Submit pics to the admins and include a topic for them to write about (especially during events). You don't have to write the article, just point us in the direction of the scoop.
Then give us an "alias" (name) to go by so no one will know you submitted the pictures. The rp will have to guess who's been submitting pics of these celebs. Note: YOU CAN ONLY SUBMIT PICS IF YOU'VE TALKED TO THIS PERSON IN PUBLIC (whether in rp rooms or in the chat). If people guess correctly, you will be 'exposed' and will no longer be able to go by your alias.
Each killjoy has at least 1 target.
You may choose your target or be assigned them via the admins. You can only switch each target if you need, but try to be consistent. This target will be someone you want to defame, expose, embarass, or even get rid of. You can come up with your own reason for wanting to go after this person (unless the admins picked for you, then they'll give you one themselves).
ONLY KILLJOYS CAN "HACK" THE PERSONAL PHONES (layout on each profile), so PM the admins if you'd like to relay a message. The admins will post the message on their mobile layout and alert them when they've received it. Killjoys may also submit pictures and start "rumors" against their targets (whether they're true or not). These targets must figure out who's after them.
In the meantime, you Killjoys CANNOT get caught so watch out for the police.