Black Lotus Lounge

Owner/Manager: Seo Inguk


Burlesque performer: 

Recreational Dealers: Kang Daniel


Singer(s): Winter

♆ Ten [A] 2 days ago
@♆ Seo Inguk I quirk a brow at the string of remarks, but remain otherwise unphased. "My apologies, sir. I noticed your advertisement in the Central Circuit stating that you were seeking burlesque performers and I was interested in applying. If you're no longer in need of such help here, then I'm happy to take my search for employment elsewhere."
† Kim Myungsoo 2 days ago
@☾ Sora Choi¥✔ “Blasphemous. You really thought you could just walk away?”
A shape-shifter growled, his voice like gravel as it transformed to an enormous snake, now blocking his way.
Myungsoo turned around with deliberate slowness, his fangs just barely visible as he replied, “And who are you?”

A flicker of movement to the side caught Myungsoo’s attention. A group of shape-shifters leaped forward, war at ready. But you entered with a predatory grace that mirrored the morphed beasts. The sight of you in wolf form caused the tension in the room to escalate. His eyes shifted back and forth, watching you tore the flesh of the attackers. The lounge buzzed with chatter and thumping beat of hearts, but as the three shape-shifter stood their ground, the air grew thick with anticipation. The bystanders chanting or cursing but Myungsoo pulled himself out of the chaotic sounds and focused.
Blood splattered across his face. Myungsoo’s crimson eyes turned dark as if the sparkling stars were snatched out of the heavens. Trail of veins became visible underneath his pale skin. Sharp claws and prominent canine teeth grew in length, Myungsoo did not wait. He lunged forward, blood thirsty. He jumped at the first shape-shifter close to him, baring his fangs down at the creature’s jugular and in brute strength pulled his head back ripping a chunk of the neck. The young vampire mauled each of his attacker, digging into their flesh with his claws and feeding off their blood.
☾ Sora Choi¥✔ 5 days ago
@† Kim Myungsoo Inhaling a tired breath, she felt a weary hand massage the back of her neck. “Boy, you sure don’t know when to be silent do you babyboy?”

Sora was losing her patience with the demon’s parlor tricks and your rookie antics, but she felt relieved when she saw the full moon. It’s ironic how you think they care about your opinion when you are so eager to judge from a godlike perspective. You openly volunteered to sacrifice one of their own without any evidence and now you expect them to listen to you? The Lotus Lounge has rules and structure that apply equally to every race, and those men equally violated them. What is your reason for valuing one life more than another? She extended her hands, cracked her knuckles, and basked in the lunar moon’s rays. The shapeshifter closed in, twisting their snarling faces into furious expressions. “I hope you know how to move pretty boy?”

Stripped of her flesh and adorned with a thick, red fur coat by the moonlight’s mana, the she-wolf let out a fierce roar. Ruby red flecks adorned her amber eyes, while her hands transformed into heavy, padded paws featuring 7-inch razor-sharp claws. Her wolfish snout boasted equally long canines. Almost instantly, the woman’s height doubled, now towering at 13 feet tall, though her tribe considered this to be on the smaller side. As they leapt towards her, Sora readied the ground for their arrival. She unleashed her fury, tearing into them one by one, causing the air to be filled with the scent of ripped flesh and iron, accompanied by chilling screams.
☾ Dong Youngbae 1 week ago
@⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  Youngbae who was half-chewing his meat, stopped to return his attention onto the stage when the sound of stretched strings being plucked. The feverish melody driving him to pay attention, and so was the audience. He leaned back, glass of wine in his hands when a loud gasp came from behind him. The woman playing the string instrument let her ears and tails on display. "A kitsune." He muttered staring at her, mesmerised by those features, especially those fiery eyes. "Oh how I wish, I have my ability to transform." The man thought to himself since many full moons have past and he still cannot tap into his werewolf powers. Nonetheless, he smiled when the woman made her way towards his direction. Youngbae brushed off his hands, getting on his feet and slightly bowed his head. "That was beautiful." He lifted his head and applauded.
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 1 week ago

