⚓ Ocean


Common area for merpeople & humans. deepsea fishing etc.


☆ Emma Watson 9 years ago
@☆ Minseok "well it should be, I'd like to die while using my last breath to eat pancakes." Emma joked and chuckled at his wink. When he finally went up to her to give her the pancakes, Emma clapped happily as she stared at the slightly melted chocolate chip and gooey blueberries incorporated in the pancake. However, she waited for him to finish cooking before she ate so she just poked the pancake around with her fork. "Okay so from now on, he's going to be Lexon the great! Ruler of all the tabby cats in the world." She proclaimed as she watched the cat move to his lap when he sat down. Emma started to eat and savor the taste of Xiumin's cooking. She had to admit he made awesome pancakes. She took the can of whipped cream in front of her and sprayed it all over her food then resumed eating. "Yes but I'm more than happy to wake up to reality because xiu, your pancakes are awesome!" She grinned and gave him a thumbs up as she ate,
☆ Minseok 9 years ago
@☆ Emma Watson "If you were dying I don't think pancakes would be my priority Em," he chuckled, glancing her way and giving a wink as he pulled the finished pancakes off the griddle and moved to set them on her place before returning to pour the last of the batter on the pan and let that cook for his own breakfast.
"Let me know if their good," he grins, thinking over the name as he thought, "Lexon..i like it.." he grins brightly, pleased with the name, and her skills at coming up with it.
Plating his own pancakes he moved over to sit beside her, Lexon now hopping from his chair to sit in Xiumin's lap. He broke a piece of his pancake and fed it to the cat before starting to eat himself.
"It feels weird doesnt it...to think just a few hours ago we were still stranded on an island..it felt like a dream," he laughs.
☆ Emma Watson 9 years ago
@☆ Minseok Emma watched as he made the batter from scratch and she put down the cat, placing it on one of the chairs. She went to the sink and washed her hands before standing beside xiumim again.
When Xiumin wasn't looking she would sneak a couple of chocolate chips and blueberries and pop itall in . This was one of the many habits Emma has and she didn't really mind this one. She chewed on the chocolate and berries quickly, feeling the taste of sweet cocoa and milk with a hint of fruity flavor explode in . Before her friend can catch her, she swallowed it immediately and walked to the other side,acting all innocent as she listened to him give out choices for his cat. Emma leaned her back on the counter while drumming her fingers on the marble top. She pursed her lips to the side, thinking of a proper name for the cute tabby cat. After a few minutes of brainstorming, she finally thougjt of something "a mix of alexander and napoleon! Let's name him lexon" she grinned at him and added "plus it's a unique name!"
"Wooow I can already smell it." She clasped he hands together and pouted as the air was filled with the sweet aroma of the cooking pancake. She watched as the pancake slowly turned golden brown and the chocolate chop and blueberries slightly color the pancakes.
She bit her lip and decided to distract herself by getting two plates, some syrup and etc. as she set up the table nicely while waiting for the pancakes to be done.
Emma sat down and and rested her elbows on the table while pufing her cheek out. "Yaah xiumin hurry up im dying" she said playfully and twirled her fork with her fingers.
☆ Minseok 9 years ago
@☆ Emma Watson "Hey I do not drool," he grins as he grabs a bowl to mix up the flour, sugar, eggs and milk.
"Not very long, about ten more minutes, maybe a little less, depends on how many you want," he laughs and looks at her as she picks up the cat.
"Names--I really don't know, I mean, it's a boy I know that much, and he usually is darting all over the place and making me run after him incase he gets himself into trouble. He kinda looks a bit like a tiger? I guess cuz he's a tabby--but 'Tiger' is a lame name isnt it? Its common I think...maybe name him some foreign sounding name that'd be cool I think? Or since I like History I should name him after an emperor--like Alexander or maybe Napoleon?" he wonders, throwing out random suggestions, "what do you think?" he finishes adding in the blueberries and chocolate chips and moves to grab a ladle and start to make the pancakes on the griddle he's heated up, hearing the sizzle of batter as it touched the pan and started to cook.
