⟟ gangnam

α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 6 months ago
@❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ I still have some to finish but I'll release one cover and one original song soon, maybe after I return
/stares at you with wide eyes, not expecting the gesture at all/
Oh- uh i'm a biter, that's why? Haha
❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 Ouh when will you be done with your solo project? I can come to support you Jaeh Oppa
/Notice the way you react upon biting down the ice cream which cause me to stifle my giggles a bit, hand reach to wipe the ice cream at the corner of your lips and hums softly/
Aish why do you bite the ice cream like that silly~ your poor teeth
α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 6 months ago
@❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ I think a lot of people would love to be your boyfriend. Hmm yeah but I might get busy once I'm back here though. I have a solo project that needs to be done so I don't think we could meet for a while
/bites on the ice cream, grimacing slightly as the cold attack my teeth/
❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 I don't even know if I manage to get a boyfriend anyway. I know for the fact that I heard idol wont last long when they date but who know I might find the right one
/shrugs my shoulder as i follow you from behind, brown doe eyes instantly gleam with happiness as you handed me the ice cream which i beam happily/
Silly jaeh oppa~ its not like you'll be staying in Paris very long hehehe you still come back to Korea and I still get to see you~
α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 6 months ago
@❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ because.... secret~ hahaha
and of course? I mean not right now, maybe after you debut? like two or four years after
/nods few times just before i enter the convenience store to buy the ice cream, handing the vanilla ice cream to you/
here you go, my last treat before I go to Paris
don't miss me too much~
❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 I- what you mean feeling betrayed hm? You think it's even possible to me to even have a boyfriend ~?
/let out a soft laughter, hand shoving into the pocket as my head tilt slightly to the side, thinking if I should opted with your offer. Just the thought having ice cream before going back will make my day/
Mhmm yeah sure. I want vanilla ice cream in a cup. Don't want to mess my outfit right now hehehe
α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 6 months ago
@❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ /gives one last bow to the ahjumma before walking out of the store, the crisp cold night air hit my face as soon as I step out. Turns to look at you/
You said you will bring your friends here... as long as you're not bringing your lover here, I wouldn't feel betrayed
haha just kidding
say, do you want to eat ice cream while we walk to your dorm?
❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 /yelp softly when you poke my forehead and pout slightly, turning to face the ahjumma and give her the deepest bow to show my respect to the elderly/
Gomawo ahjumma~ its my first time eating the meal here and I make sure to bring my friends here
/Once I done thanking I straighten myself up and look at to you, head nod to the exit/
Kaja oppa, let's go~
α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 6 months ago
@❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ nope. it's on me still.
you can treat me after you make your debut
/lightly poke your forehead as I smile, hands some money to pay to the ahjumma then bow my head/
thank you ahjumma! it's delicious as always! the best of the best! right, Misachin?
❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 /smoothen my hair back by brushing it before stand up as well. I quickly put my mask and hat on, doe eyes look up to you with my head tilt to the side cutely/
Neh Oppa do you want to split bill instead? I know you treat me last time so I don't mind paying for my meal~
α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 6 months ago
@❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ /bites back a grin at how cute you looked right now. Albeit feeling a little dejected, I quickly mask it with a smile as I stand up/
Ah yeah, the curfew. Right right
Don't want you to get in trouble~
Kajja kajja
❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 Nehh nehhhh stop messing with my hairrr~
/let out a whine and playfully wave your hand off, blonde strands now sticking out messily and give you a pout/
I have curfew Oppa~ I need to get back to the dorm soon remember?
α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 6 months ago
@❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ Just return it by working your bestest to debut. Since I'm your number 1 fan.
/gives your hair another ruffle while smiling/
Do you want to walk around first or head back to the dorm?
❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 Aish Oppa-
/Fluster a little when you tease me like this and decided to just laugh it out and shake my head in amaze/
Not too expensive otherwise i hv no idea how to return your kindness to me tehee
α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 6 months ago
@❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ You said anything is fine~ so that mean i can be your gift~
/winks teasingly at you though soon i burst out laughing/
Kidding, kidding~
I'll get something special for you then
❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 I might miss hanging out with you like this Oppa ~ you never know
/blink at your word for a few times, trying to let the meaning sink in before I let out a fake cough, quickly reach to sip the water in attempt to cool down the warmness on my face/
W-why would you be my gift from Paris?
α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 6 months ago
@❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ You don't have to say thank you. I like spoiling you. And try not to miss me that much when I'm away~
/grins cheekily as i poke your cheek/
Anything is fine... myself in a ribbon then~?
❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 Mmm but I have to thank you for always bring good food~ feel like i getting spoiled
/let out a fit of giggles as I reach for the tissue and wipe it on my lips, smacking my lips to make sure no residue left on my plump tiers/
Hm honestly you don't have to trouble yourself buying something for me, Jaeh Oppa. I think anything is fine for me~
α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 6 months ago
@❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ Glad I can help you to find a nice place for you to eat haha good food always help when things get rough. So, don't thank me~
/reaches to ruffle your hair again, liking the way it feels under my touch/
Anyway, do you want anything from Paris?
❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 Mmmm aniyoo this is more than enough ~ I can't eat too much before nighty time or else I can't sleep.
Ahh maybe I should come here often then. Warm food like this feel like a home to me right now.
/happily nods and begin to gobble up the food since i ate very little at lunch time. Once I took a last bite, I put the bowl down and exhale a content sigh, stomach felt full from the food/
Thank you for the heartfelt food, Jaeh oppa. It is really good food that I have ever taste.
α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 6 months ago
@❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ i can and I will, you'll see~
then you can devour it all, we can always order the second serving if it's not enough.
hmm almost every day back when I was a trainee. and nowadays, when I have my cheat days, you can always find me here
that's why the ahjumma already know what I'm going to order hahaha
❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 You wont, Jaeh oppa~ you can't do that~
/continue to tease you with a wide grin, blinking when you suddenly reach to wipe the sauce that was smearing my lips. The tip of my ears turn red a little feeling slight embarrass for looking like a messy eater/
Omo- hehehe it just too good that I might devour it hungrily
/look at you full adoration as you the food really well, taking a sip of water before i resume back to finish up my food/
Do you always come here to eat, oppa?
α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 6 months ago
@❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ I might really do that, you know
/watches you still in amusement, reaching to gently wipe the corner of your lips/
You got some sauce there, cutie
Glad to see you enjoy the food
/grins as i also take a bite of the tteok, humming at the deliciousness of the food/
Mhm, always perfect
❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 Ouh my~ and I should be with that tickling attack of yours~? Don't be silly, Jaeh oppa
/giggles softly before I took another bite of the food. My eyes fell close, letting out a hum and without me realize I did the small happy dance, indicate how much i love this food so much/
So yummy so yummy~
α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 6 months ago
@❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ Really? Its a promise. If you forget about me, i will tickle you ten thousands time
/watches you as you eat, a soft smile on my face; though soon i'm grinning widely when you clearly enjoyed the food/
Glad to hear that~ eat more eat more~
❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 7 months ago
@α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 Hmmm you best believe this little Misaki will never EVER forget her favourite sunbaenim Jaehyun~
/beam at you happily before i straightened myself up, doe brown eyes sparkles as the food is finally presented infront of me. Wasting no time, I bring the bowl closer and pick the tteokbokki with my chopsticks, putting into my mouth as I chew it down slowly to savour the taste/
Omooo, it so good~! I think this will be my favourite restaurant mhmm!
α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 7 months ago
@❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ Yeah... the little Misaki will be so busy with schedules that she might even forget about this old Jaehyun
/fake a sob playfully. Nodding happily at your words just in time as the ahjumma brought out the food to our table. Mouth watered just at the sight of it/
Then eat a lot~i can guarantee this place served the best tteokbokki in town
❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 7 months ago
@α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 That will mean we both will get busy to even hangout if I become an idol. I'm pretty schedule has been hectic for you
/letting you fix my blonde hair and smiles, cover my blushing cheek with my sleeve as I try to hide my shyness from the sudden touch/
I'm going to eat well just because you bring me to this place~ So thank you, Jaeh oppa~
α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 7 months ago
@❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ Well, when you debut, i shall be your first fan~
Don't you forget when when you get more famous than me though~
/reaches to fix your hair, smiling gently as i pull my hand back/
Hope you're hungry cuz their portion is huge
❀ kaede misaki ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 7 months ago
@α kang jaehyun『ᴢɪᴏ』 I'm not the type to ask to hangout, oppa. You know I only when someone ask me too. And I'm not sure if Hyukkie know it either....
/shrugged my shoulder slightly as I follow you from behind before I can take my seat, removing my mask and smiles at you/
Ah tiring as per usual but overall its been going well. They promise me that I might debut soon but not too soon since they solely want to focus on newly debut group at a time


