― arcin's home


in character — LITERACY

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arcin's home


「jimin」 ∴ human 3 months ago
@「arcin armkarra」 ∷ supernatural ᵇˡᵒᵒᵈ-ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Jimin did not expect you to share your actual name. Maybe he didn't know all the demonic traditions, but even he knew that demon name carry power, and it should never be given to anyone easily. To say that he was shocked when Arcin shared it was an understatement. The dark smoke chokes him and brought tears to his eyes when it burned his neck. The boy lost his balance for a moment. The pain was… difficult to bear. It lasted just a couple of seconds, but it felt like ages. The memory of it will probably stay longer, as Jimin shaky hand touched his skin to check its state. It was clean, unblemished, even if it felt like he was getting burned down thought skin, muscles and bone itself.* Oh... *Jimin gasps, looking perplexed.* It is a beautiful name, but quite painful I must say.

Master Cin... *Before he could truly taste the name, Arcin kissed him, taking away his breath. He leaned back slightly, taking a weight of a kiss, as the demon muffled his surprised whimper. His fingers curls in the black shirt for more support, as he walked with him. Just as it suddenly started, it ended, and Jimin was left a bit winded, with lips still glistering. *

*Arcin challenged him and Jimin couldn't help but accept. His seduction was, yet, something demon wouldn't expect because out of all possibilities, the boy chose his voice. Well, there was one fact Arcin could discover now. Jimin possessed an angelic voice, he sings prettily, it was music for ears, soft, melodic. He was confident in it, even though he rarely sings now. Now he lured the demon out, swaying his hips to the rhythm as he moved closer, and closer. Those dark eyes, meet his light ones, as he slowly leans in. The shirt slipped, exposing his neck and collarbones, and his finger hooked on the silver necklace on the demon's neck, tugging him closer. Before Arcin could protest, his lap was full of his smaller body, the song cut suddenly when he kissed him, pushing him down on the mattress and, for a moment, taking over. Pinning demon body down with his, hand resting on his chest. Then Jimin lifted himself up, letting Arcin observe as he rolled his hips, pressing his hard bulge against his, giving a pleasant friction. His fingers lifted the hem of his shirt and he removed it in a swift motion. Now shirtless, the demon had a perfect view of his nevermind tattoo, toned chest, and muscles moving under his skin as he kept rolling his hips.* How about this Master Cin?
「arcin armkarra」 ∷ supernatural ᵇˡᵒᵒᵈ-ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ {H} 3 months ago
@「jimin」 ∴ human Arcin hummed as the human explained himself. For once, he didn't tune a creature out. Jimin's voice was always lovely for the demon to hear. So, he /listened/. Rare.

Once the question of his name was brought up, his golden eyes snapped to their gaze. Since this human was so willing to be his... there was no need in keeping it formal.

Arcin reached up to caress his fingers through the humans hair, massaging the scalp just to watch how their eyes fluttered from the sensation.

"I am..." He began.

"Arcin Armkarra..." As he spoke, his words had become physical, floating out of his mouth like red smoke. The smoke wrapped around Jimin's neck and tightened. The grip only lasting for a couple of seconds as the smoke settled into their skin, disappearing.

His lips then parted again to speak, and he did. The language was unknown to the human, but native to the demon. He spoke his true name. A demons most powerful weapon. The chain of smoke that was previously around Jimin's neck, pulsated, feeling like a quick burn. Then sizzling into the pretty skin, before disappearing once again with no marking left behind.

"Now whenever you call me any name... I will be right on you like your shadow..." He chuckled, dragging his nails down the side of their face.

"But for now... You will call me Master Cin..."

Arcin's lips had taken over Jimin's in a deep, heavy kiss. He enjoyed stealing the breath of this human. That taste never growing tired.

Arcin began to slowly walk backwards, expecting the human to follow until Arcin was sat on his bed. Their lips parted and Arcin stared up at his human.

"...I shall give you the /privilege/ of showing me how this kitty can seduce their master..." He purred. "Show off for your Master..."

"One chance, darling Floare..."
「jimin」 ∴ human 3 months ago
@「arcin armkarra」 ∷ supernatural ᵇˡᵒᵒᵈ-ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Jimin appreciation for art and the world's beauty was huge. He was after all an art student for a reason. Arcin home was not only tasteful but the views. It was something else, and Jimin felt like every room face a different side of the world. Oh, he would love to stay here for longer and paint. It deserved to be preserved somehow.*

*However now, he was in a demon bedroom, probably the darkest place in this house. He wasn't nervous, but curious as he steps into a room. His shoulder relaxed as he slipped the sweater off, folding it and placing it on the edge of the bed. Eyes focused on the candles, and he tilted his head to the side.* Oh, even the blackest paint can't compete with this. *Small hand waves over the candle, wondering how did you manage to make them this dark. It was so rich, and the flame itself? Surely, it must be a trick. * Hmm... *Jimin hums, turning his attention towards Arcin, when the man touched his face, moving closer and leaning forward.*

Oh? Well, I couldn't help but feel a bit underdressed for the occasion, so this was the only way a could make up for it. *Jimin leans into your hands.* Good, it's made to be ruin. *He cupped demon hand, gently turning his head and nuzzling the insight of it. His lips pressed a kiss to the inside of it, slowly moving. Jimin gaze found the shiny eyes, as his tongue the tip of your finger. The fire inside his veins getting stronger as he stepped closer, tilting his head back to maintain the eye contact.* Before we start, what should I call you? You never told me your name. How can I scream it if I don't know it?
[post deleted by owner]
「arcin armkarra」 ∷ supernatural ᵇˡᵒᵒᵈ-ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ {H} 3 months ago
@「jimin」 ∴ human The amazement that settled into the human was a sight to see for the demon. Not many others have seen his home personally. Most of his slaves live in his work space. Not to worry, they have the basic necessities of a home and food. They're health are taken care of splendidly.

