♆ Sunken Ship


Sunken Ship
the abandoned shipwreck in the deepest parts of the sea.


♆ Bomi 9 years ago
(pearl not diamond XD)
♆ Bomi 9 years ago
When Bomi finally woke up she decided to go out and explore the sea all over again.While she was swimming she saw a sunken sea ship.Her eyes widened as she started at the ship.Bomi slowly swam over to it and slowley lifted her hand to touch the ship.She was truly amazed.But she quickly took her hand back not feeling so sure of what would happen.As she finally decided to be brave she entered the ship she looked around with so many emotions.Scared, worried,amazed and excited.Bomi found something on the floor,it ended up being a spoon."What's..this?"She said as she tilts her head. She saw her reflection on the spoon wich frightened her.Her eyes widened as she dropped the spoon and backed away.She finally picked up the fork again and smiled.Finally she giggled and started fixing her hair,doing funny faces and laughed.Bomi put the spoon in her bag and continued looking.She found lots of stuff glasses,forks,plates until there was one thing that really caught bomi's eyes.It was shiny,big and breathtaking. It was a diamond."Woah what's that?"Bomi said.She put it in her bag and decided to put it in her bag.Once Bomi heared a noise she scattered away but still had a big grin on her face.Finally she found something that was very interesting.
♆ Jinri 9 years ago
@♆ Takahashi Ai /glances to my left and finally sees you
Oh my goodness! There you are Ai! I thought I was hallucinating! /laughs
What's up? What are you doing in these human remain things? /tilts my head; smiling
♆ Takahashi Ai 9 years ago
@♆ Jinri /turns to the sudden sound of your voice and swims from behind of the ship
Jinri? I'm here!
/swims further down the path and then stares at a figure
Jinri, is that you?
♆ Jinri 9 years ago
@♆ Takahashi Ai /hears your voice and instantly recognizes it
Ai! Ai! You're here? /quickly swims to the source of the voice
Where are you? /looks around in confusion
♆ Takahashi Ai 9 years ago
@♆ Jinri /swims around in the sea as looking at the details of the sunken ship. Then I find an opening and wander around the broken boards of wood

Is there anyone else here?

/Shrugs lightly as I continue to swim around the opening
♆ Hyorin 9 years ago
@♆ Taeyang Hyorin closed her eyes and focused on the sound of Taeyang's breathing as she calmed down. Her heart fluttered and beat rapidly as Taeyang’s lips touched her forehead, leaving a tingling sensation on her skin. It was the second time he had done it that day and it felt like her heart would jump out of her chest any moment now. The butterflies has taken over her stomach and she couldn’t help the small, serene smile that made its way on to her lips. Her thin arms found their way around His waist as she hugged him lose. Once she w had stopped crying and was reduced to sniffling, she opened her eyes back up and looked into Taeyang's. She tilted her head up a bit and pecked his nose before resting her forehead back against his. "I'm sorry, Tae. I don't know why I freaked out like that..." A small, sad chuckle escaped , followed by a little smile directed at the other. She then buried her head into the crook of his neck and held him even tighter; happy he was there with her. Taeyang had managed to calm her down. He always did. "Let's just forget all that happened today, hm?"
After a few more moments, Hyorin lifter her head from Taeyang's shoulder and loosened her grip around his waist. “Ah, I hugged you again…I’m sorry.” Her smile had returned to her face and she leaned up once again to peck his nose. "Why don't we go and get some fish like you wanted?" She gave the male one last squeeze before moving back, not wanting to subject him to the skin-ship he hated so much. Her small hands curled into fists and she rubbed at her slightly puffy, reddening eyes; she always hated how she looked after she cried. One of her hands made its way to her neck and her fingers ran over the necklace, taking in every pearl and shell as the smile on her face grew even wider. "And thank you Tae.” Though her hand was still exploring the necklace, that thank you was for much more than just then. Hyorin was thanking him for all that he had ever done for her and what he’ll most likely do for her in the future.
