↳ eunwoo c.

eunwoo's apartment!
welcome to eunwoo's apartment. please knock before entering.
reference photo: here.

safeword "moodpaws"
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net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 1 day ago
@cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ He can't help but exhale a low breath at your words, always having him struggle to hold back on getting riled up. He held back a soft moan, but was soon physically shaking at the mere touch of your slender fingers against his obvious arousal.
Net brings his hands to grip onto to your shoulders while his eyes slowly shut at the feeling of your teeth nipping at his ear.

Y-you..are killing me slowly..
cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ 2 days ago
@net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ Um you're quite wrong baby, bc I've been thinking amazing things about you since day one of seeing you in that bl drama then meeting you momentarily and the likes. So — yes. You're so.. You're something special love.
Clicks his tongue at you as his eyes peek up to admire the expressions splayed over your handsome features. Looking so pretty yet arousing to the alpha male, causing him to bite back a throaty moan as he hums and smiles.

Mmm yes? Purrs into your ear, biting down on your earlobe and teasingly as his fingers slide over your briefe once your pants are undone and he gives your a little pat.
net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 2 days ago
@cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ Pft- you are just in love with me so of course you'll think nothing but amazing things about me...silly.
He whispers in a soft tone, his body shuddering at the way your lips claimed his sensitive skin. Brims parting more to release a surprised brief moan of your name as his eyes squeeze shut when you leave a obvious hickey upon his flesh. His hands gripping you ever so tightly as his hips buck briefly to the contact of your hand along his obvious .

B-babe..~ ...
cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ 2 days ago
@net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ Please say you?! You're so y when you smile too its insane kinda take my breath away each and every time. Shakes his head with a groan as he looks at you and your neck and throat. Scattering some kisses as he takes in your oceanic scent and he closes his eyes before biting down and marking you yet again as his hand travels down lower to brush his fingers over your clothed shamelessly.

Mmmm? Okay. Mumbles around your skin and he works on undoing your pants slowly so he can reach in to touch you better.
net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 2 days ago
@cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ You sure are on mine for sure...your dang adorable smile ~
Gets me everytime.
Net tilts his head slightly so he can expose more of his skin to you, soft tender sounds leaving his lips as his thighs squeeze together at the feeling to your hands squeezing against his waist.

U-uhm..whatever you wish to do?
cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ 2 days ago
@net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ I am on yours too? Quirks a curious brow, surprised by this but insanely pleased by it all as a bright smile plays on his lips and he hums softly . I'm really happy that I can make your heart warm when I'm not even there in person, so that's lovely.
Chuckles a little as he looks at you fondly and notice your little reactions to him. So cute. So precious. His lips press against your sharp jawline, nipping the skin and slowly as he closes his eyes and moves his hands under your shirt before moving it down to your waist and stroking slowly.
Want my hand or mouth? Or both?
net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 2 days ago
@cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ Mm..you are always so smooth with your words. I'm amazed that I'm on your feed /that/ much though. I also see you on mine...seeing you smile truly warms the inside of my heart, my dear King.
He feels your hands sneak under his shirt as he shivers to your touch, his hands caressing your hips as he responds to the kiss once more. Your words having him shy once again as he curves his lips upward into a loving smile, soon whispering in response.
I would love help..from you y man~
cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ 2 days ago
@net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ Hahahahaah I am always only looking at you my love. No one else can ever compare. Flashes you a reassuring smile as he says this and cups your cheeks before humming and kissing you once more before moving back. Also I do always see you on my feed, I just never said, but I'm always looking at your posts in awe. Seeing your face makes my days brighter especially when I'm mentally drained or stressed.

Smiles and looks at you softly as a hand slides into your shirt. Do you want help? Use your words babe.
net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 2 days ago
@cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ I did lead the way but...that means you seeing me first on your instagram. Is a sign ~ I am your number one person you should be looking at.
He chuckles softly before playfully swatting your hand away from his bum, finding it amusing. He gets cozy on the bed, turning his head to meet your gaze. Admiring your smile and facial features, he leans into your touch as he softly molds his lips against yours.

