Goblin & Gremlin


choi yeonjun & choi beomgyu


pair house

who's that boy

that's looking

back at me

i don't know you

Cjamm (Cupid) [A] 2 days ago
/hands you guys the keys to the new place
Choi Yeonjun (Maid) 1 week ago
@Choi Beomgyu Maybe? I do love seeing you all needy for me so the thought really might have got me going
/continues to kiss you, letting our tongues move together while my hands roam all over your chest but it quickly is not enough. one hand moves down to cup your crotch, palming it and already just from feeling your through all these layers that are definitely in the way!/
do you want to me like you mean it or want me to ride the hell out of you?
/says in between the kisses, clear desperation in my voice/
Choi Beomgyu (Werewolf) 1 week ago
@Choi Yeonjun /back hits the door with a soft thud, I smirk at your eageriness and how you were touching me. quickly I return the heated kiss/
I wonder what ideas got you going Yeonnie
/whispers against your lips, my own hands holding onto your waist as I continued to return the kiss, making it deeper/
Was it me being needy for you?
Choi Yeonjun (Maid) 1 week ago
@Choi Beomgyu () I guess we can still continue here?

/drags you by your hands into our house and immediately pushes you against the door, claiming your lips once again with mine/
I really have no idea what of the things you said riled me up so much but ...I got way too
/continues to kiss you and moves my hands under your hoodie to touch your upper body/
Choi Yeonjun (Maid) 1 week ago
@Cjamm () Oh wow I totally didn't see that but yes we can wait until you update new houses!
Choi Beomgyu (Werewolf) 1 week ago
@Cjamm [we can wait for an update of fresh link houses]
Cjamm (Cupid) [A] 2 weeks ago
hi guys sorry to interrupt you need to evict and choose a new place