☆ Emma Watson 9 years ago
@☆ Minseok "Maybe it was, but I think the ants was the worst." Emma shrugged and scrunched her nose as they walked. It was a rather short walk, since Xiumin's house was near the beach. She remembered the times when she used to sleep over at his place when they got too late on working on a project or when both of them are too exhausted after taking a swim. The house was beautiful and it could even be the type that people rented whenever they go on a beach trip.
Once they stepped in, the cool air from the AC flowed around Emma's skin causing her bare arms to form goosebumps. She looked around the house and it was pretty much the same as how she remembered it. A little modifications here and there, but it wasn't too major enough to change the appearance of the interior. Suddenly, Emma felt a soft, fluffy feeling brushing between her feet before pouncing on his friend. "So a adorable! Well what names are on your mind then?" Emma said as she followed him to the kitchen and leaning her back on the counter beside him. "Wow so heroic, xiumin!" She nudged him and grinned at him lightly before focusin on the cat again. "hey little furball, has xiumin been a good owner hmm? He's evil right? oh and don't sleep next to him or else he'll drool" Emma spoke softly as she took the cat from his shoulders lightly and cradled it in her arms, lightly stroking its soft fur after giving her friend a teasing look. However, she felt her stomach grumble and chuckled lightly as it was a rather loud sound indicating her hunger. "Xiuuu, how long will the pancakes be done?" She nudged him lightly and habitually chewed her inner cheek lightly(which she needed to break)
☆ Minseok 9 years ago
@☆ Emma Watson He chuckles, smiling a bit and then puffing his cheeks slightly, "ah no the worst was the alcohol fire incident," he grins widely, turning to face her as she seemed to keep fixing her hair but before he could say or do anything he was suddenly grabbed and pulled along off to the pier and across the beach.
"Slow down Em! I promise you'll get your pancakes soon," he laughs, moving to catch up and walk by her side rather than stumble along.
He moved to lead the way since it was his house they were headed to, and he was glad he wasn't far away from the beach--granted the price for buying a place at its location was a bit more pricey but it was still a good investment and he'd been glad he chose it.
You could get a view of the beach or ocean from almost every window, there was even a balcony on the second floor that over looked it.
It was only about a 7 minute walk from the beach, and soon he'd pulled out his keys, unlocked the doors and stepped inside the cool air conditioned home.
"Oh that feels so nice..glad to be home-" and that's when a blur of orange, black and white threw itself at him and he just barely rose his hands up to catch the small fur ball in his hands with a grin.
"Ah-hey there," he glanced to Emma, "You haven't been over to my place in a few weeks, but did I mention I adopted a cat--?" he inquired, biting his lip in thought.
"I probably didn't," he laughs, setting the cat up on his shoulder to perch there as he moved to the kitchen to wash his hands and gather pancake ingredients.
"I don't have a name for him just yet, I took him from the city's shelter."
☆ Emma Watson 9 years ago
@☆ Minseok It wasn't the worst birthday ever, Emma thought. In fact it was a sort of fun minus their growling stomachs. She watched as the island grew smaller and smaller until it was out of focus. That island was going to be another part of her messed up and memorable misadventures with her best friend, so she was still happy even if they got stranded.
She felt xiumin stand beside her while grinning as he offered a make up gift for yesterday. "Well the mermaid sighting was actually a bummer but hey dont make it sound like it was the worst birthday." She replied as she nudged him playfully. "And yes, sea shell shaped pancakes would be very much appreciated." Emma added while she tried to tuck strands of her hair that was being blown by the breeze. "Let's throw in everything because I am hungry. We're about to dock let's go!!" She replied rather excitedly and pulled him near the exit of the boat and down the pier.
☆ Minseok 9 years ago
@☆ Emma Watson And soon they were off, the island growing distant. And he grinned widely, feeling the warmth of the sun, the salty but cool breeze of the sea. He yawned a bit but he wasn't too tired. And moving from where he stood, he wandered over to stand next to Emma and over look the water as they neared the main coast.
"So maybe we didn't see any mermaids for your birthday--but how about sea shell shaped pancakes?" he grins, "just to make it up to you?" he chuckles resting an elbow on the edge of the boat and propping his head up as the wind blew by.
"And their going to be buttermilk because those are the best, but should we put in blueberries or chocolate chips or anything?" he wonders, just as he hears the captain announce their arrival and ready to dock at the pier by the beach.
