
"Sick? Hurt? Just not feeling well? Come receive aid here."



Doctor:  ♆ Choi Seunghyun 

Doctor:  ⚜ Murase Sae ¥




Surgeon:  ❖ Taehyung

♆ Choi Seunghyun 3 days ago
@⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ The demon has no patience for small talk nor has he desire to genuinely show kindness to the latter. The doctor grabbed a pair of clean scrub, walked behind the wooden partition and got changed. “Does it matter?.” Seunghyun said slipped into the green buggy in linen trousers, staring at the white painted walls. “Tsk.” He scoffed at the way she almost answered for him. The doctor raised a brow at the urgency of her voice. He turned and mistakenly walked closer towards the woman, sighing in exasperation with his head down and massaging his forehead. “What is it this time? Let’s hurry and get this done.”
⚜ Murase Sae ¥ 3 days ago
@♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ Sae's ears had folded over and curled up a bit as she was sleeping. She also had her hands curled up to her chest into little fists - and this rare sight but she didn't have her glasses on so you could see the small indent on her most from wearing her glasses every day. They had probably fallen off when she completely had drifted off so they were resting in her lap in the skirt of her dress. Up close her hair had fallen a bit out of the braids and buns that she had styled her up the previous day and you looked close enough you could see the small freckles of moonlight sparkles across her cheeks and nose probably from sitting in her chair and soaking up the moonlight from the window that was usually disguised away when she was wearing her glasses. Also, the distinction between the patches of her skin that were different colors or uneven showed more when she wasn't wearing her glasses - like some had been grafted to be there or the scared skin healed back to a slightly different shade of her normal skin tone. She breathed in and out as she slept small flakes of snow slipping out of as she did so. She didn't move from the slight touch of him brushing the stray locks from her face probably showing her body wasn't ready to get up just yet.
♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ 3 days ago
@⚜ Murase Sae ¥ The soft chirping of the birds filled the room as Mackenyu slowly opened his eyes. He had been lost in a hazy dream, but now the reality of his surroundings came into focus. Lying in the hospital bed, he found himself captivated by the sight of Dr. Sae sleeping peacefully at the desk near him. She was the one who had cured him, he realized, the one who had fought tirelessly to restore his health. Her dedication and expertise had been the driving force behind his recovery, and now, as he watched her slumber, a deep sense of gratitude washed over him. Carefully, he got out of the bed, slowly walked towards her, reached out and gently brushed a stray lock of hair from her face, marveling at the serene expression that graced her features.
⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ 4 days ago
@♆ Choi Seunghyun Seungwan walked inside and puts her knapsack by the vacant table, "Will check the operating room now, doctor." Then she walked towards the door of the operating room before she paused. "Ah, doctor." She called him, "Who's Mr. Pembroke? I've never heard of such names." Seungwan asked the doctor as she opened the operating door, seeing that all the equipment are well intact for the upcoming surgery, "Anyway, I shouldn't ask too much..." She chuckled lightly as checked all the possible weapon she could find. Then she looked through the cabinet and prepared all the surgery materials before she starts to call out the doctor. "Doctor Seunghyun, you might want to see this!"
♆ Choi Seunghyun 1 week ago
@⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ The demon lost track of time just going through his own black book of death counting to ensure that he met his quota for the week. However, he missed the mark by three souls. With the Demon King growing impatient, the demon cannot afford to be in his bad side. The door burst opened with a panting Seungwan that the doctor snapped a look at her, face all scrunched up. "Ugh." He groaned, rolling his eyes that of a bright sun. The caught himself on the right time to appear sympathetic as his orbs turned crimson. "No harm done, Miss Son." Seunghyun said, closing the book and hiding it inside his drawer. "This is a letter for one Mr. Pembrook. He wished to be operated as soon as possible. Can you see to it that a operating room is available? And tell the head nurse we're operating at noon." Seunghyun got up and walked towards the wardrobe to see for a clean scrubs to change to.
