↳ baekho k.

baekho’s apartment!
welcome to baekho’s apartment. please knock before entering.
reference photo: here.

safeword "moodpaws"
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kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ 2 days ago
@sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ -Chuckles at your playful glare-
I’m the naughty one? I thought you were for having explicit thoughts about my photo.

— once you’ve returned —

-Glances up at you when you’ve re-entered the room, smiling at your stunned silenced-
Cat got your tongue?
-Watches as you take your place between my legs, hands reaching to gently squeeze your shoulders. Eyes dropping to look at your fidgeting fingers-
Thank you, love. I hope I recreated it nicely for you.
-My eyes are brought back up the moment yours drop to my crotch. A haughty smirk forming when they meet again-
Haha, you don’t need to fret.
-my hands fall to your hands, holding them comfortably-
Would you like to kiss before diving in? Feel the muscles beneath my shirt?
sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ 2 days ago
@kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ *whines softly when you call me silly sinking half my face into the pillow as I gaze up at you with my tired, hooded eyes.*
*Huffs into the material and playfully gives you a glare*
Naughty bad Hyung. We can try, I won't say no to the idea.
*Smiles sweetly when you shower me with a single gentle kiss to my forehead, feeling soft for a minute*
Ah okayie dokie, I'll wake up~
*Lightly taps my cheeks with my palms and pushes myself off the bed so I could hurried to the washroom, in order to splash cold water on my face. The coldness washes a refreshing feeling over my face, just enough to have myself more alerted.*
*I return to the bedroom and I stop in the middle of my track, I'm shot with awe as you sat their, revealing your handsome and strong built to me like you did in that photo. I swallow thickly and finally join you, I take a sit in between your legs and play with my fingers due to performance anxiety.*
Y-you look good Hyung...
*Quickly glances down at your crotch and remeets your gaze, a reddish hue spreads across my cheeks*
D-do I just...start? I'm sorry I'm not smooth or good with this...
*Gently tugs on the strings of your bottoms.*
May I? Please
kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ 2 days ago
@sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ -I find myself also excited by the idea of reenacting something I did for work for our pleasure, especially since it was something you had in mind-
-Your sleepiness spoon feeding my cuteness aggression. The way your big eyes are hooded by heavy lids and your voice has a clear note of grogginess in it. I just loved it. -
I would hope you’re excited by the prospect of getting to do such an intimate thing with me, silly.
-A softer smile is formed when you shift the pillow away-
Is that even a question? Of course I’m teasing you. I’ll enjoy it, no matter what. We can always adjust positions to make things easier.
-Coos while I lean in further to plant a kiss on your forehead-
I’ll get ready, you wake yourself up, okay?
-Lifts myself off the bed and reaches for my pajamas. I return the shirt to my dresser and pull out one of my muscle shirts, the ones I typically use for working out. It was the closest resembling item to the shirt in the photo. I slip into that quickly before replacing my jeans with my pajama bottoms. I tousle my locks of hair and sit down in the same position as I had in the photo-
I’m ready for you, baby.
-I tilt my head back, attempting to look up at you from the floor-
sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ 2 days ago
@kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ *I'm unfazed as you settle your pajamas onto the bed, I simply bat my thick lashes slowly as sleepiness has increased the weight in my eyelids.*
Ah...y-yes...thinking about you in that way....I'm...getting excited already.
*Lowers the pillow, studying your features as you were explaining a solution, your voice only adding to my excitement.*
Hyung....are you teasing me? I don't know if I'll do a good job being eepy....
*Doesn't want to lose the opportunity but is worried of my overall performance.*
I always want my Hyung.... *Murmurs timidly*
kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ 2 days ago
@sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ -After acquiring my pajamas I turn to see you hugging one of my pillows close-
-A contagious smile forming as I see your cute self using it as a sort of security blanket while you tell me this secret-
-My brows raise at the confession of what you wanted to do to me. To say I wasn’t affected would have been a lie-
-places my pajamas on the bed before planting both of my hands on the bed, leaning in-
So~ I’m hearing that you’re needy and eepy? The funniest thing is that… we are in the bedroom. We could recreate such a scene if you’d like?
-adjusts my voice to the lower, honey-like register-
sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ 3 days ago
@kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ (welp I passed out ono)

*Without hesitation or thought, I lay down on the bed, not minding that I wasn't under the covers. I submerge my face into the soft pillows, taking a second or two to bask in this feeling before turning around to view you*
*I take one of the free pillows and capture it in a tight hold on my chest.*
mm that picture made me have thoughts of you off....or what if I sit on your lap...
*buries my face into the pillow, whining*
I don't wanna get needy and eepy....but....
kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ 3 days ago
@sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ Bed it is~
-Enters my home after you, smiling to myself at your sleepy state. It was cute, just like everything you did-
-I close the door, locking it up before removing my shoes and following you toward the bedroom-
-tosses off my shirt and opens a dresser drawer to find some pjs-
So~ about that spicy secret~
sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ 3 days ago
@kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ *ends up dozing off in your arms while you carried me along the way, I groan and rub at my eyes once you place me down*
okayie dokie, bed please....
*Takes care of my shoes and heads straight to the bedroom, knowing I was ready to pass out any minute now.*
kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ 3 days ago
@sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ Im excite to give you morning kisses.
-stands from my spot on the couch and begins to carry you away, stealing the blanket as well-
My place it is, love.
-good thing it wasn’t far, despite you being incredibly light, it was difficult carrying someone from one place to another when it was more than a few feet-
-I do manage to get to my home, gently placing you on your feet since I wouldn’t be able to open the door otherwise-
-Unlocks if swiftly and gestures for you to go in first-
Go wherever you’d like: couch, bedroom~ it doesn’t matter
sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ 3 weeks ago
@kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ () it was pretty good ouo

