☁ ⋆。student center

student center
about the room
meet up with your friends  and chat at the student center. you might meet new faces!

do not get freaky in here! YOU CAN TALK FREAKY, BUT DON'T ACT FREAKY. BAD!
zhang hao [A] 3 hours ago
after seeing the demonic fruit picture that some freshman had sent in the groupme chat, zhang hao exited out of the app to set his phone facedown on his lap. he pressed his palms together and closed his eyes, and starting practicing mindfulness meditation. "breathe... breathe out..." he told himself as he in a deep breath and then released it. he planned to repeat this for at least 50 times. l o r d.
kim jiwon 10 hours ago
perhaps she should cheer up her foul mood with yet another cup of coffee. plus it'd give her an excuse to get to see the cute barista— with the obviously cute and oh so talented latte art, duh! she was /only/ in it for the latte art...surely! wallowing in her self despair, jiwon stood up ever so slightly just right about as a gentle tap caught her attention and she turned to see a pretty gal with short auburn hair and a...familiar face? now where had she /just/ seen her..."oh! y-yeah that's me, lizzie, but not mcguire obvi! OH!" she finally knows and snaps a finger as if she's just figured out the equation for time travel, a moment of huzzah as the invisible light bulb flickers above her head. "oh my gosh, yes yes you're ahn yujin...with a lot of n's in your handle hehe!"
jang wonyoung 20 hours ago
Stiffing a yawn, Wonyoung straighten her posture as she made her way toward the student center. The number of papers she had to finish was starting to affect her sleeping schedule, but she knew that it was a little price to pay if she wanted to be a good and credible lawyer in the future, she had no rights to complain about it. Her feet lead her toward the vending machine where she got a can of coffee to shake herself awake. "Today is gonna be another long day..."
ahn yujin [A] 21 hours ago
finishing her sports practical class, yujin headed over to the student center for a break, hoping to see some familiar faces that she can chat with. looking around, she sees a familiar girl with bright blonde hair. wasn't that the girl who called my brother the c word? her faces scrunches up as if smelling a nasty odor at the thought of it. i'm gonna lose my appetite. but this was a perfect opportunity for her to befriend someone new! even if their eyes are a little faulty. heading over to the area the girl was at, she tapped her shoulders. you must be notlizziemcguire!
kim jiwon 1 day ago
"I seriously don't understand why I have to take this remedial mathematics course, I don't need to know nothing about no parabolas!" with a teeny tiny sigh of frustration as she stared at the incredibly (and laughable) score on her latest homework assignment, jiwon sat defeated like a sad, deflated soup dumpling in the plastic chair. and before she could allow her cheek to touch the table she stopped abruptly, almost as if a jedi knight had used the force to halt her actions. she paused, took an anti-bacterial wipe and gave the table a pass or two, allowed it to dry and then, finally, let her face fall flat on the desk. what? she couldn't possibly touch her skin to that bacteria infested table, yuck— imagine the breakouts! this was a break-out free zone!
shim hyewon 1 day ago
Belle was stunned speechless at the way the other reacted. Eyes widening and she's about to hold her hands up in defense and apologize for intruding and step back but the sudden dash makes her blink, spluttering, unable to even form a coherent sentence as confusion washes over her in a myriad of waves. I— did I do something..... furrowing her brows, her lips pull into a small frown as she tips her head to the side, confused and lost as she rubs at her nape. Weird.... I hope he's okay.... shrugging, she walked on over to pop in a bill and grab a Kit Kat from the vending machine.
kim taerae [A] 1 day ago
as he pressed the button for a bag of lays chip, he waited for the machine to grab the bag and drop it down to the slot. bending down to grab his bag of chips, he stretched back up, looking at his chips satisfied until he heard the voice of a woman behind him. his body stiffened up and he slowly turned around as if he was a broken, creaking robot. his expression stoic as he held his breath, he looked at the girl standing in front of him, looked to the side and booked it, running out of there as fast as he can as if his life depended on it. how did she know him? why did she say his name? that was a terrifying encounter. he might not enter the student center for awhile.
