he resisting the urge to become snappy from hunger while persistently pouting. He moved to take a seat before sprawl out onto the table, his eyes looking at the younger man at the kitchen./
Then spoil me more, I'm so tired from work... exhausted...
/he let out a soft whine before continues./
Can't sleep yet, have to eat, then wash off the make up, then skin care, then shower... so much things to do...
/let out yet another whines before moving back to give the younger the space to set up the meal. Then nodded his head and jump at the first thing he saw, however, soon gasping because he burn his mouth./
Hot... hot!!
/still doesn't spit out the food but try to cool it down in his mouth before chewing and swallowing it./
Hnnnggg, I want to complain but I want more spoiling
Kim Jongin 3 months ago
@Kyuhyun Kai glanced over at the other, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. He continued to cook, the sizzling sounds and aromatic scents filling the kitchen. "Well, it's not my fault you can't resist my cooking," Kai teased, his tone light. He expertly flipped the ingredients in the pan, the steam rising and carrying the delicious aroma throughout the room. "And if you’re going to pout like that, you’re only going to make me want to spoil you more." He glanced over at the other male, his eyes softening a bit. "Go on, take a seat. Food’s almost ready. I’ll take care of that aching back of yours later. Just try not to fall asleep at the table before you get to enjoy this meal." With a final flourish, Kai plated the dish, presenting it with a touch of flair. "There you go. Dig in while it’s hot. And after you’ve stuffed yourself, you can lay on your tummy all you want. I’ll even give you a massage to help with that backache." Kai’s smirk widened as he watched the other’s reaction. "But remember, you asked for it. So don’t complain when I spoil you even more."
Kyuhyun (Spiderman) 3 months ago
@Kim Jongin /breathe in the flavorful aroma before relaxing his body more against the hard surface. He nodded his head before moving closer to look at what Kai is making./
Sound like a great meal... ugh, I am really hungry and just wanna eat. Then laid on my tummy for the rest of the night. My back is aching.
/he let out a small grumbling noise before pouting as he look at the younger male./
Uh huh, if you didn't spoil me it wouldn't happen either.
Kim Jongin 3 months ago
@Kyuhyun Kai looked up from the pot, a warm smile spreading across his face as he saw Kyuhyun leaning against the wall. The kitchen was filled with the mouthwatering aroma of his cooking, a comforting contrast to the stifling atmosphere of the formal dining room. "Hey there," Kai greeted. "I'm making hot pot tonight. Perfect for unwinding after a long day." Turns to look at Kyuhyun “Well for this morning you only have yourself to blame for that”he said smirking.
Kyuhyun (Spiderman) 3 months ago
@Kim Jongin /hearing the younger voice from a certain direction before he was told where to go. Follow the sound of voice and the scene of food, he found Kai in the kitchen cooking./
Smell good in here. What're you making?
/he asks as he moved to lean against the wall. He shook his head when the question was asked./
Not long day, just tired from... the exercises this morning and all the works I did today.
Kim Jongin 3 months ago
@Kyuhyun Kai looked up from the kitchen counter, where he was chopping vegetables and preparing ingredients for a hotpot. Hearing Kyuhyun’s voice brought a smile to his face. “Welcome back,” Kai called out, his tone warm and inviting. “I’m in the kitchen.” He continued his preparations, arranging the ingredients neatly on the counter. The smell of fresh vegetables and broth filled the air, creating a comforting atmosphere. Kai had decided that a hotpot would be the perfect meal for the evening, something warm and hearty to welcome Kyuhyun back. As Kyuhyun walked in, Kai glanced over and noticed the tired but content look on his face. “Long day?” he asked,
Kyuhyun (Spiderman) 3 months ago
@Kim Jongin /work went by quickly with him anticipate of what is awaiting for him to return, it has been a long while since he has felt this way. The excitement of knowing he wouldn't have to think so much of what they can do while still being pampered if he wanted or needed. The aching on his back and the dull burn remind him of what he could get again later though when he looks at the schedules of what ahead, it make him sigh in defeat. However he still got a break for the day as he return when he sun begin to set./
Kai? I'm home.
Kim Jongin 3 months ago
@Kyuhyun He observed Kyuhyun with a hint of amusement as he struggled to clean himself and get dressed. The noticeable limp was a clear indication of the intense session they’d just had. Kai's gaze lingered on him for a moment before he turned his attention back to his own tasks. As Kyuhyun answered his phone and spoke with his manager, Kai nodded approvingly. “Take your time,” Kai said, a playful note in his voice. “I’ll be here, ready for when you return.” With that, Kyuhyun left, and Kai resumed his routine, a satisfied smile lingering on his lips as he awaited Kyuhyun’s prompt return. He arrived at the local grocery store, strolling through the aisles with a purposeful stride. Kai picked up a shopping cart and began to fill it with essentials: fresh produce, some meat, and a few items for meals he had planned. His demeanor was relaxed, a stark contrast to the charged atmosphere earlier. He moved efficiently, grabbing items off the shelves and checking his list. As he passed the bakery section, he picked up some pastries and bread, considering that Kyuhyun might appreciate a treat when he returned.
Kyuhyun (Spiderman) 3 months ago
@Kim Jongin /loud moan happily left his lips as the younger did as he pleaded for. The movement hard and deep, driving him closer to the edge with each movement but can't push over as he still have a hold of himself. The moans loudly echo in their bathroom mixing with the squelching sound of his being pummeled. The from earlier spilling out only to soon be replace with fresh load. His hand quickly a few more before let himself release as well. His stomach bulging the form of the younger and can even see the way it pulse inside while was eject from the tip./
/he leaned against the tub before trembling to clean himself up. He take a moment to compose himself before getting dress but the obvious limp hinted what has happen between them as he walk out some what dressed./
I will return...
/he respond a bit tired as the phone rang just on time. He picked up and answer to the manager, stating he will be out in a second./
Mhm, I guess you can go grocery so you don't have to wait for me. I will return as soon as possible.
/he state before waving and left./
[post deleted by owner]
Kim Jongin 3 months ago
@Kyuhyun Kai’s smirk widened at Kyuhyun’s desperate pleas and the sight of him clearly enjoying the attention. He maintained his teasing pace, deliberately prolonging the pleasure while keeping an eye on the time “Greedy, aren’t we?” Kai said with a hint of amusement in his voice. “But if you insist…” He adjusted his position slightly, ing deeper and harder, making sure Kyuhyun felt every bit of him. Kai leaned in to return the kiss, his lips firm and commanding against Kyuhyun’s. He could feel the older man’s hand stroking himself and the slight constriction from Kyuhyun’s choking grip, which only fueled his own arousal. “You’re so insistent,” Kai murmured against Kyuhyun’s lips. “Alright, I’ll give you what you want.” With a final, decisive , Kai let himself go, filling Kyuhyun with a deep, satisfying release. He made sure Kyuhyun felt every bit of his , the sensation intense and fulfilling. Afterwards, Kai pulled back slightly, his gaze cool and assessing. “There you go,” he said with a teasing edge. “Now, get yourself cleaned up. I expect you to return promptly, and don’t keep me waiting. You know I’ll be here, ready for more.” Kai’s demeanor shifted back to his usual composure as he finished up, leaving Kyuhyun to handle the aftermath and prepare for his work.


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DiabloEaterMfkr 2 days ago
Umm hello?? 0 n 0
density 1 week ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 1 week ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 1 week ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 3 weeks ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
[comment deleted by owner]
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