× convenient store

Convenient store.
just your local 7/11 convenient store.
m sae Ω 4 years ago
"Let's see, eggs, sugar, butter..." Sae read through the list out loud to herself as she wandered down the aisles of the small convenience store. She hadn't gone to the grocery that week, she'd been too busy with too many other things and just hadn't found the time for it. She wasn't really finding the time or motivation to do much at all the past week, which was why she was trying to push herself to do a little baking. Just anything to help lift her mood even the smallest bit.
s mingi β 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β A dancer at the club? How had mingi not realized that? Well, probably because he basically just got drunk and fooled around whenever at the club, he never really paid any attention to the performances going on. “Yeah, I’d love to hear more about it!”, he did seem genuinely interested and excited and raised a hand to wave at him as he left.
“Will do! Also I’ll text you and ask what brand of blockers you prefer! See ya!”
He watched the males retreating back and he didn’t know if it was the pheromones or his genuine feelings but he was excited to get to know seonghwa more.
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@s mingi β Seonghwa hummed softly and let out a noise of recognition almost. "No wonder. Your scent was sort of familiar but not really," he nodded. "Oh, I'm there almost every night. I'm one of the dancers there actually," he grinned, a much more confident smile, bordering a smirk, graced his lips since he always felt a lot better when talking about dancing in general. He took the bag of groceries - if you could even call half of the things in there that - and let out a soft sigh. "But I can tell you more about it another time if you're ever interested. I shall now leave so I don't keep clogging up your senses," he chuckled. "Call me if you have any trouble finding my place, and no rush, alright?" he reassured before turning to leave.
s mingi β 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β He took the phone back, looked at the address, didn’t recognize it and pocketed the phone. Looks like he had to google a bit later. Then he noticed that he didn’t close the cash register yet and quickly did that. He was a competent worker after all!
He looked up at Seonghwa once he mentioned the club. Club? Oh! That one!
One could literally see mingi’s thought process on his face by the way it lit up when he got something.
“Oh, yeah! I do, not that often though since I don’t always have the time but sometimes I do! What about you?”
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@s mingi β Seonghwa hummed softly and chuckled at the way the other held his hands up in a mock surrender. It was cute that the other played along with him. "Well, that's very kind of you," he smiled. He sighed, hating that his body couldn't decide when to feel exhausted and when to feel normal. He took the other's phone, quickly putting all of his information in, along with his address. "Nice to meet you too Mingi. Say, do you come by the club sometimes? Y'know, Children of The Moon?" he asked curiously. He felt like he might have seen the other a couple times, but the beta dancer was usually quite busy with performing, helping backstage or making his rounds to greet the regulars.
s mingi β 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β Mingi was very outgoing and he really had no trouble socializing. He did have his fair share of insecurities but he usually just overshadowed those by being loud and bubbly so no one ever suspected anything. He laughed at seonghwas question and shook his head, holding up his hand and shaking it lightly. “No no, I’m not, dont worry... just want to help out a fellow beta in need.” As he spoke he already pulled out his phone, the screen of it only lightly broken in one corner, otherwise it was okay. He unlocked it and handed it to the other. “My name is Mingi, nice to meet you seonghwa.”
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@s mingi β Seonghwa loved living his life, but whenever his rut struck, it felt like he had to put everthing on pause for a few days. He got to be a bit lazy, sure, but he was still young and had lots of energy. He wanted to do things and heat season only hindered his experiences. He was glad that the other wasnt totally mad about the whole situation.
He looked up as the other spoke up again and blinked a few times at the new suggestion. "Oh, okay... promise you're not some stalker?" he asked teasingly. "Oh, and my name's Seonghwa by the way. Probably best that you know that first," he chuckled. "Should I type all that into your phone or a piece of paper?" he asked curiously. He was still a little surprised that the other would even offer such a thing. "And really, thank you."
s mingi β 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β Another wave of that heat scent hit mingi when the other came up to the counter, making mingi scrunch up his nose once more. “It’s okay, I’m not an omega so it doesn’t affect me that bad... s’just a bit of a weird feeling Y’know”, he explained with a smile as he scanned the articles and bagged them for the other. He looked up at the other when the offer came and he thought for a second.
Mingi loved your help, it was just... him. And he knew how annoying beta heats could be so he had an idea. “It wasn’t as bad as I made it seem... so it’s not a reason for you to treat me to something but how about this...”, he grinned lightly, leaning on the counter in front of him. “You give me your phone number and address and I’ll go get you some of those blockers so you can stay at home... and I’ll deliver them to you~ and /then/ you can shout me a meal. How does that sound?”
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@s mingi β (haha dw :P)

He honestly was so glad that the other was the only other person in the store at that moment since that at least meant that if they had a conversation, it wouldn't have to be weirdly hushed and rushed. He picked a few other things, as well as drinks before eventually coming around to the counter with his basket full of probably every type of food you could find at a convenience store - minus the hot and frozen goods.