shim hyewon 1 day ago
shim hyewon 1 day ago
Peeking into the room, she spotted a somewhat familiar face and her eyes scan the lounge relatively quickly before stepping in and peeking over his shoulder at the vending machine. Hello— taerae-ssi, is it,
kim taerae [A] 1 day ago
looking for a quick snack, taerae ran inside the student center to get something from the vending machine. standing in front of the vending machine, he pondered at the many options. hm.. what should i get?
gertrude the administrator [A] 1 day ago
listening to the girl's concerns, gertrude had the best idea to winning the girl over. she was a woman of determination in front of the daughter of the new love of her life. digging into her pockets, she takes out her thick wallet sifting through the abundant amount of cash she had. "free snacks darling? that's quite impossible, you might get caught by the campus police! you're so silly. however, gerty here has some money to give to you. buy anything you want from the vending machines or the dining hall!" she hands over 15 10 dollar bills (or 10,000 won wateva) with the most motherly grin on her face. "as for the professor situation, give me their name and i'll try speaking with them. i got some power around here."
han jihyo 1 day ago
"oh hey gerty!" jihyo's grumpy frown curled up into a delighted smile at the sight of her dad's girlfriend. but then it died a little bit when she pictured the time she caught those two kissing on the couch last month. she rubbed her eyes with a yawn as she cracked her spine like a glowstick. "it's okay, just my one professor won't curve the exam we had yesterday. ugh. say...do you know a way i can get free snacks from the vending machines or is it just a brute force problem?"
gertrude the administrator [A] 1 day ago
gertrude heard two students talking over at the circle tables, a familiar voice sparking her interest. she turns over to see that it was her boyfriend's daughter, jihyo. oh man, she has to make a good impression. the student's father was one of the hottest men she had ever dated around her age range, with almost no problems and a smoking hot body. fixing up her hair and pushing up her glasses, she put on a smile and walked over to the girl. "Hey darling! How's school treating you? Anything rough going on I need to know about? I can help you!"
han jihyo 1 day ago
the sudden tap jolted jihyo awake in an instant. whipping her head up, her back snapped straight as her headphones tumbled to the table. her tired eyes first found gertrude's familiar figure before meeting the face of a stranger. "oh sorry it took so long, i finished copying the notes for you." she slurred, pushing the notebook towards him.
zhang hao [A] 1 day ago
zhang hao heard the all too familiar screech of a disgruntled, single, nosy haggy administrator and immediately swerved to the corner of the room to get out of her sight. not that he was doing anything wrong, but he thought, 'god, not gertrude again... i am So tired of her.'
zhang hao [A] 1 day ago
seated on one of the beanbags the center offered, zhang hao turned over another page of his book. that same hand then moved to push his glasses further up his nose bridge from where it'd been sliding down it. out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the girl taking over the table closest to him no longer sat properly, and... was she drooling...? over her notes? his heart cried for the wasted paper and effort put into the note-taking. he can't stand by this. he pulled himself to his feet and crossed the distance to gently tap her shoulder. um, excuse me...
gertrude the administrator [A] 1 day ago
walking into the student center from the quad, she looks around seeing all the students chatting and studying at the center. her face scowls in displeasure. why should these kids have so much fun when she's suffering because of them. HEY! get off the ledge, that's not meant for sitting! she yells at some random kid wsitting on the window ledge, trying to have their main character moment.
han jihyo 1 day ago
slumped over a circle table, a small pool of drool collects on jihan's notebook (yuck) as she snores right on her organic chemistry notes. from just a couple steps away from her, loud rock music can be heard blaring from her headphones as they had partially slipped off her head.
shim hyewon 2 days ago
Hearing yujin rambled off about the topics, belle decided to keep that in mind, storing it away for use later on maybe if she wanted any semblance of help, belle was thinking she could at least try to assist. However the sudden touch only to be followed by a shriek has her eyes widening, lips parting and her eyes are frantically searching the area before spluttering. W-wait what?! No!! No no Jesus no! I— good lord how the heck did you come to that conclusion? Shaking her head with a soft huff, she snort out a little laugh, pleased no one was too close by to hear the antics. I did not! Just my mom wants me to focus on studies since she wanted me to be like her and model but I chose this path and if I steer of course — she warned about getting "distracted". She mumbles while using her fingers to quote. With yknow... guys and stuff.
