⟟ hospital

❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 6 months ago
[Jade-Ace thread closed]
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 6 months ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ *is about to graciously thank you for the invitation, until I am swooped up, and I yelp with broken voice, wrapping arms around your neck on an automatic reaction, before pulling slightly away, covering my face with both hands as we walk out, refusing to look at the nurses and doctors*
I can't believe this is happening to me right now... This is so unnecessary... Jeon Minjun...
*mutters under my breath as I am carried to the car and possibly driven away, already plotting my revenge to be executed at the birthday party you invited me to - and revenge will be sweet*

[draw the line here, or you got more things to do with this plot?]
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 6 months ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 Well, my birthday is approaching, so I'd like to invite you to the little celebration party. Everyone will be there too. And if you are heavy then I'm as big as an elephant. So shush.
//looks back at you with raised brow, an amused smile on my face. Now that I'm sure you are completely okay, I stand up and lift you up instead of waiting for you to get on my back like the initial plan.//
You have no one but yourself to blame for this since you were the one who said that I will have to carry you out. Enjoy the ride.
//grins and wink at you as i make my way out of the e.r, ignoring all the teasing look from the nurses and the doctor in there//
I feel like I carried nothing~~
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 6 months ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ * an eyebrow and smiles, already feeling quite well to speak 99% normally again*
How quickly you invite yourself to take me out again. Do I have a say in this plan?
*the smile quickly turns into a confused expression watching you crouch, before shaking my head quickly*
Don't call unnie, but I'm not getting on your back. I'm heavy! I'm not gonna ride you... like a donkey! Minjun-ah! Move away and let me get up, so we can go. This or you will have to carry me out of here like a bag of potatoes.
*crosses arms against my chest in a petulant way, sure that you wouldn't throw me over your shoulder like luggage*
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 6 months ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 //squinting my eyes at your joke, after the panic moment I've experienced, I wasn't sure if I want to experience it again, ever//
There wont be any next time. I'll check with the kitchen staffs of the restaurant when we go have meal together again.
//nods to the nurse and stand up, luckily this time my legs already steady enough to hold my own weight before crouching down in front of you//
Hop on. You're still dizzy. And I wont take no for answer, or I will call Mika noona to fetch you up here. The faster you get on my back, the faster we go back home and you can get a proper rest.
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 6 months ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ *holds your hand gently, again being amazed at the size difference, which makes me smile this time. I do my best to scooch further on the bed, making space for your to sit, when I notice you wobble, then shake my head*
Careful? Sorry--? For what? Jun-ah, you didn't know... that they cooked with pineapple.
*my voice is regaining power, the swelling quickly coming down, thanks to the adrenaline, though I still speak quietly, not straining it too much, and squeeze your hand, thumb rubbing over the back of it*
It's nothing bad, I just didn't have an EpiPen on me. You did nothing bad, oppa, please don't be like this... No need to take me to a hospital next time.
*smiles at the joke, a little laugh even, before I quickly shake my head, sitting up as much as possible*
No--, no. Don't tell unnie, she will be worried. I'm good. I'll be fine, It's almost gone anyway. I'm just a little dizzy right now... from the adrenaline shot.
*smiles at you again, just as the nurse comes back to tell us it's time go to and they need the room, so I swing my feet off the bed, preparing to hop off and try to be steady on my feet*
Let's go home, Minjun-ah.
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 6 months ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 //when the nurse laughed, it almost make me get angry. Why would she laughed when someone is in danger? Allergy can be severe, right? How can she took it so lightly like that? But it was a good thing I can keep all the anger inside or I definitely would've make a fool out of myself more than I already did when the nurse returns to treat the swollen lymph and quickly look away as she pulls down your leggings. After being explained how the meds work, I step closer to hold your hand before almost dropping down to the floor as my legs gave up//
...I'm sorry I should've been more careful... thank God it's not as severe as I thought... I'm really sorry, Ji.
//my hands start shaking as I look down, suddenly more interested in the tiled floor rather than looking at you. The guilt was big enough to make me feel ashamed to look at your <still> beautiful face//
Should I...call your manager...? How are you feeling though...? Better now, I hope?
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 6 months ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ *while i had the full intention to still dig in my purse and leave money for my half of the bill, I am soon swooped off my feet, purse and bag still in my hands, and in any other case I would yelp, but right now the sound refuses to pass through the ring of swollen lymph so I only whine low and hiccup*
*i keep whispering, frantically looking around in case we are seen, scared of what the headlines will be, if we are spotted, especially running off to the hospital like that, but I still hold onto your hand as well, more frazzled than scared, but still shook enough*
Minjun-ah--... No need--...
*again I am being whipped around like a bag of potatoes regardless of what I croak out, the nurse rushing in, due to the panic you caused, and I manage to speak out "pineapple. allergy." while pointing to my throat and she visibly relaxes and almost laughs, leaving the room and quickly coming back with stuff in her hands. She has me open my mouth wide, spraying my swollen lymph with antihistamine spray to help tone down the swelling locally, then with nimble hands turns me to my side, pulls down my leggings, and sticks the anti-allergen syringe high in my thigh. Then she explains how the spray will work, and how quickly will the epinephrine shot react and lets us stay for 15 minutes until it fully activates. The epi opens up my bronchi immediately, so I feel an instant relief, smiling apologetically at you as they leave us alone, reaching out to you lightly with a hand*
I'm sorry-- Minjun-ah. I scared-- you.
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 6 months ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 //the mental image of me showing you my tattoo which is well hidden on my lower back had me blushing bright red though the abrupt quietness from you made me raise my brow in confusion and even more so when you began to panic. All the intention to just ask you what happen is thrown out of the window the moment word "pharmacy" left your mouth. After quickly slap some money on the table to pay for our meal, i cant think of anything else but to just get you out from there as quickly as possible, so instead of waiting for you to stand up, I go ahead and lift you up in my arms, running towards the entrance after notifying about the money on the table. Wasting no time to run back to my car, i lower you down to the passenger seat and once i got in and settled, driving straight to the hospital instead of the pharmacy as fast as i can, one hand holding yours in an attempt to soothe you//
We're almost there... hang in there...
//there was no mistaken that the panic and urgency could be heard from my voice and I cant help but to sogh in relief when I soon see the sign of emergency room of a nearby hospital. Stopping the car right at the e.r entrance so it would be easier for me to carry you instead of waiting for the wheelchair brought by the hospital team. Once i got you laid down on the e.r's bed while filling in about what happened to the doctor there, I step aside to let them do whatever they need to do as I watch with worried eyes//
Please be okay...


