Mnet Scandal - Love Sky Edition



Season 1: Mnet Scandal - Love Sky Edition


Each week for over a stretch of 3 months, these 6 people will get to know each other and go out on dates in front of the camera and public. TWO girls will be paired up with ONE guy for each date for the first four weeks. After every date, they will have a small rose vote, where the casts vote for who they feel is more competible with, to see who get chosen to be couple of the week for each episode.














Kim Sunggyu  Yong Junhyung






Kang Jaeyeon ~ Lee Taeyeon ~ Kang Haneul ~ Park Jiyeon



[ACES] Kim Sunggyu [A] 10 years ago
Sunggyu turned away slightly embarrassed. How could he have gotten the answer wrong? He made himself believe, it was too tricky a question. Besides, he wasn't that close to Jiyeon in the first place. Egoist male he was, he forced up a smile and shifted around in his seat. He tried joining the girls, letting out a laugh or two, only realising he was making the situation a little dry.
[iSpark] Kang Jaeyeon [A] 10 years ago
Jaeyeon laughed and nodded her head as the others stated about how anyone could even possibly resist bubble tea. Which in her case was almost impossible. "Well I guess I got the sister information wrong" She chuckled at her simple mistake. she was equally confused as to who the maknae's sister could be. She decided to hit her up with a question later on.

"Alrighty! Taeyeonie unnie, you're next!" She cheered the elder, encouraging her to go on.
[iSpark] Lee Taeyeon 10 years ago
Taeyeon looked around as she listened to their conversation, immediately beaming when she knew the bubble tea statement was false. Agreeing with Haneul, how could anyone not like the drink? Either way, she was equally as curious on who Jiyeon's idol sister was. Perhaps a senior of theirs? She started contemplating on what to say upon her turn.
[iSpark] Kang Haneul 10 years ago
Haneul chuckled. "I knew the bubble tea one was a lie! How can anyone not like it?" She wondered aloud. "Whoa, what? You're unni used to be an idol? Who?!" She asked, marveled. Haneul thought this was a very handy game, because honestly, she didn't know a lot about her fellow members, and this was a good way to get to know them better.

"Yeah, who's next?" She asked, looking around. "What was it, clockwise? Counter?"
[iSpark] Park Jiyeon [H] [A] 10 years ago
Jiyeon shrugged her shoulders at their answers while chuckling in amusement. "Yeah, the bubble tea statement is a lie. I absolutely adore bubble tea." She revealed. "And..I'm not afraid of heights.." She continued. "I had an older sister." She finally said. "She used to be an idol too." She nodded, grinning.

"Alright! Who's up next?" She asked.
[iSpark] Kang Jaeyeon [A] 10 years ago
Jaeyeon listened carefully to the three statements said by the youngest. She thought hard about it and was about to answer until Sunggyu yelled out his answer. She mumbled something before raising her hand up right after.

"I think I know.." She hesitated for a second and shook her head. "the third statement is true!" She decided. "I think I've seen you drink bubble tea a couple of times before and from what I know of, you don't have an older sister!" She explained and nodded her head, feeling satisfied with her answer.
[ACES] Kim Sunggyu [A] 10 years ago
Sunggyu had his hand under his chin, wondering which one was the answer. "I know the answer!" He crosses his arms in front of his chest smugly. "Number 2 is the truth!" He raised up his index and middle finger, almost touching the roof of the car. "I've never seen you drinking bubble tea!" Sunggyu explained himself. He sounded a little too confident, he starting to doubt himself.
[iSpark] Park Jiyeon [H] [A] 10 years ago
Jiyeon thought for a moment, trying to decide on something before mentally nodding. "Alright!" She suddenly said. "1. I had an older sister who used to be an idol." She started, gesturing a number one using her finger. "2. I dislike drinking bubble tea." She added, gesturing a number two using her fingers. "3. I'm scared of heights." She said, gesturing a number three using her fingers.

