↳ anton.

anton's apartment!
welcome to anton's apartment. please knock before entering.
reference photo: here.

safeword "moodpaws"
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anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ well, I don't really have a complaint about it-
I like it nonetheless...
hey, thrill seekers make life a little more interesting? dontcha think so?
blinks at the whisper before leaning back to get a better look at you-
the corner of my lips curling up with a small chuckle
I think you already know how I feel;

raises my brows
you're doodling a lot for a few hearts shdsdh
hums quietly as I let the taste be engraved into my mind;
the sight of your face as I flash a small smile
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
@anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ grumbles softly. you made me end up this way.
nn you'd like something adventurous, wouldn't you- what a thrill seeker.
the tap has me smiling, an expression that always returns as long as you were by my side, leaning in to whisper softly.
and i like you...

scribbles down "anton is so obsessed with me" and adds a dozen hearts and little flowers all around it with a grin.
you take my wrist and i can't help but watch, expecting just a soft kiss against my palm but gaping at the obscene sight in front of me, face burning up as i stammer dumbly.
i- that- a- anton-!
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ that’s cute… you’d be weak with every little thing that I’d do huh
I’ll have to keep thinking about what i wanna do with you… something a little adventurous surely
my lips, the corners always seems to curl up even at the slightest when you speak, giving your chest a little tap
i like that..

… not you taking notes ;;
wait actually, write down in bold “anton likes me” and do little hearts around it
my eyes follow your fingers that’s coated in your own mess, taking your wrist to bring up to my face as i part my lips to lap up the bittersweet substance; caressing the pads of your finger with the flat of my tongue before swallowing
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
@anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ please- you could just nip my shoulder and i'd crumble to the floor.
but experiment as much as you want, heh. i wanna see what else you'd do.
even when you look away, my eyes remain on you, following your every movement with a curious raise of my brow.

:pen: anton likes cheesy things
as you try and slide out of me, i can't help but whine - partially from the movement and the other part because i'd soon be empty and without you. with a breathy moan, i'm settled back down onto your lap and i can feel you leak out of me, the sensation making my cheeks burn up. you pamper me with kisses and i let my hands wander, fingers lightly swiping at the remnants of my release on your chest.
i got you dirty....
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ I haven't necessarily ventured out on eating you- there's still many ways
that I definitely could that would make your legs go weak.
a soft sigh leaving my lips, a content one ofc as I lower my orbs just for a brief second to rest my
palm to your chest

mm cheesy things are a key to some peoples hearts y'know?
knowing good and well about how drained and sensitive your body may be, I shift a bit slowly
with my arms lifting up your lower body so that my arousal slides out of you; my nose twitching at
even my own sensitivity once I sit you back down onto my lap; rubbing your lower back in small soothing circles
as I try and keep you settled with as much kisses as I'm able to provide, from your face to your chest
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
@anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ pfft- well, you /are/ a demon and you /do/ eat me.
and i'm absolutely enamored with you, lee chanyoung...
the smile on my face never ceases, unable to stop when looking at you. you were love and you were light, i didn't think it would be possible to exist without you anymore.
then want me as much as you'd like. i'm ready to give everything to you.

pfft- a talent of making me say cheesy things.
my body is tingling with sensitivity, even just your breath grazing against my skin enough to have me flinching as i try to catch my breath, eyes glistening with tears of bliss that managed to stay back instead of spilling over. the air around us was heated, full of nothing but desire and passion, and i welcome each kiss, desperately trying to gather enough energy to match your hunger.
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ that makes me sound like I'm your sleep paralysis demon about to eat your entire existence
I think...I'm thoroughly infatuated with you-
refusing to look away from your features, wondering how really anybody could just look away from
such a face thats giving the look that you're currently giving now
pff- you never fail to keep me wanting more of you

