⇢ ic chat

❝ ic chat.
- our main chat where you can chill with other famous people or fans (if you have any)
「sohee」∶ human 3 weeks ago
*she too had a ton of fun, singing to the songs she knew, smiling when all three went to the bar. The day eventually ended, then the night as well. It would be a fresh new day*
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 3 weeks ago
*Jeongguk cocked a brow when jungkook dragged two men around the stage* oh? Playing the field? *but he snorts shaking his head and returning to his camera*
「 v 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ-ˡᵒʳᵈ 3 weeks ago
*he stares at hoseok, unable to believe his eyes. Was he dreaming? What was this confession to him after so long? He gulps nervously, his voice going deeper as he stares into those eyes that hold life. You cling onto him like your life depended on it.* I love you…. *he tries. He clears his throat and pulls your hand up to his lips* I’ve loved you ever since the beginning when you were my childhood frirnd. I-I didn’t know. I was afraid of that time when everyone else started to look at you because of your job. I was afraid I’d be lost from the limelight. Forgotten even. *he looks into your eyes* that. That is what you mean to me, Hoseokie..
「jung krystal」∶ human 1 month ago
*She had a lot of fun being around Sohee. Even if platform burst with picture of her smile commenting on it she did not care. She wrapped her arm around girl waist pulling her closer.* I am in! *She laughs.* Taehyung ah! Want to join us?
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 1 month ago
*Lets say the run was a bit messy and far away from any professional fashion show but thats what Jungkook wanted. For people to have fun, and he encourages everyone to join looping his arms with Taehyung and Hyunjin and dragging them around the stage. In the end, every piece was sold out. M9ney was raised, and Jungkook was giggly mess thats couldn't wait to see Jeongguk.*
「jung hoseok」• nonau ʲʰᵒᵖᵉ 1 month ago
Your heard my song... *He begins, fingers slowly curling in your shirt.* You know how much you mean to me. *Hoseok smiles, because whatever happens he won't let you go.* You know I love you. I've been for a long time. *He leans into your hand.* That's what it means for me. Romantic kiss. Romantic love. *He turns his head, pressing a kiss to the middle of your palm.* What does it mean to you?
「 kTᵛ 」∴ human ˢʰᵃᵈᵒʷ 1 month ago
*when it becomes night, he looks up at the moon in the sky. Despite the bustling performers exhilarated from the stage ready for an after party, he thought to himself* it’s quiet…
「sohee」∶ human 1 month ago
I don’t wanna go back home *pouts to krystal* let’s go barrrhoppingg *hooks arms around kystal’s neck*
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 1 month ago
*Jeongguk smirked taking pictures in amusement when both models and non-models alike danced on stage* what a mess… *he smirked at the almost seemingly uncoordinated stage directions. Yet somehow it looked like everyone had fun either ways. This, ending the day of the charity stream and the much dirtier-toned texts he received from the seemingly kind celebrity ushering in the night.*
「sohee」∶ human 1 month ago
*her eyes widened when she was ushered to model along with the actual models* me? No no you can’t be serious, but omg okay! *she tried to be modest but was jumping with excitement* look at me Krystal! *poses for her silly, taking a few selfies with phone* say models for life! *peace signs*
「 kTᵛ 」∴ human ˢʰᵃᵈᵒʷ 1 month ago
*he chuckles sighing to jungkook’s confidence* ah I guess you’re just great like that, Hyung. *if Taehyung captured attention through his strong expressions, jungkook was able to hold it through just your own performance vibes though even Taehyung noticed when his sunbaenim Hyung looked genuinely into the crowd too randomly. Your smiles were infectious and he grinned too. Though part of him wondered why the sudden almost random seeming change.*
「 v 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ-ˡᵒʳᵈ 1 month ago
*When hoseok seemed to hesitate, his eyes lowered in hesitation too. Did he interpret it wrong? Was those songs meant platonically? Would you now try to avoid him? But no, he wouldn’t allow you too. Just like the times he made those others conveniently disappear from your life he wouldn’t let you get rid of him that quickly even if you wanted to.*

