➂ N & N




pair house

who's that boy

that's looking

back at me

i don't know you

Kim Sunwoo (Cat) SH 1 month ago
@Son Dongpyo stirring slightly, he lets out a quiet sigh, hand instinctively sliding up the side of your thigh, savoring the warmth of your skin. with his eyes still closed, he tilts his head to allow you better access to his jaw, eventually leaning in to meet your lips halfway. he brushes his brims with yours in a slow, sleepy kiss just before he dissolves back into the haze of sleep, holding you close against his heartbeat.
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 1 month ago
@Kim Sunwoo SH hums contentedly as your warmth envelops him, snuggling closer until he’s nearly draped over you, one leg hooked over your hip, half his body on top of yours as if he wanted to melt into you completely. eyes still closed, he brushes lazy, sleepy kisses along your jaw, inching closer until he finds your lips, where he lingers and drifts back into dreamland.
Kim Sunwoo (Cat) SH 1 month ago
@Son Dongpyo he doesn't forget to take a picture of the lasagna you baked for him before digging in, the most wholesome meal he'd had in the past week, if he had to be honest. cleaning the dishes after and washing up, he slips under the comfy sheets shirtless and clad in just his boxers. it's almost natural, how he carefully tucks you into the dip of his shoulder, their torsos fitting together like perfect puzzle piece. his fingers trace your delicate features, gaze following its trail as he slowly succumbs to sleep with you cradled preciously in his arms.
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 1 month ago
@Kim Sunwoo SH i— a birthday cake !! (。Ó﹏Ò。) the cutest one too. I'm so touched and feel so spoiled.. I'm really, really grateful, baby. you're such a great boyfie hh
Kim Sunwoo (Cat) SH 1 month ago
@Son Dongpyo happy birthday, princess
Kim Sunwoo (Cat) SH 1 month ago
@Son Dongpyo woah, woah. calm down there. high school drama. it's the perfect role for you, babe. you're gonna be so amazing. he says through a chuckle at the excited ambush, knowing there’s no way to keep it cool and hold back the happiness given the exciting news. his arms instinctively come around you in a protective hold, one foot anchored to the ground to make sure they don't fall over. he gazes up at you and it's filled with admiration and unsaid adoration towards you. he keeps it that way and doesn't say much before he lifts his chin, rising slightly to meet your lips in a slow, sensual kiss, expressing his happiness for you through the intimate gesture. he takes his time to explore your sweet cavern, turning his head occasionally and breaking away in brief intervals for a catch of breath while he rests his forehead against yours before he's diving in for another kiss again.
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 1 month ago
@Kim Sunwoo SH he returns the squeeze with a firmer grip, conveying all the excitement bubbling up inside him. a bright smile spreads across his face in response to your mouthed words, and he wishes he could just get up and attack you with kisses. but with a deep breath, he refocuses on the meeting as the discussion turns to his role in the high school drama. they talk about the details for the next meeting, when shooting will begin, and when he'll receive his script. when it’s his turn to speak, pyo politely expresses his gratitude for being considered for the role, promising to work hard, and then bidding them goodbye. the moment the meeting ends, he practically flies out of his chair, letting out an excited squeak as he rushes into your arms, nearly knocking your chair over as he tackles you in a hug, settling onto your lap, his excitement infectious.
i'm gonna be in a drama! it’s always been one of my dreams!
he exclaims, voice brimming with joy, squeezing his arms around you shoulders before meeting your gaze with a radiant grin.
Kim Sunwoo (Cat) SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo his ears remain perked throughout the entire meeting despite his presence being a mere secret between them two. it feels like he's eavesdropping on a private discussion but it wasn't something he isn't already entirely used to. after all, every day at work is a sneakpeak into another artist's more or less private life. still, he appreciates the subtle way you include him in your professional world, your bright expression and the excitement on your features so contagious he finds himself biting back a happy grin. lifting his head, he stretches out his arm to receive your extended hand, fingers intertwining the instant they brushed. he administers a gentle squeeze, thumb grazing over your knuckles in a fond act of affection. and when their eyes meet in a fleeting moment, he doesn't miss the chance to mouth again, 'i'm so proud of you'.
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo SH his lips silently form a thank you before he blows a kiss your way, finishing with a cute wink just as the meeting begins. deciding against using earphones, he leaves the conversation open for you to hear, making you a part of it in his own quiet way. beneath the table, he traps your foot between both of his, gently swinging them as the meeting unfolds. as the small talk gives way to something more serious, his manager and another person—an agent from another company, begin discussing the possibility of casting pyo in a short drama. his expression immediately brightens with palpable enthusiasm, his excitement shining through. every so often, he glances over at you, his eyes full of unspoken joy and hope. reaching across the table, he extends his arm, fingers making little grabbing motions in the air, wordlessly asking for yours, eager to share his moment of happiness with you.
