☁ ⋆。cafe

about the room
ahn yujin [A] 1 day ago
@choi beomgyu shut up, beomgyu. i'm trying to focus. i have to do a very important task, before i lock in on the game, the game of completing my assignment on time. yujin's eyes narrowing as she set her eyes on the perfect youtube video for this occasion titled, "My husband cheated on me with my mom, so I ruined both their lives. Am I the ? Reddit Minecraft Background". perfect. cropping the size of the video to the side of her screen, she diverted her eyes back to her assignment for her healthy lifestyles class. mhm.. healthy lifestyles, giving assignments that cause stress to me is definitely not healthy. it will definitely stress the professor out too, since they have to mark so many assignments. maybe i should email the professor about this! the paradox of teaching a healthy lifestyle class and handing out assignments.. aha. i produce such genius thoughts. what do you think, beomgyu?
choi beomgyu [A] 1 day ago
@ahn yujin beomgyu's mind wanders just a little into the closing duties he still had to do while she speaks. regret hit him as soon as he'd inquired about her grades. not that he didn't care about them, but...he knew her marks were bad; their parents knew they were bad; he's pretty sure everyone yujin surrounds herself with had a sense of how poorly she did in school. it shouldn't be a secret, and he shouldn't have expected anything better from her. in fact... he narrows his eyes towards her occupied table, feeling suspicion the longer his gaze lingers there. was she actually doing something, or just pretending to? he doesn't know what type of work sports education majors are given, but he feels like there should be more keyboard clicks coming from her regardless. he also notices her cup already half empty and has to breathe through his nose and remind himself to not scream and disrupt the cafe's curated vibes. and also, to not accidentally scare the only other occupant in the place with them, some student who'd been living in blissful peace with their blocky headphones. do share with the class--me--here, about what it is that you understand.
ahn yujin [A] 2 days ago
@choi beomgyu pshhh, why would you cry? are you a crybaby? she grabs the glass, bringing it carefully over to her table, putting it down by her laptop. she knew why he would "cry", after all, she was not much of a coffee consumer and so when she did get a bit of caffeine in her system, she was unstoppable. this invincibility might serve her well when she's doing her assignment, she might get an A+ this time around! hearing beomgyu's question, a tsk came out of yujin's mouth. tsk tsk tsk. choi beomgyu. you are severely underestimating the power of your sister. me? failing? impossible! yeah i barely pass.. but i have never failed! but today? she pauses to take a huge sip of her coffee, chugging nearly half the cup. today, i will create an A+ assignment that will knock their socks off. yujin takes a seat, opens up her textbooks and begins to stare at her assignment instructions. mhm mhm.. ohhh okay. i understand. after understanding, she opens another tab on her laptop and pulls up youtube, slowly browsing through the updated videos, her expression focused.
choi beomgyu [A] 2 days ago
@ahn yujin here. drink slowly, or i will cry. he pushes the filled glass across the counter in her direction after his warning and stashes away the remaining stock of the cold brew. once his hands are free again, they find their place on his hips as he raises a brow. that's... be honest, are you on the verge of failing?
ahn yujin [A] 2 days ago
@choi beomgyu oh oh, look at your skillful pouring of my drink! i can't wait to caffeinate up. it has been a long time since i've had coffee, i totally should have ordered something else instead.. but i was actually awake for all my classes today, so i'm tired! she taps her feet impatiently watching him pour the drink because surely a cold brew shouldn't take that long but why did it feel like years. she checked her phone and looked back at the coffee. chop chop!! i need to get working! oooh fun fact, i'm actually doing so well in this class. i think i got around 60%s on my last few assignments!
choi beomgyu [A] 2 days ago
@ahn yujin ughhh. if you don’t pay me back by tomorrow… he grumbles, not having an actual consequence in mind should she not pay him by his set deadline. he doesn’t say anything as she speaks, acting as if her words were filtering in through one ear and out the other while he busies himself with filling a 12oz glass with ice. despite his apathetic expression, he’s listening to her every word and moving accordingly—though she wanted their largest size, he worries about her consuming so much coffee this late into the night. what if it ruined her sleep schedule, or worse, filled her with caffeine jitters that’d make it impossible to get any work done, something that she had to complete before the remains of the day whispered goodbye? he almost didn’t even wanna give her cold brew in the first place too, personally thinking it’d be too strong, but if he didn’t fulfill her request, they’d just go back and forth again and have her lose more time for working on her assignment. he makes a show of pouring the dark liquid into the cup to prove that he’s not making her a weird concoction, as if he’d ever risk doing that and getting fired anyway, and couldn’t resist giving an eyeroll when he hears the end of her chatter. i’m helping you right now by tolerating your face instead of kicking you out, don’t try and get more outta me. your assignment can't be that hard to complete on your own anyway, right?