[the links all got broken you're guys free to find your own link or wait for me to update new houses and pick new place for free or like i said send me ur own links of pictures of your house rooms etc ]
Choi Yeonjun (Maid) 4 weeks ago
@Choi Beomgyu /after being done with my work of art, I look back at you, my gaze meeting yours with just as much fondness/
You? I could always eat you up~
/ away the icing on your cheek before pressing another kiss on your lips, sighing into it/
Have I ever told you just how much I love you, Choi Beomgyu?
/smiles full of love down at you, cupping your cheeks/
Choi Beomgyu (Werewolf) 4 weeks ago
@Choi Yeonjun /nips your nose playfully after the peck, I lounged fully back in the sofa as you draw on my face with the icing. my eyes stare up at your fondly and with adoration/
Sweet enough to eat?
/keeps my grin, softly chuckling/
Choi Yeonjun (Maid) 4 weeks ago
@Choi Beomgyu You really got taste, Beomie~
/chuckles as you put some icing on my nose, just grinning more happily and coming closer to your face to peck your lips/
/takes some of the icing as well to draw a tiny heart on your cheek while I wiggle in excitement on your lap/
Now you're even sweeter
Choi Beomgyu (Werewolf) 4 weeks ago
@Choi Yeonjun /opens up for the bite of the cake and hums happily at the taste, lips grinning brightly as I ate what was in my mouth for stealing a kiss from you/
It's good, isn't it? I thought it would be
/my index swipes some of the icing just to boop it on the tip of your nose/
Choi Yeonjun (Maid) 1 month ago
@Choi Beomgyu I could try at least! I mean I am also flexible as you might know~
/nods approvingly. after you pull the coffee table closer, my legs around you are tightening for a better hold as I lean back to quickly cut a piece of the cake and put it on a plate before coming back to face you, catching my breath since I was so focused on getting the cake that I forgot to breathe/
Better~ I wanted to taste that the second I saw it on the table!
/grins and takes a bite, making the happiest sounds while my face is full of joy, eyes sparkling with excitement. afterwards, I get another bite on the fork to feed you/
It's so good!! You need to try, too~!
Choi Beomgyu (Werewolf) 1 month ago
@Choi Yeonjun /allows all the kisses to my face and hugs you tight to me for a second before loosing my arms. a small chuckle leaves me after I kiss your pout a few times/
You're tall and lanky enough. Maybe you can reach for it~
/used my foot to hook around the leg of the coffee table to pull it gently closer to us/
See if you can reach it now.
Choi Yeonjun (Maid) 1 month ago
@Choi Beomgyu /gives in an grants you one more kiss as you chase after my lips/
You didn't? Mhm, we really gotta change that...! I will make sure to give you the best birthdays ever but yes, you did more than well, Beomie~
/can't stop the smile on my face as I look down on you, pressing little kisses all over your face/
And you always successfully do so~
/looks back at the cake that is now a bit too far out of reach/
I have a feeling I need to get out of your lap to taste the cake
/huffs softly and pouts at you, feeling torn between standing up to get cake and getting to sit on you and shower you with love longer/
Choi Beomgyu (Werewolf) 1 month ago
@Choi Yeonjun /chases after your lips after you bit mine/
I wanted to do something special as you mean alot to me. I didn't really have a birthday celebration growing up so I thought it would be nice to get you one. Did I do well Yeonnie?
/smiles sweetly before I was pulled down on the sofa and you on my lap. my arms instantly went around your waist and my head rests back to look up to you/
I always want to spoil you my foxie~
Choi Yeonjun (Maid) 1 month ago
@Choi Beomgyu So you kept busy to prepare for this...what a lucky boyfriend I am~
/gasps at the slap and in return bites your lower lip playfully before breaking the kiss/
Thank you so much, Beomgyu...you know even if you just existed right next to me for my birthday I would have been more than satisfied but this is so sweet...this makes it even better, best birthday ever~
/grabs your hand again to pull you down with me onto the couch, straddling your lap immediately as I lazily wrap my arms around you in a hug/
You're spoiling me so much~
Choi Beomgyu (Werewolf) 1 month ago
@Choi Yeonjun Hmm~ Now you know the reason why I've been gone for so long. I was busy setting this up~ Lucky you were occupied or else this wouldn't work and you'd spoil your surprise.
/smooches your cheek and gives your a playful slap then you trapped my face in your palms, I smooch up your lips in return with a grin on my lips/
Happy birthday my love~
Choi Yeonjun (Maid) 1 month ago
@Choi Beomgyu I always trust you, love~
/laughs softly and lets you guide me the rest of the steps, keeping my eyes closed despite them being covered. once I feel your hand disappearing, I open my own eyes again, taking in the scenery as the smile on my face just grows even more. I turn around to look at you, clawing at your hand in excitement before hugging you tightly/
That is so sweet...oh my god, Beomie...when did you prepare all this? I was in our room the whole time and didn't notice a thing!!
/whines softly before looking back at the room, not getting over the effort you put into it/
It's so pretty...thank you so much
/puts your cheeks in between my hands to kiss you/
Choi Beomgyu (Werewolf) 1 month ago

@Choi Yeonjun /chuckles and un wraps my arms just to take a hold of your hand, guiding us to the living room but I stopped to unhold your hand to cover your eyes/
You have to trust me, love
/guides you forward then remove my hand to uncover your eyes. in front is balloons and cake on the coffee table with a bucket of ice and a champange bottle/
Okay~ Open