As he watched the human, there was such a large interest in this burst of innocence from them. From the kiss, to the little mannerisms...

No creature or human has been so inviting to a demon like him.

He always used force, in one way or another.

They all end up enjoying Arcin, either way.

"Take your time..." He said as his golden eyes watched the human rush off and disappear. His pupils shrank in a flash, morphing into sphere-like stars for a moment. Arcin's neck dealt a heavy spasm to his nerves, jaw clenching down as a hand came to claw at his skin out of pure reaction. Pupils melting back to their round shape, Arcin shook his hand as he stood up and headed to his own space.

By the time Jimin found the demons room, the male was just finishing lighting candles. These candles were made by wax from one of the circles of hell. Arcin always took a visit whenever he was running low on the black wax. The color was such a deep and endless black that the flames nearly looked as though they were floating. The flames that danced on the candle wicks were black as well, but carried a gentle white hue above it. Like a little ghost partnering the flame.

The door to Arcin's room opened on its own.

Arcin waved his hand to rid of the flame on his finger and turned to the human with his signature smile.

As soon as their eyes met, Arcin's body pulsed heavily in want.

"Ohh..." He purred, taking saunters to Jimin with his hands behind his back. "You know..." He reached out, caressing their face with the ends of his claws once again. "This will only be ruined soon enough... There is no need in trying for beauty. When you are already ' floare ' in this demons eyes..."

Arcin's smile grew. The ends twisting.
「arcin armkarra」 ∷ supernatural ᵇˡᵒᵒᵈ-ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ {H} 3 months ago
@「jimin」 ∴ human [ dont even apologize for long length replies fjdndjdnsb I'll reply later on in the day brain not doing so great ]
「jimin」 ∴ human 3 months ago
@「arcin armkarra」 ∷ supernatural ᵇˡᵒᵒᵈ-ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ [] er... sorry for making it so long asdfghjk
「jimin」 ∴ human 3 months ago
@「arcin armkarra」 ∷ supernatural ᵇˡᵒᵒᵈ-ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Jimin's heart was getting weak from all the sweet promises, but damn right he wanted it to be pretty. After all, he loved art and was sensitive to it. Arcin will probably find him tracing the mark and drawing it a lot in his spare time.* I shall see soon enough. *His voice, challenging him to fulfill his promise.*

*The man lifted him up so easily, and that alone made him feel that sheer of excitement. He wrapped his arms around his shoulders and pressed his face into the curve of his neck. Jimin couldn't let that opportunity go to waste and lightly on the skin right under Arcin's jaw, before he kissed it.* You would find me.

*His eyes fell shut, and when he opened them again the journey was over. His face lights up like a beacon, and he untangled himself to stand up. Jimin's socks slipped a bit on the polished floor, but he didn't mind that as he moved closer to the window as he stared in awe.* It is so beautiful... *He praised, turning back around, eyes playful and happy, as he skipped back towards Arcin. His small hands cupped the demon face, thumbing it as he kisses him lightly. * Thank you, I shall be right back. *And he disappeared, sliding on his socks, laughing under his breath as he slipped, disappearing in the bathroom. Arcin could only hear another gasp when a new breathtaking view greeted Jimin. *

*Alone again, Jimin wasted no time. He pushed his sweater off his shoulder, neatly folding it, and he looked at himself in the mirror. In his eyes, there was nothing special about him, but his face had a bit more healthy color than before. He washed it with a cool water, and combed his hair back, exposing his forehead. Without his regular products, he couldn't really do much, but he did his best to make it work. He smelled nice like a clean laundry and paint, which was something normal. After all, he did spend hours around it. He pulled eyeliner from his bag, the only thing he had and could use, and worked on his eyes, giving them a more defined and inviting look. Jimin knows he looks good with it, so why not use it. *

*Then he was ready and soon enough he knocked on the bedroom door, excited and giddy.*
「arcin armkarra」 ∷ supernatural ᵇˡᵒᵒᵈ-ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ {H} 3 months ago
@「jimin」 ∴ human The light was bright around them. Total change from the blinding darkness, to the brightest light. Arcin and Jimin were in the same position as they were, now on the demons couch.

He tapped the youngers cheek with the tip of his nail.

"We're home.. little stray kitty." He chuckled. His head then lifted up, not taking much effort to move it as he looked around with his eyes. "I've considered to be... *nice*, and give you some time to look around... Get yourself acquainted and.. refreshed if you wish." His eyes then suddenly landed on them.

"And then you can find me in my room.. where I will be preparing for you..."


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blurblue 2 months ago
please add cha eunwoo as lee dongmin, human please! thank youu.
hobibuu 2 months ago
Add Seokjin as Jin as fairy prince, supernatural pretty please <3
Lucifers_Indulgence 2 months ago
May I request Jung Wooyoung au dragon hybrid? Not sure if I requested right or if he has to be in supernatural sorry ;;
moonites 3 months ago
jeon jungkook as an alpha wolf, please!
DNABleached 3 months ago
Kim taehyung in nonau as human please ♡
sapphira 3 months ago
Julie han in nonau as human pls ♡
chinna_ 3 months ago
Hwang hyunjin in abo au beta wolf pls ^^
RoseThornArchive 4 months ago
I might around and find out
cthuwu 4 months ago
Could I possibly get Fukutomi Tsuki as a supernatural fae
gothdaisy 4 months ago
Hi! Can I get Minghao / human / nonau?
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