Kim Sunwoo (Cat) SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo mmn♥ he moans softly at the minty lip lock that lasted too short and left him wanting more. yet the promise of your full attention after the meeting has him a little excited, evident in the way his cheeks tinge in a faint red when he lets you wriggle free of his hold. he reaches over and fixes a strand of hair you happened to miss, eyes gleaming with adoration as he takes the seat right across you with the laptop in between them.
you look perfect. he manages to throw in a compliment following a light chuckle, once more mouthing the words 'good luck' when he hears the meeting start. he perches his chin on top of his folded arms. nothing more charming and attractive than the sight of you at work, also a little proud that he's the only one who gets to see you in your "full outfit". distracting you isn't actually part of his intentions, always wanting the best for you is, but he couldn't help but hook his ankle with yours under the table, feeling content and finding solace in just having one part of their bodies connected even when you're focused on something else.
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo SH oh, yes, i am~
he sings, playfully wiggling his bum as you come up behind him, a smile spreading across his face as he feels the tickling brush of your lips and the warmth of your breath against the sensitive skin of his neck. his shoulders rise involuntarily at the sensation, while his fingers lightly squeeze your forearms, savoring the closeness.
can’t wait for the meeting to be over so we can make out. turning his face toward you, he cups your chin and pulls you into a hot yet all-too-brief french kiss, designed to tease you and spark anticipation for later. with a sly grin, he wiggles free from your embrace and waddles over to the table where his laptop awaits. opening the camera, he carefully glosses his lips, curls his lashes and combs his hair, ensuring he looks perfect for the meeting that’s only minutes away. once he's done, he looks up at you for approval, wiggling his fingers under his chin in a gesture both endearing and flirtatious.
Kim Sunwoo (Cat) SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo he feels as if his heart might burst with every kiss you steal from him in the shower, taking each back from you with equal fondness that he's grinning ear to ear by the time they're done. as you search for an outfit, he dries off and slips on just a pair of boxers, giving you a pointed look when his eyes land on your bare legs and how the piece of fabric hugs your cute buttocks perfectly. he can't help but rub his face in mild frustration.
you're not doing the meeting wearing just that, babe. he says in a gentle warning, but the lack of seriousness gives him away, knowing that it wont be visible on camera anyway. coming up behind you, he gives your pretty a playful smack before he wraps his arms around your waist, face nuzzling into the curve of your neck. he gently breathes you in and places the softest of kisses against your skin. good luck with your meeting. and good luck to me, trying not to distract you from it...
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo SH i know~ and so are you, my handsome boyfie. he replies with a warm smile, leaning in to give you a playful, minty kiss, tasting of toothpaste before they rinse their mouths. he tends to every inch of your body, his touch tender and thorough and when he reaches your face, he softly instructs you to close your eyes, using the moment to drink in the sight of your features—features he’s utterly captivated by and he can’t resist sneaking in a few more kisses, each one a soft brush of affection. once they're both fresh, clean, and wrapped in warm towels, they step out together, the air thick with the scent of soap and warmth. he heads straight for the closet, already searching for a pretty yet comfortable top to wear. knowing only his upper half will be seen, he ignored the need for bottoms and settles on just a pair of cute little undies, content in the thought of being halfway dressed.
Kim Sunwoo (Cat) SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo he holds your unwavering gaze with sweet adoration in his own, a boyish smile creeping onto his features as they brushed their teeth, knuckles gently nudging your cheek as he confesses his admiration for you in a whisper. you're so beautiful. once done, your humming vibrates through the air between them and it pulls him closer like a magnetic force. he lets your hands glide along his torso, the sensation both soothing and electrifying. he feels a shiver run through him, muscles visibly relaxing under your touch until he steps a little closer to do the same for you, soap lathered hands roaming along your shoulders before they moved down your chest in a careful caress. he maps every inch of your body, making sure he leaves no spot unattended.