☆ Emma Watson 9 years ago
@☆ Minseok "Really??? Use those buttermilk thing whenever you cook okay!" Emma widened her eyes happily at the thought of the amazing breakfast that was waiting for her back home. Well, back at xiumin's home. She watched two men, presumably the coastal rangers or lifeguards that would save them.

With a light push to the ground, Emma stood up and brushed her clothes, letting the tiny grains of sand fall off and join the shore again. She stretched her legs a bit and shaked her foot, trying to shake off the numbness due to being huddled up last night. Following her friend's lead, they went up to the boats and greeted the coast guard with a grateful smile. After the small explanation, they stepped in the boat and Emma leaned on the edge lightly, letting the sea breeze freshen her up a bit.
☆ Minseok 9 years ago
@☆ Emma Watson He chuckles at her words about pancakes.
"Tell you what, when we get back, we'll go to my house and I'll make you all the pancakes you want," he chuckles as the boat nears and he watches two men in white attire step off.
"Come on," he speaks, picking up his backpack and jacket, handing her her own jacket and starting to walk towards the men and their boats, giving a greeting and hearing them mention how they were part of the coast guard and saw what happened yesterday. But due to sever weather could not arrive sooner.
☆ Emma Watson 9 years ago
@☆ Minseok Emma could only nod softly due to her sleepiness. Her vision was geting hazy and the last thing she saw before her eyelids gave up on her were xiumin's hands intertwined with hers. She smiled softly at the warmth and finally fell asleep.

After a couple of hours or so, Emma was slightly awakened by her friend who was shaking her lightly. Like the heavy sleeper she was, Emma replied her usual line "5 more minutes..." She said as she buried her deeper into the soft facade. Was it xiumin or a jacket? She didn't know. All Emma wanted was to sleep more. She shuffled lightly and felt the warm sunlight cast upon her skin. Did he say something about boats? Why would there be...oh! Emma sat up immediately and rubbed her eyes with her hands. She blinked and took a look at the surroundings and realized they were still at the island. "Boats? Does that mean we'll have pancakes?" She said half-consciously and grinned at him. Emma stretched and yawned a bit to shake the sleep off. Slowly, she realized that the temperature was hotter now and that the sun was already shining high up in the sky.
She also felt her stomach grumble and tilted her head to face her friend.
"Well it seems like we're going home." Emma smiled as the boat came in focus to her.
☆ Minseok 9 years ago
@☆ Emma Watson He laughs, "Yeah we'll be those crazy old people who have crazy stories to tell their kids," he grins, "watching as she slipped her fingers into her pocket, he moved his hands forward, slipping over to pull them out and hold onto them in his warmer hands (for some reason he couldnt understand he was always either really warm or really cold). The action was almost unconscious, and he let the warmth of his hand transfer over to hers as he leaned back against the tree behind them and yawned softly, eyes closing as the waves crashed on the shore. Only a few moments more and soon he was out and fast asleep.
----[Time Skip]----

The next morning his eyes opened to the annoyingly loud call of seagulls, and his mind came to as he realized that hot sun was shining down on him and making his skin tingle.
At first he didn't see anything unusual and then suddenly he was aware of a rowboat coming out towards them from a bigger white ship.
"Em--hey, Em, wake up.." he spoke, shaking her slightly, "I think we were spotted and there's people coming to get us."
How late was it? He could feel his stomach growl, but given by the position the sun was in, maybe around noon? Was he tan? His skin stung a slight bit, probably just from the heat. And he watched as the boat came closer.

[feel free to only reply to the second half of this after the time skip~]
☆ Emma Watson 9 years ago
@☆ Minseok "I hope so too but we can always jump in the shore if that happens." Emma chuckled and yawned a bit. It was still cold and her fingers were getting numb so she stuffed her hands in her pockets after rubbing it together.
She didn't mind though, since the jacket and her friend's warmth was somehow just enough to keep her warm. Plus, she considered it as their bonding time together. They never really got to hang out and "relax" like this because both of them have been busy with their own lives.
