☁ ⋆。dorms

about the room
you sleep here.
co-ed buildings, same gender/gender-neutral rooms.
kim taerae [A] 18 hours ago
taerae was now sweating bullets. a school groupchat? are they insane? the amount of GIRL names he saw on that list made him panic just a little. i have to quickly leave this group before any of them speak to me. he leaves the groupchat.
kim taerae [A] 1 day ago
a tough day for student kim taerae indeed, he had to block yet another girl who not only liked his post, but also commented. he had to erase all traces. why was his post suddenly gaining traction among haneul students? was he popping on discover pages? he shouldn't be, he doesn't use hashtags. @kmsung and @snghnprk were the two newest people to like his posts. just who are these people! well, but that's okay. maybe there's just guys who like one piece! awesome!
kim taerae [A] 1 day ago
after relishing in the new episode of One Piece, taerae could not wait to post about it on his instagram for his online anime clique. he posted it and expectantly waited for his clique to reply, when all of a sudden he sees that the girl from earlier on in the day at the student center liked his post. his jaw dropped, phone slipping out his hand. HOW DID SHE FIND ME! he screamed in his room, earning a weird stare from his roommate. quickly, he went to block the account out of fear.
kim minjeong 1 day ago
@choi beomgyu it was as if a light shone through her entire darkness, the clouded rain that poured over and over atop her. her entire being felt as if it was light and could very well just be whisked away. it was soothing, calming and beyond breathtaking to what beomgyu can provide. whether it was stress, whether it's due to being hurt over and over by people just simply wanting to use her, whether it's physically being beaten down due to pushing herself. things have awfully stressed minjeong out in the past. she tends to bottle it all up and when it comes out spilling out, boy does it tumble out. she cannot help but look at him - feeling small, pathetic almost as her eyes flicker down to their shoes meeting up on the floor.

"i-" she tried to talk but alas, no other words can even escape her brims, her heart shattered at the emotions raw as day on the male's pretty features. she always would call the male beautiful as to - but she genuinely meant it. beomgyu had a heart of gold and inside-out she knew he was solely her protector, her best friend, her pillar. her hands shook a little as they gripped onto the back of his shirt and she slowly lets go, but not without tugging on his hand and bringing him over to her bed. settling down on the edge and guiding the taller male to sit next to her as a deep, shaky breath elongates through parted lips. her eyes are red-brimmed, swollen and she's trying to clear the sinus headache incoming, with a stuffy nose, red-tipped no doubt. "I'm just a mess... everything came crashing down all at once," her voice is soft, croaky from not using her voice all evening and crying constantly. her eyes shakily meet beomgyu's gaze and her heart ached as she glances down once more. "a-are you okay?"
choi beomgyu [A] 1 day ago
@kim minjeong his brain panicked trying to follow the quick succession of events after the door was shut, leading him to release a small gasp as minjeong bridged the distance between them. he was still caught up in what she'd said, of it being one of those days. a statement that, despite its simplicity, answered all of his uncertainties of the night. ah, so that was why he couldn't get in touch of her, why she appeared before him as she did. with this knowledge and her plea to hold her, now beomgyu could approach her without hesitation.

his chin rested above the crown of her head while he engulfed her in his arms, and quite literally given how tiny she was. naturally shifting their positions into a more comfortable one as his palms brushed through her hair, and then her backside, gentle yet affirming. his shushes echoed against the quiet that surrounded them after the door was shut, countering every shaky breath that left her lips. a searing pain struck his heart again feeling her twist at his shirt and then knead at the same area with lingering remorse. he wanted to tell her how silly she was trying to take over his job; even though his being was flooded with worry, he could ignore it for now. what he couldn't ignore was her and the emotions still trying to render her into fragments. he squeezed her tighter as he took to murmuring into her blonde locks, "shh, minj, you have nothing to apologize for... i'm here. i got you."
kim minjeong 2 days ago
@choi beomgyu Spotting some students shuffling around and about, ever keen eyes flickering over to the figures by the door, huddled together, well as close as can be. Beomgyu didn't wish to push the smaller female which makes her felt more at ease, but in that moment — she needed more. She needed a hug from the other as desperately as she craved for some soft serve cups. "Hug me.... it's one of those d-days," she hiccups and with what last resilient strength left in her, minjeong closed the door behind the young male's back and she's back to gripping onto the boy's shirt as if her life depended on it.

