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Monthly Horoscope


currently astrology.com horoscope.

aries march 21 - april 20

You’re y and you know it, Aries. The full moon in mysterious Scorpio on May 7 starts the month with a bang (in more ways than one). Don’t waste the night with a lot of talk. Instead, charm your lover with all the other things your mouth can do. However, words and actions become important when Saturn turns retrograde on the tenth. It’s all fun and games until someone catches feelings. If you aren’t interested in a relationship, don’t string them along. Trust your gut when Mars enters Pisces and Venus turns retrograde on May 12. Don’t hop into bed with someone if you start seeing red flags. If you’re having second thoughts, cancel your date when Jupiter turns retrograde on the fourteenth. This isn’t the time to get lucky. Thankfully, the second half of the month gets hotter when the sun enters Gemini on May 20. Let your freak flag fly! Use the new moon in Gemini on the twenty-second to try something new, maybe a wild position? Go for it! Try not to embarrass your lover publicly when Mercury enters sensitive Cancer on May 28. You might be punished later, and not in a way. Be cool.

taurus april 21 - may 21

The month starts out a little emotional for you when the full moon is in sensual Scorpio on May 7. Instead of going out, explore your inner world. What do you want out of and romance? You could surprise yourself. If you aren’t getting the loving that you crave when Saturn turns retrograde on the tenth, it might be time to find something better. Let your body do the talking when Mars enters Pisces and Venus turns retrograde on May 12. The only language you need to speak to get what you want is body language. However, while you may feel contented in your new romance, don’t let Jupiter’s retrograde on the fourteenth give you or your lover wandering eyes. Don’t get invested yet. Let your social life bloom when the sun enters Gemini on May 20. You could find someone who puts a spring in your step. You’ll start developing feelings when the new moon is in Gemini on the twenty-second, but hold off on making any serious commitments until Juno goes direct on May 26. What you’re experiencing could be a spring fling. Luckily, Mercury entering Cancer two days later will make an emotional connection stronger. Feel the love!

gemini may 22 - june 21

Kick off the month with a night of sensual passion when the full moon is in seductive Scorpio on May 7. You and your lover are completely in sync, bringing you maximum pleasure. Don’t stop until the sun comes up! Saturn turns retrograde on the tenth, but your life is moving in the right direction. Your bond is strong and you’re having amazing . While your life is going well, it’s good to set boundaries with your lover when Mars enters Pisces and Venus turns retrograde in your sign on May 12. Don’t open your heart just yet. Jupiter’s retrograde two days later encourages you to make levelheaded decisions. It might not be y, but it will save you a lot of heartbreak over the long term. Your life gets hotter when the sun enters your sign on the twentieth. Grab your friends and hit the dance floor to find a partner for the horizontal tango. Continue to flirt when the new moon is in your sign on May 22. You just might meet your match. Romance takes a domestic turn when Mercury enters Cancer on the twenty-eighth. Are you ready to settle down?

cancer june 22 - july 22

The new month could bring unexpected changes to your life. Things could get a little rocky for you when the full moon is in Scorpio on May 7. Do not accept any booty calls. Stay home and take care of yourself. As Saturn turns retrograde on the tenth, use this as an opportunity to get rid of any toxic relationships. They might be great in bed, but you’re better off without them. Mars entering Pisces and Venus turning retrograde could bring an old lover back into your arms on May 12. Give in to the temptation. As Jupiter goes into retrograde two days later, remember to give your partner time and attention—in and out of the bedroom. If you’ve considered ending this love affair, the retrograde of Pallas on the sixteenth will change your mind. Indulge in those loving feelings. The best day to get laid is when the sun enters Gemini on May 20, bringing you the perfect balance of emotional connection and ual chemistry. Don’t waste this energy, because the new moon in flighty Gemini two days later could lead to some explosive fights. Thankfully, Mercury enters your sign on the twenty-eighth, encouraging hot makeup , which is the best kind.