*Laughs when you tug me inside your home, gently colliding into your figure in the process before we would split to take care of our shoes*
Mm I think I can drink later, I just want you and your cuddles.
*Throws my arms around your nape, grinning giddily up at you*
kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ 3 weeks ago
@sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ ( that sounds good! )

-decides to take the quickest way to my house, not wanting to waste another moment of not having you in my arms-
-once there, I swiftly unlock the door and push it open, thankfully, it’s the heavy sort of door so it won’t clang against an interior wall-
-kicks of my shoes and gently tugs you inside, reluctantly, I release that hand a moment later-
Would you like anything to drink? Or do you wanna get right into cuddling?
sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ 1 month ago
@kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ Ah-Baekie *my face flushes at your explanation*
*My heart skips a beat when you decide to add a touch of teasing with the closeness and whispering.*
*My eyes twinkle and I tighten my grip around your hand upon seeing the door to your place.*

*Shifts my attention over when I hear you deep breath, I blink a few times but don't poke you with any questions.*
*Soft laughter escapes me as you tug me inside with you and follows your actions by taking care of my shoes. My soft orbs meet with yours as I smile gently.*
Yes please Hyung
kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ 1 month ago
@sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ Embarrassing for them to see you? I don’t think you should consider it so. I think if they saw you, they’d want you. They’d want to taste you and keep you for themselves. I won’t let them, of course, but the absolute beauty you possess is unfathomable.
-whispers close to you before bringing myself to my feet, accepting your hand in mind-
The best way being the fastest.
-Takes the lead, bringing us out of the cuddling room and on the path to my home-

-About ten-ish minute walk later-

We’ve arrived~
-inhales a deep breath, prepared to make you feel so good you’ll wriggle about in your seat until you can’t help but want more-
-Swiftly unlocks the door, tugs you inside, locks the door back up and kicks off my shoes-
-turns to you with a serious, yet charming, expression-
Shall we continue in the living room?
sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ 1 month ago
@kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ 1 day ago Reply
@sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ Exactly, it’s just for us to witness. I would become jealous if someone else saw any part of you that was just for my eyes.
-explains, grinning at your use of the word ‘hyung’-
Let’s go to mine, okay?
-loosens my hold on the blanket so you can get up-
Wanna lead the way? Or shall I?

