Airship Dock

"These Airships are powered by only the finest Mist and have you across the nation in no time."

Airship Captian- Kwon Jiyong

1st Mate- 


Master Gunner-


დ Kang Daesung 3 days ago
@დ Lalisa Manobal Daesung made a polite gesture with his hand to show that he was mentally present with you. Long ago, he made the decision to prevent memories from the past from continuing on in his current life. He had come to terms with the fact that the past would always haunt him in different ways, but he was determined not to let it control his future. For that is where it belonged in the past. There was no need to burden anyone with his trauma and what good would it do him he thought? The sympathy wouldn’t bring his family back. ‘I’m doing fine.’

He told himself every time the memories threatened to resurface.

The northern inky black sky caught his attention as pale pink, lavender, and teals created rippling waves among the stars. With his mouth agape, he observed the light swirling above them, creating exquisite patterns that stretched towards the horizon. The dance of Morningstar, the old wise tales called it. Daesung recalled a fragment of text from an ancient Fae scroll he read in the library, a rare event that occurs every century. He couldn’t contain his childlike excitement, repeatedly tapping your forearm, bouncing on his heels, and pointing to the breathtaking display.
დ Lalisa Manobal 4 days ago
@დ Kang Daesung Lisa recongized the silent language and only smiled warmly. A simple small chuckle airly left through her nostrils as she took his hand into hers. Fingers laced with the mute's then looked onto the lit up city of central. Maybe one day, she would take a small ship from a dock and have Daesung join her in sea next time as she enjoyed the air with him. Her free hand patted on top of Daesung's before she let go only to commuicate in the silent langauge that Daesung displayed.

She she spoke, her hands followed the appropriate gesture. "What's on your mind? I noticed you were gone there for a minute." Eyes were trained on physical expression as it was her duty to detect deceit while fighting for the throneless kingdom. It was a gift more or less. If Lisa had the power to mind read.. well, she would be unstoppable. Emotions were good enough. She then grinned at Daesung.

"You're not the first mute or deaf person I've had the opportunity to meet." She communicated once more and reached up to brush a few strans of hair away from Daesung's face.
დ Kang Daesung 5 days ago
@დ Lalisa Manobal The tinker’s eyes were trained on the cityscape down below. It was a view he was accostumed to seeing fromt he window of his ship. The sight he saw was quite lovely. It was pleasant, but not the usual content of Daesung’s fantasies. Whenever he saw the gas lamps in midtown central, he would be reminded of catching fireflies with his daughters in the rainforest. The memory of his first kiss with his wife as a teenager is tied to the sound of the waterfall outside their village, instead of the usual horse hoofs on cobblestone. He envisioned the aroma of bustling motor oil and copper ivory being replaced by the refreshing fragrance of freshly baked berry pies cooling near the windows of the village bakery, ready to be bought. A long measured breathe escaped him before turning his attention back to you.

With a smile, he concealed the pain of memories, his only way to hold onto his emotions. The view wasn’t ideal, but this impulsive decision will suffice for evening entertainment. It wasn’t long before his forced smile turned genuine as you offered your gratitude. Pleased with himself, his eyes transformed into small crescent moons as he realized his impulsive plan had succeeded, unaware he had such courage within him. The man’s satisfaction stemmed from his adherence to order, science, facts, and plans. It was not part of his plan to meet you today. Daesung reached out to you in CSL, a form of communication for the mute and deaf, to show appreciation.
დ Lalisa Manobal 1 week ago
@დ Kang Daesung Lisa followed Daesung around until she was ushered into the gondola. Here, she looked upon the light up central much more clearer. This was probably the only thing good that someone was doing for her and really, she could get used to this. This is a different view. Living life on the sea, she didn't get to see much and when they arrived on land, it was only fighting for you life then returning to the ocean for their next raid.