oh do I? must be a new talent of mines
my embrace loosens around from your body as I let my hips rest from all the movement that its done,
the smell of you filling up every breath that I take, loving every bit of it as I become drunk off of ...well, you.
the way that my name spills from your lips only makes me groan softly in response as I hungrily take advantage
of spoiling your lips with kisses
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
@anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ i look at you and you're all i want. even when i don't see you, you're always on my mind. i don't know how i could like you any less.
my cheeks are warm and flushed a soft pink, a familiar appearance that seems to show up whenever you're around. thumbs lightly stroking at the sides of your neck, i can only drink in the sight of you smiling in front of me, nothing but adoration shining in my eyes.
you can do that if you want. if it's you, i think i could do anything... the thought of existing just for you is getting bigger every day-

heh, you make it come easy.
all i can do is gasp out, feeling myself get fuller with your release, head dropping against your shoulder, panting softly with the occasional whimper pushed out. your high seems to last a lifetime and i'm convinced i'd last in this loop of pleasure forever, body tensing and clenching around your in an attempt to milk every last drop.
breathing out your name, i raise my head to meet your lips, openly against them. you made me feel so good and i needed you to know, to show you that every second with you was the closest thing to heaven on earth.
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ is it really that simple? not even a chance of hesitation whenever you look at me?
my eyes, searching along your features only ending up feeling this fluttering feeling bloom from my chest at every little action you take.
the sound of your voice filling up my ears, only causing the corner of my lips to immediately curl up in the most softest of smiles as I nod slowly from your words
I don’t think I would have wanted it any other way hyung-
every time I feel you around me, I just want to keep you for myself.

well now isn’t that sweet…
winces at the way your nails dig into my skin though it doesn’t make me falter from filling my loads into your walls- just wanting to be able to embrace you with nothing but my scent inside and out was the thought that kept lingering into my head as
my hips stutter continuously.
my coral sets searching yours to press those messy kisses against with my pace finally slowing, loving the way your body just reacts overall with everything im willing to offer
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
@anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ of course it's possible - i'm pretty sure it's the easiest thing in the world...
my hands reach out, first gently resting on your chest and then slowly moving up to your shoulders then to cup and caress at the nape of your neck, just so eager to touch you, to be reminded that you were real and that something as good as you could actually exist for me. the kisses seem to swallow me up, unable to stop the little laughs that slip out, seeming to just be bubbling with a genuine bliss, a ray of light for the first time in a long while.
chanyoung-ah... can i really be the one you like? is that okay..?

it'll be worth it as long as you're in it-
the way you refuse to stop ing only has me gasping out, nails starting to dig into your back as my sensitivity increases from the intensity of the release i had just had, begging for you to calm your movements for even a second. you were spilling into me and all i could think was how much i wanted to filled by you, to have you dripping out of me, to have remnants of you painting all over my body.
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ liking me so much- is that possible; to like me?
mumbles softly against your lips, basking in the existence of just you. being able to even be in this current lifetime of all the years of the world existing and it just so happens
that i was able to be alive within such close proximity of someone worth being able to experience life with. to be able to see through the next day
and onwards; to gain emotions towards and be able to consider the what ifs
that warmth that invades my entirety, such a foreign feeling that I’ve slowly become accustomed to-
and only wanting more of. that in itself, only being able to express not easily by words but actions with a mere kiss that could be scattered all over

all eternity sounds like a dozen lifetimes ..
your moans sounding like music to my ears as I out my excitement, unable to stop even though your body starts to stutter which only causes my drive to become at an all time high; brows furrowing as my eyes close, the sensitivity of my becoming more intense as my seeds spurt out with each hit.
my grunts becoming slight groans with a few hisses in between
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
@anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ your words have me falling silent, eyes too busy searching yours as if scared there might be a hint of a joke in them - but i find nothing but honesty and all i can do is smile, fully at ease.
lee chanyoung ... what do i do ... i'm really liking you so much-
each time your lips meet mine, i can feel myself growing warmer, as if you're breathing life into me, pressing closer against you.