She turned away from him, ready to swim off now. Though she was still a bit mad at herself for always being so careless, she felt a bit better. “Where should we go to catch fish? Should we go to our usual place?” She smiled again, taking his hand and beginning to swim. She meant what she said though. Even though the male had reassured her that he was okay with it, she would never make Taeyang go on another adventure. She would either have to find out how to go on her own, or just give up exploring all together. It was the only way she felt she could make things up to him. “I’ve been really touchy today, haven’t I?” Hyorin mumbled, looking down at their hands that were currently laced together and their shoulders brushing against one another. She released a sad, almost inaudible sigh as she released his hand and increased the distance between them. “I’m sorry. I forget you don’t like it. Just tell me to stop, okay? I’m a big girl now, I can handle it.” A playful smile flashed across the mermaid’s face as she continued to swim, pulling Taeyang along. She made sure she swam at a slower pace so he wouldn’t be in any discomfort and looked around, surveying their surroundings for anything that may have been a danger.
♆ Taeyang 9 years ago
@♆ Hyorin He hadn't reailzed her change of mood, not until he could hear her making a strange noise that sounded close to choking. He opened her eyes, and leaned on his elbows upon seeing her sad expression. He took some time to let her take in the necklace, but when her eyes found his scar, he shook his head. There was a hint in her eyes as to where this was going, and he didn't like it. He wanted her smile to come back to her lips, wanted her to yell at the shark how it won't ever get them. But she didn't. Instead, her words irritated him. Just what had caused her to break that much? He shuddered, not able to grasp the situation. He was too confused to react. He shuddered again when feeling her kissing his fin, and tensed a little when she leaned on his stomach- not because he didn't like it, but because he was afraid of reacting the wrong way. True, he didn't like it when people touched him, but with Hyorin, it was something completely different. It seemed that every time they were together, or every time he got to hold her hand, there was something inside of him that genuinely felt happy. And what was even more strange was, he didn't try to fight it. He liked the feelings he had when she was around. He liked her being his little sun.
“It was important to you,” he muttered when she started talking about the necklace, but it was as if she couldn't hear him. She was so caught up in her thoughts, so worried or shocked or whatever, that she didn't even realize that he wasn't angry at her, that there was nothing he had to be mad about. He sat up, and looked into her teary eyes. He couldn't take seeing her like this, especially not if it was because of him. Cupping her cheeks in his hands, he gave her a smile. “Hyorin,” he said, shaking his head, “What are you even talking about? I'm not going anywhere. You'll never lose me; not to that shark, and not to any other creature there is. I will always come back to you. You will be forever the only person I can lean onto. Don't cry for something that's not going to happen.” He let go of her face, his one hand resting on her shoulder, the other one taking her hand. “I would go through hell for you, Rin. Nothing is your fault, and nothing has ever been your fault. You're all I have, and I couldn't take if you were hurt. So, if you ever decide to go on an adventure, I will come. And don't you even bother going without me, or you'll be in serious trouble!” He grinned at her, and then pulled her close. His arms easily found their ways around her waist, as if it was the most natural thing for them to do, as if they'd never done something else. He closed his eyes and for a moment, did nothing else than enjoying the embrace. Then he let her go, took the necklace that was still lying in her hand, and swam around her, just to help her put it on. He smiled, his hand lying on her skin for a moment too long, and finally retreated. “And if there's anything I see that you like, I'd swim miles and miles just for you to have it.” He added to his previous speech. “Because I want you to be happy.” And he leaned in to kiss her cheek, leaning his forehead onto hers after doing so.
♆ Hyorin 9 years ago
@♆ Taeyang "Tae, wait!" She wanted nothing more than to race back and pull him from that ship. She had no idea what the reason for him going back was; especially after he had so desperately pulled her out, but she was sure it wasn't that important. Hyorin waited anxiously for Taeyang to come back out. If he didn't soon, she would rush inside to find him. Just as she was thinking that, his figure came rushing towards her and her heart filled with relief, though not for long. She was soon whisked away by the male and she swam as fast as she could.
