
"Father, I have sinned--"


Altar Server - Felix

♆ Choi Seunghyun 16 hours ago
@♅ Felix ¥ Little did Dr. Choi know that the man in front of him was no ordinary altar boy. As the inquiry commenced, the man's angelic aura began to emanate, causing the demon's carefully constructed illusion to waver. The doctor, sensing the presence of a celestial being, felt a surge of unease wash over him. He knew he had to tread carefully, lest his true identity be revealed. The last thing he want is someone interrupting his plan. But there is a possibility that something else got the priest first- a demon, or maybe the angel of death itself. His eyes fixed at the man, "Sensing." Suspicion beginning to crawl, putting up that invisible wall between them. He shook that feeling, asking "Does he have a living relative? Maybe he seek shelter there."
♅ Felix ¥ [A] 4 days ago
@♆ Choi Seunghyun "Ah.. I apologize doctor. I understand the medical practices of Heleo and I respect them." Felix saw through the demon. The energy this one generated, the angel easily could smell it. Unpurity upon the upmost. But if the doctor was helping the Priest, Felix shouldn't question it any further. It's best to team up with the demon to help find the man of God. Lately he was playing detective. Quite assuming actually. Though, Felix's face did seem to light up with the word of finding a cure. An angel should not play with God's will hence it was out of his hands to heal whatever the Priest had. If it was God's Will to make the Preist sick, then sick shall he be. If it was his Will to cure him, then cure shall he be. But this sudden disppearence didn't make any sense to Felix. "Never. This is news to me as it is to you. I'm sure we can find him. I wonder if he already crossed the gates to be with the Lord. I'm not sensing it though. Strange.."
☾ Dove Cameron 1 week ago
@♅ Choi Dongwook The angelic host seemed to speak formally…if it were even possible for it to not, the wolf didn’t know. But she supposed if she made it this far in a conversation, her desires couldn’t be evil…right?

She grazed her molars over each other as she made strong eye contact with the ethereal being, standing herself up though her legs were stiff. “Council…I’m seeking aid from your world to mine…I want to restore the government to a new monarchy. One with diplomacy and democracy between species…but begin with the restoration of the Lunar People.” The wolf rubbed over her sternum again from the tightness in the room’s air, but she didn’t want the being to go away. If her discomfort meant peace, then it was worth it…just was very annoying.