"This is sorta pretty easy." She grinned as she knew that one among those facts was revealed a long time ago. She leaned against the chair with her arms crossed as she watched the older people try and guess the facts that she has stated.
[iSpark] Kang Haneul 10 years ago
"Yeh ~ " Haneul cheered, still bouncing in her seat as she turned around as to be able to see everyone, which was easy, since she was in the corner of the car. She thought this game a very good idea, as it could show the viewers more sides and charms and such of the girls, giving them more publicity, as well as the boys. Also, who didn't like getting closer to others, especially when you're on a dating show and chemistry is sort of needed between the cast members.

She turned towards Jiyeon, the maknae, and waited for her to start. *Oh, to be young and imaginative.* She thought wistfully. She was still pretty young, but amongst her other members, there was the unni line, the maknae line, and there was Haneul, smack dab in the middle of the two lines.
[ACES] Yong Junhyung [A] 10 years ago
Junhyung just nod in response to Sunggyu, truthfully he is not really good with games and he would always just be the one observing but he didn't see any harm in joining in. He lets out a small chuckle when he notice Jiyeon pouting.

"Let's start then..." He said giving a small smile.

[shudn't have disappear but i did... sorry...]
[post deleted by owner]
[iSpark] Park Jiyeon [H] [A] 10 years ago
Jiyeon smiled at Jaeyeon who praised her with an innocent smile. "Thanks~" She said in a sing-song manner.

"Shall we go starting from maknae, the genius of this all?" Haneul had said.

"Honestly speaking, I think clockwise from our maknae would be better since it wouldn't be like girls first then guys next..." Taeyeon said next making Jiyeon frown slight. She pouted when her group members made her start first. "But unnies.." She paused and decided to just go with the flow instead of whining like a little kid. With a sigh, she agreed to go first.

"Can we get started?" She asked.
[ACES] Kim Sunggyu [A] 10 years ago
[ sorry for disappearing!! ]

Maknae would always be the maknae, always full of ideas. Sunggyu smiled with his eyes as he shifted in his seat with excitement. "We haven't played this before, right Jun?" He placed his hands on his lap. "Let's do it!" The game was a perfect icebreaker for the 6 of them to know each other better, especially for the girls since they needed more exposure to the public. It was then, when the vehicle had started to move, lucky for him he didn't had motion sickness.
[iSpark] Lee Taeyeon 10 years ago
Taeyeon was pretty excited. "Oh, I miss this game!" She cheered. When it came to games, she was hyperactive. She glanced around, hoping everyone would be positive and agree to play. This would be a great way to know and learn more about each other. "Honestly speaking, I think clockwise from our maknae would be better since it wouldn't be like girls first then guys next..." She trailed off then broke out into a wide smile.
[iSpark] Kang Haneul 10 years ago
"Icebreakers!" Haneul bounced in her seat, clapping as the maknae suggested the game idea. "Joah ~" She said, pronouncing it weirdly with a thumbs up to the camera in front of her.

"Who's going first?" She asked. "Shall we go starting from maknae, the genius of this all?" She said, gesturing to Jiyeon with a grin. "And then clockwise or something." She shrugged, looking at the others for confirmation or more ideas.
[iSpark] Kang Jaeyeon [A] 10 years ago
Jaeyeon heard Sunggyu's comment, looked at him and stuck out her tongue. She didn't really care whether the elder heard or not, in fact, what she said to Junhyung was supposed to be heard by Sunggyu himself. An act of tease isn't called teasing if the other party doesn't know what's going on, right?

Jaeyeon nodded and shouted along with Sunggyu. She was getting more excited for the fact that she got to eat something she had been craving for for awhile. Ever since joining the company, some restrictions were made about certain food to not eat while if you were to join the company, and for Jaeyeon, pizza was one of the few foods that she was not able to eat.

Pleased at the youngest's suggestion, Jaeyeon nodded eagerly and agreed to the play the so called game. "Good idea, Jiyeon!" She encouraged and complimented the youngest.
[iSpark] Park Jiyeon [H] [A] 10 years ago
Jiyeon chuckled at her members' and her two seniors' variety. She sat next to the window so she could easily lean on it while gazing out the tinted windows. "So.. What do you guys think of playing a game which allows us to get to know more about one another?" She suggested as she turned to look at the others once more. "Maybe.. someone has to tell the others 3 sentences about themselves and the others have to guess which is a lie and which is the truth. Once they're done, the person next to them goes next." She said.

