× front desk

Registration counter.
checking in for an appointment? Remember to inform the receptionist before taking your seat. Also provides beverages for visitors!
o sehun β 3 years ago
@s mingi β "That's great, I would really like to catch up and exchange info properly this time around." Sehun smiled sheepishly, it had been a meeting as wolves but it was more than enough for him to realize that he enjoyed his company. He pulled out his phone and unlocked it opening up his contacts before holding it out the the younger man.
"Oh, that's a shame. I really do recommend it if you ever get the chance," He nodded in understanding, observing the younger for anymore signs of pain and relieved to find none. "How have you been other than the back pain?" He smiled warmly.
s mingi β 3 years ago
@o sehun β Mingi was relieved at that info. He was hoping for such a response. "Actually I would really appreciate some company...", the younger explained, moving around on the bed a little to get more comfortable. Sehuns scent was just so calming and talking to him distracted him.... that and even though they barely knew each other he had missed the other wolf. Without really realizing it. "Y'know... I'd really love to get a dog but my apartment is really small and my landlord doesn't allow dogs..."
o sehun β 3 years ago
@s mingi β "Tiny clouds?" Sehun laughed, a small grin tugging at the corner of his lips. "I could definitely agree with that," he nodded, his own dog was still a couple of weeks old and mess of white hair was similar to a cloud.
After making sure the younger wolf settled down on to the bed properly, he took a step back and pulled a chair to sit across from him. "I'm a surgeon and I usually have appointments with patients. I had some time in between appointments so I was going to help with walk-in patients," Sehun explained with a shake of his head and smiled warmly. "But it's not enough time now, so I can stick around for a bit if you want company?"
s mingi β 3 years ago
@o sehun β "Aren't those the ones that look like tiny clouds running around?", Mingi asked. He loved dogs. In his opinion they were the best animals to exist. Right after wolves of course. He entered the room with a small thank you and once he reached the bed he gently kicked off his shoes and laid down. That took the pressure off his back and he was able to relax with a long sigh. "Do you have any patients you need to see...?", he looked at the other carefully. He didn't want to part ways with the other male just yet.
o sehun β 3 years ago
@s mingi β "Doesn't mean you should be in pain though. A doctor or nurse is supposed to help the patient the second they walk through the doors." Sehun explained with a kind smile, people in the medical field took the Hippocratic oath for a reason.
"I got a dog a couple weaks ago, it's a bichon breed." He answered with a warm smile before stopping in front of an open door, indicating it was empty. "Right through here," Sehun led the younger wolf into the room and stopped in front of the hopsital. "Feel free to lie down or sit. I told the nurses to call this room once it's your turn to see the doctor." He explained, already guiding the man on to the bed carefully with a concerned twist to his smile.
s mingi β 3 years ago
@o sehun β Mingi hated feeling weak like that. He hated having to depend on others. It really wasn’t in his nature. Yet it felt so nice being able to rely on Sehun the way he could right now. The way the other wolf held and guided him felt so safe and it did take pressure off his back. “Don’t worry, if I made it to the hospital by myself I can easily make it to the room with your help...”, he smiled the pain away but left out the part where the pain had gotten a lot worse since he got here. “I’ve been good, nothing too exciting happened in my life lately... what about you?”
o sehun β 3 years ago
@s mingi β "It's no problem. If you need to come again and are in pain, just ask one of the worker's here." Sehun smiled warmly, he held the wolf's hand in a tight grip and reach for his elbow with his free hand to help him up. "There you go! The room isn't far from here, just a couple of doors down." He explained, moving his hand from his elbow to his waist in case if the wolf trips or becomes tired. "Just take your time and lean against the wall if you need to. I won't let you fall." He offered a kind smile, keeping an eye on the man's expression for any sign of pain.