Turning back, she ould see that the shark was following them for a bit. Her tail flapped hard as she propelled the two fast, trying to take some of Tayang's weight knowing he couldn't swim as fast. This moment hurt her. She did it again. She putTaeyang in danger, and she was hating herself for it. Hyorin didn't know what was wrong with her. Theonly person she still cared about always seemed to get hurt or worry when they were with her. And she was the one to blame. The mermaid scolded herself in her head, making herself promise that she would never ask Taeyang to go on another adventure with her. She would just hang out with him, like normal merpeople. She wouldn't risk letting her only friend get hurt.
Lost in her thoughts, Hyorin hadn't noticed that they had come to a stop until Taeyang's voice brought her out of her trance. She choked back a sob as her gaze fell upon the necklace. Everything really was her fault. He could have died, all because of a necklace that she liked. Tears welled up in her eyes and she swam closer, sitting beside him and taking the necklace. She examined it closely whilst chewing on her bottom lip. She looked back up t Taeyang's face then down to his tail until her eyes were stopped; by his scar. Her eyes widened as she noticed it was slightly swollen and irritated. That's when she broke.
"This is all my fault..." Hyoring mumbled to herself, tears streaming down her face as she ran her hand gently over his scarred, but beautiful tail. "It's always my fault. I'm so stupid." It was her fault that he had to swim like this. Her fault that he had been in danger. Her fault that he was in pain. It was all her fault; always has been, always will be. She leaned down, placing a soft kiss to the scar then rested her head on Taeyang's stomach as she let the tears continue to flow.
"You didn't have to save this, it wasn't that important." Hyorin continued to beat herself up about what could have happened. That was all that could run through her mind at the moment. "Don't do that again, okay? I can't lose you Tae...I can't lose you okay? You're all I have. If I don't have you, I have nothing. We won't go on anymore adventures, I promise. We'll do whatever you want and I won't touch since you don't like it. Just... don't leave me...please." She finally said it. The thing that's been haunting her for years. What she's most afraid of; Taeyang leaving her side. Hyorin had clung to him ever since her parents had died and even more after he had gone missing and came back after being captured. To her, he truly was all she had. Sure, she had other friends, but he was the one she could always count on. She needed him.
♆ Bora 9 years ago
@♆ Jinri Sure
/winks playfully turns around
/ swims into the ship while waving
♆ Taeyang 9 years ago
@♆ Hyorin When Hyorin retreated, Taeyang wanted to grab her arm and pull her back into his arms, but he supressed the urge to do so and decided to just siltenly followed her. He wondered whether she retreating was connected to his usual behavior, or whether she just didn't liked him being close to him. He was a little caught up in his thoughts, but nevertheless still followed her around. However, due to mourning about her not being in his arms anymore, he completely forgot to make sure Hyorin was safe.
It was Hyorin's voice that brought him back into the present, and he blinked a few times before approaching Hyorin. The girl had already tossed the necklace aside, but Taeyang picked it up again, opened the box and gazed at the necklace. It was made out of pearls and shells, and it really was beautiful. Wondering why she hadn't asked him to help her, he kept the necklace, but threw the box away. He knew that she would have probably kept everything, but he saw no need in keeping the box. He had the necklace in his hands, when he raised his head. He was just about to follow her aagin, when he noticed how the water became darker and full of plankton. He squinted for being able to see better, and then he noticed a tiny movement in the dark. It was a shark, he knew, and even though it was sleeping, it still was dangerous to be around. And he knew, for he had encountered too many sharks already. „Hyorin,“ he said, the name tasting strange on his tongue as he usually called her 'Rin' or 'Rinnie'. When she spoke up, Taeyang took a finger of his and put it in front of his lips, to show her to be quiet. Sharks didn't exactly have a deep sleep, it was a surprise that this one was still sleeping. He took her hand and pushed her behind him, not letting the shark out of his eyes. „We have to get out of here,“ he whispered, and slowly and quietly started to make his way out of the ship, with Hyorin still behind of him. He didn't dare to turn his back on the shark, afraid of what might happen if he did, but he knew he needed to. And so, Hyorin's hand still in his, he turned, and began to swim as fast as possible, just to get her out of there.
