⟟ park

♀ park minhee 3 months ago
@❁ seo minwoo ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ No. I can't believe you, Minwoo-ssi. Try to put yourself in my shoes... can you believe someone who has destroyed your trust again and again?
//quickly wipes off the tears that escaping from my eyes, refusing to let you manipulate her feelings again//
I was young, stupid, and in love with the idea of being in love...And you took it to your advantage. Must be fun for you to see me keep taking you back just because you showered me with sweet words and expensive gifts...What's the point of trying to be loyal after you aren't in the relationship anymore? That's way too late. I don't care if you go to clubs and get wasted or bedded a lot of women, different women each night... it's not my business anymore. Just be careful so you won't get any STD.
❁ seo minwoo ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ 3 months ago
@♀ park minhee love, i fully admit my mistakes and regret realizing my feelings for you too late. it's all my fault, i know. how much more do i need to do to assure you how deeply i regret what happened between us? i know i'm the worst. i deserve your hatred, but i truly regret everything, minnie. i know it's hard to ask for your forgiveness, but i'll show you that i've changed. i'll become a better person through my actions. please watch over me, and please don't say things that could hurt us both. it already wounds me enough that you won't look my way anymore. please, i'm sorry, even though my apology won't be enough for what i've done to you. i genuinely apologize, but i really need you back in my life. if you want to know, i already stopped going to clubs and seeing other women right after we broke up. i just couldn't do it anymore when i was trying to be loyal to you. can you believe me?