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preciosa 3 months ago
aespa's kim minjeong / winter as trainee na mari please!
preciosa 3 months ago
send help [ pls!! ] newjeans' hanni or dani, illit's minju or aespa's winter? ><
[comment deleted by owner]
emptyhead 4 months ago
could I reserve one pact's lee yedam as a trainee with the oc name kwak eunjae please?
lostinparadise 4 months ago
hello may I reserve Cha Eunwoo as Alpha member with OC name Daniel Kim please?
wonholic 4 months ago
hey do you guys by chance still have my ryu hajoon?
Miseenscene [A] 4 months ago
Total Population: 30 people [ M: 11 - F: 19 ]

currently looking for:
alpha (3 members needed) - lead rapper, lead dancer, lead vocal position.

new idol groups (as trainees first!):
male band (5 members)
male idol group (5 members)
female idol group + band (aoa + aoa black's concept, 4 members for the band unit, whole group undecided, but 8/10/12 members total)

staff position needed badly:
managers (as many as possible!)

thank you for taking the time to check us out, and looking forward to have you here with us!
[comment deleted by owner]
honeypop 4 months ago
hellooo may I add and reserve Choi San as a producer pls?
vearth 4 months ago
May I reserve Kawanishi Takumi as trainee please? With OC name Mizuno Issei

Thank you
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