On the way, he lost the necklace. He noticed that it fell, but he couldn't turn around, because he knew Hyorin would do the same, and by now they for sure had awoken the shark; he couldn't let her get hurt. „Hyorin, swim!“ He yelled as soon as they were out of the ship, and even though he knew he wasn't as fast as her, and even though it would have been easier for him to hold her hand while swimming, since it made him slightly faster, he let go of her, and turned around to swim back. He might have imagined it, but he thought he heard her calling out for him. He couldn't take care of that right then, since he really needed to get that necklace. Luckily, the shark wasn't to be seen when he entered the ship. He took the necklace, but as he wanted to turn and swim back, he could see said shark coming into his direction. He didn't look aggressive at all, but Taeyang knew how fast that could change. Not wanting to be in that ship any longer, he simply turned his back on the shark and swam out of there, not losing any time whil doing so. His scarred ached while he swam- he knew he usually could't swim that fast, but he needed to- but he didn't slow down. Not until he saw Hyorin. She was right where he'd left her. „We need to get away from here!“ He shouted, took her hand, and swam. And swam and swam. He swam until they were far enough away. They'd approached a seaweed meadow, and he breathed out heavily, lying down on the seaweed, his pulse being as high as it had never been. „You're gonna kill me someday,“ he said, closing his eyes. And then he raised his hand and opened it, showing her the necklace, „Here, I saved this for you.“
♆ Hyorin 9 years ago
@♆ Taeyang Her eyes fluttered shut, her heart beats quickened and butterflies arose in Hyorin's stomach as Taeyang's lips came into contact with her forehead. She smiled softly, taking in the moment and engraving it into her memory before opening her eyes and staring into Taeyang's eyes. Her cheek pressed closer, nuzzling into Taeyang's hand. "I'm fine." She mumbled, moving away from the other after she realized how close she was. "I'm sorry about that. I won't do it again." She offered the male another smile, her eyes turning into small crescents. As much as she like being close to Taeyang and being in his embrace, she was always scared she would push him over the limit. And even though he had hugged her back, kissed her forehead and she seemed completely calm, she was freaking out on the inside, hoping he wasn't mad at her for invading his space.
Turning away from him, Hyorin began to look around as to decide where she wanted to start searching. She chewed slightly on her bottom lip as she went over to what looked like a jewelry box and began to search threw it. Making sure she was aware of Taeyang's presence and where he was, Hyorin searched until she came upon a beautiful necklace that looked much like the one her mother had given her and matched her tail. "Hey Tae, come look at this." She smiled widely, as she unhooked the necklace and struggled a bit to put it on. "Hmph...I can't get it." The young mermaid rolled her eyes, as impatient as ever as she tossed the necklace back into the box and began looking elsewhere.
Although she had abandoned it, Hyorin really wanted that necklace. But she didn't want to look weak and childlike for not being able to put it on in front of Taeyang. She mumbled and cursed to herself about the necklace embarrassing her as she searched through a chest a little ways away.
As she was searching, a small shiver ran down Hyorin's back. She looked up and around, noticing that the water seemed to go still and it had become more quiet. "Tae....is everything okay?" She looked back at the male then in front of her before moving away from the chest. She swam back over to his side - a little closer than usual - and looked around again. A frown adorned her face as another chill ran up her spine and spread through her body. "Something doesn't seem right. We should get out of here." It was getting harder for Hyorin to breathe correctly and the water was getting murkier. But she could really couldn't care less about that right now. Ironically, all she wanted to do was get Taeyang to safety.
♆ Taeyang 9 years ago
@♆ Hyorin Taeyang knew how melancholic Hyorin could get at places like these, so he silently followed her while she started searching the ship. And he knew, while she was eager to find memories and treasures, he was looking for sharks and other dangerous creatures this place would hold. He knew sunken ships were homes for those.
He was a little absorbed in his thoughts when suddenly, she wrapped her thin arms around him. Taeyang was startled, and his mouth dropped open at first, but he forced himself not to flinch. This was Hyorin, after all, and even though she'd surprised him, he liked her being near. They didn't hug often- he knew he was to blame for this- so he had learned to cherish every little embrace they shared. When he heard her words, he leaned his cheek onto the top of her head, and allowed his arms to wrap around her waist. She was so fragile that he was afraid of breaking her, but at the same time it felt so much better than just swimming beside her. Like this, he could really shelter her from any dangers of life.