*he chuckles in relief at hoseok's playful response, breathing out once* oh... then that's good hoseok... *he smiles thumbing your blushing cheeks* adorable.... *he thinks about it not completely sure.* I don't know. What does that mean? *he smiles tilting his head in curiosity.*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 1 month ago
*He was happy, helping everyone pick up their outfit, making sure Hobi and V have their own privacy before he pulls Hoseok back to work. *

*He manage to find outfits that fit everyone, before he push everyone back to stage for cat walk which quickly turned into dancing battles, more singing and playing with a crowd. In the end od the day the charity was successfull. A raised enough money to reach their goal and more, and Jungkook was happy. Ha, he was beaming, glowing and shinning as he says his foodbye to the fans.*
「jung krystal」∶ human 1 month ago
*She held Sohee hands, dancing with her, enjoying the music till it was time to perform. She smiles, picking her dress and helping Sohee picking outfit to match.*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 1 month ago
Hah, rumours are spreading because people are talking. If I don't  at least one line will be cut down. *He very much enjoyed performing with Taehyung. He could match his energy easily and not overwhelm him. It was differnt with Hoseok and different with Tae but not less enjoyable.  *

*As for a crowd. He played with them. Waves left and right, laughing and smiling. Rumours? As if he knew what it was about. He has his own. Secret one. His smile turned into more genuine as he thinks about Jeongguk. It stayed on his face till he stepped out, and started to text him.*
「jung hoseok」• nonau ʲʰᵒᵖᵉ 1 month ago
*Hoseok mind was racing but in the same moment he feel as if time stopped. To grond himself he focused on you. The feeling of your lips on his. How your arm hold his waist, keeping him close. Or how your mouth curve into smile before he kiss it away. Even the way your smell change from comforting to inviting, almost seductive. He kept on kissing till you stop him, and Hoseok was afraid. How will the world change because of that kiss? Will it be the same? Will it be better? Worse? He kept his eyes closed for a koment not letting the moment go for couple more second before your voice made him.*

*You looked perfect. Like always, but better. His eyes flutter and his blush on his cheeks even more evident now. * Not fair is you looking at me this way and expect not to do this. *Hoseok teases back, biting his lips when you carresed his face lightly.  His hands still wrapped around your neck and he let them slide down your chest. * You kissed me first.  What does that mean to you?
「 kTᵛ 」∴ human ˢʰᵃᵈᵒʷ 1 month ago
*tired from performing, he decided to go ahead and watch the rest of the performers to support the charity event. It looks like fans and non-fans alike made it*