Mm..Hi King~
cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ 2 days ago
@net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ Oh okay sir. You're leading the way? Quirks an amused brow before following after you and laughing softly as he hums. Oh, I went on Instagram briefly and first post I saw on my feed is of you and your y self

Mumbles lowly and smacks your gently before removing his shoes as well and moving over to the bed with you and plopping down next to you with a quirked brow. Ready to nap? Or be lulled to sleep mm? Mumbles and inches over, cupping your cheek and stroking gently before brushing his lips slowly into yours and kissing you carefully. Hi beautiful.
net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 2 days ago
@cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ Without hesitation, he guides you to your place. A little pep in his step as he reaches up with his free hand to fix the hair you ruffled while he chuckles.

You always coo...even when I'm being naughty.
Tsk tsk...
He comments with a shake of his head while he opens the door, ensuring to slip off his shoes before closing the door behind us while skipping over to your bed.
I'm ready to nap ~
cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ 2 weeks ago
@net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ well then, it's the least i can even do truthfully. i like that I can do that for you and be that person for you either way. i think you deserve the world and I should be able to at least show you that, shouldn't I? so I think you are meant to be treated as tenderly as you are.

his eyes are following the trail of your palms and eyes- admiring and loving all the same how steady you are in moving your hands over his pants and undoing the zipper. his skin exposed atop now as the gentle breeze from the a.c in his room seeps into the bathroom and there's a trail of goosebumps lining his smooth skin - untouched and not marked by anyone - at least hopefully until your mouth is set ablaze across his slender frame.

are you going to make art on his greek god's body then? only then I would think it's a work of art - and a proper greek god form, don't you think? it's missing your marks netty.

cooing under his breath, he in his stomach, his lips as his eyes glimmer down to your hand tugging the zipper, the sound reveberating in the tiled enclosed area, his dark, hooded eyes finding yours and his lips parting as he inches in to press a soft kiss to your lips, hands kneading your firm, taut cheeks before giving one side a little spank. he loves the feeling of your body against his. your hands over him - touching and going lower as he feels the tenting arousal stirring with keen interest.
net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 3 weeks ago
@cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ Well its a good thing that I just want you to enjoy the compliments I give you. No need to think too deeply about how you are poetic.
I just love your verbiage ~
But mhm, you are showing me such care and gentleness. Appreciate it truly...

His brown irises follow your movements as you get the shower ready, eyes widening slightly as he is impressed by all you've done. The sweet scent of bath salts filling Net's nostrils before he is now enveloped against your warm embrace. His hands naturally setting themselves against your chest as he glances up with a low chuckle. He could feel your hands roam over his soft, toned backside as it sends a shudder down his spine.

I-I would love nothing more than to remove your clothing, my sweet King.
His words are coated with a sense of adoration, moving his hands delicately over your shirt to reach down and slip them under your top as he brings it up so he could carefully slip your shirt over your head and tosses it to the floor; soon eyeing your upper torso that is beautiful.

My oh my...I can't get enough of you. You are a work of a Greek God...
He spoke softly, inhaling a breath at the sight while his hands lingered down to and zip down your zipper.
cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ 3 weeks ago
@net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ I am not understanding yet again, what in me is poetic because I sadly don't see it. Hahah but I appreciate that you're treating me as you believe I should be treated though, that means the absolute world to me.

Just as you said netty, I am treating you as you deserve. I wish that you can see that you're a one in a million truthfully but I guess that's why I exist. To show you just that yes?

Flashing a warm smile your way, he's quick to set the bath carefully, making sure the water isn't too cold or too hot but just right — a lukewarm temperature as he adds in some bubble bath, raspberry scented. A favorite of his and he puts in some bath salts as well to aid with the smoothness of our skin, getting out all the grit and dirty from today's work.

His eyes run over tour figure with a fond, loving smile as his body immediately shifts over to scoop you close into his arms. His body still clothed but his hands are easily sliding over your bare sides to rest on your hips. You're.... ing exquisite... the most beautiful person, inside out — that I've laid eyes on, love.

Eunwoo praises genuinely as his head tips over to press a long, slow kiss onto your lips in hopes of conveying how he feels for you as his heart hammers in his chest and his palms slide up your back slowly with delicate fingers, mindlessly brushing over the muscled-defined skin to be sure you're steady and feeling just how precious he thinks you to be.

So pretty... want to help me out of my clothes? Might make you feel less shy or ... intimidated?
net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 4 weeks ago
@cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ Pfft...definitely NOT as poetic as you are my sweet Eunwoo.
Merely just being honest and treating you like you should be treated ~

The small kiss to his hands earns a warm grin smile to take form upon Net's features. He follows you obediently, taking a moment to try and remember the directions of the bathroom in case he needed to use later without Eunwoo.
Net exhaled a soft chuckle at Eunwoo's caring mannerism.

