↳ soohyuk l.

soohyuk’s apartment!
welcome to soohyuk’s apartment. please knock before entering.
reference photo: here.

safeword "moodpaws"
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choi beomgyu ᶠᵉⁿʳᶦʳ 2 months ago
@lee soohyuk ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ "I— okay... you really scared me there for a second hyung. I mean you can't blame me for thinking you might headlessly go into this without thinking twice and I would suffer the consequences of your poor actions." The younger taunts with a soft snicker as his eyes light up, his words are playful and teasing, no less. His body inching over to take in the steam of warmth gliding out from the pot you're cooking up their meal and his stomach did an off-handed, embarrassing gurgle.

"You didn't hear that," the wolf grumbled under his breath as he lightly glared up at you. He instantly allows his lips to wrap around the spoon edge so he can taste the broth that you graciously offered and his eyes widen as a delighted hum emits. "It's... wow it's delicious! I didn't know you could cook so well hyung. The — you've been holding out on us. I think we need to hire you as our chef back at our dorm."

The male wiggled his brows before sauntering off so he could unpack the little snacks he bought, placing the drinks into your fridge and giving you a look as if asking, 'Is this okay?' Frankly, beomgyu felt a little more comfortable, not as wary about stepping on your toes so much as he feels more relaxed and at home. His body warming from the coziness your apartment permeates and embodies and his frame finds its way to lean against the counter next to you. Arms folded as he peeks on at what you're doing as if in awe.

"I don't get the pleasure to view anyone cooking up close like this usually, so I must say it's a nice change. Thanks for the invite Vampy Hyung. How have you been lately mm? Taking care of your diet and yourself?"
lee soohyuk ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 months ago
@ᴄʜᴏɪ ʙᴇᴏᴍɢʏᴜ ᶠᵉⁿʳᶦʳ "I suffer from selective hearing, deal with it." came the retort, devoid of any malice. rich laughter echoed as he caught sight of your animated expressions. "I was joking. everything is meat and adequate amount of vegetables. besides, I haven't had the time to sit down and chat with yeonjun, let alone exchange about your likes and dislikes." he nudged your shoulders with his, a subtle form of reassurance.

"such a good kid, aren't you?" at your curious peek, soohyuk opened the lid of the pot, showing your the marinated beef stew that had been on the stove, brewing. he takes the wooden spoon and scoops some of the broth, blowing over it to make sure it had cooled down before offering to you. "give it a taste and tell me if it needs anything."

"wouldn't it be terrible to invite someone for a meal and just carelessly cooking something that doesn't even look the least bit appetizing?"
choi beomgyu ᶠᵉⁿʳᶦʳ 2 months ago
@ʟᴇᴇ ꜱᴏᴏʜʏᴜᴋ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ "I— I didn't say that ew," the younger jests with a cheeky smile before snickering and he's surprised by the hug and is warming up from your arms around his lithe frame as he wraps his around you and give a tentative squish. "You— what?! Did.... wait ... you didn't think to ask yeonjun hyung what I eat and don't eat?!"

Scrunching up his nose at that, a grunt is elicited as he rubs a hand over his face and tries his best to crack a smile your way. "I... I don't know if I can stomach it hyung, I always feel nauseous but I'd try." The younger mumbles, feeling ashamed and guilty about it no less as he waves a hand to ward off your concerns.

"Even if you did, doesn't mean I would just ignore the sentiment and bring something, it's the least I can do soo hyung" beomgyu whispers softly as he kicks his foot across the floor and peeks at the dish cooking on the stove. It doesn't seem to be seafood but beomgyu can be wrong because what if the stew does have seafood bits in it? He inhales and doesn't get much of a scent going due to still being slightly stuffy as he quirks an amused brow over at you.

"I could carry back for my members too if there's too much remaining back but isn't it adorable of you to call your mom and ask her about food dishes to prepare for little ole' me?" Cooing softly, the wolf gives you a little nudge, "I'd say that you're a kindhearted and caring hyung indeed, so thank you for that."
lee soohyuk ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 months ago
@ᴄʜᴏɪ ʙᴇᴏᴍɢʏᴜ ᶠᵉⁿʳᶦʳ "are you saying that I am mind-blowing then?" soohyuk piped in, a roll of deep laughter followed thereafter. amusement dancing into those catastrophic crimson orbs that captured the lights bouncing off the ecru walls. he greeted the younger with a quick hug and stepped aside.

"but I made you a seafood stew?"

soohyuk feigned a concerned expression as he looked at the younger, noting gifts that latter was bearing.