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preciosa 3 months ago
aespa's kim minjeong / winter as trainee na mari please!
preciosa 3 months ago
send help [ pls!! ] newjeans' hanni or dani, illit's minju or aespa's winter? ><
[comment deleted by owner]
emptyhead 4 months ago
could I reserve one pact's lee yedam as a trainee with the oc name kwak eunjae please?
lostinparadise 4 months ago
hello may I reserve Cha Eunwoo as Alpha member with OC name Daniel Kim please?
wonholic 4 months ago
hey do you guys by chance still have my ryu hajoon?
Miseenscene [A] 4 months ago
Total Population: 30 people [ M: 11 - F: 19 ]

currently looking for:
alpha (3 members needed) - lead rapper, lead dancer, lead vocal position.

new idol groups (as trainees first!):
male band (5 members)
male idol group (5 members)
female idol group + band (aoa + aoa black's concept, 4 members for the band unit, whole group undecided, but 8/10/12 members total)

staff position needed badly:
managers (as many as possible!)

thank you for taking the time to check us out, and looking forward to have you here with us!
[comment deleted by owner]
honeypop 4 months ago
hellooo may I add and reserve Choi San as a producer pls?
vearth 4 months ago
May I reserve Kawanishi Takumi as trainee please? With OC name Mizuno Issei

Thank you
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