"How have you been? Other than the back pain, of course." Sehun asked, trying to cheer the younger man up and distract him from the pain. He guided the wolf down the hall, and took his time as he walked.
s mingi β 4 years ago
@o sehun β Mingi waited patiently while watching Sehun move around. He would’ve never thought to meet the other wolf again at a hospital... fate sure had its funny ways. But he was just glad that he met the other again in general. He would’ve expected it to happen and the children of the moon club but then again... thanks to his work schedule and performances he didn’t have that much time to come by the club. So this worked too.
“Thank you”, he gladly accepted the pills and downed both of them almost immediately. He was so glad and relieved that the other helped him. He also gladly accepted the others hand and nodded as he stood up, trying to move in a way that wouldn’t cause too much pain. “That would be really nice actually... thank you...”
o sehun β 4 years ago
@s mingi β At the name of a doctor, Sehun nodded in understanding and didn't pry further into his information. Since he already had a doctor for his back pain, it wasn't his place to make a diagnosis and instead reminded himself to ask the doctor to look after this wolf well. "Alright, give me a second to let the nurse know to call me instead. Meanwhile, stay seated and I'll come back to help you to a room." He offered a warm smile, patting younger wolf's head briefly and left to the front.
After a quick discussion at the front desk, Sehun returned to Mingi with the necessary pain medication in hand and a cup of water. "All done. Here you go, take two pills if you feel like the pain is really bad," He held out the paper cup and a small bag with two pills, it was enough to hold him over for the rest of the day. He had called his doctor to decide the appropriate medication since he didn't want to make Mingi uncomfortable by looking at his file. "Do you need me to support you there?" He asked with a small concerned smile, already offering a hand to the younger wolf to show he didn't mind at all.
s mingi β 4 years ago
@o sehun β “It’s great seeing you again as well..!”, he replied and he felt kind of awkward sitting there like that just looking up at the other standing there. He contemplated about standing up when the other pointed out the fact that mingi was in pain. “Oh, yeah I come here quite often to see doctor (random name)... I have some reoccurring back pains..”
He thought about the offer and nodded. “Actually that would be great...”
Mingi has pretty much run out of pain killers so he wasn’t able to take any today... and laying felt better than sitting. So yeah, a room to rest and some pain meds would be really ing great right now.
o sehun β 4 years ago
@s mingi β The visible excitement and happiness was all he needed to confirm that this wolf hadn't forgotten him either. Somehow, he couldn't picture the wolf he met in any other way, this was exactly the same behavior. A smile pulled across his lips as he laughed softly, "It's really great to see you again!"
Song Mingi, that was the name of the wolf he met that day. Sehun tried to recall if this name was among the employee list when he smelled the distress in the air. It wasn't uncommon in a hospital like this but in this case, it overlapped with the sweet orange scent he knew too well. "You're in pain," Sehun visibly frowned with concern, he scanned the man in front of him up and down.
"Is this your first time here or do you have a specific doctor you see?" He asked, it wouldn't be right for him to evaluate a patient that wasn't his, but there is something he can do. "I'm a surgeon here. If you're in a lot of pain, I can get you some pain medication or bring you to a room so you can rest until you are called."
s mingi β 4 years ago
@o sehun β Why was it that whenever you were in pain, you couldn’t remember what it felt like living without it. What did it feel like? Waking up in the morning, getting up and grabbing some cereal from the shelf without it feeling like you have two knives stuck in your back? Mingi couldn’t even remember how or why he got those pains, if he had an accident one day and the pain never went away. There were no scars so it couldn’t be from a wound that never properly healed. So he just had to live with it.
He made sure to make an appointment with his doc at the hospital and took the bus there. His back was killing him and he gave off a distressed scent the whole time, causing one or two wolves he crossed paths with to look at him in worry or annoyance.
Once he arrived all he had to do was wait until his name was called. He tried distracting himself by playing around on his phone but the stabbing pain couldn’t be ignored.