ahn yujin [A] 3 days ago
@choi beomgyu the largest size you have! can you pay for it today? i'll pay you back soon i swear. she yelled as she walked to place her bag down at a table near the cashier area that she deemed was perfect. she took our textbook and laptop and placed both items on the table as if to show completely occupation of the spot. then, she walked back to the ordering station, peering over at the boy. just making sure you aren't poisoning my cold brew. likee what if you add something weird? i need to do scholarly things this evening, i can't have you messing my stomach up! she doesn't pay attention to the boy's expressions and continues her talking. you know? i have an assignment due at 12am! isn't that crazy.. i didn't even know i had an assignment until the email from earlier! ughhh. she groans before continuing. so i plan to stay here until i'm done! wouldn't it be sooo awesome if you could help me with it too? i know you're not even in the same program, but you always got better grades than me!
choi beomgyu [A] 3 days ago
@ahn yujin how could we not be outta milk? especially oat, people love it. he rolls his eyes and huffs at the new, but much more doable order, and bites his tongue from making a snide remark on her plan to overstay her visit. he didn't know the exact reason for her presence, but from the sounds of it, it was class-related--was she actually going to be studious for once in her life? he wonders. he observes her in between grabbing the cold brew concentrate, and calls out. you didn't tell me what size you wanted.
ahn yujin [A] 3 days ago
@choi beomgyu what kind of crappy cafe is this? how could you be out of milk? yujin shook her head knowing that her order was quite honestly just a joke and that her brother would definitely react poorly to it. tsk tsk tsk, just give me your most caffeinated drink ever. give me a cold brew but extra cold, extra brew! i need it, i'm going to suffer here with you ALL SHIFT LONG. she looked around the cafe, looking for a spot to sit at. which one would be the best for watching videos the most privately? no wait, she had an assignment to do. maybe she needed to be seen, but maybe some privacy would be nice.
choi beomgyu [A] 3 days ago
@ahn yujin beomgyu's lips were already parted, ready to remind his younger sister that he's told her about his shift hours before and also, to never visit this particular cafe on campus to avoid running into each other. and then he hears her rattle off her order and his mouth falls open even more. he doesn't entertain her with a reply right away, choosing to just stare at her with the most tired look he can muster up, before plastering on his customer service smile again.
i'm very sorry, dear customer, but i can't make your order because we're out of oat milk. and also coconut milk. and also hazelnut syrup. actually, i think we're out of all the ingredients needed to make your drink. would you like to have one of our newest specials instead? it's called the "stop being a pain in my for once in your life" frappe! very limited special, you HAVE to try it!
ahn yujin [A] 3 days ago
@choi beomgyu yujin shrugged. "how am i supposed to remember when your shifts are? do i look like your manager?" the girl looked at the menu, looked at the pastries available, and then looked at beomgyu as if she just had an amazing idea. "anyways! i would like to order a hazelnut latte with 20% skim milk, 40% 2% milk, 20% oat milk and 20% coconut milk. then, i want 2 pumps of hazelnut syrup in my very obviously hazelnut latte with a dash of honey. oh the largest size by the way! i would also like it if you drop a singular ice cube into my drink. thanks!"
choi beomgyu [A] 3 days ago
@ahn yujin as if all the odds were against beomgyu and his thumb--that had been mere inches away from sending that text asking if he could indeed close up early--he startles at the doors welcoming a new guest inside, and quietly sighs to himself. well, nevermind then. he pulls on his customer service smile as he turns towards the customer, and then, feels the corners of his lips downturn at the sight. he doesn't bother to hide his disgust as the other person cheerfully greets him, unable to find it within him to match her energy.
ugh? why are you here, i told you to never step inside here when it's the evening...
ahn yujin [A] 3 days ago
@choi beomgyu after getting an email notification earlier about an assignment due the next day, yujin panicked. an assignment due tomorrow? that was not on her radar at all! she quickly packed up her sports gear and waved farewell to her gym friends before heading to the cafe for a caffeine recharge and work session. pushing through the doors, she saw a familiar face at the counter, a doggish grin appearing across her face. "what's up loser!? are you ready to make me a drink?"
choi beomgyu [A] 3 days ago
@ahn yujin he sighs while watching the clock hands mounted to the wall move, as if it couldn't tick away any slower, and continues mumbling to himself like he's done for the past half hour.
just another two hours... i wonder if my manager would let me close up early, since it's so quiet tonight... hmm.


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soobinsthighs 4 hours ago
ning yizhuo of aespa please
Keikeu 18 hours ago
any wishes?
preciosa 1 day ago
hi I require assistance (also the stock photo of gertrude is sENDING ME)
playlist 1 day ago
yu jimin from aespa please'
gudetama 1 day ago
han jihyo/jihan of weeekly please!
sunwoc 2 days ago
sung hanbin pls
momogi 3 days ago
Jang Wonyoung please~
nubile 3 days ago
kim minjeong, please! oh, and is gertrude single? (gmilf)
cer_berus 3 days ago
park sunghoon, please.
DNABleached 3 days ago
choi yeonjun please!
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