➴ office building。

office building 


width must be 240; height can be 100 or higher
kim donghyuk. 1 day ago
@kim youngkyun. @huening bahiyyih. The two people in the elevator, had certainly done something to Donghyuk's nerves. It wasn't that he was anxious about being stuck in an elevator, and in fact it was a good opportunity to get to know two new people, but this was not the most liked situation of getting to meet new people. Once Donghyuk had confirmed that, yes, help was on the way he turned his full attention on the other two. His answer was quickly answered by the other male in the elevator, and retuned. He shook his head, he was alright, though a little startled but that was nothing to be concerned about.

It was the girl in the elevator that Donghyuk had started to get concerned about, he could see the panic slowly starting to settle in on her face. "Hey hey.." He said his voice calm and patient, his hand moving up to hold over hers that was on his arm trying to ground her down back to earth. He glanced back up at the other male to make sure that her panic hadn't triggered him into one as well, before looking back at the girl.

"The elevator just malfunctioned and got stuck." He begins to explain calmly his eyes going between the two. "I already called the emergency services and they should be here any minute. Just take slow deep breaths, yeah?" He offered lightly, rubbing over her hand letting her know that she wasn't alone and that there wasn't any reason to panic.
huening bahiyyih. 1 day ago
@kim youngkyun. @kim donghyuk. another day, another glitz and glam moment her mother always preened her for. bahiyyih was her personal doll it would seem - not that she hated being the pure unadulterated happiness for her mother. not at all. she actually enjoyed being a child that can make her parent happy. but sometimes - it can be quite a lot. stress added to mounts of stress, time and time again.

this is no different, as the young woman walked over to the grand size office building, set for a meeting with one of her mother friend's for a modeling shoot that's coming up later this month. they wanted to take some shots for a portfolio and the likes. she really wished she didn't take time off from school to do something as idiotic as this. she would've very much rather enjoying the time with her animals back at the shelter and pet clinic, but alas, here she is, doing her mother's bidding. all in the name of making her happy as her father loves to remind her.

as she stepped into the elevator, there's a guy - another walking in, both tall, handsome and seem much more mature than the young girl with earbuds tucked into her ear, nestle in as lyrics blare into her eardrum.

it was least expected - all happening so sudden, so fast! a loud clanging sound! erupting even intertwining into the sounds that her earbuds wouldn't keep out and she's stilling, breath hitching, frozen as her heart hammers in her chest, hands holding onto the railing behind her and squeezing for dear life as she tried to ignore the panicked feeling. her hand switching off the buds quickly in order to catch the last question spoken by the taller of the two males.

"i- i think i'm fine, what's going on?" bahiyyih may be claustrophobic - just a little, if the incident was any indication. sweat droplets are cascading down her nape, sliding down her spine, etched onto her flesh with a biting cold that's bitter and frozen. she cannot breathe as freely as expected and the girl weakly reached out to both of their arms as she gasps out. "I- i can't breathe... we-well...."
kim youngkyun. 1 day ago
@kim donghyuk. @huening bahiyyih. Youngkyun, woke up late and got a late start to his freelancing job, he was frustrated but he had to get there quickly, the pay was good and it was just for some leasing opportunity so what did it matter to him?

He got a late start because Roo and Boo wouldn't let him leave, he loves those two furballs and wouldn't trade anyone for it, well maybe someone. More on that a different time, as he was getting out of his car he felt how nice it was out and decided to go for an extra stroll around the block once. He realized that no one would care if he was late because he was the one taking the pictures not them, so what does it matter to him, absolutely nothing.

He walked into the building and looked around, it was a nice enough building, nothing to flashy, but it was nice where he could maybe one day own an office space here for his own activities. He saw two figures go into the elevator, and the male graciously held the door for him, while the female was in the back.

CRASH. The elevator stopped, what the hell? Was Youngkyun's first reaction and then he looked around and he noticed a small cut on his arm from banging it against the metal arm, nothing too serious though, he looked over at the male that spoke, "Yeah I am fine, nothing too bad, how about the both of you?"
kim donghyuk. 3 days ago
Once a week Donghyuk would set aside a day that he would run errands, try to get everything taken care of at once so when it came to schedules and plans, he would mostly be free. Donghyuk woke up early in the morning make sure to grab him some breakfast before heading out the door. He would grab coffee from a shop on his way through the city.

His first stop had been the leasing office for his dance studio that he rented out for he and his dance team. The office had been on an upper floor, of the building, taking the elevator up, greeting the other person inside. That was until the elevator jolted to a stop.

Starrles Donghyuk grabs the bar on the side of the elevator before he collects himself looking back at the person who had been in there with him. His only hope was that the other would not panic in the situation, he didn’t mind helping anyone stay calm but his brain was still waking up for the morning.

After assuring the elevator had stopped working he calmly pressed the emergency button waiting for someone to answer and assist them out. “Are you alright?” He asked the other.


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lostinparadise 39 minutes ago
hello, may i reserve choi san please?
RoseThornArchive 56 minutes ago
pls reserve Lee Felix for me
weishen 1 hour ago
hi! can i reserve wendy son / son seungwan + red velvet please?
tsugumi 3 hours ago
please reserve jung sungchan for me.
jeonha 18 hours ago
may i reserve lee dohyun and ahn hyoseop please
vronvron 20 hours ago
hiiii may i please reserve yang jungwon from enhypen please?
scammer 22 hours ago
hello! may i have komatsu nana added? :3
ubebread 23 hours ago
hi!! may i please reserve kim hyeyoon again? c:
rainypm [A] 1 day ago
: ̗̀➛ expired reservations cleared! comment name + group to reserve!
snowrose 2 days ago
hii can i please have kim youngkyun ( hwi young) from SF9 reserved please.
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