Daesung sat in front of Lisa when they settled down into the gondola. But her eyes were more occupied on the city below them. When she had of enough of it, her attention went back to the mute. "I'm really lucky to have run into you today. I'm having the time of my life so thank you for agreeing to my spontaneous adventure."
დ Kang Daesung 3 weeks ago
@დ Lalisa Manobal His features flushed, painting his cheeks into a rose shade of pink, glancing down at their conjoined hands. Butterflies rampaged in his stomach at the near strangeness of the sensitive. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d shared physical contact with anyone. Definitely not from a woman’s touch. He only realized your question after you had been talking to him for a while. A silent internal conflict raged inside him as he needed to reach into his chest pocket to write in his notebook, but that meant dropping your hand. Despite the anxious knot in his throat, he swallowed and decided to shake his head, confirming he was a frequent flyer.

The Tinker led you over toward the ticket of admission, not wanting to waste time and risk another potentially awkward encounter. Swiftly, he plunged his hand into his pockets to retrieve gold for the purchase of two tickets to a midnight Central cruise. Privately rented, they spent one hour soaring high in the glittering sky, just him and her. A smile decorated his lips before opening the cabin door that led to the ship gondola ushering you in with an extended hand and giving you a polite bow as if saying ‘ladies first.’
დ Lalisa Manobal 4 weeks ago
@დ Kang Daesung Lisa was excited to see what exactly Daesung had in store for them both. She waited outside for the mute to join her. Hands claspsed behind her back as she stood stright and looked up towards the falling night's sky. The air was warm. Nothing that Lisa couldn't handle. If it turned chilly well, there was a nice man that Lisa was sure he would warm her up if needed. She watched how Daesung hailed a carriage. Fancy. She never been in one actually. Only feet or horseback. Granted she could turn into a raven and fly away but that was very limited power. Ravens aren't her main shift anyhow. Lisa scooted and settled with Daesung's help into the carriage with with him on the side of her. Only the clomping of hoofves agains the stones and creeking of the wheels sounded through her canals as they rode on into the mysterous location.

