➷ sinful succulence

+ the safeword is moodpaws
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
mm true but even so, it would get your point across-
turns the exchange into a slow messy kiss, not knowing if it was just
the atmosphere itself or if it was the alcohol that slowly kicked in;
the taste lingering at the back of my throat, not really favoring into it
but that fact that I'm able to have my lips against yours was enough for me to bear with
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
that'd be pretty embarrassing for us to get caught doing.
murmurs softly, refusing to fully pull away from you in case someone thought they were being given an opening to swoop in. he only turns to look at you when you cup at his cheek, a confused look in his eyes when your lips press on his and he feels the bitter taste of alcohol slip past his parted tiers, drinking from your lips as if he were being fed honey.
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
mm not sure- but ..
maybe if you test out where the line gets drawn..
mumbles off as I let out a content hum from the feeling of just you in general;
deciding to take a few more sips of your drink, not realizing it was already more than
halfway gone. pulling back a bit to get a look at your face before my palm cups your chin
and my lips meets yours to feed you your alcoholic beverage
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
though clubs weren't exactly my cup of tea - they were far too crowded and noisy for my liking - i was grateful for the poor lighting, hiding the growing blush as i narrowed my eyes at the others who had been ogling you, a victorious grin forming on my face.
the club won't kick us out for indecency?
i simply murmur against your ear before pressing a soft kiss to your jawline and then working my way back down your neck, ling hard at the skin- this time, determined to leave a mark.
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
my eyes finally adjusting with the flashing lights before the sudden wet feeling that drags along my neck
catches me offguard, shivering a bit as I let out a tiny coo
ooh- silly little cherry.. who says you can’t do that now?
the moan you let out has me tense up a bit, releasing a small exhale that exudes a bit of shakiness
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
even though the groping has me blushing, i refuse to pull away from you, determined to let the others know that they had less than a chance with you if i was around. breaking the eye contact for a brief moment, i part my lips and let my tongue slowly up your neck, stopping to nibble at your earlobe as i breathe out a soft moan against your ear.
i should have marked you up before we came here, ton....
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
hums quietly at the way you look past over my shoulders,
a small smirk creeping up along my lips finding it attractive at how you move yourself against me
mm who knows - maybe you have to keep trying out different things to see what works..
mumbles against your ear as my free arm slings around your waist;
my palm reaching to one of the many favorite spots on your body, ending up taking a little sip of the drink I was covering for you before my nose scrunches
at the taste, reminded as to why I didn’t order a drink in the first place
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
. . .
witnessing strangers blatantly checking you out has me huffing under my breath.
do you think that'd keep them away for good?
locking eyes with someone behind you, i ignore the warmth hovering over my cheeks and promptly move to place myself on your lap, leaning in to press my lips to your neck and give it a light bite and then le at the skin, refusing to break my gaze with them.
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
within the timeframe of you ordering a drink-
at least 5 people tugged at my shirt and maybe like 3 out of that 5 pinched my
slowly moved the drink away in case you knock it over, keeping my palm over it just to be safe bc there’s weird ppl out there
oh yeah? you should show em
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
relaxes my expression at your touch, nuzzling against you.
someone did wHAT
stands up immediately, almost knocking my drink over and meeting eyes with several others behind you.
they clearly don't know that you're unavailable e n e
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
Oho… if you say so
laughs the moment your face scrunches up, raising my hand up to press my palm against your cheek
mhm- at one point I felt a pinch at my
watches your every movement to see what you’d do
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
it's definitely a good thing for you u n u;;;
takes another sip, face scrunching up immediately at the taste of alcohol, not having been too good at drinking.
strains to look behind you, frowning while trying to catch any stray hands that linger on you.