Though one thing effectively took his mind off the pain... it was when a familiar scent filled the air and mingi instinctively looked up. What was that scent? Why did he know it and why did it feel so warm...? Like it was from a friend? He surely didn’t recognize it though. The scent seemed to come from a doctor that just showed up and mingi, not so graciously, just stared at him, mind trying to figure out where he knew him from because his face wasn’t familiar either.
Only when the other suddenly approached him and introduced himself, memories from a full moon came back to him, a full moon he spent with a stranger, a full moon he really enjoyed... and a stranger he parted ways with befire finding out who he was.
It was him.
”song mingi... nice to meet you too...!”, he needed a few seconds befire a bright and warm smile started spreading on his face, eyes basically glowing now. It’s him! If mingi has a tail right now, it would be wagging violently.
o sehun β 4 years ago
@s mingi β On days where Sehun has a day off from the hospital, he would always go to the clinic for wolves to offer his services. Whether it be as a doctor or as a surgeon, he would always go to lend a hand because there weren't many wolves with a medical background. Some wolves weren't as lucky to have completely human anatomy and couldn't go to a regular hospital, so they came here. Today, he had a follow up appointment with a patient that he had performed surgery on. He arrived early to review the patient's file and their test results, so he was ready by the time the patient arrived.
After taking the time to discuss the results with the patients and do the appropriate check up, he was free to help around the clinic. Maybe it had to do with the clinic being less busy or the fact that there were wolves present and he didn't need to be as cautious. Sehun would always feel more at ease in the clinic rather than the hospital, the tight reins he would keep around his scent were free for once. For him to receive patients that are wolves, it was easier to reveal the presence of his wolf and with that came his scent. The smell of lemongrass and honey filled the air, but within the confines of the office, he didn't even notice other smells. It wasn't until he finished putting away the files and left the office did the familiar scents soothe him, his own scent escaping the room.
On his way to the front of the desk, he paused and frowned at a familiar scent in the air - it was the smell of sweet orange. Sehun instantly turned to look at the person, he was now a couple of steps ahead of man with the scent so he could only turn around to face him. It was a tall man with black hair and maybe a couple years younger, but he didn't recognize him. Sehun took a second to recall how he even knew that scent, it couldn't be any of his coworkers so it must be a patient. But how would he know a patient so well that he even recognized their scent?
It took a second but he remembered a few months ago on the full moon, there was a white wolf he met and spent most of those days with. It was this scent of sweet orange that caught his attention originally, because it was very different from his own softer scent. But Sehun's wolf apparently liked it, they had chased and hunted together, eventually they explored the entire area. He rarely spent his time with other wolves and prefered to wander around on his own, it was nice to have company for once. But towards the end that they were separated and he never saw him again, it was a shame they weren't able to keep in contact. No wonder he didn't recognize him, it's because they never met as humans.
Instantly, a warm smile spread across his face as he turned to face the younger man. Even if their friendship had only existed a couple of days and as wolves, it was still a pleasant memory. "My name's Sehun, it's nice to meet you. I'm a doctor here." Regardless of whether this man remembered him, it couldn't hurt to become friends as humans when even his wolf enjoyed his company.


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evilgamegyu 3 years ago
/wiggle/ e u e my other account is dead but I don't think I'll return cause my muses for him is off......so delete him ;3;
stxrswyxu 4 years ago
May I have Im Changkyun?
breedable 4 years ago
can i get nakamoto, yuta
memesol 4 years ago
So my muse is usually chungha but she's taken? but hasn't been active since the day she was created. Can I snag her when the time is up? lol
saorsa 4 years ago
Congrats on being featured babe <3
Am-Potat 4 years ago
Lemme reserve Wang Yibo, please and thank you ♡
c287a76cc9fab79f3d66 4 years ago
Can I get Denis Dang please?
eb311df8c0c9e838f820 4 years ago
can i cc solar :(
Oxytocin 4 years ago
May I reserve a Kim minseok please?
luckystar-- 4 years ago
Please reserve Oh Sehun, thank you!
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