"What do you guys think?" She asked.
[iSpark] Lee Taeyeon 10 years ago
Taeyeon was quite pleased that there wasn't much awkwardness in the vehicle. She smiled as she albeit felt a little lost. She didn't know who to talk to, what to say, she wasn't a very skilled actress or variety member. But she made small talk with some of her members. Excitement burst further and further through her as the very thought of pizza excited her further, to the extent she was practically bobbing up and down in her seat. She looked at te camera and rubbed her tummy lightly, and gently, mouthing, "Hungry~"
[iSpark] Kang Haneul 10 years ago
Haneul had heard Jaeyeon as well and made a face at the camera in front of her, wrinkling her nose. She pointed to her right at Jaeyeon, mumbling incoherent sentences to the camera as she continued fixing her hair. "Ew not even what is she thinking omigosh she needs to omigosh I'm too cool for him aish jinja moya." She said, basically, with about a dozen more ' aish 'es and ' jinja 's added somewhere in there.

With a satisfied smile, she gave the camera in front of her a thumbs up and turned to the others. "Yeh ~ !" She cheered in agreement with Sunggyu, her fist raised in the air. She made eye contact with the main camera and pointed at it. "Julbal! ( another way to say let's go )" She said, grinning as she bounced in her seat at the thought of food.
[ACES] Kim Sunggyu [A] 10 years ago
"Yah, I heard you..." Sunggyu kept his eyes fixated at the LCD screen, still checking his hair. Jaeyeon's whispering was loud enough for everyone to hear, besides, Sunggyu was literally sitting in the middle of them two. It seemed as though the program was turning into a vacation diary for both groups, both were getting too comfortable together. Sunggyu worried when they had to split up, it might no longer be this case.

"Everyone comfy?" Sunggyu was really starting off his career as the program's MC and he was enjoying a little too much in his position. He looked around at the girls who are properly seated. He was sitting in the middle row between Haneul and Jaeyeon while Taeyeon was between Junhyung and Jiyeon, so much for being an cold city man, fancy sitting at a corner, Junhyung.

Sunggyu leaned forward at the camera which was filming the entire interior of the car, aka the main camera, and shouted, "Gahpshida! (Let's go!)" Food makes him forget himself at times like this.
[post deleted by owner]
[iSpark] Kang Jaeyeon [A] 10 years ago
Hearing Junhyung's question made nearly all the girls to chuckle a little. Jaeyeon laughed heartily at Jiyeon's and Haneul's comment about themselves and nodded her head in agreement. "We don't go on diet unless we really have to."

Jaeyeon watched as Sunggyu and Haneul fixed their appearances on the screens in front of them and slightly chuckled to herself. She poked Junhyung on the sides and whispered, "Those two seems to be a good match, don't you think?"
[iSpark] Kang Haneul 10 years ago
She stuck her tongue out at Junhyung playfully before skipping into the car. "Yes, yes, father." She grinned. Sunggyu sat in the seat next to her and she gave him a small, abrupt smile before turning to the other members on what their opinion on pizza was. Haneul laughed at Jiyeon's comment and nodded, agreeing. "All of us, pretty much. We have like the superpower of fast metabolism." She joked.

"Meh. I'm fine with whatever." She shrugged. And being the gongjupyong she is, turned the screen of the camera so it was facing her and checked her reflection, fixing her hair and checking her makeup, smiling brightly after.

( gongjupyong literally translates to ' princess disease '. its basically saying Haneul is always like calling herself a princess and is always checking her reflection and such. . . ya know? o/ and is anyone actually korean irl? )
[ACES] Kim Sunggyu [A] 10 years ago
Sunggyu caught Junhyung off guard as he was talking about what they should eat. He led Junhyung with his hands on his shoulders towards the car and motioned him in to the back seat before taking the middle seat in the middle row. Like how he would want it, he was going to be the main, at least for the drive.