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
should I be slightly concerned that it makes you upset
e v e I wonder if that’s meant to be a good or a bad thing
whistles melodically before my eyes cast towards the drinks
well your high alert hasn’t been working clearly, I’ve been feeling little tugs at the hem of my shirt the moment we’ve sat down
by various amounts of people pff
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
it's a compliment for you and just frustration for me- tsk. you're so attractive that it makes me upset.
bows to the bartender when he returns with my drink, thanking him with a bow and them taking a sip, immediately making a face and smacking my lips.
please .. i'm gonna be on high alert- making sure no one puts their hands on you.
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
I dunno if I should take that compliment or be a little offended
my eyes attempt to adjust in the constant light changes, glancing over my shoulders to
properly look at the atmosphere
what if you end up going all over the place and someone steals you hm?
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
it works perfectly- especially when describing you.
eyes your smile, hoping that the dim light of the club masks the pink flush dusting my cheeks as i turn away and put in an order with the bartender.
mm, i guess i prefer that to you being drunk and extra smiley to strangers...
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
stupid pretty face- ionno if those words are meant to be put in the same
sentence together... especially next to each other
takes the seat next to you, my body turned towards you despite the slight bump of
people against my frame
mm I'm alright e u e i'll just enjoy the night
rests my chin at the palm of my hand as I gently smile your way
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
i mean, it could- at the very least, they'd fall in love with your stupid pretty face.
oblivious to your efforts to shield me from others, we reach the bar and i hop onto a stool, patting the one beside me for you.
want anything to drink? i'm not gonna be able to handle tonight sober è n é gotta drown out the introvert...
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
fall in love at first sight?
you think that would really happen?
at a club?
follows you over to the bar, my other arm shielding at your side so that people aren't bumping
shoulders with you
e v e
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
exactly. oR they're gonna fall in love at first sight and try to steal you away.
sighs and brings my hands down, reaching for your hand to tug you over to the bar, struggling to push my way past the crowd of people.
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
mm and why not-
is it gonna give people the wrong signals?
the smile on my lips widen when your palms press at each side of my face,
finding it absolutely adorable with the way you try to be the only view in my line of
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
purses my lips, turning around to narrow my eyes as i look around for anyone that might be looking your way before facing you with a soft huff. reaching out, i press my palms against the sides of your face, trying to block you from anyone's sight.
don't laugh so easily, dummy-
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
I don't have to do anything to make you jealous
except just stand here
flashes a small smile at you-
my eyes glancing past you at the few exchange of eyes trying to
get my attention but shakes my head with a small laugh as my only attention is
solely on you
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
tsks under my breath, looking around the club before my eyes return to you, pushing my hood off and fixing my hair.
this is why you're a sadist, pfft. but fine- try and make me jealous then u - u
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
wiggles my brows once your shades are off
mmm what if it turns me on a little when you get jealous?
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
huffs and takes off the sunglasses, pocketing them soon after.
didn't wanna get noticed on my way here. now- are you really here just to see me get jealous e n e
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
now whyre you in your cute little disguise for hm?
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
peeks out at you from behind my hoodie and sunglasses
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
hyung :>


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TaeKook 6 days ago
May i get song Mingi(Ateez) as an black cat hybrid please
bigboybbg 1 week ago
Can I get Kim Sunggyu back?
Yunho4ever 1 week ago
can you please add Im Chang-kyun- I.m from monsta x as a cat for me?
bobabear 1 week ago
Hi there! I have a question ^^
Pandoria 2 weeks ago
hey :3
can you add and reserve James Su as a white cat for me please?
sunriize 2 weeks ago
erm can i come back as jung sungchan as an elk hybrid pls
honeypop 3 weeks ago
hellooo !
may i add and reserve kim jongin as a bunny hybrid (alpha)
babygirlwonwoo 3 weeks ago
hello! is there a time limit to how long you'll be keeping faceclaim reservations open? i saw that wonwoo is still available and the one who reserved him did it two days ago. just wanted to see if i can take him! but if not, i can choose someone else. ^^
babydiino 3 weeks ago
I'm just wondering if I should be jeon wonwoo or lwon hyunbin... I can't decide :<
gemini_dotcom 4 weeks ago
Did I get kicked? I do apologize for being inactive.
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