Every celebrity is allowed to have a (except trainees). Escorts are one-on-one and usually devote themselves to whomever they're assigned to. They can either guard an individual celeb or a group.
Click the LOOKBOOK to find what escorts are open. You must message the rper first and get their approval before requesting them as a . They can either act as live-in escorts or just hover whenever needed. You can switch escorts at any time.
Celebs can only have ONE , but each can be assigned to a max of 3 people.
These guys play the biggest part in exposure and prevention for the general public.
People in the rp may guess whom they think are Killjoys, but only someone who's been targetted can submit a "report". This report is like a guess of who they think is the Killjoy that's been targeting them. They must tag an admin and tell them who they would like to file a report against. This person is then placed under "investigation".
They will be given an interview and assigned to be monitored by one of the police here for 3 days. Afterwards, the admins will reveal whether the target guessed correctly or not. If they were wrong, the accused member is free to go. If they were right, the member will be exposed as a Killjoy to the public.