ahn yujin [A] 2 days ago
shaking her head, the girl slouched even further into her beanbag if that was even possible, letting out a huge sigh. contrary to popular beliefs! i am not skipping class at the moment even though i'm totally giving skipper vibes right now? my assignments are something something about human anatomy. something about drugs and muscles? yeah, i'll get to it when i get to it! she shrugs, not really thinking about the assignments at the moment. she looked over at the girl as she voiced her concerns and grabbed her hands, looking into her eyes. no, you must not think that way! why would your mom be disappointed in you? you're smart, pretty, diligent.. but wait- DID YOU KILL A MAN? her volume increasing, before looking around and whispering the same question again. so was it something like that??
shim hyewon 2 days ago
Eyes the other with a small smile playing on her lips before snorting under her breath. Or is it that you're ditching mm? Skipping classes miss ahn yujin? Teases with a small chuckle. Before she use to be rather uptight about such stuff but she did it once and realized the beauty in it. Haha what assignments? I'm curious? I might be able to help? Asks curiously and nudges the girl with pursed lips. Nothing bad really, just... things? Mmm things that might make my mom disappointed in me?
ahn yujin [A] 2 days ago
yujin stares off into the distance and could only let out a nervous laughter. ha ha ha. no class at this time, nope! i had a class earlier and i probably got new assignments but... that's not the point! the main point is, what's been on your mind? what's distracting you!!
shim hyewon 2 days ago
Student things?! Haha please... I should and I would. But I've been a little distracted as of late I fear. She sighs and pout her lips out thoughtfully. It's quite annoying honestly. But hey, it is what it is hm? What ahout you? No class?
ahn yujin [A] 2 days ago
the girls yawns as she looks up from her phone to see the girl sitting down next to her. oh!!! hello hyewon! what are you doing here? don't you have to do student things .. like study?!?
shim hyewon 2 days ago
Peeks into the room before flocking in and slipping in next to you with a cheeky grin albeit still shy as rosy hue coats her cheeks. Hello there yujinnie.
ahn yujin [A] 3 days ago
ooohs and ahhhs could be heard from yujin as she slouches into the student center beanbags becoming one with the seats, fully immersed into her phone and the content she's scrolling through.
kim minjeong 3 days ago
Hahaha I guess when you grow up in it and with practice it's bound to help you know? Grins over at you and gives a little nudge as she lounges back easily and hums thoughtfully. Ohhh, you're a law major yeah? How's that going for you? Goodluck with classes sweet pea. Just pace yourself and take it easy, yeah?
jang wonyoung 3 days ago
Cheers routines look so hard to do, I wonder how you all can do that
/chuckle lightly before I shake my head//
I still have two more classes. One is in 30 minutes
kim minjeong 3 days ago
Hey cutie! Beams brightly as she walks on over to where you're sitting and plops next to you, bringing her books to the side as she stretches out with a soft groan. That I am! But I got cheer practice later on, say.... next hour. Frowns a little. And you? All done?
jang wonyoung 3 days ago
/blinked when I heard my name being called, turning my head to the side to see who and instantly beaming at the sight of Minjeong. Waving back at her//
Minjeong unnie! You're done with the classes?


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soobinsthighs 4 hours ago
ning yizhuo of aespa please
Keikeu 18 hours ago
any wishes?
preciosa 1 day ago
hi I require assistance (also the stock photo of gertrude is sENDING ME)
playlist 1 day ago
yu jimin from aespa please'
gudetama 1 day ago
han jihyo/jihan of weeekly please!
sunwoc 2 days ago
sung hanbin pls
momogi 3 days ago
Jang Wonyoung please~
nubile 3 days ago
kim minjeong, please! oh, and is gertrude single? (gmilf)
cer_berus 3 days ago
park sunghoon, please.
DNABleached 3 days ago
choi yeonjun please!
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