You are a gentle soul, Eunwoo. Its really refreshing, I am very impressed...never would I thought I would be treated this way.

His words are spoken in a loving manner, while already slipping off his shirts and setting it aside folded neatly before working on his bottoms as well. Folding them and setting them to the side as well. Soon standing in his full glory before you with a shy smile, suddenly an overwhelming feeling of embarrassment taking form as his cheeks tinted a red hue.

cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ 4 weeks ago
@net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ is that so now? chuckles and hums at the words you state.
what a sensual being you are, quite the poet huh netty?
grins with a small smile playing on his lips and he's a bit surprised, pleasantly so when he feels you moving off from his frame, a happy grin playing on his pair even at the 'dork' name makes him chuckle in amusement. his hand holding onto yours, bringing it to his lips and pressing a doting kiss on your knuckles with a pleased grin.
well, let's go then beautiful. eunwoo mutters as he guides you over to the main bathroom, there are towels already stacked and he takes out a new one for himself and you with a fond smile on his lips. here you go, you can take off your clothes and leave them aside, i'd wash them before bed. you can borrow something of mines to sleep in, yeah?
net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 1 month ago
@cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ Mhm no...not hungry anymore.
The taste of your lips sufficed any hunger that I had ~
He states with a chuckle emitting through his lips, lips curved upwards into a cheeky grin.
Shivering slightly to your touch as he feels your tender hands against his flesh, though the nose bump earns another chuckle from his lips before he nods in response to your question.
Cold showers are nice sometimes~ I'll join if you'd like. Lets go dork~