(/literally begging for you to accept him back. as stubborn as he is, he got a teary eyes as he mutter these words because he's only expressing his inner feelings and only the truth right now that he really haven't been going out with any other women since their last breakup because of her. even if he's with another woman, it's just his manager or his co-model for work, nothing more, because for him, she's special, and he can't afford to lose her anymore. that's why he's trying to get her back no matter what.)
♀ park minhee 3 months ago
@❁ seo minwoo ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ Sure, that was just a misunderstanding like all the girls before her.
//the corner of my lips curled up in a mock smile as I shake my head, taking steps back away from you//
Did you know what you say just make me hate you even more? "realized my feelings for you." so all the time you say "I love you" to me before that realization hit you was a lie? Even when you asked me to be your girlfriend?
//bites my lip so I won't break down in front of you, refusing to waste another tears because of you//
You really are the worst human, Minwoo-ssi. You were right. I do still have some love left. I love to see you fall and get hurt as much as you caused to me. If you have nothing more to say, I suggest you leave. It's getting late. I shouldn't be out here. I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore, aside from being someone who work under the same label. co-workers. That's all. So please, stop being delusional and say I still have some love for you, because there is none of it. Even if you are the last man on earth... I will never cave in. Not anymore. I was such a fool to ever believe you again and again, but this time, no more.
❁ seo minwoo ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ 3 months ago
@♀ park minhee (/hissed at the slaps landing on his cheek, looking back at you with painful gazes, trying his best to hold his emotions within him ; listen to your anger remarks as he sighed ) can you listen to me first ! listen ! that was misunderstanding! I have nothing to do with that woman on that night you sees us together. it was a trap , minhee ya. I'm trying to change myself after I meet and realised my feelings for you. even tho I know I ed it up twice. I admitted it already. how do I assure you that I don't even know what's happened to me that day?! and stop saying you hate me when we both know how much you still love me ! call me delusional all you wants, deep down I know, you love me still.
♀ park minhee 3 months ago
@❁ seo minwoo ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ //finally snapping, I put all of my strength to yank at least one hand out of your grasp and without missing a beat, land a slap on your cheek loud enough for my palm turning red from the impact//
Are you out of your mind?!
I am not crazy enough to go back to you after what you've put me through, Seo Minwoo! Not once or twice... Tell me how many times do you want to see me break down because of you until you are satisfied hmm?!
I'd rather burn in hell than go back to you. Listen and listen well. I. Hate. You. So much. I don't even know I'm capable of hating someone this much until I met you.
Now let me go or I'll scream.
❁ seo minwoo ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ 3 months ago
@♀ park minhee (/the more you resist, the more he's trying to hold you even to his chest ) no. I won't leave. I know you won't hate me. you can't easily hate me just because I'm like this. I'm not even playing any game right now. I only want you back to me. it's my biggest mistake I ever did that I left you before. now I regret it so much, minnie ya.
♀ park minhee 3 months ago
@❁ seo minwoo ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ //squints my eyes as you DARED to joke around like that, tries to yank my hands back from your hold, suddenly feeling very tired//
I am not here to play your game, seo minwoo-ssi. not anymore.
//backs away almost instantly when I see you lean down, putting a good distance between us//
just...leave. Don't make me hate you more than I already have.
❁ seo minwoo ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ 3 months ago
@♀ park minhee (/sighs and pulls your arms down as he hold both of your hands ) look, I'm sorry , I really didn't meant to break my promise like that. I — was so drunk that time and i regret it so much. heh. are you jealous ? (/chuckles and shaking his head) no no, that's not what I meant. I'm trying to make you jealous, can't you see? I'm not interested in other girls or any of your members. I've set my eyes only on you, please. (/leans hit forehead against yours) give me a chance again, minnie ya. I know you love me too.
♀ park minhee 3 months ago
@❁ seo minwoo ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ //crosses my arms over my chest as I scoff in disbelieve at your audacity//
and? for how long that promise stay hmm?
let's see... your fastest record on broking such promise was just hmm... five days?
how many girls you've told that today, seo minwoo-ssi? And don't even think on trying to get close to Haera.
I will personally end you if I see you loitering around her.
❁ seo minwoo ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ 3 months ago
@♀ park minhee ugh. can you stop pushing me away? (/sighs) look, I know I'm at wrong side here okay, I admit it. I will do anything to fix my mistakes and keep my promise. can you please — I missed you.
♀ park minhee 3 months ago
@❁ seo minwoo ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ //involuntarily follow you since you dragged me anyway and I obviously can't win if it's about power. Glaring daggers to the back of your head, truly wishing that glare could kill someone right now. Yanks my hand away from you when we arrived at the park//
So? Talk.
♀ cho yiyeon『ᴊᴀɴɢ ᴡᴏɴʏᴏᴜɴɢ』 5 months ago
@❁ lee eunji ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ It's okay~ you have me now hehe!
/misses out on catching the slight eye-roll of yours, still completely oblivious to the fact that you were a little annoyed; whines when you deny me of drinking, pouting a little/
Yahhh then it's a little unfair isn't it... just a glass? They're not here and they wouldn't know.... And yes it is a bit scary I promise, though the other reason that you are giving works very well too~
/squeezed your hand rather tightly/
❀ lee eunji『ꜱᴏʀᴀ』ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 5 months ago
@♀ cho yiyeon『ᴊᴀɴɢ ᴡᴏɴʏᴏᴜɴɢ』 Couldn't afford to-- well yeah, obviously with our difference, I wouldn't even dream about setting foot to the luxurious dining place like where you always take me to.
/rolls her eyes in slight annoyance, although she knows you didn't mean any bad thing with your words but the choice of words irritated her slightly./
And no. You can't drink. Your manager and your sisters are going to kill me if I let you drink. A bit scary huh? Are you sure that's the reason and not because you want to keep holding my hand hmm?
♀ cho yiyeon『ᴊᴀɴɢ ᴡᴏɴʏᴏᴜɴɢ』 5 months ago
@❁ lee eunji ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ Eyyy don't put it that way... our backgrounds might be different but I'm still human just like you. And because of my background, I'll get to bring you to nice places and have nice food all the time so you get to experience other stuff you probably couldn't afford to! Steak with wine sounds fancy enough, yes, wine. I'm drinking if you are, if not you're going to have to drink orange juice with me. Hehe... my phone's all ready for the sunset pictures with you too.
/lets you take the lead, smiling widely to the attendant checking the email, nodding a little to your question/
Of course~ though it's still a little bit scary haha don't let go of my hand, okay!
❀ lee eunji『ꜱᴏʀᴀ』ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 5 months ago
@♀ cho yiyeon『ᴊᴀɴɢ ᴡᴏɴʏᴏᴜɴɢ』 Private yacht-- I forget... you really came from a family in a whole different world from us...
and don't get your hopes too high. the dinner wont be anything fancy, I think it would be just steak with wine, or orange juice for you. but yes, seeing the sunset is the main attraction of the cruise
/walks towards the docking pier where the cruise already waiting, shows her reservation email then get on the cruise boat while still holding your hand/
Since you have an experience before, I don't need to worry about you getting a sea sickness, do I~?
♀ cho yiyeon『ᴊᴀɴɢ ᴡᴏɴʏᴏᴜɴɢ』 6 months ago
@❁ lee eunji ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ Romantic huh... then I guess I'll get the first hand experience on how romantic you can be, Eunji unnie. Now that you say it... I don't think I've ever had a nice dinner on a cruise before... only on a private yacht once with the family. So I'm quite excited. Plus, we'll get to see the sunset from there, right?
/beams widely back at you, already anticipating everything that i imagined in my mind, more so when it was with you/
❀ kim hana ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@[s.h] ❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ Hana noticed how she might have disturbed his alone time and she bit her lower lip, feeling a bit guilty as she thought that perhaps she should’ve given him some more space. As he finished drinking his water and focused on her, she offered him a shy yet warm smile. “Sorry... I’m probably disturbing your peaceful and quiet alone time” she said, “but I did want to praise you for your talent.” she commented with a bow of her head. “Oh, what do you mean? You look handsome as always - with or without makeup.” she reassured him and did a small thumbs up. “You work so hard. Of course, I love your songs. They give me energy when I work out, study and when I dance... I love to dance to them... And I listen to it to cheer me up when I am sad.”
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 6 months ago
@✿ kim hana Smiling in gratefulness, Minjun took a seat beside the girl, still leaving some space so he wouldn't make her uncomfortable with such proximity. Opening his water bottle, he gulped almost a quarter of it in one go; unaware of the lingering gaze coming from the female beside him as all he wanted to do was to quench his thirst. Only later when she speaks, Minjun finally shifts his attention to the girl and realizes that this girl knows who he is. With a sheepish smile out of shyness from the sudden kind words, even though it had been a few years already since him to be a singer, Jun still hadn't gotten used to the attention he was getting especially when being out like this. "A-ah... I didn't think you'd recognize me, after all, I didn't wear any makeup right now and I'm sure I looked messy haha." He replied while rubbing the back of his neck, the tip of his ears turned red. "Thank you for your kind words. I hope my songs at least could cheer you up when you're feeling down or just give you the energy?"
❀ kim hana ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@[s.h] ❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ Hana struggled with some lose pages of notes that she had with her who kept threatening to fly out in the wind. As the breezes continued, Hana quickly hid the pages on the bottom layer of her book and she glanced up as she heard a familiar voice. Her eyes widened a bit as she saw who it was and she had to tell herself to relax and act normal as she didn’t want to seem like a crazy fan. Her heartbeat quickened and she flashed the idol in front of her a smile, bowing her head at him. “Go-ho ahead... please!” she let out and bit her lower lip as she let her eyes fall to the other’s gorgeous features. She lowered her head to glance at her lap and then back up as she couldn’t help herself. “Pardon me, I don’t want to bother you during your free time, but I just wanted to say that I really admire you and that you are talented. Thank you for doing what you do!”
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 6 months ago
@✿ kim hana It was after his tenth lap of running around the park that Minjun felt the need to sit down as his lungs screamed at him to get some rest, at least to cool down for a little bit. Looking around, he finally found a bench that wasn't occupied by couples which made him roll his eyes. "Sure, spring is here after all. People are in lovey dovey mood." He muttered under his breath. Stopping at the bench, he who didn't bother to use any mask or cap, cleared his throat to get the attention of the female sitting down there. "Hi, sorry to bother you... do you mind if I sit here? The other benches are full of people... and I don't really like drinking while standing up. I promise I wont be long. Just about five minutes."
❀ lee eunji『ꜱᴏʀᴀ』ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@♀ cho yiyeon『ᴊᴀɴɢ ᴡᴏɴʏᴏᴜɴɢ』 /even though it was just a whisper, but she clearly heard what you said, causing her face to turn dark red in shyness. Clears to get rid of it/
W-well... they offer a nice dinner on the cruise
So i think we can get some there. It'll be...romantic too
♀ cho yiyeon『ᴊᴀɴɢ ᴡᴏɴʏᴏᴜɴɢ』 6 months ago
@❁ lee eunji ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ um... well... you can get carried away later when we're back at the hotel...
/whispers the last of my words because i was feeling way too embarrassed thinking about it, the hint of red still on my face even when you squeeze my hand, looking back up at you then towards the direction of your sight, nodding a little/
Let's go then! And yeap, I haven't ate yet... is there going to be a nice dinner somewhere?
❀ kim hana ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
(open to anyone <3)