Curious, Lisa got got upon arrival. With the gudience of course she had boarded the airship. There was no second thought to it. Lisa sat next to the mute as the ship took to the sky. And yes, Lisa couldn't just stay still. Her wondering mind had let her get up when the ship steady itself in the air. Eyes were drawn on the giant window looking out to Heleo. "Wow.." Lisa advanced to Daesung, taking his hand to tug him towards the window. "Do you take the airship often just to have this view? I've always just been at sea so all I see was just the ocean. Masses and masses of ocean. Nothing like this."
დ Kang Daesung 3 months ago
@დ Jung Nicole His hand clapped down upon your shoulder gently turning you towards him. A silent greeting accompanied by a toothy smile was gifted your way. Daesung the tinker had been looking forward to this day for many many years. He'd always dreamed of traveling as a free creature across the great sea and visiting the various nations throughout Heleo. Not only would the landscape be a sight to behold but, the culture rich with knowledge, traditions, and history, and a wealth of discovery. All the techniques and tools he could and would use to develop his inventions. Not to mention the possibility of discovering some secret or some science to get the one thing that would give him his ultimate freedom, his voice. It was a tremendous task and diving head first into the unknown a disabled stranger was rather intimidating but traveling along with his favorite companion put him at ease. " Hi there Nicole! You ready to hit the skies?" He gestured with his fingers.
დ Jung Nicole [A] 3 months ago
@დ Kang Daesung Nicole wished nothing but abundances to the witch that made her travel bags. Just a glance and the back pack and you couldn't tell that Nicole had more than enough clothes for a weeks worth of travel or the herbs for food along the way and heck, even some dried out goodies. No one would even be able to guess that her small cross over bag have more than enough healing, posion, resting, and many other potions that will come in handy. She stared at the airship ahead of her as a wave of nervousness washed over her. She spent so many years running away and now this was finally something she chooses to travel along with someone she love and care for. "Nicole, deep breath. We got everything." She mentally went down her list again. The Cafe is with someone she trust. The Diner is safe with Bang. He's gotten that covered as he said. She'll check in every week by raven. "Yes. It'll be fine." A smile finally takes over the worried look of her face. She begins to scan the crowd for her fellow travel buddy.
❇︎ Yooa ¥✔ 9 months ago
@♆ Karina Yooa smiled at the other as she looked Karina. "Oh good, I don't like making people wait for me," Yooa told her. She followed the other into the airship. "Ah, really? I've never been there before! I bet it will super amazing since you found it," Yooa smiled as she was helped inside. She plopped down into a seat as Rui landed himself in her lap. Yooa tilited her head to the side as she shook her head. "No, I haven't before - I mean I've seen them before at the academy but never met them before," She glanced at the other. "Have you?" She asked
♆ Karina 9 months ago
@❇︎ Yooa ¥✔ "I didn't, you're just in time." Karina smiled and she starts walking inside the airship, "We're going to Marteria Highlands, I found something beautiful there." She told Yooa before she helps her get in with Rui and Uki, climbs over to the demon's shoulder, "Have you met any humans before?" She asked the fairy as the airship starts to float in the air and flies in a gradual speed towards Marteria Highlands.
❇︎ Yooa ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Karina Yooa was rocking back and forth on the heels as she was waiting for Karina. She was amazingly excited about their adventure. "I hope that she gets here soon so that our adventure can start," She looked at Rui floating next to her. She jumped in her spot as she whipped her head around, smiling at Karina as she spoke to her. "I did! Did I make you wait long? I am really sorry if you had to wait a long time!" Yooa dipped her head with a small frown before it turned back into a smile seeing the tanuki. "He is so cute! I hope that he and Rui can be friends like us!" Yooa bounced her spot. "Should we get going?" She asked
♆ Karina 1 year ago
@❇︎ Yooa ¥✔ Karina went to the Airship Dock after she ate a lunch from a nearby restaurant, sniffing in the air she could smell the familiar sent of flowers. It lead her to Yooa, who is waiting for her by the waiting area, the demon smiled a bit before walking closer to her. "You finally came, with Rui too." She greeted before a tanuki pops up from her backpack, "This is Uki, he's a friend from Kirin Peaks." She introduced her friend to Yooa. "He couldn't stop following me when I last visited the peak, so I took him along throughout my travels."
❇︎ Yooa ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Karina Yooa tightened the straps on her backpack as she was carrying Rui in her arms. She smiled as she was excited to go on an adventure with a friend. It had been a while since she had gone on an adventure since she had been helping with taking care of the school. She stood around as she waited for Karina. Some people would think that she wouldn't have gone on this trip since Karina was a demon, and Yooa was usually afraid of them. But, at the same time - she had gotten to know the girl and she was simply just another person. She let go of Rui as she let him fly around. "Are you excited to go on an adventure Rui? It will be fun, I hope," Yooa smiled to the robotic dragon.
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 1 year ago
☾ Kwon Jiyong [A] 1 year ago
@❖ Koda Kumi ¥ An eye of reflected ruby eyes emerged from the shadows of the pit. It watched the shape of the woman's back for some time, knowing this woman was prohibited from this sacred area. Hell, the creature knew they were rarely even permitted to be on this ship without clearance from the captain. The animal scuddled around, getting closer and closer to the strange dragon. Its claws latched on the walls, crawling its way up the cockpit's metals and baring its fangs with a lower growl. When it was hanging upside down directly above you, it hissed with a flash of teeth and hair raised from the creature's back. When the beast leaped down on the pilot's panel hissing out a warning retreat, it completely ignored that the active anchor and the engine's boiler came to life.
❖ Koda Kumi ¥ 1 year ago
@☾ Kwon Jiyong Despite the captian's wishes of having a woman onboard, Kumi found herself slithering on deck with stealth. With a pleased hum, the dragon started to port the airship not really caring if the captian was on or not. Commandeering if you will. Where was her first adventure? Kumi just wanted to see the world. Going towards the cockpit, she settled at the wheel studing all the buttons and gears. She touched a few of them mentalling taking note on what does what. Once the dragon got comfortable, she rubbed her hands together and started the ship. Time to go~!
☾ Kwon Jiyong [A] 1 year ago
@♆ Huang Mi Ni I heard the shouts of the market guards as they chased me, furry red bandit of a son, through the muddy cobblestone streets of the Central. Their armor gave away their position as the metal plates clanged together, and their boots fell heavy on the stones. I stood up from my knelt position on the airship cargo deck to snap a gaze at all the commotion. My hand dove into my pocket, fishing for my telescope. Pressing one curious eye to it, my mouth fell agape when I realized the source of the commotion.
“There!” a guard said.