He saw the expression on the other's face and rubbed his face with one sleeve covered hand. "I'm sorry, I seriously was so out of it that I forgot you worked here," he sighed. He groaned softly and sighed once more. "They do... but I forgot to get a new batch for this time," he explained with a pout.

Seonghwa really didn't mean to make it hard on the other beta and when it came time to pay, he looked up at the other, "Since I've made you suffer through me stinking it up in here for you for a good, almost ten minutes now... I could pay you back. Would you prefer a big tip... or maybe me shouting you a meal some time?" he asked curiously.

He really hated the fact that his mind wasn't clear when he was anywhere near his rut and he always felt more like a nuisance to other wolves, hence why he stayed at home for the worst days of it.
s mingi β 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β (Not proof read sorry)

Work was works it needed to be done. Especially because mingi needed money. For both rent and his music equipment. Mingi wasn’t too qualified for a proper job since he kind of ended school on an early note with ty grades because, really, no one managed to get him motivated for school stuff since he’s been overly passionate for making Music. So he dropped out and got a job with working hours that fit him. And he figured he could work at the seven eleven not too far from where he lived so he didn’t require a car or a monthly ticket for trains and busses to get there (money saved) and since night shifts paid more and helped with his sleeping pattern (that ensured being fully awake on weekend nights for shows) thay job was just perfect for mingi.
So he never complained.
Since the amount of customers coming it at night weren’t really high he could also work on music while sitting behind the cash register.
Which was what he was doing right now. Headphones on, laptop open and editing some beats and tracks.
Until a specific scent struck him. One he hadn’t smelled in a while.
With a scrunched up nose and a displeased look on his face the beta looked up to see one of his regulars come in. He didn’t know the others name but he knew he usually came here after he did some form of physical activity. What exactly he did was something mingi didn’t know.
But now he came in here smelling like leftover heat or rut or a mix of both thanks to his beta nature and mingi didn’t like the smell.
At least not right now, not when he was working and not in a setting where he could just spread legs (either his own or someone else’s).
“Dude you reek.. don’t they have like heat scent blockers or something?”
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@s mingi β Seonghwa was grateful that his heat or rut, whatever you wanted to call it, didn't last all too long. It lasted probably a maximum of four days, and though he preferred not to miss work, if it landed on days that he had work scheduled, he would call in sick. He didn't mind working on the first and last days, but he preferred to stay at home on the middle two days. He had felt that familiar feeling of it starting for thim that morning, and he was grateful that he didn't have work scheduled that night. That didn't mean he was going to slack off in any way though.

His morning and early afternoon were spent in the dance studio that day, and then after a little break for some food, he had gone to the gym. He was pretty tired by the end of workout, which had dragged on quite well into the night. For him to maintain great stamina and endurance, as well as keep a good figure, his workouts tended to be double the length of a human's one. He also was just a bit excessive at times too.

After he had finished his workout, it was close to eleven at night. He sighed as he had a very quick shower at the gym before changing out into a comfortable hoodie and some fitting sweatpants. Despite it not being his usual getup of boots, tight pants and some kind of flowy shirt, he still looked quite stylish. He had sprayed on a light deodorant too, though to other wolves, they would still be able to smell that he was clearly going into a rut or heat.

On his way home he thought about what he had in the kitchen and groaned, not bothered to cook anything. He sighed and made a slight detour to the convenient store. He came here every now and again, but in his tired state, he had forgotten about the clerk working there, a beta wolf. He only remembered once he had stepped into the store. He looked around and sent an apologetic smile to the other wolf before going around and picking out some things for when he got home and over the next couple of days, sighing to himself since he always craved the most unhealthy snacks during this time.


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evilgamegyu 3 years ago
/wiggle/ e u e my other account is dead but I don't think I'll return cause my muses for him is off......so delete him ;3;
stxrswyxu 4 years ago
May I have Im Changkyun?
breedable 4 years ago
can i get nakamoto, yuta
memesol 4 years ago
So my muse is usually chungha but she's taken? but hasn't been active since the day she was created. Can I snag her when the time is up? lol
saorsa 4 years ago
Congrats on being featured babe <3
Am-Potat 4 years ago
Lemme reserve Wang Yibo, please and thank you ♡
c287a76cc9fab79f3d66 4 years ago
Can I get Denis Dang please?
eb311df8c0c9e838f820 4 years ago
can i cc solar :(
Oxytocin 4 years ago
May I reserve a Kim minseok please?
luckystar-- 4 years ago
Please reserve Oh Sehun, thank you!
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