[] would you like to plot something with taehyung, baek? Or just wing the drama lol? : ) ]
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 1 month ago
*Jeongguk noticed baek with his own phone camera in his hand* hello isn’t she a great singer?
「sohee」∶ human 1 month ago
*notices baek and smiles bowing despite being passed because she’s not the idol you are looking for*
「byun baek」∶ supernaturalᵖᵘᵖᵖʸ ʰʸᵇʳⁱᵈ [gotohellu] 1 month ago
Looks around, not spotting anyone familiar. He is solely focused on his idol that the other celebrities just pass his sight. The music is listenable. He plops down, a drink of cherry soda in hand.
「sohee」∶ human 1 month ago
*find a friend in krystal
[post deleted by owner]
「sohee」∶ human 1 month ago
*sohee was happy to find a crown in Krystal, grinning to you and hyunjin as well, cheering all the bands on. Oh she was having a great time*
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 1 month ago
*either way, Jeongguk let the fantasy continue though he’s sure he’d have to post in his account to continue that fantasy. He took a few pictures of each of the bands before his phone rang. [im assuming they didn’t exchange phone numbers? Bc that wouldn’t happen on jeongguk’s side due to the blackmail] Jeongguk blinked at the number. Jungkook wasn’t supposed to have his number. But of course Jeongguk knew jungkook’s number right off the bat. Still, what he saw so blatantly on his phone, he had to remind himself this wasn’t a dream. Jungkook was literally asking. Sweaty after performing? The obsessive amount of emojis was a lot too.*
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 1 month ago
*the first song was definitely fitting of the charity vibe, talking about dreaming would for sure encourage people to raise money. The other two were definitely more for the fans and pop loving crowd. The popular hit songs jungkook had. Yet some people who were way too deep into it had this conspiracy that seven was written with that picture from that girl scandal in mind. Afterall, 3D sounded like a prelude to seven. 3D was about not being able to touch the other. Seven was about being able to touch the other every day of the week. It wasn’t a stretch for some more avid fans. Some even supported jungkook in that girl after getting sad about it initially. Afterall, jungkook loves who he loves.*
「 kTᵛ 」∴ human ˢʰᵃᵈᵒʷ 1 month ago
*Taehyung lifted a brow at jungkook clearly playing dumb yet chuckles it off.* see, that’s how rumors get started, Hyung. *Yes he did well in acting and yet his deep voice singing was enough that any on lookers would understand Taehyung was first and foremost a great performer. His expressions matched well even when he was dancing, capturing charisma through his performance. Even without singing for anyone, people could tell he was a star in his own right and unique. And with jungkook in the last song, he was not overshadowed by jungkook, able to give to his strengths. He ends up breaking into a smile when you breathe and keep him on stage. He plays along, grinning rectangularly. Yes, jungkook was great to work with.* it’s practice and you too Hyung. *he chuckles before eventually leaving the stage. People were already excited for jungkook to perform the songs, they were catchy, they were popular, just as easy to enjoy like jungkook.*
「 v 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ-ˡᵒʳᵈ 1 month ago
*the emotions of those songs got to him. Even best of me was a great pick, especially the part about wanting to be told you were only wanting his affirmation. He smiled softly when you kissed back, holding you firmly by the waist. Even his actions seemed to say he won’t let go of you. Not now. No matter who else would find out their beloved hoseok’s best friend had romantic feelings. Nothing. And I mean, nothing would allow V to hold back. Not now. Not in this dark light. And not even if he must wait to hold you tightly to him* hoseok… *he whispered against your lips, chuckling at the dizzy you. He caressed your hair and flushed skin* no fair. It’s my first kiss too chuckles accidentally bumping your nose.* but… *pushes your hair back off your oval deer eyes* well worth it…
「jung krystal」∶ human 1 month ago
*Sohee was pulling the Krystal out of her share, as the girl laughed with her, pulling on her hand and starting to dance and sing with her, smiling so brightly. It's been so long since she did that, and it was nice to do so, without any judgment.*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 1 month ago
*Jungkook was satisfied with his own performance. By the end of it he was sweaty, and winded, so he was a grateful for a break as girl group started to perform. As he finished the whole bottle of water, he pulled his phone, texting that one person, he knew would be here. You wouldn't skip a chance.*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 1 month ago
I have no idea what you are talking about, Taehyungie~ *He answered, clueless, smiling at you.* We will do our best. You have a good voice, you will do great. *And you did. Jungkook was impressed. He made sure to support you will his voice, and perform his own parts flawlessly. Even if it was more acting than singing, no one would tell, even Jungkook. He danced with you, moving your body against yours and crown loved. And when it was time to end it, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you down into the bow deeper than needed, but he only laughed when it made both of you to lose balance.* Told you so, you were great!


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blurblue 3 weeks ago
please add cha eunwoo as lee dongmin, human please! thank youu.
hobibuu 4 weeks ago
Add Seokjin as Jin as fairy prince, supernatural pretty please <3
Lucifers_Indulgence 4 weeks ago
May I request Jung Wooyoung au dragon hybrid? Not sure if I requested right or if he has to be in supernatural sorry ;;
moonites 2 months ago
jeon jungkook as an alpha wolf, please!
DNABleached 2 months ago
Kim taehyung in nonau as human please ♡
-bbina 2 months ago
Julie han in nonau as human pls ♡
chinna_ 2 months ago
Hwang hyunjin in abo au beta wolf pls ^^
RoseThornArchive 2 months ago
I might around and find out
cthuwu 2 months ago
Could I possibly get Fukutomi Tsuki as a supernatural fae
gothdaisy 3 months ago
Hi! Can I get Minghao / human / nonau?
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