"you didn't have to bring so much food, beomgyu. I was the one who invited you for dinner and not the other way around?" there was a frown appearing on his face as placed the offering upon the countertop.

"I just rang mother up and asked for the dishes one would cook for a guest and prepared accordingly."
he explained, glancing over the dishes simmering on every single burner on the stove.
"do you reckon it is too much?" he asked sheepishly with a chuckle, unraveling more of his silly side that he usually concealed.
choi beomgyu ᶠᵉⁿʳᶦʳ 2 months ago
@ʟᴇᴇ ꜱᴏᴏʜʏᴜᴋ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ "Common thug?! Please, you and your petnames and descriptions seriously blow my mind hyung!" The younger rolled his eyes before scoffing. Adorned in a blue shirt that shows his figure being enveloped drastically, causing him to look tiny in front of the older and black jeans at the bottom as he strides in with a deep sigh. "Damn. .. are you cooking up a storm in here hyung? I forgot to tell you the things I dislike when eating like uh seafood."

The younger mutters sheepishly and kicks off his sneakers quickly, leaning down to put them aside carefully and dust his palms down his pants. He feels somewhat out of place from how pretty the apartment is and with the older man cooking for him as well— he feels slightly guilty about having the vampire working so hard especially with human food of all things.

"I hope I didn't put you out of your way too much, did I?" Entering the apartment fully, he shuts the door behind him and placed the bag of snacks and drinks onto the countertop in the kitchen as he pads his way over to the area he's smelling whatever food the vampire decided to bless him with for the day.
lee soohyuk ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 months ago
@ᴄʜᴏɪ ʙᴇᴏᴍɢʏᴜ ᶠᵉⁿʳᶦʳ soohyuk immensely enjoyed the mundane activities, despite always complaining about being plagued by boredom. the kitchen was uncharacteristically, buzzing with activities. the stove brewing his late evening labours, the vampire clothed in a casual attire of grey sweatpants and black wife beater, a black apron tied around his waist and secured with the drawstrings tied to the front.

his favourite artist was singing in the playground as he hummed along, knowing he'd jumble the lyrics. soohyuk halted, setting the flame to low upon hearing the footsteps approaching closer to his door, followed by the audible knocking.

he was already on the door, after a couple of long strides, twisting the door handle to open the door.
"why do you speak like a common thug, gyu? didn't i tell you? I never lock my door." he reminded with a low chortle. "come in."
choi beomgyu ᶠᵉⁿʳᶦʳ 2 months ago
@ʟᴇᴇ ꜱᴏᴏʜʏᴜᴋ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ Breathing in deeply, the young wolf followed to the male's location pinned on his phone and upcoming to his apartment,, the younger is quick to rap his knuckles onto the door. His eyes scanning the area with his hand holding a bag of snacks and drinks he got on the way, unsure what you would've liked to eat and drink to begin with. However, he didn't wish to come empty handed. "Hyung?! I'm here. Open up!"
lee soohyuk ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 months ago
I need a drink.
-he muttered, despite showing no indication of moving from his spot on the couch, shielding his eyes from the bright lights on the ceiling overhead with his arm.
lee soohyuk ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 months ago
-slumps here, releasing an exhausted sigh-
lee soohyuk ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 2 months ago
"perhaps. its better I keep away from people for a few days."


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TaeKook 6 days ago
May i get song Mingi(Ateez) as an black cat hybrid please
bigboybbg 1 week ago
Can I get Kim Sunggyu back?
Yunho4ever 1 week ago
can you please add Im Chang-kyun- I.m from monsta x as a cat for me?
bobabear 1 week ago
Hi there! I have a question ^^
Pandoria 2 weeks ago
hey :3
can you add and reserve James Su as a white cat for me please?
sunriize 2 weeks ago
erm can i come back as jung sungchan as an elk hybrid pls
honeypop 3 weeks ago
hellooo !
may i add and reserve kim jongin as a bunny hybrid (alpha)
babygirlwonwoo 3 weeks ago
hello! is there a time limit to how long you'll be keeping faceclaim reservations open? i saw that wonwoo is still available and the one who reserved him did it two days ago. just wanted to see if i can take him! but if not, i can choose someone else. ^^
babydiino 3 weeks ago
I'm just wondering if I should be jeon wonwoo or lwon hyunbin... I can't decide :<
gemini_dotcom 4 weeks ago
Did I get kicked? I do apologize for being inactive.
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