He didn't say a word. Words weren't necessary at that moment. He knew she needed to be let alone with her thoughts, as he knew her well enough to know she was thinking about the past. He closed his eyes and smiled, as his thoughts were going into the past, as well. And he remembered how they'd learned about penguins at school, about how they gave their partners a pebbles, and about how he went out to find a beautiful pebble afterwards. He had never given it to Hyorin, but the thought alone amused him right then.
After some time of silence, Taeyang opened his eyes again, took Hyorin by the shoulders and brought enough space between them for being able to look into her eyes. He thought about saying something, but couldn't find the right words for it. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. As he parted again, he raised his hand to her cheek and caressed it with his thumb. “Are you okay?” He asked, his voice being but a whisper.
♆ Hyorin 9 years ago

Pushing past all other thoughts, the young mermaid looked to her friend and smiled genuinely. "Why wouldn't I still be here? You were always there for me. It's the very least I could do." Taking advantage at the unusual closeness of their swimming, Hyorin leaned and quickly pecked Taeyang's cheek before swimming a bit ahead. Though he may have been use to her kissing his nose or forehead, the cheek was very rare. The last time it had happened was a few years back when Taeyang had saved Hyorin from some humans. She knew exactly why she had done it then, but she had know idea why she did it now. A light blush tinting her cheeks is what caused her to swim faster, the sunken ship coming into sight.
A bright, kidish smile adoring her face, Hyorin looked back and pointed excitedly, her finger waving around. "Look Tae! We made it!" The ecstatic female's hand lightly ran over the ship as she slowly made her way in, allowing the other to catch up. "Think of all the memories this place holds." Memories. Known only by a select few - including Taeyang - memories was what kept Hyorin going. She looked around, clutching the necklace around her neck as she remembered. Remember when her mother gave her the necklace and of the night her father killed them both. And although it brought her pain, it also brought the good memories of her mother combing her hair or her father playing with her. Memories with Taeyang and her few other friends. That was the real treasure for Hyorin. Not just finding different artifact that told a story of their memories, but also making these memories with someone she cared about. Looking at him, she swam up and wrapped her arms around his neck while burying her face in his neck. She mumbled a small; "Let me have my moment." into his skin and continued to hold on to the last good thing she had left, knowing that at some point in time, he would too leave her.
♆ Taeyang 9 years ago

When she talked about the others, he gave her a side glance, but left it uncommented. He hadn't noticed it anyway. He wasn't around others often, and if he was, he usually hung out with Hyorin, so there wasn't much time taking care of his surroundings. What she was up to was mostly so dangerous and reckless that all his attention was directed at her- and really, even if they were just sitting and staring, she was still the only one he saw, because ever since that day he got heaved out of the water, he didn't need anybody. He knew he was better off himself; and if it hadn't been for Hyorin, who he knew for so long now, he doubted he'd have any social contacts.
He smiled at her words, and didn't even try to hide it. It were words like these that made his heart warm up and remember what it was like to be himself, what it was like to be surrounded by people who actually cared and maybe even cherished him. He swam closer to her, making their arms slightly touch, which gave him goosebumps, and looked at her for quite some time before saying, “Thank you for still being there, Rinnie. I don't know where I'd be now without your bubbly personality.” He lightly poked her arm and brought back the distance they always kept while swimming. She was so light hearted and always seemed to be in a good mood. Of course, Taeyang knew that this wasn't the case. She was just as strong as easy to break. He knew that beneath that pretty smile of hers, she hid a painful past. He supressed the urge to take her hand and kept on swimming, when her words cut his thoughts. “Ah, no, it's fine. Let's just bring this one behind us and enjoy some nice fish afterwards, alright?” He suggested, eager not to hold her back anymore, since he knew how excited she was about every one of her adventures.