@☾ Dong Youngbae

Her fingers were starting to ache. Emily had not planned on playing this long, especially after days of rehearsing and practicing at home. Determined though to finish the first part of her act string, she steady her hand over the zither once more. 'One more time.' The voice echos in her mind - one that she heard in many of her past lives as she dark orbs multiplied around the stage. Funny how life chooses to follow you from time to time. The first set of notes puts her in a trance, the rhythm flowing through her at the tempo of the song dances through her fingers against the strings. A quick vision of her past self stood there watching her before her red orbs distracted her. Her chest tightens but she cast away any feelings. She let her kitsune ears and tails display. Her focus on every detail of the song bounces off the walls til the very last note hit the air only then allowing herself to breathe. Her eyes shimmer with the red of her fire kitsune as she sat up straight looking at the audience, before she bow. She stood up bowing one more time. Her gaze moved over towards the wolf, making her way over to greet them.
† Kim Myungsoo 1 week ago
@☾ Sora Choi¥✔ Myungsoo's crimson eyes scanned the crowd, the aroma of blood, sweat, fear, anger and sin flooding his senses. He never entered the establishment to collect information, or to find out why the silence of the crowd has so much respect for the underworld. He balled his fists and could not find pleasure from such backhanded comment from the demon. Yet, Myungsoo gave a chortle, saying "Harlot. Pickpocket. Who give a about those ranks."

He felt it, a tangible tension that made the back of his neck prickle. It wasn't just the atmosphere; it was much more corporeal. Myungsoo's lips curled in disdain as he met the shapeshifters' vengeful gazes. They moved through the crowd like whispers but their intentions shouted across the room. "Funny, since he is the one who is making you chose to kill or make a deal." He mumbled and shrugged seeing a group of shapeshifters walking their way. "Sit here and pay respect to that bastard up to you." He lunged for the exit, trying to slip through the thrumming crowd like smoke. The shapeshifters snapped into action, but Myungsoo was faster. Just as he reached the exit, he could feel the shifting energy behind him- a transformation.
♆ Seo Inguk [A] 1 week ago
@♆ Ten [SH] I stood from a large wooden table pausing the conversation between the two Kitsune and Shapeshifter commerce. My eyes flew to the door when my guard stepped forth hands at the ready to draw their blades. "Piss off you tiny little maggot. The Sin lord has not time to waste on commers the likes of you."
♆ Seo Inguk [A] 1 week ago
@♆ Kai ¥ It is widely known in Heleon that the state of Grand Central Isle is a restless land. Its sectors, particularly the South of the reign of Central just beyond old mid-town, lays the Blacklight district. An urban design to suit the needs of Central’s more eccentric and ruthless inhabitants, and my various establishments cater to their needs. For I may not be a King but this district is mine to rule. Every place flows with currency bares the Emerald Basilisk, my sigil of office. In the Micro state, I was surrounded by boundless information. A curiosity of my well-cared-for flock of loose tongues, open ears, and empty wallets. I had already known you were back. I’d know there were murmurs of Demon in man’s flesh the moment you set foot in Grand Central station. I’d been waiting for you. It’s interesting to think about whose meat suit you’ve managed to snatch this time, poor bastard.

The watchful petals of the Lotus had already been present upon you. As clubgoers at the Black Lotus Lounge observe you, they see you immersing yourself in the sinful depths of demonic magnetism, similar to any other patron. An alluring tide pool filtered with the long, insatiable desire and unquenchable need. Emerald-green tendrils of smoke coiled around your legs, snaking up your abdomen, chest, and neck. The guests were greeted by the comforting scent of smoked whiskey, elder oak pine, and cinnamon pepper, a fragrance they had grown accustomed to through their many visits. Emerald lights flickered and live music filled the dance floor. Creatures of all kinds, both immortal and mortal, danced in a drunken frenzy to the music, driven by their primal instincts. The smell of alcohol lingered on the bar countertops, sporadically wafting off their part-takers’ breath.