"Yes and we'll eat all the pancakes we want." She looked up at him and grinned. "Well because you're strange and I'm amusing...kidding but yeah that's what makes it fun and atleast we'll have a lot of things to laugh about when we get old." She smiled and snuggled his side softly and rested her head on his shoulder. Emma yawned and felt her eyes get heavy making her eyelashes flutter as she blinked a couple of times.
☆ Minseok 9 years ago
He grins, nodding, "I have a few too," he laughs softly, "Yeah yeah, hey we laughed about it later right?" he speaks reassuringly, "I hope tonight will be nice too but not with ants--I really don't want anymore ant bites," he laughs, glancing at her as she shifted, feeling her throw their jackets over and bring some warmth against the chill of the night.
Not as cozy as the warmth of a fire but it was nice enough when he could pair it with the warmth of her with it.
He rested sighed softly, "Tomorrow morning, I'm sure we'll be able to get back home...I find it kind of funny how all the things e plan out for each others birthdays and our own always go so crazily wrong--but its funny..its just so strange and amusing..the things that happen.."
[post deleted by owner]
☆ Emma Watson 9 years ago
@☆ Minseok "How can I forget that?" Emma laughed lightly at the memory of the enchanting night sky that was covered with streaks of light. "Plus, I still have like 3 scars left from all that ant bites and scratching." Their legs were covered in angry red spots after that and they decided to jump in the nearby lake. "I told you that wasn't just a bunch of lumpy soil." She said in a matter of fact kind of tone. "Well, let's hope that tonight turns out to be fun like yours." She smiles as she tilted her head to the side and rested her temples on his. Emma took the ends of the jackets and snuggled closer to him so that it cocooned them.
☆ Minseok 9 years ago
@☆ Emma Watson He'd placed the gum in his bag, thanking her quietly, and as she spoke about constellations, he grinned softly.
"Do you remember...that camping trip we went on when we were fourteen for my birthday? We stayed up almost all night waiting for the meteor shower that early morning just past midnight." he asks, "that was fun, the weather was amazing as well, it was cool but not chilly, that was fun birthday.." he laughs softly, "that was until it turned out we set up a tent on an ant hill.." and recalling it he shook his head and rested his head on her shoulder as she leaned back, feeling the warmth of her body though her arms were a bit cold, and taking hold of the jackets, he draped them over the both of them to provide some warmth.
☆ Emma Watson 9 years ago
@☆ Minseok "I guess that could work too." She said as he gave the idea. They had limited resources and they needed to use it wisely. Emma thougt that Xiumin wouldn't surrender the pack but was actuallt surprised when he handed it over quickly. Though she could see from his facial expression that he was already addicted to it, she knew she could still save her friend from that horrible stick of cancer.
She pulled a bottle of gum out of her pocket, since she likes to chew one to keep her breath minty, then replaced it with the pack of smokes. "Here, now whenever you crave for that dumb cigarette, just chew gum instead." She said as she placed the the gum bottle in his hand and pulled him to their place.
Emma was a bit caught of guard when the male pulled her down and made her sit in between his legs. A soft blush spread across her face and for once, she was thankful that it was dark so it musn't be noticeable. Besides, what they were doing now was purely for survival, so emma shouldn't think about those kind of things. She leaned lightly on him so that their make shift blanket would be able to cover the both of them and keep them warm. Emma looked straight and listened to the slushing sound of the rolling waves from the ocean. She smiled and relaxed a bit as he pulled them closer together. Emma could feel the warmth radiating from his body and the rhythm his heart beating in his chest. She looked up the sky and smiled hopefully "yeah I hope so, I miss tracing out constellations." She nodded and wished that the sky will clear up soon.
☆ Minseok 9 years ago
@☆ Emma Watson "I'm sure its dried somewhat though..we can button them together to make sort of a circular blanket to wrap us both in?" he speaks in thought, and then hearing her as she caught him red handed he felt his lips form a small 'o'.
"but..Em...come on, please, its just a stress relief, I promise I wont smoke around you again..what replacement.." he murmurs, catching sight of her facial expression and slowly moving to pull out the pack from his back pocket, wanting to hold onto it, feeling like he really needed it, as a secure measure..it was his go to when he was stressed, he wasn't sure how he could manage with out it..but he handed it over, looking away and up again as he exhaled and tried to calm himself, knowing somewhere far back she was right, but at the same time not liking it..but he was silent and obeyed, feeling her pull him alone back to where they had been, and he grinned as his mood brightened a bit, moving to sit down he pulled her down with him, ending up making her sit between his legs with her back to him and the two of them looking out at the now dark ocean waves as they rolled.