♆ Jinri 9 years ago
@♆ Bora Ohhh /nods head like a little kid
That makes sense, thank you for the info! /grins
♆ Bora 9 years ago
@♆ Jinri Wuah~
/laughs of you and swims around you
it's thing that people with legs swims in ,because they can't breath under water like us
♆ Jinri 9 years ago
@♆ Bora /shakes head; laughs softly
I'm a bit naive you see /scratches my head
So what are these ship things? /watches you closely, waiting for an answer
♆ Bora 9 years ago
@♆ Jinri These are ships
/swims out of one ship
you don't know?
♆ Jinri 9 years ago
What are these things? /gasps a little
They're humongous! /swims through an opening
Are these what humans live on?
♆ Bora 9 years ago
" a ship! " Bora smiled and swam deeper ... " whoah~" she was amazed by the view...there were so many human things that she was interested to... " omo! So pretty! " she lifted a beautiful golden necklace ...her eyes were shining ...she looked around if no one is around...when she saw that there is no one ,she put the necklace on...
♆ Zitao 9 years ago
@♆ Selena Gomez Zitao sighed to himself, and soon hummed as he swam through the darkened ship, lit in patches only if the light from above somehow managed to make its way down here in the depths of the ocean.
He searched every corner, collecting things in a bag, figuring he could sell it somewhere or use its properties for some of the spells he had.
He broke open the lock of a metal grate on the floor of the level he was on, having seen something glint, and pulling it open he swam in, quickly moving to where he saw the shine and picking it up he resurfaced, not liking the scent that came from the darker depths there.
ANd as he shifted to an area of light he observed the item he'd picked up, finding a golden coloured locket covered in sand and dirt, but it looked expensive. 'Was that real gold?' he wondered to himself, moving to place the object in his bag as the empty ship began to creak a bit from the current.
[post deleted by owner]
♆ Selena Gomez 9 years ago
Selena shivered slightly as she swam deeper to the darkest ground. The other mermaids would have called her crazy for swimming to the sunken ships without any company because of the dangerous beings living there but she couldn't help that she had to. Because she had found a old note from her mother who wrote down where she could find the family's locket that had been in the family for many generations now. Her mother always wore it around her neck before the day she died and Selena eagerly wanted to find it because she didn't wanted to break the chain of inheritance and also because it was everything she had left from her mother besides the memories in her mind.
♆ Hyorin 9 years ago
@♆ Taeyang Hyorin pinched his cheek lightly and affectionately. "Don't roll your eyes at me~ And I can't stop checking you out. All the other mermaids do it too..." Her bottom lip unconsciously jutted out as she thought about all the looks other females gave the other when they were hanging out. Hyorin knew Taeyang didn't care about them-- If he even noticed them, but she always felt this pang of jealousy. She didn't know why, but she did. Pushing the thought aside, Hyorin smiled at the older, seeing the small smile he only seemed to give around her. Oh, how she loved that smile. "I will do it again~ But you know you love me." The mermaid winked playfully, a light chuckle flowing from her lips as she looked back ahead.
Catching the grin, Hyorin smiled softly. She loved whenever she could get him back to his old self, even if only for a bit. She really missed the old Tae. The one who always grinned and hugged her. The one who would sneak out at night and play at the park with her. The one who comforted her and held her as she cried about her parents. The one she had a crush on. She knew he was going through a hard time himself and really appreciated his effort and the fact that he still hung out with her. She loved him just as much as she always has- always will. "It doesn't matter, as long as we're together, Tae. I always have a good time with you, even if we're just sitting around. " Hyorin smiled, telling the entire truth to her best friend beside her. As long as she was with him, she never really cared where they were going and what they were doing. She stuck her tongue out, back at him before poking his nose. This was the old Tae. And although she missed him, she still loved the new one. "The ship is right up ahead. We can take a break if you want. You know, before we start actually looking for the treasure. I don't really know where it is." She told him, grinning sheepishly as her tail flicked a bit.