a cup of matcha tea in hand, hana struggled a bit with her books as she looked around for a free bench to sit on. she finally managed to find out, dropping her books and phone down beside her to take a seat. the woman then sat properly, crossing her legs as she glanced at the messages on her phone and got an elastic to tie up her hair. she brought a few of her books to her lap, reading her notes as she mumbled to herself a bit to study/practice for her exam.
❀ lee eunji『ꜱᴏʀᴀ』ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@♀ cho yiyeon『ᴊᴀɴɢ ᴡᴏɴʏᴏᴜɴɢ』 oh- right...right... sorry, I got too carried away...
/smiles sheepishly as she squeezes your hand, nodding towards the direction of the Opera house and the pier/
if we want to catch that cruise, we better be going now
I hope you haven't eat yet?
♀ cho yiyeon『ᴊᴀɴɢ ᴡᴏɴʏᴏᴜɴɢ』 6 months ago
@❁ lee eunji ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ /a gasp escaped my lips when you took the initiative, stumbling into your arms as my lips locked with yours, closing my eyes and feeling all of it, feeling so loved. my whole face was red as you eventually pulled away again, gazing back into your brown orbs with a nod, whispering/
All yours, Eunji unnie... all yours.
/steps back from you, going back to hold your hand once again with a shy smile/
We... shouldn't kiss too much here as much as I want to... if not we're going to get caught.. hehe
❀ lee eunji『ꜱᴏʀᴀ』ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@♀ cho yiyeon『ᴊᴀɴɢ ᴡᴏɴʏᴏᴜɴɢ』 /the kiss caught her off guard but within few second, she magaed to regained her senses and kiss you back, her face stayed red even after they pull away and even more so after hearing your answer. This time, she takes the initiative by pulling you closer by your waist to kiss your lips again, resting her forehead against yours after pulling away/
Good. All mine.
♀ cho yiyeon『ᴊᴀɴɢ ᴡᴏɴʏᴏᴜɴɢ』 6 months ago
@❁ lee eunji ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ /simply stares at you when you did your flower pose, bringing you back to your idols days though your face was almost as red as your hair, and that pose was successful in getting a laugh out of me, having always known you as the cool and chic Lee Eunji; pulls your hands down from your face eventually and brings them closer to wrap it around my waist, then both my hands goes up to your cheek, holding it before pressing a kiss to your lips, thankful that it was Australia where we were not too known/
You're a flower that won't wilt forever, and I'm yours now. I'm your girlfriend now.
❀ lee eunji『ꜱᴏʀᴀ』ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@♀ cho yiyeon『ᴊᴀɴɢ ᴡᴏɴʏᴏᴜɴɢ』 H-huh? Flowers? Uh....
/frantically looks around as she tries to spot any florists around but alas there was none. Scrunching her nose a little when an idea struck her. It was something that she used to do before and grew to hate over time. Letting go of your hand, she poses with both of her palm on her chin, face flushed red/
Y-you can have this flower... a flower that wont wilt until sixty more years, I hope...
♀ cho yiyeon『ᴊᴀɴɢ ᴡᴏɴʏᴏᴜɴɢ』 6 months ago
@❁ lee eunji ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡ That's true.... even if the arrow is pink with a heart, it would still be scary haha...
/is a little surprised at the sudden light tug especially when we were walking in the middle of the road, stops to watch and listen to you, face getting more and more flushed with every passing second when you finally confessed and asked me to be yours, a wide grin immediately forming on my face as I was about to give my answer, only to turn it into a teasing snort, nose scruching as i lightly brush on your cheek with my finger/
I have waited one thousand and one years for you to finally asked me out, unnie... I was beginning to feel like you were taking me for granted, you know? So.... I'll be your girlfriend, if you buy me flowers right now~ I want a huge bouquet.
❀ lee eunji『ꜱᴏʀᴀ』ᵗʳᵃⁱⁿᵉᵉ 6 months ago
@♀ cho yiyeon『ᴊᴀɴɢ ᴡᴏɴʏᴏᴜɴɢ』 If you are too big, it would be scary to see a cupid aiming a normal size of love arrow to someone haha
/glances at you, contemplating for a bit before she pulls your hand lightly to make you stop walking/
Yiyeon... there's something that I've been meaning to ask you. But because of our sudden increase of work, its getting harder and harder to steal a moment with you. I may never said it before but... I love you too, little brat. You were always there for me and even your smallest action to won me over like sending those pretty selca for fifty days... its hard to ignore such effort. I know it wont be all rainbow and sunshine... but even so, I want to be the one you'd run and turn to whenever things are hard for you. I want to be a very special someone for you. So what I'm saying is... will you officially be my girlfriend...?


