× private room

red room
red room
a private room for couples.
ah yes, can’t wait to get it on already, huh? Renting a hotel room is tedious and your home is off limits. Don’t worry, the owner is kind enough to prepare this special room for you. Just remember to pay for using anything in the room. Otherwise, have fun!
p chanyeol α 3 years ago
@b baekhyun Ω Baekhyun's allure was rooted in his mystery, and though his attempts to lull the alpha into some form of submission were dutifully noted, the inner wolf within the alpha was screaming to be released; to unleash the internal biological beast that ached for proper release. Testosterone coursed through his veins, filling him with a carnal desire and an overwhelming need to pursue release deep within the omega's core. "Well alrighty then....Baekhyun..." The utterance of the omega's name felt nearly spiteful as it left the alpha's brims. "..I guess we'll just have to play this one by ear." Without a second thought, Chanyeol's fingertips curled into Baekhyun's shirt as the taller male pushed the omega into the wall with all of his might--it wasn't necessarily out of anger or frustration, but it danced along the lines of desire and need.
The alpha's knee brushed against the underside of the omega's groin and pushed up against it as one of his hands massaged Baekhyun's growing member through the confines on the jeans. "Impressive package you've got there. I bet it's all red at the tip--so pretty and just waiting to receive some attention. Should I give it some, or is your hole craving attention more?" There was a sinister, debonair glimmer in the alpha's iris as he tilted his head to the side, lips pursed as he dared to surge forward and sink his teeth into the omega's jaw, just below the shell of his ear, aiming to create a bit of a mark, but not a mating mark. Muttering against the expanse, his tongue darted out from behind his brims to a stripe over the inflamed expanse. "Unfortunately for you, I'm not keen on begging unless I'm forced to, and so far, doesn't seem like you're in any position to make demands...baby boy."
b baekhyun Ω 4 years ago
@p chanyeol α Time flowed differently, caught in a vortex of textures and lights, different blends of tastes and smells slowly swimming together until they formed thickly colored smoke in the back of Baekhyun's throat, slowly crawling down into his lungs. He hadn't drunk enough to lose control over his body and mind, just enough to feel it humming underneath his skin, like the current of a wire, softly whirring in the dead of night. When the other entered he brought the smell of sweat and worn fabric with him, the shutting door doing little to nothing to block out the aromas of the club, etched deeply into Baekhyun's bones by now. The sounds ebbed away, as did his momentary distraction when the other pulled him close, their bodies colliding and his own voice sounding thick and heavy as molasses to his own ears when he purred: "Mhhh there is no way you'll find out if you don't try. I'm not ready to spew my darkest deepest secrets just yet." He writhed, denim dragging in delicious sparks of pain against his crotch and he leaned forward, delicate digits spread wide against the alpha's chest when he allowed his head to roll back onto his shoulders, a purposeful moan rumbling along his sternum before he bit back another wave of laughter and straightened once again. His body rocked, ever so gently and yet enough to let the other man feel his arousal, surprisingly strong fingers the fabric underneath them when he dragged the other closer, biting against a strong jaw in warning. "Name's Baekhyun, not baby boy."
With that he gave the man a shove, bringing their bodies apart in what could be a violent shove but was nothing more than yet another display of taunting, his lips attaching themselves to a bobbing Adam's apple, the skin there caught between his teeth for a split second. It surely was a bite that could border on painful, but he didn't give the taller time to complain when he crowded into his personal space again, bringing their hips together in a slow roll, locking their gazes together as he did so and let the air rush from his throat in yet another breathy moan. "I'd much rather hear you begging for any kind of release, big boy. But trust me...." His tongue flicked over his bottom lip, letting his jaw slacken in a display of faux submission. "You'd like to find out what I can do if you don't treat me like a knot ."
p chanyeol α 4 years ago
@b baekhyun Ω Perhaps the alpha had been possessed by Asmodeus himself, or the cardinal incarnation of lust had influenced the pair, but Chanyeol had never been more sure of his desire in his entire life. It was clear that, by the end of the night, his knot would be locked inside of this omega, or the omega would have the satisfaction of having topped an alpha. Regardless of the result, the alpha was sure that his inner wolf would be satiated to some extent.