leo july 23 - August 22

Getting intimate with someone new could unearth some old insecurities for you when the full moon is in Scorpio on May 7. However, don’t get defensive and growl. Your lover could just be admiring your body. Enjoy this new affair. Romance continues to heat up when Saturn turns retrograde on the tenth. Should you get serious with your latest flame? Discuss it in bed. Use your words to express your needs when Mars enters Pisces and Venus goes retrograde on May 12. Don’t assume that a night of sensual lovemaking means that you’re getting what you really want out of the relationship. Assume nothing. Jupiter turning retrograde on the fourteenth brings a series of mixed signals, making your life complicated. Don’t forget about your needs, Leo. Thankfully, your drive kicks into high gear when the sun enters Gemini on May 20. Sparks lead to a burning passion that will leave you feeling hot. This magical ual energy continues when the new moon is in Gemini on the twenty-second, leaving you spellbound. While your life may be hot and heavy, don’t give any love advice when Mercury enters Cancer on May 28. It’ll just sound like bragging..

virgo august 23 - september 22

May starts out hot and heavy for you, Virgo. Lucky! You’re feeling like yourself and your phone is buzzing with the potential of hot dates. Use the power of the full moon in y Scorpio on May 7 to get your freak on. Saturn turns retrograde on the tenth, but you and your love will meet eye to eye on everything, making your life even better and your feelings stronger. All of this domestic bliss could have you craving your old flirtatious life when Mars enters Pisces and Venus turns retrograde on May 12. However, the love isn’t always better in someone else’s bed. Surprise your lover when Jupiter retrogrades on the fourteenth, maybe with a y costume? Handcuffs? They’ll love it! The sun entering Gemini on May 20 could cause some embarrassment in the bedroom. Did you call your lover by the wrong name? Get it together! Put your life on hold when the new moon is in Gemini on the twenty-second, and actually get to know your partner a little better—besides what they like in bed. By establishing an emotional connection, lovemaking can be more tender and satisfying by the time Mercury enters Cancer on May 28. Enjoy it!.

libra september 23 - october 22

 May starts off as a romantic fantasy for you, Libra. Fulfill your daydreams when the full moon is in Scorpio on May 7—a lovely date followed by hours and hours of tender lovemaking. Good vibes continue through the tenth, when Saturn turns retrograde. A new position in the bedroom could bring you even greater pleasure. Reality bursts your y bubble when Mars enters Pisces and Venus turns retrograde on May 12. Sure, your partner is great in the bedroom, but do you really want to introduce them to your family? Use Jupiter turning retrograde on the fourteenth to live in the moment. You don’t need to worry about the future yet. Just have fun! As the sun enters flirty Gemini on May 20, you’ve got your spring fling wrapped around your finger. Enjoy the feeling of having someone who worships you. However, the new moon in Gemini on the twenty-second could have you on your knees begging for more. Your wish will be granted. Things become more serious with your current lover in the best way as Juno turns direct on May 26. End the month on a high note with a night of lovemaking when Mercury enters Cancer on the twenty-eighth.

scorpio october 22 - november 21

The best time to get lucky this month is when the full moon is in your sign on May 7. Your allure and sensual nature can seduce anyone. First dates could lead to magical nights in bed. Romances continue to run hot and heavy when Saturn turns retrograde on the tenth. The discovery of a new position or kink brings you peak pleasure. The es make you see stars. However, your drive starts to stall out when Mars enters Pisces and Venus turns retrograde on May 12, leaving you burned out and alone. Resist the urge to call your desired lover when Jupiter turns retrograde on the fourteenth. If they really want you, they’ll come to you. Don’t play games with a player. Your life recovers when the sun enters flirty Gemini on May 20, setting you up with your perfect match. Just go with the flow. By the twenty-second, the new moon will be in Gemini and you’ll be in a very lovely pair of arms. Don’t let stability scare you off when Mercury enters Cancer on May 28. Vulnerability is incredibly y and feels great. Try it out, Scorpio. You’ll be surprised how good it is.

sagittarus november 22 - december 21

While everyone is excited about spring flings, you’re not eager to jump into bed with just anyone. Stay home when the full moon is in Scorpio on May 7. You’ll find a partner when the timing is right. And the timing becomes right when Saturn turns retrograde on the tenth. An online date or party quickly becomes a private affair when you meet someone electrifying. Getting to know someone always poses a few challenges, but when Mars enters Pisces and Venus turns retrograde on May 12, it might feel like you’re doing everything wrong in bed. Communication is key to mind-blowing . Be mindful of what you say and do when Jupiter turns retrogrades on the fourteenth. You could accidentally kill the mood. Romances become more physical and fun when the sun enters airy Gemini on May 20. Enjoy the feeling of having a great time. However, things could quickly go south when the full moon is in Gemini on the twenty-second. Lovemaking feels a little awkward when you don’t know what to say to each other. Thankfully, your passion comes roaring back to life when Mercury enters Cancer on May 28. Make it a night to remember..

