↳ hyunwoo s.

hyunwoo's apartment!
welcome to hyunwoo's apartment. please knock before entering.
reference photo: here.

safeword "moodpaws"
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im changkyun ᶜᵃᵗ 3 days ago
@son hyunwoo ᵃˢᶦᵃᵗᶦᶜ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵇᵉᵃʳ *feels really worry about you, just keep you as close as possible to me*
*looks at your cute blushing face, surprised a bit to see you so shy*
Hyung.... my hyung bear... I'm sorry about you having bad luck...
It does make sense... someone hurts you badly...
*brushes his lips against your pinkish cheeks*
The thing is... I really like you a lot... maybe I shouldn't feel this way...but I don't know what I would do without you...
*whispers shyly, hopes you would let me stay close to you,*
son hyunwoo ᵃˢᶦᵃᵗᶦᶜ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵇᵉᵃʳ 3 days ago
@im changkyun ᶜᵃᵗ *when you hug me, I slip my arms around you, bending my head toward you, my face a little pale after my admissions about my last relationship*
*you hold me close, and I don't struggle, allowing you to keep me near you*
*when you apologize about the kiss, the paleness is replaced by a flush that spreads over my face*
you don't need to say you're sorry, kyunnie
I want us to be close to, and you know i'll never leave you - - monsta x is my life
I just - - I want to find someone special, but i've had such bad luck
I want to be careful - - does that make sense?
im changkyun ᶜᵃᵗ 4 days ago
@son hyunwoo ᵃˢᶦᵃᵗᶦᶜ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵇᵉᵃʳ *feel mt heart breaking at your words, pull you into a warm hug, hugging you as tight as possible* My sweetie hyung... I'm so sorry he did that to you... you don't deserve any of that...
*kisses both of your cheeks softly and put my head on your shoulder*
You deserve to feel all the love in the world , cause your heart is so pure...
*whispers seriously as just holding you really close to me*
Hyunwoo hyung... You are one of my favorite persons in the entire world... I- I just want to as close as possible... I would never leave your side... I'm sorry about the kiss... I should have more self control.
*feels even more stupid about the kiss now*
son hyunwoo ᵃˢᶦᵃᵗᶦᶜ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵇᵉᵃʳ 4 days ago
@im changkyun ᶜᵃᵗ *I grab a tissue and gently wipe away your tears as best as I can, sighing softly when you ask me about what had happened with my last boyfriend*
*taking a deep breath, I rub your back as I speak slowly, my words measured*
I met someone who told me he loved me. He asked me to be his boyfriend, and I have to admit, he swept me off my feet. I'd never been courted before - - I've always been the one who pursues a relationship
Anyway, he admitted later that he'd rushed into a relationship because he didn't want anyone else to have me - - and I think he regretted it
He broke up with me, then left, and I have to admit, I've been reluctant to get involved since
I don't want to feel like that again
im changkyun ᶜᵃᵗ 4 days ago
@son hyunwoo ᵃˢᶦᵃᵗᶦᶜ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵇᵉᵃʳ *melts into your warm touch, looks at you with teary eyes as he listens to your words*
Bad experience? hyung you never told me.... what happened? *caresses your cheeks slowly, quite effected by sitting on your lap, just lean closer to your addicting warmness*
Really? I- you are so y... Hyung... I do want to kiss you... but I- I'm sorry, I didn't think before I...." He mumbled shyly and hides his head in our shoulder*
son hyunwoo ᵃˢᶦᵃᵗᶦᶜ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵇᵉᵃʳ 4 days ago
@im changkyun ᶜᵃᵗ *when you take my hand, I can feel my heart twisting in my chest once I see your tears*
*pulling you into the living room, I sit down on the couch, pulling you down on my lap, sliding my arms around you*
don't feel bad, kyunnie
I just - - i've had a bad experience with my last boyfriend, and I guess i'm a little gun shy
I could never hate you - - I love all my members, so you'll never lose me
im changkyun ᶜᵃᵗ 4 days ago
@son hyunwoo ᵃˢᶦᵃᵗᶦᶜ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵇᵉᵃʳ *breathless as i take off my shoes and enters after you, tears falling on my face as I feel stupid*
No... no drink, Hyung... *takes your hand gently he bites his lips* Look I'm really sorry...
I just- when I see you... my stupid cat omega side... goes crazy...
I care about you a lot, please don't hate me... I won't do it again.. I can't lose you... please
son hyunwoo ᵃˢᶦᵃᵗᶦᶜ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵇᵉᵃʳ 4 days ago
@im changkyun ᶜᵃᵗ *still holding your hand, my chest rising and falling a little quickly since we practically ran all the way to my place, I type in the key code, pulling the door open, holding it for you*
*following you inside, I kick off my shoes, suddenly nervous. pointing out the living room, trying to buy myself some time to calm down, I mumble* do you want something to drink, kyunnie?


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TaeKook 6 days ago
May i get song Mingi(Ateez) as an black cat hybrid please
bigboybbg 1 week ago
Can I get Kim Sunggyu back?
Yunho4ever 1 week ago
can you please add Im Chang-kyun- I.m from monsta x as a cat for me?
bobabear 1 week ago
Hi there! I have a question ^^
Pandoria 2 weeks ago
hey :3
can you add and reserve James Su as a white cat for me please?
sunriize 2 weeks ago
erm can i come back as jung sungchan as an elk hybrid pls
honeypop 3 weeks ago
hellooo !
may i add and reserve kim jongin as a bunny hybrid (alpha)
babygirlwonwoo 3 weeks ago
hello! is there a time limit to how long you'll be keeping faceclaim reservations open? i saw that wonwoo is still available and the one who reserved him did it two days ago. just wanted to see if i can take him! but if not, i can choose someone else. ^^
babydiino 3 weeks ago
I'm just wondering if I should be jeon wonwoo or lwon hyunbin... I can't decide :<
gemini_dotcom 4 weeks ago
Did I get kicked? I do apologize for being inactive.
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