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo SH as your lips meet his, a broad smile spreads across his face, his hands gently cupping your cheeks. he lingers in the sweetness of the kiss, savoring it just a little longer before reluctantly pulling back. with a soft, appreciative hum, he takes the toothbrush, carefully squeezing toothpaste onto it and then onto yours before beginning to brush his teeth. all the while, his gaze remains fixed on you, his eyes crinkling into adorable crescents, his expression radiating pure joy. once finished, he reaches for your body wash, but instead of grabbing your loofah, he purposefully skips it, choosing instead to let his hands explore your skin, savoring the warmth and texture as he helps you wash. his touch is tender, intimate, and he hums a soft tune, his voice a gentle melody that dances between you as he tends to you with loving care.
Kim Sunwoo (Cat) SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo a deep sense of satisfaction washes over him as he watches you unwind under his care. he tries not to drown in your alluring gaze and instead focuses on giving you the most relaxing treatment that you deserve. with a gentle but firm pressure, he continues his ministrations, fingers working through your hair in smooth, deliberate motions, creating small, soothing circles to help with the release of any lingering tension. it's when you shut your eyes that he rinses the suds off your hair, mindful not to get any of the soap in your eyes. once he’s done, he quietly closes the distance to briefly press his lips to your soft ones, gaze on you tender. i’m glad i could help. we could get some food after your meeting if you’re not too tired? i am just happy to be able to spend time with you. his hand falls to your hip, giving it an affectionate squeeze before he’s letting go to hand you your toothbrush and grab his.
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo SH he watches you with boundless adoration as you prepare the shampoo, his eyes sparkling with that familiar dazed look, a dreamy smile curling his lips—the expression he so often wears when he gazes at you. this tender reverie is only broken when your fingers begin massaging his scalp, sending waves of pleasure through him. his eyes flutter shut, and delighted moans and hums spill from his lips, his body feeling as if it might melt into yours or drift back into slumber under the soothing sensation.
that feels so good, baby. your hands are incredible.
he purrs, his voice a languid murmur as his nails lightly trail up and down your sides while you work your magic.
that’s okie. you can sleep, my love. i’m not sure how long it’ll take, but i hope it’s not too long. and I just wanna spend time with my precious boyfie. i don’t mind if it’s cuddling and napping, or going for a walk later after resting. whatever my prince is in the mood for.
Kim Sunwoo (Cat) SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo he's not sure which is more comforting, the soothing heat of the shower cascading over them or the warmth of your embrace, or the combination of both but it seems to melt away the rest of the world. he works on lathering your hair in shampoo once it's completely soaked, almost muscle memory at this point as he skillfully rubs his fingertips into the pressure points on your scalp. i'll keep you company, though i can't promise i won't fall asleep... he answers honestly, leaning down to place a tender kiss to your forehead in apology. will it take long? is there anything you wanna do after?
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo SH he nearly slips back into dreamland, cradled by the warmth and comfort of your embrace, but the sound of your voice stirs him. his eyes flutter open, and the only reply he manages is a drowsy hum. slowly, he rises with you, shuffling lazily behind you to the bathroom, his feet dragging as if reluctant to leave the haven of your arms.
mhm, pretty important, honey. will you keep me company, or will you go back to sleep?
he asks softly, his voice laced with a gentle yearning as he clings to you, once their clothes are shed and the warm shower water cascades over their bodies.
Kim Sunwoo (Cat) SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo they stay like that for a full minute, him falling in and out of sleep at least five times in the short span of time. the squeeze he gives you is a tight one before he muscles relax, gently nosing your cheek in affection.
asking again for a few more minutes would be too much, right? he huffs softly, finding your hand once more to link with as he releases you from the captivity of his legs, proceeding to drag his sleepy self out of bed. i'm fully awake now. he lies through his teeth, stumbling in the process of getting them to the shower. let's get you prepared for the day... is it an important meeting?
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo SH a sleepy, yet gleeful giggle bubbles from him as you enfold him in your embrace and he melts into the warmth of your chest, resting his head against your shoulder blade. his hand drifts behind you, tenderly massaging the pads of his fingers into your scalp, eyes fluttering closed with a contented hum.
okie, baby~ you’re too cute. I adore you..
he murmurs, his voice a soft, affectionate purr.