He slowly unwraps himself from your lap so he can fully stand up, soon extending an arm out so he could take your hand and allow you to lead the way.
cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ 1 month ago
@net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ Not hungry anymore? Did kissing you curbed tour appetite? If I knew I wouldn't have. Just yet at least, until you had more. Chuckles and them his eyes widen a bit as he glanced down briefly and chortle under his breath with pursed brims thoughtfully. Mmm I know... his eyes flicker go your lips as well and his smile mirrors yours briefly as his hands slide under your shirt unconsciously just to feel the warmth of your skin resonating with his as he bumps his nose against yours. His eyes slipping shut as he takes in a deep breath and brushes his lips in teasing to and fro motions. Would you be fine with joining the said cold shower with me. — I can't admit to enjoying a cold one precisely... but a shower would be nice in general. He finally peeks open his onyx orbs to gaze into your features and bring a hand from under your shirt to brush his digits through your strands and tuck them behind your ear where some hook, some didn't. It's beautiful to him either way. What do you say?
net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 1 month ago
@cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ Net silently observes you our mixed saliva from your lips as he had to refrain himself from caving and continuing the heated moment.
His gaze shifting away from you as he clears his throat to regain his thoughts.
I uhm..right pizza...I'm not hungry anymore. But we can cuddle, Eunwoo.
Net spoke in his usual tone while he slowly tried to get himself off of your lap but he remembered something and glanced at you in surprise.
Don't you...need a cold shower first....?
He stated in a soft whisper while his eyes flicker down to your lip then back up to meet your gaze. A timid smile growing upon his lips.
cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ 1 month ago
@net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ He was enjoying the kiss a little too much — clearly and his hold on you was tighter than before, showing how much of an effect you had on him. You have him in your hold no matter how many times he looked at it. You were definitely that magnetic and captivating to him. He couldn't help but groan in dismay when you parted from him, his lips pulling into a sullen frown as his lips are slicked with your essence. Tongue trailing over his pair to up the saliva streaming across his brims and his hooded eyes are gazing into yours with a soft, fond smile. You're wanting to leave? You shouldn't leave just like that. Stay with me, eat the pizza.... I know we forgot it but you should be full and you would be sleeping with me tonight, if that's quite alright with you — won't be the first I'd be cuddling you to sleep right? He asks with a small grin, eyes crinkling at the corners as they lit up and smile over at you. His famous eye smile showcased on his features as his hands slide over your sides in soothing rubs as he tries to reassure you. I won't... I won't pressure you to be more intimate, if thats what you're worried about. Kissing you is really really really good, intoxicating is all— so alas, I would react to it. You're irresistible, can't be helped. But, I can control myself. I assure.
net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 1 month ago
@cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ A shiver goes down Net's spine as you ever so lightly rub at his sides. Your words be having him hold back a coo before he simply huffs out.
Mhm..I'm telling you to keep it in your pants, bad dragon...
Net is merely being playful as his eyes told a different emotion, the soft kisses and you gave earning a pleased hum on his part.
He was running out of words to speak as everything you began to say and do is making him speechless.
His fingers once more curling in between your locks, only to emit a needy mewl as you easily slip your tongue into his mouth and began to explore.
Unable to keep his eyes open as he gets lost in the feeling, Net flicks his own tongue against yours while moans could be heard mumbled between the lavishing kiss.
He knew that if this kept going it wouldn't stop, so against his judgement of wanting to continue. Net slowly parts away from the kiss with a deep exhale, as his hazed over eyes meet yours and he whispers tenderly.
I-I should..go home..h-hm?
cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ 1 month ago
@net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ The sounds you make, from every drawn out moan to every whimper and the way you unravel in his hands. It all makes him smile knowingly as his hands cup your sides and caress up and down oh so slowly as a soft chuckle emits. Wow. Telling me off for reacting to you? I can't help it when someone as beautiful as you is sitting on my lap like this and you're making such pretty sounds. Sweet symphonies falling from your gorgeous lips net. You're.... astonishing. He mumbles in awe, breath going ragged as his lips inches over to yours and a laugh is sounding out to muffle when you call him a "bad dragon". It's endearing how you said it and stuttered it out too, making him smile fondly as his finger slides up to caress your defined cheek bones and he's inching in to at your lips slowly— kissing your brims as he relishes in how his touches and kisses derived such insane reactions from you that heats him up from inside out. You're just *that* y and charming. His eyes flutter shut as he kisses you long and deep. His tongue winding into your succulent cavern, heated walls fluttering around his tongue that eagerly searched your tongue to glide over the muscle in slow tandem, his hums being muffled against your pair and his lips capturing the boneless flesh to give it a slow, languid as he tastes all of you.
net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 1 month ago
@cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ -your bold words were enough to have him remain in a flustered state of mind, how casually you spoke of ual desires and your inner thoughts. A few of your words briefly earning a quirk of his brow while he ever so casually admire your facial features and bone structure. A well defined face, he thought. His own hands returning to slide down your chest as he tries to catch his breath in between the intense kissing that has occurred before he is able to part away with a heavy pant as he is finally able to intake a breath-
-his words struggle as he tries to regain his thoughts, despite the obvious desire of lust present within his features and body language-
I did say those words...but you also stated you just wanted a kiss..handsome.
- as he whispers against your lips, the sweet actions of you nipping and at his lower brim only has him whimpering tenderly while he could feel his lips become a reddish tint and slightly swollen from the attention they are receiving. He knew that the second he felt your slight harden length under him, he pulled away fully while meeting your gazes searching for an answer-

My sweet poetic man..perhaps you need a cold shower. Hm~?
-though his words came out playful the seductive touches from your slender fingers and slight hair pull has him let out a soft moan before he immediately brings a hand up to cover his mouth in slight shock at the sound that left his own lips, muffling his words-