Plush, roseate tiers moved against his own, bringing the chase to a close as their intentions were solidified. Though the roles were ambiguous--the prey and predator--the pair's dance of desire and need served as a preamble to the grand finale that would undoubtedly occur behind the door that quickly approached in his peripheral. As the alpha was dragged in the direction of the private room, his gaze fell back to the crowd, and for a moment, he felt a tinge of regret that the pair's sin would not have an audience; however, that thought was quickly pushed to the wayside as the door was shut behind him, leaving nothing in his field of vision aside from the omega and crease-less satin sheets. The alpha''s jeans were tighter than they had been before as a result of the omega's shameless ministrations. "Seems like you know quite a bit about anatomy, little omega. Want to find out what happens when my fingers wrap around your throat? You strike me as the type to enjoy that..." The alpha muttered, hands finding their self-imposed home at the omega's hips. Chanyeol's knee nudged it's way in between Baekhyun's thighs, and his knee nudged the underside of the omega's groin. A lecherous, deep rumbling bubbled up from within his core and fell upon the receptive ears of the omega as the alpha's hand slipped around, tucking into the back pocket of Baekhyun's jeans, shamelessly grabbing a large handful off the omega's cheek. The denim fabric was rough against the alpha's fingertips, and he was nearly frustrated that the clothing was still on. "Come on, baby boy. Listen to biology tonight. I know you want this alpha's knot buried inside of you...."
b baekhyun Ω 4 years ago
@p chanyeol α The more sin is rationalized, the greater the possibility of destruction by Satan's wolves.
Wise words by Joseph B. Wirthlin and if Baekhyun weren't one of those wolves in the middle of a crowded dance floor right now, history might have failed him greatly. He laughed, the sound cut like a diamond as his fingers dug deep into the sensitive skin of a heating neck, his body pushing and pulling like a magnet tied to the needle of his inner compass. This moment was endless and fleeting, like the seconds before sunrise as the sky bleeds purple and silver, the promise of a cold morning breaking through the flesh of the darkest night like blistering wounds. It was pure adrenaline, burning him from the inside out, that had his hand traveling down across the alpha's chest, over the buckle of his belt to rest against the prominent bulge pressing into his thigh, diligently cupping, his throat working around a coo he was sure the other wasn't able to hear but feel, vibrating through his bones.
"Oh boy you have no idea how much you'd regret trying that.", he whispered, fingernails scraping over rough denim in a silent warning. The taste of the other's lips came without warning, the smaller standing on his toes to connect their mouths with a sense of totality, the flick of a tongue against a plush bottom lip, the grip he had on the other's crotch toeing the line between gentle and intentionally inflicting pain. "Let's see if you're brave enough to stand up to that threat, alpha. Might be your own nerves you're smelling." The words were spoken against the other's mouth, hot and dripping like honey over the warmth of his voice. He dropped down, eyes fixing the alpha and for a moment their roles were reversed, if only momentarily. He should tremble before the alpha, should present his neck and bend over willingly, but the glance he sent the other was anything but the look of a deer in the headlights of a speeding car. Here, tonight, he was the hunter as he gave the other man a once over, lips splitting into a wicked grin. With a step back, all contact between them was brought to naught, the world rushing back in like the tide, thundering with sounds and the aroma of a club, thriving with life.
"Follow me. I mean..." He paused, tapping his bottom lip with an elegant index. "Unless your brain stopped working from the lack of blood circulation."
He winked, impish and reckless and pivoted, striding away while already reaching for the stack of cash he had brought for the night, tucked away safely in his front pocket to pay for the private room and pushing into it without preamble.


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evilgamegyu 3 years ago
/wiggle/ e u e my other account is dead but I don't think I'll return cause my muses for him is off......so delete him ;3;
stxrswyxu 4 years ago
May I have Im Changkyun?
breedable 4 years ago
can i get nakamoto, yuta
memesol 4 years ago
So my muse is usually chungha but she's taken? but hasn't been active since the day she was created. Can I snag her when the time is up? lol
saorsa 4 years ago
Congrats on being featured babe <3
Am-Potat 4 years ago
Lemme reserve Wang Yibo, please and thank you ♡
c287a76cc9fab79f3d66 4 years ago
Can I get Denis Dang please?
eb311df8c0c9e838f820 4 years ago
can i cc solar :(
Oxytocin 4 years ago
May I reserve a Kim minseok please?
luckystar-- 4 years ago
Please reserve Oh Sehun, thank you!
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