My eyes narrowed on the fleeing red panda, followed by my alert brow as he dove under a peddler’s table, scattering rugs and crates as the woman hissed at Wonjin to run faster. I couldn’t deny the victorious grin on my lips when I realized the woman was rooting for my pet to get away. The guards came to a sudden halt when they realized the creature was now out of their reach, finally ending the vain pursuit ultimately. It wasn’t long before Wonjin arrived on my airship. The red panda came bounding to me, crawling up my leg and into my specialized hip saddle designed just for him. “Well, well, my boy, that way, one hell of an escape,” I say, looking at the furry companion taking the mechanical part from him. “Just what Daddy asked for and free of charge.”

[hope you don't mind me poppin in]
♆ Huang Mi Ni ¥ 1 year ago
/on my weekly travels I find myself back here, hoping to catch a glimpse of a certain handsome fairy
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Kwon Jiyong <you have been paid for the month of Jan. Sorry that it took so long. Thank you for being active in your job and paying citizen tax. ~love, Emily>
♆ Huang Mi Ni ¥ 1 year ago
@❇︎ Huta ¥ The door open and Mini let out a delighted squeal at the cute boy adorning the person's head. "Come! Sit, sit over here!", she called out to him and pointed to an empty chair near her. Seeing him back away, however, a deep frown etched onto her face. Gleeful excitement gone, she rose to her feet and glowered at him. "What? You dislike me that much?" Still, a little tender from the shower of insults her sister had rained on her recently, she sniffled and when she spoke again a whimper mixed into her tone. "You think I'm ugly and fat too? That's why, right?"
☾ Kwon Jiyong [A] 1 year ago
@⚜ Gabriel Avalos [no biggy at all take your time love]
⚜ Gabriel Avalos 1 year ago
@☾ Kwon Jiyong (Hi! Hey it’s no problem! I will reply as well once I get a good reply going in my head xD)
☾ Kwon Jiyong [A] 1 year ago
@⚜ Gabriel Avalos [Hey there, sorry for the long wait]
[post deleted by owner]
❇︎ Yeosang ¥ 1 year ago
@♆ Huang Mi Ni Finishing up with a task, Huta was stopped by the captain telling him about a certain room he needs to go to. Of course this captain was his boss and he wasn't in any position to disobey no matter how cautious this matter was. With a small bow of his head, Huta began his small journey inside the demon's tiny chamber. There he saw the girl that had been watching him minus a finger that he can only assume that she had biten off. He backed up against the now closed door wanting to exit upon seeing the danger here.
♦ Kwon Minsik [H] 1 year ago
@დ Kim Youngkyun ¥ Leaning back Minsik placed a hand upon his chest, brows raising for clarity and lowering just as quickly with a curt smile. "No, not my intention..." The mage rustled a few fingers though his hair, meeting Youngkyun's eyes with a shrug. "If you were sleep then who would I talk to?" He stood up unloosening his tied and tossing it onto the table, breaking eye contact with the other only as he started to a few buttons of his shirt to get more comfortable. "Honestly, there would be no one that I would rather talk to currently, than you. So if you slept, then I would have to resort to doing something awfully boring as well... like sleeping." He chuckled, more to himself than the other and descended into his bunk once again to relax... and partially to move out of Youngkyun's gaze. Minsik had a strange vibe that Youngkyun was seeing straight through him, and he didn't know how he felt about being so transparent. His typical social strategy was to give information about himself freely and casually as if it was common knowledge, but for the information to be generic out of context so that it wouldn't define him if he needed to escape.

