/shaking his head and stop himself from clawing at himself anymore, pulling out his phone to play instead, forcefully try to remember to focus on the game/
sorry yixing, I was told I move two steps forward and three steps backward, so whatever progress I did was for nothing. I really don't want to talk anything about myself. I don't.
ah, you meant my fooling around as a way to exploring my need?
/he shake his head/
no, I'm just abusing it as a way to distract myself, and doing so, everyone would see that I am okay enough to be fooling around /he grins/
it's okay, time will help, I just need some time, just a little longer than other people.
/he laughs softly, only he knew he hasn't been completely back to his old self but a façade he playing on/
don't worry, I wouldn't slip back, not when I would miss out on the you and woobat are playing out on
/he tease to clear the mood and even winked/
/he laughed and shaking his head/
I don't think there is a need for that, I am upset alone is enough. He is happy with someone new, he shouldn't have to know about something he clearly left behind. What has happen has already happen, no need to revise on it. I am just slow on moving on and that is my problem, not his. I am angry at him, upset at him, but that is my problem. He moved on, he is happy, I don't need to drag him into my misery.
/he dodge the rub on his back but hug the other/
thank you
I don't feel that my feeling is there, to the standard to say those three words, and I told him how I felt. of course.
so no, if I don't feel that I love him then I didn't say those three words. I would say, I like him and I am attached, used to have him in my life...
/he shaking his head and look down, laughing out, sound happy but he is hurt inside./
I tried but every time I felt that deep distant he put on. beside, he is happy trying with someone else, so why would I rekindle anything when he has moved on.
that is true... /he chuckles/ so I am upset over someone that left me because I didn't say 'I love you', I'm upset cause he enter my life, showering me with so much thing and now, we just stranger, worst than stranger.
/he laughs softly and looks down, picking at his palm/ I don't know if I should, I felt like I shouldn't, but at the same time, I felt like I know what you would tell me... I don't know