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⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ 1 week ago
@♆ Choi Seunghyun Seungwan looked through the small hole of the wall to see the doctor is already there, she stretches her hands and shakes it off. "You can do this, Seungwan." She muttered under her breath before acting like she's exhausted from all the running to get here, she bursts the door open and panting with her knapsack. "H-Hello, Doctor!" She greeted while panting. "My apologies for being late." She bowed to the vampire doctor with an apology. "I am trying to make up for you last night since it was raining so... I want to be early as possible." She said as she looked at the doctor then to the opened letter on his desk. He read it seems.
[post deleted by owner]
⚜ Murase Sae ¥ 1 week ago
@♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ Sae nodded as she looked at him. "Alright, do let me know if you need anything," She answered as she glanced up at him from her desk. She turned back to her work as she did look at the clock as it was getting late. She stood up and replaced his iv so that maybe it could help his more of his injuries while she slept. She walked to the big chair that she had in her office and sat down opening up one of her books that she had been reading. Eventually, she found herself nodding off, simply curling up in the chair and dozing off. She had clutched the book she was reading to her chest as she curled into a little ball, her ears flopping over as she did so.
♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ 1 week ago
@⚜ Murase Sae ¥ His face that used to be stone-cold is breaking into a smile when the good doctor let out a chuckle. “Right.” He said looking at her with weary eyes. “I’m all set.” He pulled the blanket over his body and lay on the bed, deciding to not cause the good doctor any grief, soon after the man closed his eyes and snoring away.
⚜ Murase Sae ¥ 1 week ago
@♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ Sae knew that he might fight her about resting and going to sleep - but she was glad that he didn't give her too much lip or a bratty attitude when she told him that he should rest now. She gave him a look as she chuckled. "You can read more tomorrow - and so many more days after this," Sae told him, noticing him glancing at the books on her desk again. She watched him walk back to the bed, resting one of her hands on his elbow to give him some support as she helped him to the bed. She shrugged a shoulder. "I will rest in a little bit, I have a bit of work to do still - plus I'm on the night shift so I can't go to sleep. I might have a patient or an emergency that I have to attend to," She answered as she looked at him. "Don't worry about me and just go to sleep - let me know if you need any more blankets or anything," Sae walked back to her desk as she started to work again.
♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ 1 week ago
@⚜ Murase Sae ¥ So much to learn and remember. Mackenyu lost track of time, not even bothered by the yawn that escaped his lips or the fact that there is an ache around his head from head bend forward consuming all the information presented on those pages. He nodded when she offered to help but at that moment he just wants to read. Back at the slave quarters, there is no dull moment to spare for luxurious things as reading. The slave masters made sure that the man work like a donkey. "Pardon?" Mackenyu exclaimed, his dark eyes, peering at the woman and held the book tightly. He cleared his throat, quite embarrassed that she is treating him like a child. Or maybe it was him that is being childish. He glanced once more at the book on her desk before standing up and walked slowly back to the bed. "How about you? Don't you need to rest?"
⚜ Murase Sae ¥ 2 weeks ago
@♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ Sae watched him for a few moments as it was almost like a child getting new books for the first time or someone getting gifts on Solstice morning. It was endearing to see that he still had that small amount of excitement after everything that had happened today. "If you have any questions about what you reading then I can answer them for you," She answered. She went back to her papers organizing and putting them into folders - mostly patient forms that she was finishing or orders that needed her signature to sign off to get them through. She let him read for an hour or two more before she stood up again. She walked over to him, holding a bookmark in her hands. "I feel like a mother or something putting her child to bed - but Mackenyu you should get some rest. You can spend all day tomorrow after arriving at the cottage to study - but for now, you need to rest and heal," Sae reached out, gently taking the book that he was reading from him. She used the bookmark in her hands to mark his page and set the book to the side. She held out her arm for him. "I'll help you to the bed," She answered as she nodded to him.
♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ 2 weeks ago
@⚜ Murase Sae ¥ "Certainly." He answered ensuing her wishes. It would be truly awkward but the man halt his negative thoughts and realised that they'll be more than doctor to patient. A roommate. Both slaves. She pulled out a few books and handed it to him. Suddenly feeling of nostalgia, Mackenyu held the magic books, eyes twinkle with excitement as if this was that time a wise mage took a pity on him and taught him everything he knows at the moment. He cast his sight back to the doctor and nodded then begun turning the pages. Immensely captivated by the knowledge transcribed in those pages, the human did not even care for the itch crawling underneath his skin as the cold fluid of moonlight transfusion ran through his veins. It was probably of the soothing properties of the doctor's own concoction but definitely from learning new magic. "Mhmm?" He rubbed his head, turning his head looking up at the woman. "Uh yes of course." He cleared his throat and proceed on reading.
♆ Choi Seunghyun 2 weeks ago
@⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ For the remainder of the night, the doctor stayed building his reputation as a healer of unusual ailments that attracted a string of patients who whispered of miraculous recoveries from the most bizarre conditions. The reality was kept hidden as his pal Chaos causing most of these illness. In comradely, the demons infested the night for what little time they were given. The storm ended and they were completely full from the fear, anger, doubt and disappointment collected from those who are in pain. Seunghyun's body despite it being immortal reached its toll. He lie flat on his back, staring at the ceiling, listening to Chaos and Deception reports from their latest operation. In his hand, a silver flask and on the corner of his mouth, blood trickled down. "The sun has risen, Doppelgänger. We are returning to the underworld." The bat-like creature uttered while the green snake wrapped itself around Chao's arms. "The princes might require assistance. Curse you." The s hissed followed by a fire that consumed both creatures and disappeared. The only thing that was left is a letter on the ground. Seunghyun got up and picked up the letter. An unsettling grin rests on his lips upon reading its content. "Mr. Pembrook. Never heard of him." He said as a cloak figure appeared behind him. "Neither have I." The creature spoke as if two voices were reciting together. "Agony. My dear friend." Seunghyun groaned. "What brings you in this part of town?"

"Tsk. Do not patronise me, idiot! I'm moving this soul to a different pit. He no longer gives me thrill." The creature holding a chain in his right hand. "Ugh. Do what you must" Seunghyun turned towards the man chained behind the creature, kicking him hard on the face that the man tumbled backwards. Agony vanish with the real doctor. Seunghyun opened his door as the unforgiving sun shone brightly over the infirmary's ground. The chirping of the birds on the trees matched with the freshness that lingers in the air after a rainy day. He did not dare stepped outside despite his eagerness to meet this Mr. Pembrook. With no one around at that time, the demon, reached a hand out and hissed to feel the sun burn his skin, revealing the greyish flesh that showed his true identity. Smell of burnt flesh spoils the scent of sweet flowers around him. He took a step back, putting his maimed hand inside his jacket and when he pulled it out, it was all covered in vampire's skin. The doctor glanced across the courtyard wondering if this body would survive the distance. "Noon." He scoffed and looked at the clock - sees that it reached the first light. "I wonder if she clocked in." He walked around to sit behind his desk, pulled a piece of paper and wrote: Have Ms. Son see me immediately. The doctor opened the enchanted chute designed especially for him to circulate messages quickly around the infirmary. he dropped it there and whispered incantation a witch gave him years ago. The paper disappeared and reached the main office.