"Maybe we can finally see a decent amount of stars here," he speaks, "if the clouds blow away that is.." and he moved to reach for their jackets and pull them closer to where they sat.
☆ Emma Watson 9 years ago
@☆ Minseok She watched Xiumin take out his cigarette stick from his mouth and grinned lightly when he crushed the small flickering flame under the weight of his boots. However, she was slightly disappointed that he was still smoking. Emma knew that he still has a pack on him so she walked up to him and brought her hand out . "Give me the whole stash." She said blankly "come on, I'll give a replacement for your cigarette." Emma afded and tapped her foot impatiently.
Emma followed her friend but she was doubtful since the surroundings were dark and the way where xiumin was leading her was almost pitch black. "Xiu, it's night time already." Stating the obvious when xiumin looked up at the dark sky. It seems like they'll have to settle with nothing but their clothes.
"No, it's okay. But my jacket is wet remember? So I guess we'll have tl share yours." Emma reminded him and pulled him back towards their camping place.
☆ Minseok 9 years ago
@☆ Emma Watson "Oh god yes that sounds amazing.." he speaks, imagining her addition to his idea of pancakes.
And he heard her words,, feeling his cheeks warm.
"Oh uh..well, I did, kinda I mean its less than it was--its just a stress relief--" he speaks pulling the cigarette from his lips and he's lost for words, puffing his cheeks, letting out air slowly, thinking and finally dropping it to crush under his boot sighs, nodding slowly.
"No cigarettes...got it." he speaks, taking her hand and pulling her along, "Alright, lets go before its way too dark.." he speaks, but as he looks up at the sky its already so dark..he stops.
"Or maybe..I guess, we'll have to wait the night..its too dark, who knows whats in there or where we're gonna step..sorry Em.." he speaks, "we're stuck with our jackets."
☆ Emma Watson 9 years ago
@☆ Minseok When Xiumin mentioned about his cravings, Emma couldn't help but drool at the thought of pancakes too. "Pancakes with mango slices and strawberries with whipped cream and syrup!" Emma needed to stop thinking about food if she want's to survive so she kicked the fallen leaves and bit her lip.
She sat down at a safe distance as he tried to ignite their pile but after a few attempts, it seems as if they weren't going to experience the warmth and brightness that a burning fire will bring.
Night time was approaching and sooner or later, the temperature will surely drop. Emma listened intently to his plan even though she didn't want to venture deeper into the forest.
She watched as Xiumin's forehead creased and his mouth turn into a frown. Her face mirrored his expressions as soon as she caught sight of him puffing a stick of cigarette and she quickly stood up and hit his arm lightly. "Xiu, I thought you already stopped smoking?" She scrunched her nose and waved of the puffs of smoke that he was producing. "This is going to give you yellow teeth and it will obviously not give you healthy lungs!" Emma scoffed and tried to take away his cigarette from his mouth. She may sound naggy and annoying but she was only worried for his health.
"I'll come with you if you put that cancer stick out of your mouth." She narrowed her eyes at him and crossed her arms together, challenging him to put off the cigarette.
☆ Minseok 9 years ago
@☆ Emma Watson He thinks for a moment, trying to recall that character, "I think I'll have to reread that then...I can't recall that character.." he admits slowly, biting his lip.
"Yeah, we can search later, I have food for tonight, so tomorrow we'll need to hope we get rescued. Hopefully in the morning too...I'm craving pancakes.." he laughs, watching her bring her pile over he nods in approval, "That's perfect." he speaks, bringing over what he had gathered as well and adjusting the pile.
It dawned on him that the rain had stopped, though the temperature was still cold, and it seemed the wind that picked up was colder and harder.
He pulled out his lighter from his back pocket, sparking it and then lowering it to light the wood on fire.
And after a moment of holding, it lit--but it died just as fast and wouldn't again.
"The woods too wet. It doesnt feel like it but the bark's absorbed a lot of water and its too much to light a fire. We'll have to go deeper in, into the thickest part of the forest, where hopefully there's a lot more wood where less water fell through the trees."