“Will the Mother bless my prayers? Will you aid this cause?” Dove sought reassurance from Dongwook, her brows slightly furrowed in determination.
♆ Choi Seunghyun 1 week ago
@♅ Felix ¥ The Priest is many things as the doctor expected since the last time they've met he refused the initial treatment but the letter specifically deemed to be urgent. Or was it a trap to make the doctor step inside their holy territory. A demon won't stepped inside, but the vessel he is in allowed him to tiptoe on the sacred grounds. "I cannot disclose the terms." Seunghyun said, yawning. "As you may know, we'd like to keep our patient's privacy and dignity. Though I can say I'm here because I have found a cure for his illness." The doctor cocked a brow, fascinated that his insult had fallen on deaf ears. "A protector?" He responded. "Let's hope that he won't perish sooner. I gave him a month's worth of medicine that can slow the progress of his illness." The doctor said that was a complete lie. He only gave the priest a medicine for the symptoms that also brings more complications. "So he just left and never contacted you?"
♅ Felix ¥ [A] 1 week ago
@♆ Choi Seunghyun The angel wasn't aware of the condition that his Priest might have been going through. Must explain why he is never here. He'll pray for him. That is for sure. Hopefully the priest would heal and continue speaking for God. "May I ask, what are the terms? Are you helping to heal him?" Felix noticed the gesture but didn't take offense to it but he did smile warmly and clasps his hands together behind him. "I am not of an assistant. I'm like a protector of some sorts but thank you for you kind words." The angel then gave a small shrug of his shoulder. "It's been about month, mister. He told me he was going on a Mission from God around Heleo but hasn't returned. If what if you're saying is true about whatever medical condition he has, I want to find him and help."
♆ Choi Seunghyun 2 weeks ago
@♅ Felix ¥ The man was radiant, illuminating the space with a purity that made Seunghyun flinch. The softness of his face was framed by cascading hair that shimmered like liquid silver, and his presence seemed to draw the very warmth from the candles into his ethereal form. Intrigued and unnerved, Seunghyun hesitated. "Indeed. He seek treatment three moons ago. I recently received a letter telling me that he agreed to my terms" The doctor said, attempting to mask his disarmament with bravado. "But I find myself surprised. I expected a man of god, not--" he gestured around him with a mocking flourish. "his assistant. How long has he been gone?"
♅ Felix ¥ [A] 2 weeks ago
@♆ Choi Seunghyun Felix turned to the owner of the voice then stood up from his kneeling position to see the man standing before him down the aisle. Those angel eyes of his searched the aura and energy around the stranger to determined if he was a threat or not. "The priest isn't here. Father has disappeared somewhere so now I am taking care of the alter. What is his current condition? Has he taken ill? Must explain his absence." The rather large white hood that hid the angel's face was pushed back to reveal himself. White angel wings with a golden hue glow radiated the etheral being. "Is there something I could pass along to him when I see him?"
♅ Choi Dongwook [A] 2 weeks ago
@☾ Dove Cameron I left Crystal Citadel by Parliament of Radiance’s command to aid a mortal. Beings that some like myself consider to be inherently my inferiors. Now I stand in the house of the Gods answering the call of your desperate prayer. To regain favor in the eyes of Lunar reign, I must embark on this journey to which I may not return. I must go down the blasphemous pit of Central State. “I sprinkle the grains of the Raw moonlight into the eye of the blind, in the hope you find your way. The servant of the Savior reminds us to always follow the light, even when all else feels dark. Recalling a time that had long passed away, the burning auras evoked strong memories. I watched the light barrier even then as we fell. His face was undefeated, his eyes still proud. It is time for me to walk the abyss. The time was right for me to claim what belonged to me. I understand not why this wolf held the key to my grace and redemption, but I was not one to question the knowledge of the parliament.

“Peace be upon you, Daughter of the Moon,” Offering a generous nod, my hand was placed over my heart. “The Mother heard your call. I have been assigned as your council.”
☾ Dove Cameron 2 weeks ago
@♅ Choi Dongwook Dove did not consider herself the most religious person. But her birth mother was. Despite the natural separation between species, and consistent pulls for "true" authority, the wolves were scattered. Dove's throne was lost, and so were her people, slaves to others monarchies whether they cared to admit it, or not. Everyone copied the other imperial forces...and it was time for a change. Even with betrayal of her kind to her...Dove felt this spiritual pull that there had to be more to this world's order then there currently was enforced...

After praying the ancient words that her mother had repeatedly spoken when she was alive, the wolf's body entirely shivered upon hearing a literal, verbal response from someone (or something), in the midst of her words. She dared not move as not to scare it away, and continued in an even tone to pray, keeping her eyes locked forward as the ground continued to shake. 'Have faith' her mother's voice ironically remained in her mind as Dove continued calling...

The wolf gasped for air as the glowing white passed her side to stand in front of her, repeating his answer as he gave her a name. The spiritual tension was heavy between their presences; one so holy in the space of a tainted sinner...the dissonance was palpating the church.

Dove rubbed her chest from the tightness of conviction in it. She swallowed back fear as she didn't know how this worked. "Dong wook..." she cleared , trying to sound authoritative, though it came out a bit robotic. "If the Gods answered with you...does that mean you will assist me?"
♆ Choi Seunghyun 2 weeks ago
@♅ Felix ¥ [I'm taking this if you don't mind]