i'll spend all eternity searching for you if i have to...
at some point i had lost the ability to move on my own, simply bouncing up and down purely through the impact of your s as i'm swallowed up in a heated ecstasy. the air is filled with the sinful symphony of , a constant stream of whiny babbling spilling out of me as you me closer to , now fully hugging onto you, clinging on for dear life as i all but moan into your ear.
f--! 'm gonna ..! chanyoung- i'm .. hyung's gonna -!
as soon as i feel you release in me, i reach my own high, face burying into the crook of your neck as i all but sob out your name, entire body stuttering as i stain your skin white.
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ then it’s a mutual feeling - so you’re reassured that there’s never going to be another in this life nor the
next, whatever form I may take up next.
In all my lives, it’s going to be you regardless.
my words slowly end in a small whisper, faint yet still audible; low with a hint of rasp
my eyes falter to your lips, the umpteenth time for the past few moments before generously laying a dozen pecks against them.

I guess you’ll have to look for me somehow if I ever were to be reincarnated
a subtle growl resonates from the depth of my throat as I do the complete opposite of your plea; pounding against your smaller frame for what almost seems like forever as I feel the sensation of warmth escaping from the tip of my arousal, the sounds becoming more of a thick squelch than skin to skin slapping against each other
my hips jolting up simultaneously with a few pauses each time spurts of my release fills up and surrounds my shaft with heat
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
@anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ normally, i'd protest, still not too familiar with being called pretty, but your words have me melting and i can only hope i don't look as stupid as i think with the growing grin on my face.
well, i'm exactly the same. why would i stop being so obsessed with someone that's so devoted to me and drives me nearly insane-
hands lightly gripping at your wrists, i let you keep me in place as i welcome the kisses, wanting you to indulge yourself fully.
heh, good- this way we'll always be together

now i wish i wasn't a vampire .... my lifetime might outlast yours .. i'd miss you.
hands releasing my , i let them clench into fists at my sides as you start bucking up into me, hitting me every time i slammed down. my mind went blank for just a split second but every moment after still had me seeing stars, crying out weak pleas of 'hold on' and 'not so hard' in between moans. precum had already started dribbling out, eyes almost threatening to roll back as you got rougher.
ch- chanyoung-ah...! - i - c.. inside me...!
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ shakes my head slowly at your words
another pretty little thing? when I already have you? ready to wear and do whatever ? mm no such thing as
brings both my hands up to frame your face, keeping you from even thinking about pulling away as I become just a little greedy with the kisses
good… cause all I have in my mind-
no matter what im doing; you seem to love invading my head

sometimes careers can only last but so long, but being with someone could last a lifetime.
my arms redirect themselves around your frame loosely, soft muffled groans lingering against your skin as my hips start to jolt up as you bounce down
mmf- im … im feeling close..
breathes out as I hold you tight against my body, slamming my hips up roughly with the sound becoming more intense. profanity finding its way to fill the air the more I put my strength into each , wanting to release the tightness that starts to fill up the pit of my stomach
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
@anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ well, how long do you think you can stay possessive until another pretty little thing passes your way, hm?
smiles softly, hands lightly cupping you cheeks this time as i lean in for another kiss, slower this time.
then don’t stop- you wanted hyung to think only of you, right? that’s what i plan on doing…

pfft, you definitely should but- it’s kinda sweet, how you would push that all away for your special someone.
the sounds of get louder as my movements get quicker, more impatient, rolling my hips as i drop down, wanting to milk you of everything you had to offer. head falling back, moans flowing freely, i let my back arch a bit, chest leaning closer for your lips to mark up.
nn.. ah- , chanyoung..! you’ve .. already driven /me/ crazy..
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ it does sound kind of interesting, I’ll admit …
but just how long would you be able to be obsessed before you grow tired mm?
retrieves the kiss though my eyes stay lingering onto your brims for another
and what if I don’t want to stop?

