☁ ⋆。art studio

art studio
about the room
shim hyewon 2 days ago
@choi yeonjun ()can u reply as the start pls? ^^
choi yeonjun 2 days ago
@shim hyewon [] yep yep did you wanna start us there or me?
shim hyewon 2 days ago
@choi yeonjun Not expecting for you to dash out of the room this quickly, she was stunned speechless. Sadden by the fact that she didn't get a good, long look before you left her again. Breathing out sadly and in defeat, she's left to pack up her contents and the drawing is placed neatly in her bag, a friend called out to belle but she simply waved her off and settle back into the seat with the paper in her hand. Expecting another sweet quote from you, she was vividly surprised by the words. A bright smile playing on her lips and eyes lighting up and crinkling at the corners with the note as a chuckle emits. "Cute...." mumbles as she looks at the time and her heart skipped a beat. Half hour to go thankfully and she'd get to see you again. Perhaps, she could grab a drink for you and her, maybe some cake or snacks so she won't be empty-handed. Deciding to do just that, belle rushes out of the classroom to grab something for the two to munch on and sip.

[]timeskip to library? ^^
choi yeonjun 2 days ago
@shim hyewon His eyes drifted to the clock on the wall, noting how little time there seemed to be left and trying to figure out just what to do. It seemed like the only time he could really see you was during the art classes, and as nice as that was there was a part of him that longed for more. He longed for more than just subtle touches of fingertips - he wanted to eat with you, to show you some of his favourite things and for you to show him some of yours. But, there was something that held him back and what was he wasn't sure. After some personal debate on his own for a while, right before that timer ran out for him, he took his chance; walking by you to once again slide a note to you before collecting his things and leaving the room without even a glance back behind him.

Note: meet me this afternoon. library? 4pm?
shim hyewon 2 days ago
@choi yeonjun "I do think it's rather beautiful. One piece I'm pretty proud of.... beautiful like my inspiration I might add." Her words is coy and sheepish and she's flustered no doubt but somehow she managed to utter such bold words to you. How did she manage to do this? She has zero clue but it doesn't stop her as her eyes meet yours and they crinkle at the corners from smiling too much. A soft, happy hum emits as she nods slowly. "Mmh... sure... I'd try something else. Thank you for all your help, yeonjunnie." She Whispers softly, her eyes flickering over to the drawing and she remembered the way your touch felt and her heart was skipping ample beats time and time again. She couldn't get enough of being this close to you, it was truly amazing to say the least and she wanted more of these moments with you. Albeit it being rather tough with our feelings not really out in the open. Starting to work on another drawing, I decide to work on a fruit bowl, something quick, basic and easy at least since the hour would be counted down quickly for the class to finish. Eyes flickering up to meet your gaze and is surprised to see the way you look at me, causing me to sit straight and a dark flush to flood over my cheeks at how handsome, ethereal and beautiful you looked in that moment. A bright smile playing on her couplets as she tried to ignore you for a brief moment and focus on her task at hand — as to not draw any attention to us.
choi yeonjun 2 days ago
@shim hyewon he can't help the smile that curves into the corners of his lips at how attentive you become once he's close, his gaze shifting down to look over what you'd been working on while he caught in the corner of his eyes the way your hand slid down into your lap and his own lifted so his fingers could find yours - his breath catching for the briefest of moments when they finally touch. closes his fingers around the paper as he drops his hand back out again, his own cheeks darkening somewhat at the bold truth you let out while he clears his throat softly, "I can see that you, uh.. definitely are being inspired by something. it's beautiful" just like you he thought to himself but the words never left his throat, "why don't you try something else?" He smiled softly up at you before rising to his feet and walking off again, waiting until he had a moment to turn his back on everyone else before finally reading what was on the note, feeling a warmth swell through his chest at the words as he glanced back over his shoulder to look at you with a soft fond expression.
shim hyewon 3 days ago
@choi yeonjun Once you came back to her side, it's as if she was fully attentive now and a soft breath elicit from her brims as her eyes peek down at you intently. "I— is it coming along well to you? In your eyes?" Her voice matches yours. Soft and sweet as her lips curl at both edges and she's sliding her hand down to her lap so she could showcase the folded note. Glancing at the other side of the room to be sure no one's watching the two as her fingers slide over yours briefly and reach out to hook her digits into your hand while passing the note. Her cheeks are heated and rosy as her eyes find your dark, inquisitive ones with a small smile. "I think... the person I been thinking about, helped the rose to come out just as pretty as them." She boldly uttered even though she's sheepish all the while.