I was alone in my chamber of office seated at a heavy wooden table with men of commerce by my side. Your mana invading the pool of my own demon aura, just like it always did when one of my siblings visited me, made my head spin. Two guards are tailing me while two others are beside me it took only a heartbeat to find you. To my surprise, it was you who’d approached me. “Leviathan, long time no see big brother. Come, I see you require an audience with me.”
♆ Kai ¥ 1 week ago
@♆ Seo Inguk Sneaking away as a demon was far easier than sneaking out as a human, much less a human slave. Despite retaining some of his powers, Kai had to be careful; should someone notice he was missing from the slave quarters, it would surely cause a lot of issues for him. Regardless, he lacked direction in the current moment and sought out his siblings in the hopes that they might have an idea of how to proceed. After all, two heads worked better than just one.

Entering into the lounge, Kai took in his surroundings, taking mental notes. Despite the bustling tables, it was easy to track down his sibling. While most of the other patrons gave off some supernatural aura, one man in particular gave off distinct demon energy; it was unmistakable. Leaning against the bar, Kai crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, looking the other male up and down. "Well hello there. I have the suspicion that you and I might be of the same family."
♆ Ten [A] 1 week ago
@♆ Seo Inguk My demon hearing picked up *something* behind the closed door, but I couldn't make out what. I heaved a sigh and knocked again.
♆ Seo Inguk [A] 1 week ago
@♆ Ten [SH] My hand presses against my forehead, and a long-winded breath leaves me. I had been reviewing these numbers for months, and the rent on this place was a pain. I was mindlessly bouncing the pen between my friends, pulling the mathematical ratios together, and racking my hand through my hair. “You gotta be kidding me. This wouldn’t be a damn bother if I were married already.”
♆ Ten [A] 1 week ago
@♆ Seo Inguk Having managed to sneak my way into the back of the lounge, I knock on the manager's door and await a response.
☾ Sora Choi¥✔ 2 weeks ago
@† Kim Myungsoo With great effort, Sora refrained from teasing the oddity of your current predicament. She knew any further interruption would not be tolerated lightly but the Demon Prince. The Prince’s steps abruptly stopped, and then he shifted his attention back to you. “That would explain your extreme lack of foresight, my little harlot.” Inguk smiled handsomely but it only further ran an unwelcome shiver down the wolf’s spine and a nervous knot of dread began to pour into her. Uncertain, she grew weary of the Prince’s fascination with you.

You belong to a generation that seeks instant gratification and lacks the desire for hard work or perseverance toward a greater reward. This is why you’ll never rise above a pickpocketing harlot.” said the Prince. “It never crossed your mind that one of these men might possess something more valuable than the other. “Lesson one something more vital than gold, , or even life itself.. is information.”

Without any hesitation, the Demon unleashed a searing green flame, obliterating the Ghoul in its path. The only proof of his presence were the burned hands clutching the metal bars and the black footprint where he once stood. Now that you’ve learned lesson one, Inguk went to the Shifter’s cage and unfastened it, graciously bowing his head as if he was inviting the man into his home instead of sparing him from being executed.

“Carefully consider guarding your tongue boy?” The demon smiled handing the shifter an emerald dragon bone hilt dagger. “You’ll never know who will want to rip it out.” At that moment, it became clear that every single Shapeshifter on the rooftop had shifted their attention to us. Their eyes shone a bright arctic blue and emitted pure hatred. All that remains is violent contempt.

With an irritated glare, the wolf threatened, “I’ll kick your after we get through this.”
♆ Huang Mi Ni ¥ 2 weeks ago
@❖ Chris Roma "You can't?" How you could sully this beautiful moment with words of cruel defiance, I cannot understand. Still holding onto your trench coat, I step in and look up at you. My chest swells as it presses against your front. "You can't?", I parrot, my lips quivering in what could be sadness or rage, it's hard to tell even for myself. The gentle from the ocean wafts fresh salt air around us. The Sun basks us in its light and your hair glimmers under its notice. I don't understand. "Christoper..." I breathe out your name and let it melt on my tongue. "Why not?"