He let out a huff, thinking, feeling his forhead crease a bit as he tried to think up a plan.
It was getting dark already, and he was tempted to reach for his cigarette pack, infact that sounded like a really good idea right now.
So he pulled out the box from his back pocket in a swift movement and lit one, turning away to look at the forest that seeemed darker as the light of day decreased.
"I can go see if I can find some.." he speaks, moving off closer to the forest, wandering past the tree line, "Or..do you wanna come with again?" he speaks as a chilling breeze blows and rustles all the leaves. The sky growing darker than it had been before.
☆ Emma Watson 9 years ago
@☆ Minseok "Foxface! The girl who ate katniss and peeta's nightlock berries!" She shook her head remembering the scene. Emma has a bit of an obsession with books too. It was one of the reasons why she became friends with Xiumin. She laughed when the latter pulled on his diva mode in response to her idea of roasting him. "We can look for it later though. I dont want us to go deeper into the island at this time."
Emma then walked to the tree beside him and helped him strip off some of the barks. "What? Whenever people separate in movies, they end up with a knife in their back or eaten by wolves or kidnapped or possessed." She raised her eyebrow and stripped the bark off successfully. Moving on to the drier tree, she noticed it was easier to strip the barks and soon enough, she had an armful of tree barks. She walked up to her friend and grinned at him happily as if she was proud of what she collected. "Is this enough for our fire?" She asked and dropped it to the spot where they rested earlier.
☆ Minseok 9 years ago
@☆ Emma Watson "Ah you mean Rue?" he spoke, knowing the characters since that book had been an obsession for him last year when he first got his job at the library.
He wandered off a bit, keeping an eye out for not so damp wood, and hearing her comment about roasting food, he calls out, "Ay there shall be no roasting the baozi okay!" he rose his hands up and flailed them a bit, his tone almost like one belonging to a diva, full of sass.
"Ofcourse I can, remember that one camping trip Senior Year of High School? I pointed out the poison ivy; I'm sure we'll be fine, maybe we can find some coconuts or banannas or something.." he scratched the back of his head, patting a tree to feel the dampness of its trunk, and then scratching at it a bit, ending up peeling a thin strip of bark which he repeated again to strip more.
"I'm not even five feet from you em, calm down, you can still see me," he laughed, turning to meet her gaze and casting a small pink lipped smile her way.
"You're not a grandmother yet, Em," he chuckled, "if you want, think the trees past this point are gonna be drier, pat them to feel how wet the bark is, and if you can use your nails to scrape off chunks, then peel the rest off," he speaks motioning to the pile he had going.
"Just stay close, you're right, the last thing we need is to get lost." he spoke with a nod, done with his tree and moving on to the next one nearby until they had a sufficient amount of tree bark to light.
☆ Emma Watson 9 years ago
@☆ Minseok She grinned back at her friend and chuckled at his dorky yet adorable smile. Of course she wouldn't admit that or else he might get a big head, Emma thought. "That's good then. We should write up a letter to him if ever we survive." She joked and nodded at him. "Remind me that once we start a fire. I'll have roasted baozi for dinner tonight." She replied and laughed lightly. Taking a swig from her glass, she finished her drink and pursed her lips as she felt the heat from the alcohol start to warm her up. "That would be enough I guess, I'm not that hungry since we ate cake a while ago." Emma shrugged and handed the now empty glass to her friend. She was doubtful of the fruits in the island since some of it may be poisonous. Emma tilted her head to the side and asked him "As long as you can recognize the safe ones then okay. But I'll haunt you if we end up like the fox girl on hunger games." She narrowed her eyes at him and pretended to threaten him with a twig. When the rain calmed down slightly but still strong, Xiumin stood up and told her that he was going to collect their needed firewood. "Don't go too far okay?" Emma warned and looked at him worriedly. "Or do you want me to come with you?" She asked and stood up as well and stretched too. She didn't want them to separate since they were only the two of them in the island.
☆ Minseok 9 years ago
@☆ Emma Watson "Actually that I learned from watching Survivor Man on tv," he laughs, grinning widely, showing off his teeth in an almost dorky smile.