♆ Taeyang 9 years ago
@♆ Hyorin Her question brought him out of concept, but he managed to stay his calm. He glared at her for a moment, but both of them knew how he couldn't be mad at her at all. His expression softened and he rolled his eyes. “And then you remember the small Taeyang that managed to swim against a rock and stop checking me out.” He told her, his eyes smiling, however his lips weren't showing that smile. He rarely ever smiled- when he did, then yes, he always was around Hyorin, but he did not feel like smiling in that moment. He swam beside her, for she had slowed down now that the shark was gone, and nodded at her words. “We both know you will, you always do.” He said, and now smiled. It wasn't like he disliked it when Hyorin did that, she always did that, had always done that, even when they'd been children. And he liked her too much to not let her do it. He complained, yes, but never meant it. She was his little fishy, after all.
When she told him they'd do whatever he wanted to do if there was no pretty treasure, he grinned, even if just for a moment. Then he clicked his tongue, and shrugged. “So, then better hope this is a damn good treasure. If not, this will be the most boring day in your life.” He told her, glanced at her with amusement in his eyes, and even dared to stick a tongue at her- a childish gesture you'd never see from him. However, when around Hyorin, his behavior did not really matter. He just was himself, the /old/ self, the self he was before the net had caught him, and even though he'd tried to go back to this self, he only managed when being around her. She pulled a trigger, a trigger that made him feel comfortable and home, of sorts. “So, how long until we get there?” He asked, already seeing a sunken ship and hoping it was the one she meant.
♆ Hyorin 9 years ago
@♆ Taeyang Hyorin laughed softly, her eyes turning into little crescents as she listened to Taeyang spew nonsense. A little habit of his she had caught on to long ago and thought was just the cutest thing. "And what if I was checking you out, hmm? What are you going to do about it?" She knew he was just messing around, but she loved teasing him-although, she couldn't really deny that fact. She had noticed that the male had been working out more. The female scrunched her nose a bit, her lower lip jutting out as Taeyang shot up. She knew he didn't like skin ship, but he had never really reacted like this. Shaking it off and sitting up, Hyorin dusted the sand off her torso and flicked her fin, the silver-tipped, midnight blue scales gleaming in the light. "I'm sorry Tae. You just looked so cute~ I won't do it again, okay?" After talking, Hyorin swam closer, a small pout set on you features knowing that the other couldn't resist it.
Grinning once again, the young mermaid's eyebrows as her tail flickered in amusement. The both of them knew that there would never be a time where Taeyang would say 'no' to her. He knew it even better than she did. A light chuckle left her lips as she grabbed the elder's hand, pulling him along with her. "Whatever you say, Mr. Grumpy pants. I'm sure the treasure will be amazing though. If not, I promise we can do whatever you want, okay?" She retorted, glancing back and giving him and bright, genuine smile. It wasn't a smile you'd see often. It was specifically reserved for him-- it was his smile and his smile only.
♆ Taeyang 9 years ago
@♆ Hyorin As he was lying on top of her, he could not quite tell when the shark had passed, and knowing Hyorin, she wouldn't even pay attention. Crawling out of their little hiding spot just yet was too dangerous, as the animal could be on a hunt, and the merman surely wasn't eager to cross his way whilst searching for prey. However, it was really hard for him staying still like this, since the two of them were that close. Sure, Taeyang had known her forever, but that didn't make their skin ship any less awkward- at least to him. He seemed to be the only one who was uncomfortable in that situation. Hyorin, as usual, seemed as natural as she always was. Nothing was awkward, not when they were together. How would he have loved to have her confidence. “I know, silly.” He said, rolling his eyes, “You were too busy checking me out. Been working out, that couldn't be unseen I guess.” That was just him, starting to spit nonsense when he felt insecure. His fin flickered, and he just wanted to turn and check for the shark, when her lips pecked his nose. He froze, staring down at her and her lips, and a weird feeling arose in his stomach. He was speechless for a while, but got himself together after a time and shuddered. “Don't do this!” He cried, and released her off his embrace, for by now the shark should've been away. “You know I don't like you doing stuff like that.” His fin flickered once again, and he shook his head, trying to ignore that weird feeling in his stomach.
“This treasure we're searching better hold an awesome prize or else this is the last time I joined you.” But he could read on her face how she didn't believe him. He always said that, and yet there he was again, on a treasure hunt with the most bubbly girl in all seven seas. He just couldn't say no to her.