ah- I mean it would be embarrassing for anyone to see me, plus I'm only for your eyes. *nods firmly, agreeing with you*
okayie dokie
*stands up and casually takes a hold of your hand, nervous but curious to make our way over to your place*
You please, you know the best way to get home.
sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ 2 months ago
@kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ *it's natural for my lips to shift into a pouty formation when you cup my cheeks, eyes lingering over yours only for my face to hear up*
Ah, Hyung.....I'm glad you like it, I-I thought you didn't like it
*Squeaks when you have no problem taking care of your shirt, revealing your deadly figure that had ink painted on your chest. I reach for your hand, and lower my head though I couldn't help but steal some glances of your torso, admiring how strong you appear.*
O-okayie dokie~
kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ 2 months ago
@sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ -A hearty chuckle escapes me as you become embarrassed over me seeing you sleep-
First of all, you don’t look silly, you look cute. Second of all~
-Cups my hands over yours that was cupping your face and leans in to whisper next to your lips-
I like it when you call me, Hyung.
-steals a kiss from your lips before pulling back, already in the process of removing my shirt-
I’m happy you do, let’s head in there then~
-Finishes removing my shirt, tossing it onto the ground and holding out my hand-
sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ 2 months ago
@kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ (sleepy bebi, go rest up and have sweet dreams. I'll be off tomorrow after 6ish pm and hopefully I'm not ded from work. Take it easy <3)
kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ 2 months ago
@sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ (Bb! My eyes are closing! I’ll reply to this tomorrow! I hope you had a good day off and you have a good sleep tonight -smooch- )
sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ 2 months ago
@kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ ah- *gets flustered and cups my cheeks with my hands* You've seen me sleeping, I mean of course but ahhhh hyung, I must look silly when I sleep.
*fidgets with my fingers, knowing I hadn't taken my shower for the day and glances back up at you.*
I would like to, I need a shower too.
*eyes sparkle when you mention your shampoo and conditioner.*
I'll smell like you! I mean I would enjoy that, I like your scent a lot.
kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ 2 months ago
@sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ Me too, I think it’ll be a lovely. I already know you look super cute when you sleep.
-coos internally at the way you’re sitting on the bed-
-debated on whether or not I should shower, but note your reddening cheeks-
Oh? I would be fine with you showering with me, would you like to?
-Asks curiously, not minding if you wanted to join, in fact, I would probably just be admiring you the entire time-
You don’t mind using my shampoo and conditioner too, do you?
sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ 2 months ago
@kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ *nuzzles my face into the crook of your neck*
Such wonderful soon to be things, I look forward to those days and I'll be grateful whenever we get to experience little moments together.
*looks up at you as I settle my bottom back on my heels.*
I'm good with anything you decide, you don't smell bad, but if you wanted a nice refreshing shower...
*Trails off as my face reddens as an idea sparks to life*
um um I can shower with you too. Anything you want, I'm happy with.
kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ 2 months ago
@sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ -wraps my arms around your slender waist, hugging you close and sniffing your locks of hair-
My sweet love. Me too, I would love to wake up next to you, go to bed with you, eat breakfast. Ah~ maybe sometime soon we can do that.
-gives you a squish before loosening up my hold-
I should probably shower and then climb into bed with you, unless you don’t mind me skipping the shower for tonight. I’m not too stinky, I’ll just reapply deodorant
sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ 2 months ago
@kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ *rests on my knees and throws my arms around your shoulder, tugging you close to me.*
It's nice, very nice. I would love to do this everyday, sleeping together and waking up in the morning with one another~
kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ 2 months ago
@sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ -I know it’s okay to come in when I hear you call for me, so I push the door open. A smile forming when I spot you sitting up on my bed, looking so cute-
It’s really nice coming home and seeing you.
-Says this as I make my way toward the bed, opening my arms as I want to squish you in a hug-
sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ 2 months ago
@kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ *I can hear you settling into the home as your footsteps let me know you were making your way over to the room I was in. I perk up and push the blankets off, ready to hug you once you open the door.*
Baekie~! *chirps out softly, my tail and horns visible as it feels natural to let myself let go of my concealing restraints in your home.*
kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ 2 months ago
@sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ -It takes me no time at all to reach home, knowing that you were there waiting for me encouraged me to get home faster-
-I unlock the door with the keypad code and push the door open swiftly. Kicks off my shoes, slips into some slippers and tosses my extra stuff on the couch. I stride toward my bedroom and knock on the door-
Sunshine~ I’m home.
-calls out softly, not wanting to just open the door if you weren’t ready for me to come in-
kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ 2 months ago
@sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ ( it’s alright, love )

I will keep that in mind while I’m getting our water.
-chuckles, pecking your forehead before heading toward the kitchen-
-I prepare two glasses and place some ice in each cup, filling them with cold water afterwards-
-Carefully, I tread back to the living room, placing each cup down on the coffee table, sure to place a coaster beneath each one-
There you go, love.
-Snatches the blanket off the arm rest of the couch and unfurls it, wrapping it around my shoulders and ushering you over-
C’mere, cutie.
sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ 2 months ago
@kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ ()welp I thought I replied to this.

*Puffs my cheeks as I play on the cute act, nodding my head*
Okay, I'll wait for you and I'll be good. Be warn, I'll be super clingy when you come back.
*Pecks your cheek before unraveling my arms around you*
kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ 2 months ago
@sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ Of course, I have to make sure you’re comfortable, Sun.
-More laughs escape me as you nuzzle your face into my shirt-
-Your squished expression earning a coo from me-
No way, it’s not bad at all. I love that you missed me so much~ you don’t have to be less clingy. Though, you should sit here and I’ll go get our water. Once I’m back we can cling onto each other, okay?
sunyoul ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ 2 months ago
@kang baekho ᵏᵘᵐᶦʰᵒ Thank you by the way, for um asking~
*I let out a subtle squeak before submerging my face into your sleeve, some more noises come out but they are muffled by the fabric.*
*peeks up at you, whining in a cute matter as you squish my cheek*
is it bad that I missed you lots? I can be less um clingy.


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TaeKook 6 days ago
May i get song Mingi(Ateez) as an black cat hybrid please
bigboybbg 1 week ago
Can I get Kim Sunggyu back?
Yunho4ever 1 week ago
can you please add Im Chang-kyun- I.m from monsta x as a cat for me?
bobabear 1 week ago
Hi there! I have a question ^^
Pandoria 2 weeks ago
hey :3
can you add and reserve James Su as a white cat for me please?
sunriize 2 weeks ago
erm can i come back as jung sungchan as an elk hybrid pls
honeypop 3 weeks ago
hellooo !
may i add and reserve kim jongin as a bunny hybrid (alpha)
babygirlwonwoo 3 weeks ago
hello! is there a time limit to how long you'll be keeping faceclaim reservations open? i saw that wonwoo is still available and the one who reserved him did it two days ago. just wanted to see if i can take him! but if not, i can choose someone else. ^^
babydiino 3 weeks ago
I'm just wondering if I should be jeon wonwoo or lwon hyunbin... I can't decide :<
gemini_dotcom 4 weeks ago
Did I get kicked? I do apologize for being inactive.
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