Strolling around the sacred ground, the sole of his leather shoes clacked across the cobblestone to overwhelm the incessant prayer. The undead flesh he is wearing preventing him from melting into a molten lava. He hunched forward, hiding behind the brick-stoned walls when a surge of energy radiates from the altar. The demon inside him threatening to resurface, but he holdfast and tugged his coat. "I am here to see the priest." Seunghyun stood at one of the marble archway. Hands inside his coat pockets, the moonlight brought forth his darkest shadow. A shallow smile with deep piercing eyes and evil mind, he spoke "He has summoned me wanting to discuss his current condition."
♅ Felix ¥ [A] 4 weeks ago
(bringing this back! open to any and all)

With the priest again messing, Felix had to tend to the Altar himself. No matter. He has tended to the church himself tons of times before and he'll keep on doing his job. So, Felix got dressed up in his attire and started igniting the flames of candles around the Altar. With hands clasp together, the Angel recitied a small prayer in front of the giant denity statue. A glow radianted around the altar server as lids were closed and darting back and forth as if he had the prayer inscripted and rolling like credits behind his eyes. Once he was done, arms dropped to his sides. Sliver irisis shined against the dim lit candles dancing against the sliver color. He felt a disburbance that made a chill ripple down his spine. Something that wasn't supposed to be here. Or someone. He didn't turn from the statue. Only calmy breathed before speaking.
"Show yourself. Why are you here?"
♅ Choi Dongwook [A] 1 month ago
@☾ Dove Cameron The Moonlight spills over through the stone-carved windows, pouring into the cathedral. The wind howls against the building, beating and shaking surrounding trees, causing branches to fly down the empty paved street of Eastern Central. “Praise be to the Mother and we worship in her namesake,” I lowered my tone, hoping that my ethereal voice wouldn’t cause you harm. I reached for the strength of my celestial essence each time to reassure myself that the energy I once had confiscated was at my call. I place my hand over my heart, reaching into the soft pouring glow of my Eternal grace sifting it through my fingers. As I felt every thread of light, it seemed inexhaustible and endless like myself. Much like a few others of my kind.

“Praise be to the Mother and we worship in her namesake,” In the thick of the night, I am beckoned here to you, to this house of worship, known back on my heavenly plain as Micheal. Candlelight flickers with each of my advancing steps, triggering a low groaning of wooden floorboards. The smell of damp wood creaked underneath the soles of my boots. The dim lighting caught glimpses of his feather playing tricks on the receiving eye. I stretch out my pearl white wings, maximizing my wingspan. Tonight you called me. There was a time when I was frequently summoned, but it has been years since I’ve last felt needed. Throughout all the stars in her mist, the Mother has summoned me and she has tasked me to you.

“Praise be to the Moonlight Mother and we worship in her namesake. I am the Arch angel of the Se7en, but you may call me Dong wook.”
☾ Dove Cameron 1 year ago

Late in the night, Barbara prayed alone in the cathedral. She drew out runes with salt around the alter, muttering in an ancient language to each of the gods. It sounded like a mix of Arabic and Latin to the ear, vibrating every other syllable. Her voice grew louder with each passing moment, as symbols covered the floor like carpet, Barbara moving down the stairs back away from her created sanctum, raising her hands up as her words blurred faster and the ground began to glow and shake.
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 1 year ago
♅ Shin ¥ 1 year ago
@♅ Felix ¥ Somehow the presence of a house of god in this city was a surprise to Shin. He didn’t expect to find a place of faith in a city of such diverse and sinful people. Then again, he never really ventured far past the sinful Black Light District. Quietly opening the door, he lowered his head stepping in. He was rather aware of the heavy presence in the air the condensed prayers of believers inviting the glory of god to reside in these halls. His steps were quiet and respectful making sure he wouldn’t interrupt any patrons of the church. After a while of just taking in this feeling of glory and in away home his eyes fell on the angel praying by the altar. He didn’t mean to disturb but he could feel the prayer coming from him. An angel’s prayer was stronger than any other creature so the ethereal energy it was giving over was visible to any angel as old as Shin. He didn’t know the praying angel and he was about to turn away when the other interrupted the prayer to speak up. Shin quickly lifted his hands in defense and stepped into the middle of the rows. “I don’t mean any harm and I didn’t mean to interrupt. It has been a long time since I have seen an angel pray so I couldn’t help but watch for a bit. If I have disturbed, you, I apologize.” He said turning to leave as he felt like he had overstepped a line in some way.
♅ Felix ¥ [A] 1 year ago
(open to any and all)