Looking at his own reflection on the LED screen, the cameras were already placed inside the car, his fingers pinching the corners of the sideburns. The car was getting ready to move off, just waiting for everyone to get in and settle down in the car.
[iSpark] Park Jiyeon [H] [A] 10 years ago
Jiyeon couldn't help but chuckle at Junhyung's statement on their diet. "I sorta don't have to go on a diet. I can't gain much fat no matter how much I eat." She said. "If I go on diet, I'll be as skinny as a stick so the company sorta doesn't want me to go on any diets." She continued. "I guess that's why I'm also the group's shikshin." She shrugged. "Pizza for breakfast is sorta like a dream come true." She smiled.
[iSpark] Lee Taeyeon 10 years ago
The first one to nod was, inevitably, Taeyeon. Man, how could she say no to pizza? Denying pizza, to her, was pretty much a major crime - that thick, wheated crust, thinly sliced turkey-ham, evenly layered mozzarella cheese, juicy, yet sweet sauce... Who could resist it? She nodded continuously, and sat back with an especially wide grin, having heard the mention of her favourite treat, ready for the trip to start.
[ACES] Yong Junhyung [A] 10 years ago
“Ya Kang Haneul. Its oppa to you not father…” Junhyung said as he looks at Haneul before everyone starts moving towards the black van. Somehow everyone seems to be more relax and less awkward now. He enters the van once all of the girls did and upon hearing the question to where their destination is, he ponders for a moment. “Does pizza sounds alright to you guys or do you guys want something else? And if you guys are having any diet right now, ignore it.” Junhyung said as he looks at the girls, hoping that all of them would agree.
[iSpark] Park Jiyeon [H] [A] 10 years ago
Jiyeon flinched and yelped in surprised when someone pulled off her headphones before nudging her on her side. To her surprise, it was one of the older members, Jaeyeon. "Sorry, unnie." She apologized and immediately turned off her mp3 and kept it all back inside her bag. "So!" She suddenly started. "Where are we headed?" She asked.
[iSpark] Kang Jaeyeon [A] 10 years ago
Jaeyeon listened to everyone speaking their own opinions and answers, and nodded her head whenever she had to. She was probably way too hungry to even notice what they were saying. She headed towards the appointed van and sat next to their youngest member.

She made herself comfortable on her seat and watched as jiyeon pulled out a headphone and an mp3. Jaeyeon mentally facepalmed herself. She pulled down Jiyeon's headphone and whispered to her, "Don't be rude, maknae!" She nudged the younger on her side.
[iSpark] Park Jiyeon [H] [A] 10 years ago
Jiyeon flinched at Haneul's sudden yell and sheepishly smiled. "sorry unnie~" She apologized with a playful grin before heading to the van after Sunggyu. She smiled at him and bowed her head lightly before climbing onto the van and headed to the furthest seat at the back.

Once she was seated, her hands immediately grabbed her headphones and mp3 before plugging it in and bopping her head according to the catchy beat. What was she listening? It was easy, she had sneakily recorded iSpark when they were practicing their debut song. She enjoyed singing, dancing as well as listening to that catchy song of theirs.


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icynights 10 years ago
im sorry, kang haneuls leaving
:c i had fun here though!
christine3006 10 years ago
I would like to be Hyeri from Girls day^^
eunhyukee44 10 years ago
Id like to apply for EunHyuk, is it available?
Baekyawn 10 years ago
I'm sorry but Suho's leaving.
YoungJaeBaby 10 years ago
I would like to apply for Jay Park. :3 I wanted to ask because I haven't had a chance to check this rp out and I was hiatus for over a year due to my studies. But now I'm back with full force and looking for some good roleplayers! :D
yoonjinhyo 10 years ago
Sorry Jay is leaving
caffeine_junkie 10 years ago
Sorry, but Jimin left. :/
I wasn't very active here. T__T

+ I cleared out his profile for you. ^^
-BabyElf_Fan 10 years ago
Sorry yongguk is leaving
yoonjinhyo 10 years ago
Jay Park will be on hiatus
Going to travel somewhere
Baekyawn 10 years ago
Can you please add and reserve Suho for me?
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