B-bad d-dragon...
cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ 1 month ago
@net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ poetic? wouldn't dream of ending you like that darling, would love to have you screaming my name first and foremost, if I am actually uh talented to do just that. i am not gonna be cocky about that and say I can, only time would tell, if you are to allow such things. he mumbles with a soft smile, laughing a bit as his head tips to the side curiously as dark orbs roam your handsome features. - you look so gorgeous up close like this - it stunned him to no extent and he had a hard time breathing as he looked at you in delicate awe. you're ing ethereal is what you are sweetheart. and you're driving me up a wall - it's why I can't keep my hands off of you but also, you did tell me I can do as I wish, did you not? murmurs as he flashes a small smile, chuckling a bit as he listens to the aroused sounds emitting from your lips, muffling against his brims as his breath hitched and his lower brim wobble a bit. parting your tiers with his soft ones and the sounds once more, garnering your entire being, intoxicating him - fills his mind to no doubt as a throaty groan erupts from his lips and he's gasping for air. his eyelashes fluttering open as he at your lower lip slowly, soothing the skin from the intense liplock - string of saliva attached to our lower brims as a soft chortle emits from his brims to meet yours. and yet- you are enjoying it thoroughly, my sweet. are you not? or am I mistaken? he tips his head to the side and bites down on your supple brim, the skin slowly as his fingers slide up your neck, brushing over the pulse point and jawline, trickling over your defined skin and sliding into your onyx strands with a firm tug as his eyes meet yours - dark, hooded and clearly aroused as his throbbed beneath his pants whether he wished to admit to it or not. your sounds- aren't making it easier on me netty...
net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 1 month ago
@cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ Mm...your poetic self is going to be the death of me. Maybe I shouldn't have given you the chance to see me like this...hm~?
-the words spoken are soft and tender, he wasn't actually being serious but he did feel himself growing more and more anticipated by your actions and words. You are a sweet smooth talker and as much as he tried to stubbornly hold back any sort of craving towards you. You are definitely making it difficult for him, the gentle nibble to his lower brim earns a soft mewl to escape his lips only to slightly scrunch his brows when his dark brown irises catch sight of your cheeky smile-
You and that freaking smile....controlling yourself would be not feeling me up, my dear poetic Eunwoo~
- he casually gestures down to the way your hand gripped on his thighs, a chuckle escaping his lips briefly though your question has him immediately clear his throat out of shyness-
As for wanting you to continue or n-
-his words were stopped as he watched you lean forward once again, his own eyes fluttering shut out of habit to fully embrace the beautiful moment of their lips meeting once more but this time in a soft passionate manner; his nails beginning to dig a little at your nape but not enough to harm while his lips moved sensually against your tender brims. Your moan had his stomach curl in enjoyment but the small amount of hair tug earned a needy mewl to slip but his body was soon brought back down from his split second high when he felt your caring hand soothe over his stomach. The gesture felt too intoxicating for Net-