With the priest again messing, Felix had to tend to the Altar himself. No matter. He has tended to the church himself tons of times before and he'll keep on doing his job. So, Felix got dressed up in his attire and started igniting the flames of candles around the Altar. With hands clasp together, the Angel recitied a small prayer in front of the giant denity statue. A glow radianted around the altar server as lids were closed and darting back and forth as if he had the prayer inscripted and rolling like credits behind his eyes. Once he was done, arms dropped to his sides. Sliver irisis shined against the dim lit candles dancing against the sliver color. He felt a disburbance that made a chill ripple down his spine. Something that wasn't supposed to be here. Or someone. He didn't turn from the statue. Only calmy breathed before speaking.
"Show yourself. Why are you here?"
〄 Hwang Hyunjin ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♅ Felix ¥ Faith was a concept that Hyunjin only understood in principal. He knew of it, he knew how it worked, but even when he had been alive he had nothing to believe in. Perhaps once upon a time, when he had been very young, before his world had turned icy cold and lonely he had held faith in something. Family perhaps, his mother's love, the goodness in the world. If he did, he no longer remembers such things. His feet still carried him to the doors of the cathedral though, and after a moment of hesitation he pushed them open and stepped inside. He expected it to be empty, so he could simply sit and attempt to sort through what it was that brought him here of all place. But, as he stepped inside, he noticed a man in holy robes was already there.
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 1 year ago
@❇︎ Miyavi ¥ @♅ Felix ¥ <you have been paid for the month of Jan. Sorry that it took so long. Thank you for being active in your job and paying citizen tax. ~love, Emily>
♅ Felix ¥ [A] 1 year ago
After the commotion in the common tarven, Felix found his way to his second job just to change into holy robes and make his was to the Altar. He stares up towards the holy still statue, clasping his palms together and bows his head in a smal incline. Eyes closed as he focuses on saying a small prayer. He needed guidence after feeling himself being overwhelmed. Inside he was conflicted about the situation that occured. He did feel alone at the moment has his trusting is slowly dwindling down.
Being alone in the Cathedral, praying in front of a denity made him felt better however. It was a comfort thing. Faith and loyality.
❇︎ Miyavi ¥ 1 year ago
@♅ Felix ¥ "No test, don't worry. I'm not so cruel a teacher as that. Life is plenty cruel enough, no need for me to add to it." Waving away the little angel's concerns he stepped back to go and begin replacing the candles that had been used up by all the people that wandered through with their desperate prayers. They all went unanswered, the Gods here were as silent as the void it seemed, or maybe they just had a particular dislike for Miyavi, and he couldn't really blame them for that. "Father is far too formal, you and I will be working closely together won't we? We ought to be more comfortable with each other, truly, I insist."
♅ Felix ¥ [A] 1 year ago
@❇︎ Miyavi ¥ Felix understood that God made a balance of good and evil. Freewill and the test of temptations. It was the Will of God. If course however, with this Priest's words made the angel squint in skeptism. Yet it was wrong to question a position appointed by the big man upstairs. Felix cleared his throat then shifted his eyes towards the ground, at his feet once more. "Is this a trick? It's a pretty nice one. Did I pass the test?" The angel moved the sliver pupils back up to the priest when he pinned the loose strand of hair behind his ear. "Daddy?" A small tilt of his head indicated confusion.
❇︎ Miyavi ¥ 1 year ago
@♅ Felix ¥ "And who better to decide what form that purity and light should take than the wrath of God." Miyavi agreed, laughing softly as he dropped his hand and turned back to face the stone deity, it was every bit as cold and emotionless as he imagined this little angel's God to be. "But God makes the monsters alongside the man. God created the darkness as he did the light. The death with life. All things are the will of God, even suffering and pain. They said he made man in his image, and man is a selfish beast indeed. What does that say of God?" He asked. The statue, of course, did not answer. It never did, neither did God for that matter. Turning back to look at the precious little angel he leaned closer, reaching out to tuck a few strands of his pretty blond hair behind his ear. "Oh please darling, call me Daddy."