I don't understand, and it's written on my face. Morality is not my strong suit, and I am nothing but confused at being rejected after being brought all this way. For a moment, I wonder if perhaps you have problems with your 'potency' but... with how close we are standing, with how close I keep myself to you, I can feel you. I can feel that you want me, which only adds to my lack of understanding of the situation. What do you mean you'd prefer if I chose you, not your brother? I don't understand. I don't understand. I don't understand, and it's stressing me out.

Is it my fault?

"Do you not like me?", I ask, hurt in my tone. No one likes me. Everyone always avoids me. No one comes to visit. I'm always alone. Because I'm stupid, and fat, and ugly. The words of my siblings ring in my ears and I bite down on my lower lip, hard. "No", I mumble. That doesn't make sense either. If you didn't like me, I wouldn't be able to feel what has grown in your pants. "Why not? Why not?!" My voice rises, my grip on the front of your trench growing stronger.
☾ Dong Youngbae 2 weeks ago
@⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  Music speaks volume of one’s past and it is true for Youngbae. His dark orbs directly watching the woman and her string instrument, somehow their souls connecting through the wave of tunes. The wolf had to lower his head, realising he might become a weeping mess of a man. His heart swells in sadness as the music reached its peak. The tragedy he faced in the hands of his tribe, the slave master and the Cold one, each played a huge part in his life. Youngbae ran a hand over his face, wiping off the impending tears. The waiter served his meal and drink. He beamed and enjoyed it. About to have a bite, the act ended that he quickly let go of the cutlery to offer his appreciation with an applause. The wolf checked out the table near him. An old woman consoling what Youngbae assumed is her husband because he overheard her calling him love. He looked around wondering if there’ll be another act. As he waits, Youngbae sat there eating and drinking in contentment
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 2 weeks ago
@☾ Dong Youngbae It felt like ages being surround by people appreciating the arts and talents as the performer's high washes over her body. The energy from the crowd, the way the notes lingers in the air, Emily can feel her heart racing along side each plucked strings. Her black orbs dances amongst the audience, flashing little moments of the different performances she put out in each of the life times she lived in. One in particular of her as a concubine restricted to her quarters only and relying on beauty and her musical talent to survive as long as she can in the kingdom. Her eyes glowed red before she quickly focuses on the instrument in front of her. She watched, left hand pressed down and her right hand pulcking the string, letting the note resonates on the stage. With a deep breath in, her eyes changed back to the golden brown, bowing her head once more before looking up at the audience as the performers made their exit leaving her in her little corner of the stage.
☾ Dong Youngbae 2 weeks ago
@⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  Youngbae had recalled the nights he spend in the Local Pub, where everyone get drunk with ballads being song by the merry folk. The Black Lotus Lounge elevated that experience tenfold since majority of them are there for the act and not all about drinking and eating steak. The lights dimmed and and an expectant hush fell over the audience. A lone spotlight illuminated the stage, revealing a wooden platform. The performance began, and with it, a flurry of emotions danced through Youngbae, echoing the dreams he had chased and the ones he had let slip away. An applause followed after the melodious tone ended. Taeyang looked and a moment later joining the crowd clapping. He glanced at the woman who is playing the strings and took a deep breath. The second act commenced. Feeling starved, the wolf called for a waiter and ordered a steak and wine. He quietly ate on his own, letting the music hold him there.
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 2 weeks ago

@☾ Dong Youngbae Her kitsune ears perked up chucking a bit before finishing off the slower love song that she opened with. She gave a small head bow to thank those that were listening. Tuning a few strings, she looked over at the performers before playing a more sensual rhythm to get the atmosphere more lively. Emily moved along with each of the strings as she kept her eyes on the performers giving them the maximum opportunities to display their skills. She glances towards the wolf to see that he was still there. Its impressive considering that customers were always going in and out of the establishment.
☾ Winter ¥ 2 weeks ago
Winter looked around the building, she sees people having their time talking and drinking, she sees the stage and watched the performer doing. The young wolf tilted her head as she was captivated by how they sang, she only wears the clothes that she stole from a local store. Curious like a child, she walked around until she gets to the bar where she sat on a bar stool, wondering if there are any orange juice with them.
☾ Dong Youngbae 2 weeks ago
@⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  With the first line of notes, the wolf was struck by the soothing tune as if it is forcing him to take a trip back to his past. He tapped his fingers against the table, looking around to see if anyone in the audience was feeling the same. It wasn’t anyone’s cup of tea as some would whisper amongst themselves, while others rolling their eyes. Though few locked eyes with the woman and even he caught her staring with a sweet smile on her face. Youngbae cleared his throat, returning a smile for such gesture.
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 2 weeks ago