Choi Yeonjun (Maid) 1 month ago
@Choi Beomgyu /letd out a soft chuckle at the tickling sensation and nods, my hands shortly carding through your hair/
Sure~? You make it sound so ominous, Beomie
/hums before breaking the embrace to intertwine our hands and press a kiss to your lips. afterwards I make my way to our living room with you, never letting go of your hand as nervousness floods over me/
Choi Beomgyu (Werewolf) 1 month ago
@Choi Yeonjun /buries my head into your neck and peaks softly at the skin/
That is you~ Come to the living room with me?
Choi Yeonjun (Maid) 1 month ago
@Choi Beomgyu /immediately reaches to put my hands on top of yours around my middle and leans my head against yours/
That's me~
Choi Beomgyu (Werewolf) 1 month ago
@Choi Yeonjun /wraps my arms around your waist from behind and puts my chin on your shoulder/
Choi Yeonjun (Maid) 1 month ago
@Choi Beomgyu /has to laugh softly at your little shot right back at my teasing before nipping on your lower lip/
I can live with that now that I made you feel like I usually do when we're having ~
/kisses you back with passion and love, holding onto you and combing my hand through your hair before we break apart/
yup~ it's nice to be on top once in a while! what about you?
/smiles before reaching over to get some wet tissues to pull out and clean us but especially you up. once I'm satisfied I let myself flop down right beside you, resting my head on my hand to just admire the sight and situation I'm in/
thank you for letting me be in charge today
Choi Beomgyu (Werewolf) 1 month ago
@Choi Yeonjun /with my eyes shut and brows knitting together, I feel you finally let go and released yourself inside me. my tongue flicks between my lips and I moved along slowly with your body to help you ride out your high. my limps cling onto you for a minute before they flopped onto the mattress/
/opens my eyes about half way to look up to you and manages a light chuckle to your teasing. I match with your peck while my hand is brough up to ruffle the back of your hair/
You'll always will be my pillow princess~
/picks my head up just enough to peck your lips, then another longer peck, then a deeper kiss before parting away to relax/
Enjoy yourself?
Choi Yeonjun (Maid) 1 month ago
@Choi Beomgyu /the way we kiss almost makes me feel lost in it before you break it to call out my name, taking me back as I feel you tightening around me./
Beomie~! ' did so well-
/groans out loud as I continue to inside you, although my s are getting sloppier the closer I am to my own high until it finally also crashes over me, making me moan your name out loud while I release my seed, painting your walls with it as I slowly get down from my /
ing hell....
/has to laugh softly just at how insanely good it has been as I fall on top of you, still catching mx breath and wrapping my arms around you/
Am I still your pillow princess now~?
/pecks your lips shortly and looks teasingly at you although my own state is not much better than yours/
Choi Beomgyu (Werewolf) 1 month ago
@Choi Yeonjun Yes- yes yeonnie~!
/tanglads up with your tongue, nipping at the tip of your tongue, gently while you continue to push me over my edge. I part from your lips, huffing and panting heavily as i feel the tight warmth at my lower abdomen and heat in a wave over my body/
/back arches a little, I tighten around you when a wave of pleasure rippled through my body. I moaned deeply, riding out my /
Choi Yeonjun (Maid) 1 month ago
@Choi Beomgyu /at your approval, I continue to your length, timed perfectly with my s as I tightens my hand around it just right to give you good friction/
feeling close, baby? for me love~
/grins as I do feel proud of myself for making you fall apart like that, hitting your prostate dead on as I let our tongues swirls around each other, from time to time over the roof of your mouth/
Choi Beomgyu (Werewolf) 1 month ago
@Choi Yeonjun Yeonnie-
/moans bit more louder with your hand now stroking at my length, I felt myself being brought to the edge with each you give me/
don't don't stop~!
/pants a bit more heavily until you take my breath away with your lips capturing mine, my lips part to meet with your tongue, rolling along with it/
Choi Yeonjun (Maid) 1 month ago
@Choi Beomgyu your moans sound so beautiful, Beomie...moan more for me~
/continues my s like that, feeling encouraged by your reactions as once of my hands sneaks to your length, stroking it in time with my s while I feel myself getting closer as well/
like this~? ...you're making me feel so good...the best...!
/captures your lips in a kiss, sliding my tongue over your lips to ask for entrance/


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DiabloEaterMfkr 2 days ago
Umm hello?? 0 n 0
density 1 week ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 1 week ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 1 week ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 3 weeks ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
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