The note containing the words: "you're my favorite place to go when my mind searches for peace."
choi yeonjun 3 days ago
@shim hyewon he continues around the room slowly to give you some time to read and response, although his gaze would shift back to you every now and then to check how you were doing - or really just to look at you with no reasoning. eventually he'd finished his rounds of the room, spoke with the lesson teacher briefly and then naturally as if he was just beginning rounds again he moved across the room back to where you were, this time kneeling beside you so he could peer at your work, his fingers resting gently against your arm so subtle but enough for you to feel it, "How are you coming along with it..? He questioned in a soft voice.
shim hyewon 3 days ago
@choi yeonjun it was if on cue and you immediately sauntered up towards where she's sitting. her body going rigid. her spine going stiff as her entire frame elongated up and she sat up straight. breath coming faster at the feeling of your chest pressing down against her back. almost caging her in, but she wasn't dare feeling threatened or cornered by any means. oh no. instead - she felt that sensational rush of adrenaline as it coursed through her little body and she's wishing all too much that she could just lean back into your warmth. flip her hand up and capture yours in her hold as much as the paper rustled beneath her palm, her fingers twitched and itched to just grip onto your hand and squeeze. belle was acutely aware of all the eyes on us as well, the envy here and there, wishing to get close to the handsome junior that's you. however, she was befuddled by the note when she finally got the chance. a flush hueing over her cheeks at the romantic words written in your handwriting.

"cute," she mumbles more to herself before trying to focus on her work at hand, listening to your guidance before writing one of her own and waiting for you to make your rounds again and slip it into your hold.
choi yeonjun 3 days ago
@shim hyewon he was a medical science student but his heart truly was in the arts, every day you'd be sure to find him residing in one of the art rooms dabbling away in something new almost every time of course. when he had first met belle after she joined the club he'd seen her talent from the beginning, she showed a natural affinity and her enthusiasm was always contagious. really he didn't mean to but slowly over time he'd pay her more and more attention, much more than any of the others who had joined. he was sitting off to the site scribbling on a piece of paper, his eyes flicking across to you every now and then until he finally had the chance to approach. carefully he leaned his body over yours, his fingers slipping the note skillfully beneath where your hand was resting on the table as he gave you some instructions and guidance, his touch lingering against your skin before slowly pulling away and heading off without even a second glance.

note: "I can't stop thinking about you, like a beautiful melody that never ends"
shim hyewon 3 days ago
@choi yeonjun belle was never late to any class, much less art class, she's taking it as a club activity and something to enhance her credentials, added to honing in on a skill she already has and trying to master it. being in the club really gave her free reign of creativity and it's something that her parents actually feels really content about. not that her major choice is unsettling per-se but her mother still wanted her in that limelight, that spotlight of being a model like her. however, belle had other plans. as her head is ducked down, shading over an area on the rose she didn't deem fitting enough, her eyes are scanning the area for 'him.' everytime you were close to her, her heart would pound mercilessly in her chest, creating tendrils of bliss and thrills to travel along her body. she knew it was a crush, no doubt - but she couldn't help but wish there was more instances of you being closer to her. more one on one, than in a full class with a teacher looking at our every move.


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soobinsthighs 4 hours ago
ning yizhuo of aespa please
Keikeu 18 hours ago
any wishes?
preciosa 1 day ago
hi I require assistance (also the stock photo of gertrude is sENDING ME)
playlist 1 day ago
yu jimin from aespa please'
gudetama 1 day ago
han jihyo/jihan of weeekly please!
sunwoc 2 days ago
sung hanbin pls
momogi 3 days ago
Jang Wonyoung please~
nubile 3 days ago
kim minjeong, please! oh, and is gertrude single? (gmilf)
cer_berus 3 days ago
park sunghoon, please.
DNABleached 3 days ago
choi yeonjun please!
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