capricorn december 22 - january 20

You’ve got a case of spring fever this month. Lust is in the air, and you’re ready to charm anyone into bed. Start romancing when the full moon in Scorpio makes you irresistible on May 7. Don’t settle for just one lover. Play the field and enjoy the thrill of the chase. This is not the best time for long-distance relationships. Saturn’s retrograde on the tenth shows you that you need someone in your bed NOW! With the chaos of Mars entering Pisces and Venus turning retrograde on May 12, it could be the perfect time to win someone’s heart, or at least get the number of that cutie at the coffee shop. You love a challenge. A rejection when Jupiter turns retrograde on the fourteenth could leave you with a bruised ego and an empty bed. Try to plead your case again when the sun enters Gemini on May 20. You might have a better shot then. The casual flings you started this month come to an end when the new moon is in Gemini on the twenty-second. Try to leave things on a good note. Use the power of Mercury entering Cancer on May 28 to build an emotional connection with someone new.

aquarius january 21 - february 19

Someone’s got a crush on you, Aquarius. Discover your secret admirer when the full moon is in mysterious Scorpio on May 7. You’ll be delightfully surprised by who’s been lusting for you. Enjoy your out-of-this-world romance, but don’t lose touch with reality. Saturn’s retrograde on the tenth will show you why you need to come back down to earth. Mars entering Pisces and Venus turning retrograde on May 12 could bring up the “what are we?” conversation sooner than you expected. Be honest about what you’re looking for, and don’t be afraid to set boundaries. Don’t make grand romantic promises you don’t intend to keep when Jupiter turns retrograde on the fourteenth or you’ll be going to bed alone. Luckily, your drive comes back to life when the sun enters Gemini on May 20. Show your lover how committed you are by making love all night long. However, little white lies when the new moon is in Gemini on the twenty-second could kill the passion before it really starts. Spend May 28 alone, as Mercury enters Cancer, to figure out what you’re really looking for in a lover. There’s no shame in getting yourself off..

pisces february 20 - march 20

Spring is here, but your drive is a late bloomer. That’s okay! Don’t do anything you don’t feel comfortable with, especially when the full moon is in Scorpio on May 7. A pushy lover might try to pressure you into something you don’t want to do. Stand your ground! Saturn’s retrograde on the tenth will help you see clearly and avoid a terrible mistake in the love department. Stop trying so hard to impress people as Venus turns retrograde and Mars enters your sign on May 12. Let down your guard and have fun. You could get an or two. Jupiter’s retrograde on the fourteenth will have your lover worshipping you in bed if you want them to. Your drive is in full force when the sun enters curious Gemini on May 20. Explore your lover in every possible sense of the word. The best day to get laid will be when the new moon is in Gemini on the twenty-second. This may be a spring fling, but that night of passion will be something to remember. Let your guard down when Mercury enters Cancer on May 28 and whisper sweet nothings to your lover to make the passion even more romantic. Enjoy!


Hwang Minhyun 1 year ago
aha.... interesting
Cjamm (Cupid) [A] 3 years ago
should update haha
Choi Seunghyun 3 years ago
it worth, I peek in here
Cjamm (Cupid) [A] 3 years ago
this needs updated huh
but nobody peeks in idk if it's worth
Cjamm (Cupid) [A] 4 years ago
mmonth just started
Cjamm (Cupid) [A] 4 years ago
Cjamm (Cupid) [A] 4 years ago
like what?
Cjamm (Cupid) [A] 4 years ago
it's astrology stuff/pat Yukhei
Cjamm (Cupid) [A] 4 years ago
Choi Seunghyun 4 years ago
@Wu Yifan I am asking for a date not a steamy night
Wu Yifan 4 years ago
@Choi Seunghyun it said new kink and position, so 7 May is the day when you're bottoming
Wu Yifan 4 years ago
@Choi Seunghyun it said new kink and position, so 7 May is the day when you're bottoming
Choi Seunghyun 4 years ago
@Wu Yifan We will have a date on May 7
Cjamm (Cupid) [A] 4 years ago
well it is may horoscope


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DiabloEaterMfkr 2 days ago
Umm hello?? 0 n 0
density 1 week ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 1 week ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 1 week ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 3 weeks ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
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