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preciosa 3 months ago
aespa's kim minjeong / winter as trainee na mari please!
preciosa 3 months ago
send help [ pls!! ] newjeans' hanni or dani, illit's minju or aespa's winter? ><
[comment deleted by owner]
emptyhead 4 months ago
could I reserve one pact's lee yedam as a trainee with the oc name kwak eunjae please?
lostinparadise 4 months ago
hello may I reserve Cha Eunwoo as Alpha member with OC name Daniel Kim please?
wonholic 4 months ago
hey do you guys by chance still have my ryu hajoon?
Miseenscene [A] 4 months ago
Total Population: 30 people [ M: 11 - F: 19 ]

currently looking for:
alpha (3 members needed) - lead rapper, lead dancer, lead vocal position.

new idol groups (as trainees first!):
male band (5 members)
male idol group (5 members)
female idol group + band (aoa + aoa black's concept, 4 members for the band unit, whole group undecided, but 8/10/12 members total)

staff position needed badly:
managers (as many as possible!)

thank you for taking the time to check us out, and looking forward to have you here with us!
[comment deleted by owner]
honeypop 4 months ago
hellooo may I add and reserve Choi San as a producer pls?
vearth 4 months ago
May I reserve Kawanishi Takumi as trainee please? With OC name Mizuno Issei

Thank you
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