-the movement against your lips began to grow passionately as his thighs held back from wanting to tremble out of the arousal he started to slowly feel, parting enough from the kiss to whisper amongst your tiers-
N-not fair...you are having such a hold on me..
cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ 1 month ago
@net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ complimenting you is a given when i am going to be kissing you sweetheart, not gonna just kiss and take something from you and not worship you thoroughly with my words. mumbles into the flesh with a small smile, loving every bit of your reaction - the way your body crumbles for him as him seeing stars and a soft hum is muffled into your skin. teeth gently nibbling on the skin with a delicate hum sounding from the back of his throat, his fingers squeezing your clothed thigh as he laughs out a bit and he looks at you with a soft smile playing on his lips. oh? am I not controlling myself? i didn't know that - here I was merely enjoying the way you taste, before getting to the best part. your lips. his eyes dark as they may, flicker down to your parted brims, a hint of a smile playing on his own pair as he inches over and brushes his tiers against yours in a slow, tantalizing manner. tell me darling, do you really want me to control myself? your eyes seem to have a different response if you ask me. mumbles under his breath as his fingers squeeze your inner flesh carefully, a soft grin playing on his pair as his lips part for yours and he's pressing an open-mouthed kiss against yours. a soft moan eliciting out from his lips and sounding against your couplets as they shine with rosy appeal. his eyes hooded as he brings a firm hand into your silken strands, giving a little tug, gentle as he may - he tips your head back so he could press his lips against yours in a slow liplock, his eyes fluttering shut as a soft hum of approval emits from the succulent taste of your tiers pressing against his own. a small smile lingering on his pair as his hand brushes up against your thigh and over your waist, tender, feather-light touches as his fingers span over your clothed stomach and give soothing, little rubs.
net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 1 month ago
@cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ -his breathing started to grow shaky as he struggled to properly hear the words that left your lips at this point. His mental state quickly getting lost in the feeling of lustful thinking. Though as his body started to crumble at every touch, whisper, and feeling of your lips against his skin he is exhaling a breath as he briefly glances down when he feels your own thighs move. His gaze soon returning back to you as his lips part to emit a tender whimper once he could feel your warm tongue briefly against his skin-
You keep complimenting me a-and all you said was you wanted a kiss...
-he managed to get the words out despite being easily riled up, the placement of your hands lingering along his waist and thighs didn't go unnoticed as it had Net lightly bite down on his inner cheeks. His own fingers delicately moving to outline the side profile of your jaw as he softly whispers-
Control yourself angelic dragon...you said it yourself that you are a good dragon~
-his words are playful in a challenging manner as Net's eyes flicker with amusement but he knew that he could only be adding to the ual tension-
cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ 1 month ago
@net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ mmh? you don't think you are pretty? you're handsome but in my eyes you are indeed ethereal and quite gorgeous - also, I do agree with that too. i think having a bath with someone who would care for you and be tender with you - pamper you up, would be quite nice too. muses with a small smile as his eyes find yours, the hooded and intoxicated gaze that you offer him has his stomach churning with tickling heat and it up his spine graciously so. you're so pretty like this netty, you have no clue. eunwoo pants out against your skin, loving how you swear - the sound is music to his ears, causing his pores to rise and his thighs to clench under you. his fingers are gripping onto your sides and gliding down to your hips, cupping your slender waist and moving down to the expanse of your thighs. mapping out the skin under your jeans as he promised before as his lashes flutter open to gaze into your dark irises with a hint of a smile. i am not evil baby. i am actually pretty good if you follow the legend that I am. being a dragon from the heavens and all once ascended. muses with a smirk as his lips press into the pulse point on your neck and he brushes his nose up and down against your scent gland before flicking his tongue out and over the skin - a trail of goosebumps following his trail as his fingers slide over your inner thighs tantalizingly slow with a soft hum. you're so y too... always thought so, and you have the prettiest smile. he mutters truthfully against your flushed skin.
net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 1 month ago
@cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ Its cute because its not something I'd expect for you but I don't blame you for wanting to be spoiled. I too, would accept being spoiled as well.
Something about...being cherished just warms my heart, yknow?
-he agrees with your words though his brows furrow slightly as he catches sight of you eyeing him like he has fully succumbed to your deviled touches that kept sending warm tingles along his spine. His lips allowing for a small pleased hums to escape as he felt your plushed tier brush against his sensitive skin-
I'm not pretty....you dork. -he mumbles lowly, brown irises hazily glancing at you with a hint of stubbornness but he immediately falters at the grip from your teeth that has him quickly shutting his eyes and panting out briefly-
-his words are low as his hands linger further up to rest at the back of your head so he can curl his slender digits within your dark locks, as he obediently raised his chin up when you guide him. His body fully displaying that he is loving every second of this as his knees briefly shook when he felt your tortuous touch against his neck, the spot you kiss subtly shifting colors into a faint dark red coloring-
Y-you are evil...
cha eunwoo ⁱᵐᵘᵍⁱ 1 month ago
@net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ Please, how is that even cute? Just because I want to be treated... like that or uh spoiled you can say? Quirks a brow curiously at you, noticing all the emotions flickering over your features added to the reactions you easily allow to show and it causes him to smile fondly as he brushes his lips gently across whatever sliver of skin he may be able to reach. His hands sliding over your frame carefully as he chuckles under his breath, reveling all too happily in the way you react to him, causing him to hum under his breath and groan softly. Look at you, ing ethereal like this for me netty, so pretty. You know that, don't you? He purrs out lowly, lips vibrating against yours a little as he says that and his pearly whites easily snag your lower brim into his hold, chewing down on the flesh and oh so carefully, tugging and letting it go with a soft pop as he smiles and tips your chin up so he can slowly press some open mouthed kisses over your neck expanse with a soft hum being tumbled past his brims and into your silken skin.


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TaeKook 6 days ago
May i get song Mingi(Ateez) as an black cat hybrid please
bigboybbg 1 week ago
Can I get Kim Sunggyu back?
Yunho4ever 1 week ago
can you please add Im Chang-kyun- I.m from monsta x as a cat for me?
bobabear 1 week ago
Hi there! I have a question ^^
Pandoria 2 weeks ago
hey :3
can you add and reserve James Su as a white cat for me please?
sunriize 2 weeks ago
erm can i come back as jung sungchan as an elk hybrid pls
honeypop 3 weeks ago
hellooo !
may i add and reserve kim jongin as a bunny hybrid (alpha)
babygirlwonwoo 3 weeks ago
hello! is there a time limit to how long you'll be keeping faceclaim reservations open? i saw that wonwoo is still available and the one who reserved him did it two days ago. just wanted to see if i can take him! but if not, i can choose someone else. ^^
babydiino 3 weeks ago
I'm just wondering if I should be jeon wonwoo or lwon hyunbin... I can't decide :<
gemini_dotcom 4 weeks ago
Did I get kicked? I do apologize for being inactive.
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