out of character
muggle zone
Be kind, be respectful, be inclusive.
— Do not roleplay in this room.
— Do not shame yours or others writing.
— Do not talk about plots further than requesting and accepting. This is not a roleplay room, this is not a plot discussion room, if you're going to talk about a plot or your plot, then please direct it to either your private messages or to the appropriate room.
— Do not hesitate to ask people to stop talking about a particular subject if it makes you uncomfortable or upsets you. if you are asked to stop talking about a specific topic, you will stop talking and move onto another topic. Any continuation of said topic will result in a warning, a second time will result in a strike.
— Absolutely no aggression of any kind. if we believe that a conversation is getting heated, we have the right to step in and ask you to stop.
— Do not roleplay in this room.
— Do not shame yours or others writing.
— Do not talk about plots further than requesting and accepting. This is not a roleplay room, this is not a plot discussion room, if you're going to talk about a plot or your plot, then please direct it to either your private messages or to the appropriate room.
— Do not hesitate to ask people to stop talking about a particular subject if it makes you uncomfortable or upsets you. if you are asked to stop talking about a specific topic, you will stop talking and move onto another topic. Any continuation of said topic will result in a warning, a second time will result in a strike.
— Absolutely no aggression of any kind. if we believe that a conversation is getting heated, we have the right to step in and ask you to stop.