♅ Felix ¥ [A] 1 year ago
@❇︎ Miyavi ¥ Arms were dropped down by his sides and that angelic pure smile stayed displayed across his lips. Although that smile soon faded from the questioning of the position he wanted to take. It was his dream afterall to be like Gabriel or Uriel. One of the greats. He thought about it seriously this time. It was what he had been always aiming for. The angel then nodded and with a determined expression across freckled soft features, he nodded.
"If that is what I have to do, I'll do it. For the sake of the greater good. From what I have expierenced so far being trapped in this enslaved vessel... The world needs some purity and light." Felix's smile had returned at the praisal he received and brushed away a few strands of blonde hair how of sliver eyes.
"Thank you, Father. That means a great deal to me."
❇︎ Miyavi ¥ 1 year ago
@♅ Felix ¥ "Yes, I have heard the archangels do serve a god so creatively named God. I suppose it doesn't surprise me that you've set your allegiance to him as well." Miyavi's lips quirked into the slightest smile as he stepped down to approach the boy, reaching a hand on his shoulder and letting his thumb just barely brush against the side of his neck. Temptation, most certainly. "An archangel, that's quite ambitious. Are you so ready to throw away your free will and innocence to become a pawn to the whims of a fickle God?" His smile widened, warming at the question he was asked and his head dipped in a nod. "I certainly have everything I need. You are quite diligent Felix, I'm impressed."
♅ Felix ¥ [A] 1 year ago
@❇︎ Miyavi ¥ Felix was busy cleaning the alter and replacing the water, blessing it with his silent prayer. Everything has to be perfect before the Priest can arrive. It was a new one and Felix was eager to welcome the Priest to their domaine. A voice spoke up which his attention was now on the new Priest questioning him about his beliefs. Felix glanced down and quirked the corner of his lips to one side mindfully, giving himself a minute to collect thoughts before speaking up. "There are many Gods and Goddness to believe in, Father. The archangels serve all but the highest to God himself... Everyone has the right to choose which denity praise to and believe in. I do believe in many, myself... But the big man upstairs it the one I want to worship the most too. Especially if I want to become an archangel someday." Nods a little to his answer then looks up to the Priest with a soft smile painting across his cupid bow brims. "Do you have everything you need, Father?"
❇︎ Miyavi ¥ 1 year ago
@♅ Felix ¥ Stepping up to the altar he tipped his head up to face the statue, resting his hand on the old book as a faint chuckle fell from his lips. "Tell me Felix, what God do you believe in?" He asked the altar boy, his gaze shifting down from the stone deity to look at the little angel. He was cute, admittedly Miyavi understood why so many priests were so sinfully corrupt. Those freckles would turn even the most righteous and holy man to damnation, and Miyavi was already so far from grace. Temptation in a house of worship, he couldn't ask for anything more perfect to fill his day.


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higuruma 1 week ago
heya! can i reserve kim yerim pls?
direraven 1 week ago
can i request lee taemin as merfolk please?
bvbbles 2 weeks ago
Can I please have Ok Taecyeon as a vampire?
Keepyouwarm 4 weeks ago
is it possible to get Choi Seunghyun as he is before ( a demon)? Thank you
direraven 1 month ago
can i reserve hongjoong as my second please?
SeHYUNG 1 month ago
Been eyeing this place for a bit. I checked the wishlist, but it seems pretty dated. Any updated wishes? Male muses pref.
Keepyouwarm 2 months ago
Can i please have mackenyu arata as a human? (Second character)
direraven 2 months ago
can I reserve Lalisa Manobal as a shapeshifter please?
eliriegrow 3 months ago
hey, can i please have kwon eunbi (eunbi) added and reserved?
Midnight_Muse 5 months ago
this rp still exists XD
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