when it comes to certain things, I don’t necessarily care about it …I mean I should but…
stares at your face and inhales slowly
I don’t wanna think about my image if im with someone of interest.
the sounds of your moans only gets me off even more, almost pushing me to the edge of not being able to keep calm; finding ways to distract myself as I press various kisses against your skin, biting at some and nibbling here and there
you’re practically driving me crazy…yknow that?
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
@anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ an obsessive seunghan with a possessive anton? sounds kinda fun, pfft-
lets my finger trace along your lower lip before lightly tilting your chin down so i can lean in and steal a kiss.
if that sounds too crazy then stop getting me so addicted…

KDJDKS you’re talking like someone who isn’t a public figure and needs to watch his image rn-
inhales. but that kind of thrill.. sounds fun too..
every drop down onto your pushes out a moan from me, each one becoming a bit whinier than the last as i chase after the pleasure that blossoms. releasing my grip on your shoulders, i reach behind me, spreading my own as i continue to myself down.
god….. you’re hitting me so deep, chanyoung-ah..
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ maybe that’s my plan- to have you just all over me.
nothing except me;
actually that sounds kinda crazy- let’s not put it that way but along those lines
blinks and scratches my head a bit, eyes shifting

no more windows-
mm nah I’m gonna do it with it open now. sometimes the risk of being caught can be a big turn on ..
sighs softly when you raise your hips only to grunt abruptly from the impact of your body bouncing against my frame;
a few pants and groans mixed in as my hands waver a bit to move but grips tight at your thighs
mm- lets… keep it that way-
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
@anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ as if your voice isn’t enough to swallow me up, your every word rings in my ears, reminders burning up all over my skin as i recall your every touch.
nn .. you’re really making it hard not to think of only you… you’re gonna turn me obsessive, ton..

jfjdjd no no no i’m joking- please- no more windows. unless it’s closed and you’re just ing me against it aha…
the curse you breathe out has me smirking, building a bit of confidence through your reactions as i let my hands rest on your shoulders before adjusting my position so i can pull a bit off your length and then shove myself back down, bouncing on your with my moans getting slightly louder.
nn .. told you .. i’m all yours, didn’t i..? no one else can have me when..nn.. i’m made for just you-
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ mm if it keeps you distracted then yes of course..
I just want your mind to think about nothing else but me… all the kisses and every little touch of my fingertips burning against your skin; the way I stretch you open and continuously fill that void … in and out-
mumbles softly as I give your lips a few lingering kisses

… who’re you calling wittol . should I go open that window and make you scream out of it again-
curses under my breath as you start gaining more of a steady pace; groaning out deeply
it’s like your walls were just perfectly molded for me-
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
@anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ you lure me over easily with your touches, allowing myself to steal my fill of kisses as you indulge me, a pleased hum on my lips.
nn .. okay- i won’t think about the press. you want me to just think about you, huh

there are also some pretty hardcore ones but we gonna work our way up to that, wittol uwu
flashes you a cheeky grin before i start to find a good rhythm, rolling my hips and ing myself on you like it was a movement that was only natural for me, clenching around you with a blissful sigh.
mhm.. you’re perfect for me-
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ draws your face forward with the tips of my fingers so that you can get your proper fill in kisses
try hard- you better..
or else no more kisses;

ah I forgot they had themes…
my fingers twitch a little, wanting to climb up to your hips but remains still,
biting at the inside of my cheek to resist
don’t I fill you up so nicely?
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
@anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ coos and turns my head ever so slightly, trying to get your kisses to press fully against my lips.
i won’t complain about what you give me- how could i?
nn and i promise… or .. i’ll try hard to keep that promise.