@☾ Dong Youngbae

As the memory of her past life flows through her, her finger dances along each string letting the vibration ring through her portion of the stage. She had thought performing would unlock so much of her past life. She glance up at the audience, eyes scanning the different faces of Heleo. Emily gave a sweet smile to anyone that locked eyes with hers, especially when she can tell that there's a wolf hidden in the far corner.
☾ Dong Youngbae 2 weeks ago
@⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  To celebrate his first night back to Heleo, Youngbae wore a white tunic and his black trousers walking about the Black District to check out for any new entertainment in town. One in particular is the Black Lotus Lounge where a man shouting on the streets in front of the establishment attempting to entice people to check out their new acts. Intrigued, the wolf entered the place and was in awe to witness such spectacle. The crowd seated while a woman took the stage. Youngbae scanned the place and found a table at the end dark corner near the stage where no seemed to find fancy. He sat there and immediately understood why no one would station there. For the wolf could only view the act from the far right corner of the stage.
† Kim Myungsoo 2 weeks ago
@☾ Sora Choi¥✔ As much as his playfulness hits the fan several times, Myungsoo also was unaware of the demon prince’s power and the spirit it carries. There is a surging excitement that is flashing in his orbs as if his blood lust being encourage to grow. He his lips and nods. “I’ve been called a million things but never a harlot.”

As the demon prince paced through the crowd, Myungsoo lowers his head, piercing eyes following the prince. He never look away, opening his palm and balling it again. He scoffs and turns to you, “I am but a mere thief and scammer.” He then chuckles then bows towards the prince before turning on his heel. “I am not one who must judge. If i cannot see blood shed then what’s the point of asking.”
☾ Sora Choi¥✔ 2 weeks ago
@† Kim Myungsoo Unsympathetic, Sora’s eyes remained void as she rested her cheek on the palm of her hand. She scoffed at the thought of you being anyone’s e for the night. It wasn’t long before her expression went from amused to down right hopelessly pained by your response.

“It’s a relief to know you’re not a racist, just a dumb . “Sora threw her hands up in resignation. “Hold your tongue, wolf.” The demon barked, holding up two fingers silencing her. “Now Mr. Kim Myungsong? Oh Myungsu, or whatever it is. “I’ll just call my little Harlot.”

Emerald smoke continued to trail curled around him as he paced through the crowd, and stood with his back to you. Is it truly wise to make a deal with just any person without knowing the violator’s worth? Choosing any random person might result in missing out on crucial information that could enhance one’s status.” His finger wagged from side to side while clicking his tongue. “Not the mindset of a businessman, noble, or traveling merchant.” Sora exhaled a long breath reflecting on the choices she’d made to get to this moment. “Tell me, little Harlot, what is it you do for coin?”
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 2 weeks ago