♆ Hyorin 9 years ago
@♆ Taeyang Hyorin continued to swim, her tail flapping happily and a smile on her face. She had heard there was some kind of treasure in a sunken ship and she really wanted to know what. Naturally, she brought Taeyang along. She knew he didn't like it, but she liked having him around and wanted to break him out of his shell. Plus, he was always there when she was in trouble and she appreciated that. "It's just up ahead Tae! We won't be much longer, okay?" She responded, glancing back at him and waving slightly. She continued onward, speeding up in the slightest to caught up in her excitement. She often forgot Taeyang couldn't swim as fast, but that never stopped her ambition. "What do you think we'll find this time Tae? What if it's gold or something!" Hyorin's voice was bubbly as she looked back. However, Taeyang was farther away than she previously thought. A small pout set on her face as she slowed a bit, not looking forward or paying attention to anything.

As Hyorin was looking back, waiting for Taeyang, she could see his mouth moving and him getting closer, she didn't understand what he was saying. Suddenly, He was there on top of her and covering the two in sand. 'A shark' she heard him say and nodded, understanding the situation. Her face returned to it's normal bright smile, only seen when she was around the male, and she nuzzled into his hold. "I'm sorry Tae, I didn't see it." She responded as she looked up to him. Leaning up, she pecked his nose softly and waited for the shark to pass. "I couldn't ever kill you though. I'd miss you too much~"
♆ Taeyang 9 years ago
@♆ Hyorin Even though he was really tired of holding pace with her, Taeyang followed her around, and tried not to have a too grumpy face at that. Hyorin was always so excited when she picked him up and wanted him to join her newest adventure- which mostly wasn't as exciting as she thought it was. But he liked making her think they were the best things that ever happened, and sometimes it turned out being rather dangerous, and he preferred being with her in such moments rather than knowing she was alone. “Rinnie, how long are we going to swim around like that? I don't see your little adventure..!” He called, for he was a little behind (he wasn't as fast with his scarred tail) and tried to reach her. “Hyorin, please. You know I'm not as good at swimming.” He told her as he was a little closer. However, the girl just kept on swimming. Taeyang huffed and brought some distance between them again, watching her fin whip up and down and create small bubbles. Whatever it was she wanted to show him so badly, they better reach it soon, or else he soon would have to take a break.
Just as he thought that, a shark approached, and it neared Hyorin. He wasn't quite sure whether the girl saw it, but she was too far away and wouldn't hear him call even if he did – the water really did quieten his calls. So he just had to hurry towards her, put her into an embrace- which he hated, because he couldn't come to like the feeling of other's on his- and pushed her down, making her bump into the ground. With his fin, he started covering the two of them with sand, so that they were out of the shark's sight. They were almost completely covered in sand, and extremely close, when he looked at her and shook his head. “A shark.” He explained, breathing heavily. “You'll kill me someday.”


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MaleWifey 6 years ago
lavenders 11 hours ago Reply All
i miss this place
tangerines 6 years ago
i miss this place
xicewolf 6 years ago
I miss this place too. Oh my gosh my confessions are still in the confession room from when I was here as Chinhwa. I think I'm gonna start crying-
Yukiko 6 years ago
i miss this rp ;;

i hope there will be a revamp soon cos i loved to play as selena the mermaid TT
psychologist 7 years ago
w hat . the f uc k i miss this so much --- reminiscing on the days of being yifan and everyone's uncle
-- amir/uncle fan
LuQiTrashHeap 8 years ago
I miss thiiiiiis *^*
lulubutt 8 years ago
I had tons of fun here, you should revamp bb
0855e0d15942e23aa583 9 years ago
dahye left. ;; sorry baby. i was never active tbh. u n u i miss you though < 3
-rseptto- 9 years ago
Seolhyun left. I really want to be in this rp but it's too dead and most of them haven't rped in months. I will probably join back if it's active. I'm sorry. I really am.
Black_PearlGirl12 9 years ago
Add + reserve Girl Day's Bang Minah please!
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