kdjdk i’ve always been curious about the themed ones.
my grin only grows when i can feel you twitching, slowly beginning to roll my hips against you, a soft moan breathed out as the single movement has you hitting the best spots.
nn i love it … you feel so good in me…
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ I would hope that you weren’t complaining. I’d be highly offended and hurt if you did u n u
mm better keep that promise
grumbles and presses a few kisses at the corners of your lips

i was kidding - but if you’re curious about them then we could see how it’s like
lowers my eyes to your abdomen as I inhale a little sharply, my arousal failing to keep calm as it twitches a little more
do you? you look happy… feeling it move huh
my expressions softening at your smile
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
@anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ mm, i’m really gonna turn into the most spoiled and insufferable person heh but i’m not complaining.
exhales softly, trying to dispel any worries away with it.
ok ok no more thoughts about the press, i promise.

a love hotel-! that wasn’t my intention, i swear! but now that you’ve brought it up… ahem. i’ve always been curious about them.
with a little smile, i let my hand rest against my lower abdomen, looking up at you with a happy fish on my cheeks.
i can feel you so deep, anton…
and of course- your happiness is always important.
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ no such thing as enough when it comes to watching over you
wiggles my nose and shakes my head
mm- no thinking about the press;

you should. oh- you wanna sneak off to one of those love hotels— is that what you’re saying?
in the corner of my bottom lip, biting at it as you move slow; a different pace than what im use to as I shift a little, feeling myself twitch a bit inside you with anticipation
hm- is that what’s so important…
making me happy?
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
@anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ heh, that’s true- i do get a bit caught up in my head about things like this…
pfft and you already baby me enough, dork.
lightly boops at your nose.

mm .. should i? i probably won’t follow you to schedules since fans might notice but we could sneak off to a nice hotel after- that sounds fun.
moving slow, i wonder if it’s as torturous for you as it is for me, finally sunk down all the way with a weak moan, pausing to collect myself.
i guess i should stay a good boy if it makes you so happy-
anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ mm you worrying about the press. then you’ll start overthinking things and I’ll end up having to
try and baby you
shakes my head with a small frown

then if that’s the case just secretly tag along-
think of it as like a little vacation trip for you and at the end of the schedules I’ll be coming back and you’ll have me all to yourself
taps my fingers against your thighs as you move, exhaling a few soft grunts as I nod at your words
of course I do.
hong seunghan ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 weeks ago
@anton lee ᵗᵃʳˢᶦᵉʳ exhales a little groan of defeat, finally peeking up at you when i feel the kisses against my still clenched fist, the heat failing to subside on my face.
wha- what could be a bigger worry than the press blabbing about this-

…. maybe. at least when you have schedules in korea, you guys come home after. but when you go overseas, i get lonely-
the feeling of your hands serves as a reassurance, exhaling softly as i do my best to try and sink further down, feeling you fill me up the more i take you in, your name now permanent on my lips.
pfft- you like when i’m obedient, hm?


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TaeKook 6 days ago
May i get song Mingi(Ateez) as an black cat hybrid please
bigboybbg 1 week ago
Can I get Kim Sunggyu back?
Yunho4ever 1 week ago
can you please add Im Chang-kyun- I.m from monsta x as a cat for me?
bobabear 1 week ago
Hi there! I have a question ^^
Pandoria 2 weeks ago
hey :3
can you add and reserve James Su as a white cat for me please?
sunriize 2 weeks ago
erm can i come back as jung sungchan as an elk hybrid pls
honeypop 3 weeks ago
hellooo !
may i add and reserve kim jongin as a bunny hybrid (alpha)
babygirlwonwoo 3 weeks ago
hello! is there a time limit to how long you'll be keeping faceclaim reservations open? i saw that wonwoo is still available and the one who reserved him did it two days ago. just wanted to see if i can take him! but if not, i can choose someone else. ^^
babydiino 3 weeks ago
I'm just wondering if I should be jeon wonwoo or lwon hyunbin... I can't decide :<
gemini_dotcom 4 weeks ago
Did I get kicked? I do apologize for being inactive.
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