Emily walks on with her string instrument strapped to her back and a pack with a change of clothes, the little ornaments in her hair jingled. Little glimpses of past life showed her playing this type of instrument and with that in mind, she manage to figure out how to make it happen here. She set up in her small spot before going to change and taking her seat to play some tunes, looking out into the crowd taking in the atmosphere.
† Kim Myungsoo 3 weeks ago
@☾ Sora Choi¥✔ “What are you ing about? I’m the one being questioned here.” He whined under his breath, disregarding your frustration. The demon proceed to challenge his response that Myungsoo chortled, both hands resting on his waist. “Blood thirsty yes. Harlot? We can argue with that.” His composure calm and the crowd’s mockery fell on deaf ears. "I don't think one needs a reason why I've chosen the ghoul over a shape shifter." The idiot stepped forward, walked past the demon prince towards the edge of the balcony. Hand gripping the metal rails, he watched the shapeshifter glare at him. "I don't discriminate. But I cannot say the same about my family."
☾ Sora Choi¥✔ 3 weeks ago
@† Kim Myungsoo Her hand clamped over her face to find a moment’s reprieve immediately regretting ever bringing you up here. “Seriously” The wolf childishly mocked before leaning cheek in her palm and staring up at you. The demon waited patiently watching the exchange before turning his attention slowly back on you. “Really? Well, aren’t you just a little bloodthirsty harlot Mr. Kim.” The crowd lets loose another wave of laughter amongst themselves anxiously watching the Prince. “Can you please clarify on what grounds you have to say one man should die over the other?” His profile shifted looking over his shoulder at the caged pair and then back to you. “Why the ghoul over the Shifter? You seem like a nice boy, don’t tell you prejudice adjust Shifters now are ya?” A cold knot formed in Sora’s stomach trying to determine what game the demon was playing at.
† Kim Myungsoo 3 weeks ago
@☾ Sora Choi¥✔ Picking up on your frustration, Myungsoo worried that his indecent manner would make him a social pariah. Moreover, you called him by his full name that made him gulped and snapping a quick look at you. "Seriously?" He muttered between his gritted teeth. He braced himself for the worse and goes through the self defence he learned from his cadet training when the prince addressed him. "I am he." The young vampire stood tall, sliding his hands inside his coat side pockets. "Kim Myungsoo. Like she said." He said tip-toes pulling off a smug expression across his face. "Well..." His words trailed off as he rolled his shoulders back. "You can say do." Myungsoo had a good look at the man and indeed he is a head-turner. "I did, sir." He looked passed the demon prince and stared at the creatures on stage picking between the ghoul and the shape shifter. There is a hint of excitement in his orbs when he glanced at you then addressed the man as if he is talking to a friend. "I'll kill the shape shifter. And make a deal with the ghoul."
☾ Sora Choi¥✔ 3 weeks ago
@† Kim Myungsoo A heavy sighed escaped Sora’s lips as she buried her face in the palm of her hand. She whispered a streamline of unintelligible swears under her breath. The Prince’s eyes shifted between her profile, the prisoners, and then you, lingering on you for a moment. The on-lookers going pen drop silent. Sora, sitting on the bleachers, gazed up at you and said, “You know nothing, Kim Myungsoo.” “Myungsoo?The Prince scrutinized you, mimicking the way a snake gauges its prey. “So what’s your name? Well, you do have quite the blood lust, don’t you? He regained his full height and nonchalantly slipped his hand into his pockets. The raw moonlight accentuates his foreboding presence, making it even more menacing. Deadly handsome, but formidable nonetheless. “Kill one, you say? Which one would you kill then, and why?” The air went still as all in attend watched with intense curiosity at the exchange. The wolf wondered why the prince bothered with a kid like you. Sora knew demons act with malevolence most times, for countless reasons.
♆ Huang Mi Ni ¥ 1 month ago


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higuruma 1 week ago
heya! can i reserve kim yerim pls?
direraven 1 week ago
can i request lee taemin as merfolk please?
bvbbles 2 weeks ago
Can I please have Ok Taecyeon as a vampire?
Keepyouwarm 4 weeks ago
is it possible to get Choi Seunghyun as he is before ( a demon)? Thank you
direraven 1 month ago
can i reserve hongjoong as my second please?
SeHYUNG 1 month ago
Been eyeing this place for a bit. I checked the wishlist, but it seems pretty dated. Any updated wishes? Male muses pref.
Keepyouwarm 2 months ago
Can i please have mackenyu arata as a human? (Second character)
direraven 2 months ago
can I reserve Lalisa Manobal as a shapeshifter please?
eliriegrow 3 months ago
hey, can i please have kwon eunbi (eunbi) added and reserved?
Midnight_Muse 5 months ago
this rp still exists XD
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