× boss office

the boss’ working place.
have an interview with the boss? Or maybe you’ve caused enough trouble to land yourself here. Either way, you’re now being graced of the company of the club’s owner. How does it feel? You should be honoured.
l ten β [A] 4 years ago
@d sicheng Ω () SQUINTS BACK AT YOU AND yeets 4 points at Buddy Meter @ u OKNO

Ten noticed the straight posture Sicheng picked up the moment he sat down, an amused smirk tugging the corner of his lips as he remarked, “You don’t have to be uptight around me. It’s not like I’ll bite.” There was a short pause, then a shrug. “Unless you want me to.” There was a cheeky smile, and a quick wink, gestures which Ten hoped would make the other less tensed.

“So, Sicheng,” started Ten as he stood up, walking to the side where a jug of water was and poured two glasses for the both of them, despite Sicheng telling him that he didn’t need to bother about it. “Did you have experience in being a bartender?” He returned to his desk, handing a glass to Sicheng and setting his down before plopping down again.
d sicheng Ω 4 years ago
@l ten β [] squints at u e n e

After looking around for a job to support his finance, Sicheng finally found an appropriate job for him. His heart is pounding from nervousness, he might not be able to find a better and much stable job if he won't get accepted. He sighs heavily while walking to the club.

As he opened the door to the club, he was greeted by the manager. The manager kept babbling as he follows him to the office, it made Sicheng annoyed, wanting to silent him by grabbing some duct tape and taping it to his mouth, but he cares about his reputation, so he kept silent, even if it's suffering him on the inside. He sighs in relief when they reached the office, and as he went inside, he was greeted by the owner.

He was taken aback by the casual greeting, he was expecting more of a bossy person somehow, but it didn't seem like it. He sat on one of the chairs near the desk, minding his posture as he sat straight. "I don't really mind, but you don't have to."
l ten β [A] 4 years ago
@d sicheng Ω () I almost forgot about this wheezes

Ten was informed of a potential worker coming in for an interview. He flipped through the resume given to him, reading about the male who would be walking through his office door anytime soon. He would read through the whole thing, but his manager thought it would be a great idea to send in the forms right as the club opened for the night, so he could only catch glimpses of the necessary information before finally meeting the person face-to-face.

A knock on the door had Ten lifting his head, seeing his men by the door. The one who knocked and opened the door spoke, “Mr Sicheng is here for his interview.” With a nod of approval, said male was allowed entrance, the door closing softly behind them and leaving the pair alone in silence.

“Nice to meet you, Sicheng,” greeted Ten, no formalities. He gestured to the chairs opposite of his desk. “Please, take a seat.” He sat up straighter in his chair as he asked friendlily. “Would you like something to drink while you’re being interviewed?”


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evilgamegyu 3 years ago
/wiggle/ e u e my other account is dead but I don't think I'll return cause my muses for him is off......so delete him ;3;
stxrswyxu 4 years ago
May I have Im Changkyun?
breedable 4 years ago
can i get nakamoto, yuta
memesol 4 years ago
So my muse is usually chungha but she's taken? but hasn't been active since the day she was created. Can I snag her when the time is up? lol
saorsa 4 years ago
Congrats on being featured babe <3
Am-Potat 4 years ago
Lemme reserve Wang Yibo, please and thank you ♡
c287a76cc9fab79f3d66 4 years ago
Can I get Denis Dang please?
eb311df8c0c9e838f820 4 years ago
can i cc solar :(
Oxytocin 4 years ago
May I reserve a Kim minseok please?
luckystar-- 4 years ago
Please reserve Oh Sehun, thank you!
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