Kim Sunwoo (Cat) SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo each kiss makes his grin grow wider, leaving none unreturned even when he struggles to keep up in his current state. at your request, he wants to protest and surrender back to sleep but how can he resist when your hands so delicately grasp onto his, paired with that pleading gaze you give him. mm.. nodding groggily, he pulls himself up when you sit up, and as you fumble around for your phone, he conveniently cages you in his arms, hugging you flush to his chest. just a little while more like this... he mumbles, brims pressing little kisses along your nape, his legs coming around to trap you so you can't escape.
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo SH without opening his eyes yet, he smiles at the gentle brush of your face against his, reciprocating the kiss with a sleepy tenderness. his hands come up to cradle your face, pressing a series of kisses to your soft, pillowy lips.
mm… you’re so irresistible and yummy. it’s just an online meeting, baby… i’ll be all yours after that.
bumps noses with you one last time before releasing you, allowing you to move so he can rise and turn off the persistent alarm. he then turns to face you, slipping his hands into yours and looking at you with pleading eyes.
shower with me?
Kim Sunwoo (Cat) SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo his brows knit together at the blaring sound of the alarm, the noise cutting through what feels like mere moments of sleep. just a few more minutes...? he pleads drowsily, nuzzling closer to you and reluctant to untangle from you. still, knowing you have a schedule to be at, even in his bleary state, he eventually submits and loosens his hold on you. though not before instinctively searching for your face, nose brushing softly over your features until he finds your lips, placing a sleepy, tender morning kiss there, mumbling after.
crush your day, babe...
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo SH he stirs awake with a soft whine as the sound of his alarm breaks the quiet, pulling him reluctantly from the depths of sleep. it takes him a few moments to fully register the sound, his groggy mind clinging to the remnants of his dreams. his hold on you loosens, and he gently pats your back, a gentle nudge for you to rise. baby boo… i need to get up… he murmurs, his voice soft and heavy with sleep as he gently wiggles beneath your weight, pouting at the thought of leaving the warmth of your embrace.
Kim Sunwoo (Cat) SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo ... reek of cigs... he finishes in a mere whisper, noticing that you'd already fallen to the crutches of sleep. he coos softly, watching you go limp and the calming way your chest rises and falls steadily as you breath out small puffs of air. i love you too, silly. as much as he's in need of a shower right now, your firm hold on him tells him you wouldn't like it if he freed himself from your embrace. so instead, he gently adjusts his position and shifts his weight slightly, arms remaining wrapped around you securely. with a soft smile, he allowed himself to relax to the rhythm of your heartbeat, lids falling shut enventually.
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo SH and you, on the other hand?
he echoes, his eyes heavy with sleep meeting yours as a faint smile stretches across his plump lips. he hums in contentment at the gentle caress of your hands and lips, on the brink of dissolving into the embrace of dreamland.
you’re the best. i really, truly love you, my sweet dork…
he murmurs almost incoherently, as sleep finally claims him.
Kim Sunwoo (Cat) SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo he inhales you deeply, sighing out in content, your scent providing him with the perfect amount of comfort that he needs.
i can't argue with that. i on the other hand though… he doesn’t finish, letting his words trail off as he lifts his head to study your tired features, a pang of concern hitting him at the little amount of time you're given to rest.
four hours is crazy... he gently brushes hair out of your face, tenderly pressing a kiss to your temple and letting it linger there.
don't worry about anything and just rest. i'll be right here when you wake up, princess.
Son Dongpyo (Kitten) 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo SH he was already teetering on the edge of sleep when you playfully attacked him, pulling a sleepy laugh from his lips, goosebumps tickling his skin at the feeling of your warm breath against his neck.
babyy~~ i did not. i’m not stinky, though. i always smell nice, mhm.
he mumbled, his voice slurred with exhaustion as he wrapped his arms snugly around your shoulders, holding you close and anchoring you in place.
I have to be up in four hours, kitkat… i’ll just shower later..
Kim Sunwoo (Cat) SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo beelines to the couch to find you there sprawled out and unmoving. it earns a quiet chuckle from him and without a second thought, he tackles you with a kiss to the lips to pull you out of your sleepy haze.
did you shower? he nuzzles into the curve of your neck and gives you a playful sniff before you could react, breath warm against your skin.


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DiabloEaterMfkr 2 days ago
Umm hello?? 0 n 0
density 1 week ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 1 week ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 1 week ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 3 weeks ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
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