Settling into his bunk again, he stared up at the roof of the bed, where Youngkyun laid. He let the room remain quiet for a spell, the only noises were the soft pattern of their breahing. The quiet in the room assisted in centering the mage's mind freeing him mentally you really see Youngkyun's aura, It was very vibrant, a red orange color radiating from the top bunk like a bonfire. Such strong energy so naturally qwelled by the other with an ease of someone who has done this for a long time. He didn't yet know if that was admirable or deplorable. Letting free, a small yawn, Minsik ended his barrage of interrogation with a content groan. "When can we go eat?"
დ Kim Youngkyun ¥✔ [H] 1 year ago
@♦ Kwon Minsik Human magic was always curious to Youngkyun, no matter how many times he experienced it. There was an adaptive quality to it that was so intrinsically human that it made him want to know more every time. The newfound silence in the room was uncanny though, as he had grown used to all of the now familiar sounds of the airship. But if it gave Minsik peace of mind from his conjured up goons that were hunting down Youngkyun and would perhaps break down their door at any moment to get to him— he supposed it wasn’t all too bad.

The silence that aded them was loud in the quiet and Youngkyun allowed himself to settle once again into a comfortable position. By the time they were at a cruising altitude, they would need to venture out of the newfound quiet of their room to get food before settling for the night. The question pulling him from his thoughts and making him gaze over at the other. This man had so many questions, he wondered if he ever got tired of asking them. Probably not. “You are not.” He waves a hand. “Is it your intention?”
♆ Huang Mi Ni ¥ 1 year ago
@❇︎ Huta ¥ A few more hours passed by in this way before the captain approached Mini with a very nice suggestion: To invite him over for tea to 'talk'. The captain had used the word talk as a polite reference to a certain nightly activity, but Mini did not catch on to that. Despite the very little clothing she wore and the image it gave her, the thought of abusing his status as a slave for ual favors had not crossed her mind. The captain and Mini both thinking of two different things agreed on a price and Mini retired to a more private, and warmer, champer on the airship. There wasn't much in the room, a bed, a sitting area, and a bar. The lack of food made her stomach ache, so, desperate for a snack and unwilling to eat the pretty tinkerer in a gluttonous frenzy, she hastily bit off one of her own fingers. Crunch crunch. No, this wouldn't last. She needed at least 9 fingers when talking to the tinkerer! A portal opened and a very ugly lesser demon flew into the room and then out in search of a member of staff, informing them that Mini needed food right now. Lots of it, or they might loose a tinkerer.
❇︎ Yeosang ¥ 1 year ago
@♆ Huang Mi Ni Huta wasn't sure why the ship kept needing to be fixed nor he wasn't sure why his boss had instructed him to repair it half . However it did pay a bit more and Huta could use the money so he decide to brush it off and work without a shirt like asked of him. Traveling to one side of the ship to the other, he kept working on the small repairs that needed to be down as well as advance the air ship's hardware. It was never a rest for the fairy that's for sure. But something, rather someone, caught his attention. Huta noticed her watching him consistantly since he started working on this airship. Because Huta couldn't catch a break as slaves were worked constantly, he had to brush the girl watching him do his job.
♆ Huang Mi Ni ¥ 1 year ago
@❇︎ Huta ¥ Mini has been taking the same airship back and forth from one station to another for... a few days at least. It all started because she'd heard about a particularly attractive tinkerer. She had paid the captain a copious amount of money to have the person in question, Huya? Huta? Hula?, carry heavy stuff from one pile to the other in front of her. He had been instructed to take his top off as well, and Mini watched with a blush and a giggle as he laboured senselessly.


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higuruma 1 week ago
heya! can i reserve kim yerim pls?
direraven 1 week ago
can i request lee taemin as merfolk please?
bvbbles 2 weeks ago
Can I please have Ok Taecyeon as a vampire?
Keepyouwarm 4 weeks ago
is it possible to get Choi Seunghyun as he is before ( a demon)? Thank you
direraven 1 month ago
can i reserve hongjoong as my second please?
SeHYUNG 1 month ago
Been eyeing this place for a bit. I checked the wishlist, but it seems pretty dated. Any updated wishes? Male muses pref.
Keepyouwarm 2 months ago
Can i please have mackenyu arata as a human? (Second character)
direraven 2 months ago
can I reserve Lalisa Manobal as a shapeshifter please?
eliriegrow 3 months ago
hey, can i please have kwon eunbi (eunbi) added and reserved?
Midnight_Muse 5 months ago
this rp still exists XD
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