Which, it does seem plausible to say the least. Her lifeline.... that's what beomgyu has been since they've been growing up as kids, her head nestle into the confines of his chest as her ear tuned in to the sporadic beats of his heart. Her breathing going ragged as she tries her best to intake his scent. The sweetness of his natural scent and cologne soothe her sporadic senses and eased her ongoing, overthinking mind. Her fingers gripped onto the back of his shirt as she felt the way his body tensed and she felt guilty beyond words. Causing her to rub at his back in slow, soothing circles. As if needing to comfort him in the process as well. "I'm so sorry... beommie....s-sorry.... it's just so much.... pressure..."
choi beomgyu [A] 2 days ago
@kim minjeong words left beomgyu the minute the door swung open and revealed the person he was hoping to find on the other side. at first relief washed over him like calm tides, but the waves him, crashing against the red shell tucked inside his chest with no signs of stopping. his heart drowned underneath the violent currents, crying out soundlessly as his eyes assessed minjeong’s state. they moved from her distressed features to the outfit she adorned most days when the field was filled to the brim with bustling students, and back to her face again upon hearing his name.

stepping forward, his arms made all the motions to wrap around her trembling figure and shield her from any curious gazes in the hallway. to protect her, something he carried expertise in. although, his guarding usually occurred under rougher circumstances and with flirts in varsity jackets and breath reeking of booze to boot. he changed his mind before his hands could graze against her skin, having his fingers hover mere inches from her shoulders. a small fear had filled him on whether an immediate embrace would break her fragile condition even more. he needed to hear from her what she needed from him above all else. his voice nearly broke as he uttered, “minj… minjeong, what’s wrong?”
kim minjeong 2 days ago
@choi beomgyu Usually, winter would be buzzing around socially and having her bright and knowing presence known all over social media and around campus. Heck, she was cheer captain for a reason! Yet, here she is burrowed in the slumps as she felt that wave of panic and hysteria rising within her once again. It isn't a norm for the young girl to feel this way, heck, she doesn't even ward off any mental health issues. It's common and very normal and she loves to help others understand it, she's a psychology major after all. But what ticks her off is when she has to do something important it catches her off guard, fumbling around and spazzing out of her mind as she tried to find her inhaler for some ease. She doesn't usually need it, but tonight was different. Numerous times she glances over and spotted her phone lighting up with beomgyu's name and she couldn't help but clutch it within a shaky,, sweaty hand, her voice coming out garbled and breathy as she called his name. "Beoms...." the shrill ring within her dorm room makes her skittish and she jumps up, a little yelp sounding as her red rimmed orbs brim over with more tears threatening to spill down her cheeks.

Walking over towards the door, her shaky hand moves over to the door knob, she should ask who is it. Who is she going to face — she doesn't want to appear as a mess in front of anyone, anyone but 'him.' Beomgyu knows her by now, inside and out— when stressed and running out of time for deadlines, pressed against time and limits, she gets into a panicked state like this. Opening the door, she stood there, shaking, cheer clothes still on and mascara running as her lips wobble and she whimpers out that one name that soothes her down, "b-beomgyu.."
choi beomgyu [A] 2 days ago
@kim minjeong beomgyu never considered himself a worrier, but perhaps he should change that line of thought, with the way the erratic way his heart was pulsing. his inner voice chided at him again. nothing was really wrong. minjeong, a comforting presence that’s filled in many chapters of his life already, and her unresponsiveness this evening wasn’t anything too out of the norm. busyness was becoming a new constant for them both, ever since the new school year welcomed them. but he still held some concerns about her silence that he couldn’t squash down fully, and it’s why he found himself standing outside of her dorm door now. a familiar sight, a gateway he’s entered and exited out of countless times, but tonight it felt so out of reach. his eyes peeked at his chat history again, which hadn’t changed since he last saw it—text messages still unread, ignored, like the rest of his phone calls. he buzzed the doorbell without hesitation. he focused on swallowing down the nerves bubbling in his stomach again as he waited for the shrill ring his fingers made possible to reward him with what he'd been longing for; an answer.


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soobinsthighs 3 hours ago
ning yizhuo of aespa please
Keikeu 18 hours ago
any wishes?
preciosa 1 day ago
hi I require assistance (also the stock photo of gertrude is sENDING ME)
playlist 1 day ago
yu jimin from aespa please'
gudetama 1 day ago
han jihyo/jihan of weeekly please!
sunwoc 2 days ago
sung hanbin pls
momogi 3 days ago
Jang Wonyoung please~
nubile 3 days ago
kim minjeong, please! oh, and is gertrude single? (gmilf)
cer_berus 3 days ago
park sunghoon, please.
DNABleached 3 days ago
choi yeonjun please!
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