"But, I think it would be a good thing for you to thaw a frozen baozi...because frozen ones are very hard to eat and not as good as warm steamed ones.." he states, turning it into a joke since the nickname also meant a steamed bun and poked her side as she nudged him.
He took another sip and thought for a minute as a brief but rather nice silence surfaced.
"i have some chips and crackers, but nothing big. The closest thing to an actual meal is a peanut butter sandwich I've got packed which we can split in half, but after that we're out. I'll figure something out don't worry. This is an island, maybe we'll find some plants or something with fruit?" he explained, downing the rest of the wine, his body tingling and warming up inside from the alcohol and he moved to tuck the glass back into his bag, noticing that it had been a while since he heard thunder, and the rain looked more like mist though it still fell, the ocean now covered in a thin white fog, and he stands, looking around, stretching his arms.
"I'm going to go explore this area a bit, see what there is. I won't be going far, if you need me just shout kay?" he spoke, "I'll try to get some firewood," he explains with a small grin.
☆ Emma Watson 9 years ago
@☆ Minseok "you never know though" Emma shrugged at him and replied "I wouldn't want to have to thaw a frozen baozi." She chuckled at the pet name she used when they were younger and rubbed her own hands together to heat them up. Taking the glass of wine, Emma could see the flash of lightning on the glass' reflection. She raised her glass in response before swirling the liquid in the glass "And for our, camping slash survival day." She grinned and then she brought it up to her lips and sipped it sparingly. The wine left a trail of a slight burning sensation down as she drank it. Emma was a light drinker but she knew that the heat she'll get from the alcohol will surely help her a lot in battling the cold wind. She listened and nodded intently at Xiumin's instruction "Did you read that from some of your survival books?" she chuckled and nudged his shoulder lightly while smiling at him cheekily. "Let's start gathering after we finish our drink oh and what about our food?" Emma asked as she raised her eyebrow at him. Although, she hopes that his friend included some emergency snacks in his bag. It would be difficult to search for food at an island specially at this weather. She took another sip from her wine and tilted the half empty cup around as she played with the liquid.
☆ Minseok 9 years ago
@☆ Emma Watson Emma Watson He grinned, recalling how they had thrown cups of what they thought was water to stop the flames only to have them grow larger. Ofcourse all the adults were furious.
"Hey, i'll be fine, theres no hypothermia yet-an oncoming cold maybe, but i dont see hypothermia as a prediction." he stated with a smile, slipping his hands from her hold and pulling out the one bottle of wine he'd packed and two glasses to drink out of.
Pouring out the wine, he handed her a glass and then took his own, raising it a bit, "For your birthday, Happy Birthday Em." he grinned as lightning flashed again followed by thunder, calling her by the nickname he'd given her when they were young teenager and knew one another well enough to do so.
"we'll have to go a bit deeper into the first to find dry wood,or already some wood that's not a wet from train as out here. The more we find the better too. Bigger flame will make it easier for people to see us or the smoke at least." he stated, taking a sip of the red wine and savoring the taste and soft fizzly burn it created as it slid down his throat.
[post deleted by owner]


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MaleWifey 6 years ago
lavenders 11 hours ago Reply All
i miss this place
tangerines 6 years ago
i miss this place
xicewolf 6 years ago
I miss this place too. Oh my gosh my confessions are still in the confession room from when I was here as Chinhwa. I think I'm gonna start crying-
Yukiko 6 years ago
i miss this rp ;;

i hope there will be a revamp soon cos i loved to play as selena the mermaid TT
psychologist 7 years ago
w hat . the f uc k i miss this so much --- reminiscing on the days of being yifan and everyone's uncle
-- amir/uncle fan
LuQiTrashHeap 8 years ago
I miss thiiiiiis *^*
lulubutt 8 years ago
I had tons of fun here, you should revamp bb
0855e0d15942e23aa583 9 years ago
dahye left. ;; sorry baby. i was never active tbh. u n u i miss you though < 3
-rseptto- 9 years ago
Seolhyun left. I really want to be in this rp but it's too dead and most of them haven't rped in months. I will probably join back if it's active. I'm sorry. I really am.
Black_PearlGirl12 9 years ago
Add + reserve Girl Day's Bang Minah please!
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