⚜ Murase Sae ¥ 2 weeks ago
@♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ "Just Sae," Sae told him after he had finished speaking. At this point, they were about to become roommates so he could simply call her by her name. She smiled at his words knowing that they were genuine and true. "Of course, you're welcome. I am not like some of the others here or others around here that judge others for their status - plus I am still branded a slave so I have to help my fellow slaves," Sae pointed out as she looked at him. She nodded as he said that if she needed anything then to let him know. "I will - and I hope that you'll come to me for the same thing. If you need anything or help - don't be afraid to ask for help," Sae pulled out a few books from her desk. "Here, take these - they are come basic magic books that can help advance your skills. And, once you know that specialty that you want to focus on in magic abilities then I can get you some more precise magic books to study with," Sae smiled at him. She noticed his slight wave in gait as he sat down. "I told you not to overextend yourself," She stood up as she checked his IV and replaced his saline bag with one of her healing moonlight transfusions - it was simple transfusions of a healing tonic and her own blood which had healing properties. "Once you feel a bit better, I'll help you get into bed so you can rest again," Sae couldn't help but flick the side of his head after she finished fixing his IV.
♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ 2 weeks ago
@⚜ Murase Sae ¥ "Dr. Sae." He said, his voice earnest, "thank you for not only treating my wounds, but for treating me like a person.You've done so much." Mackenyu smiled, a hint of modesty washing over him. "I know you prefer not to speak of it as it is your job." There was a pause, and then he added, “If there’s ever anything you need, please let me know." He braced himself, slightly lightheaded so the man pulled the extra chair in her office and sat there. "
⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ 2 weeks ago
@♆ Choi Seunghyun Seungwan left home to rest once the rain stopped, as she went home, she already fabricated a letter from a 'new rich man' in town. When the morning comes, she already sent a letter naming the sender as 'Mr. Pembroke' and wrote to the vampire doctor that he needs an immediate surgery at noon and he will pay him much higher than the usual tip that rich patients gave to Seunghyun.

As the morning came, Seungwan already back at the infirmary to do her daily work before she waits for the vampire doctor to come at noon. She might expects that the doctor already had received the letter by his doorsteps but the hybrid already knew that vampires sleeps in daylight that is the first fact that she learned from the slaved vampires, if the doctor came at noon, then it would be the first confirmation that the doctor is not who they really think he is.
⚜ Murase Sae ¥ 2 weeks ago
@♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ Sae watched him for a few moments as he was searching around in his bag. She had a feeling that he was trying to find some way to pay her back with money or jewels - or something else. She was going to try to not accept it - but she knew that from the little time that they had spent together, he was going to try and find a way to get it to her. She nodded as he placed the small bag on her desk. "Yes, it belonged to him - but I started to take care of it after he left. She shook her head. "It's not too much - I really only use the nook, the kitchen and the bathroom. Any other space I really don't use so I have a lot of space," Sae told him with a nod. She sighed as she glanced at the pouch. "I will take it - but it will go into a roommate fund for us to use in the cottage," She told him with a nod.
♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ 2 weeks ago
@⚜ Murase Sae ¥ Mackenyu grabbed a small bag inside his belongings as clinking sound filled the momentous stillness. With a grimace, he slowly stepped one foot then the other till he reached the doctor’s desk. He placed the bag on top of her desk, away from the papers laid on it - not intentionally messing the doctor’s work. “Does this cottage belong to your master?” He asked. “If it isn’t too much of a trouble. Then sure I guess. And..” He slides the bag across and stared at her. “Please take it. It is not much.”
⚜ Murase Sae ¥ 2 weeks ago
@♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ Sae had never let this slave status hinder her or affect her. She often even didn't bring it up or show that she was a slave. Of course, she wouldn't lie or anything about that - and she did live at the slave quarters until she was bought. She also wouldn't lie that she took advantage of the fact that she had been bought, but this was beside the point. "No problem," She answered as she sat down at her desk again. She made sure that her door was closed and had its enchantments so that no one could bother them or accuse her of anything. "I have mentioned that I do have a small cottage now - well, it's not technically mine - but at this rate, it should be. I don't use all the rooms - so you'd you can have one of them," Sae glanced over to him.
♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ 2 weeks ago
@⚜ Murase Sae ¥ Emotions bottled up. Mackenyu had enough of the mistreatment though this is the only way he’d survive all those years. Without money or title, he’ll still be begging on the streets and be treated worse than a rodent. Somehow being a slave has its perks. A roof over his head and they at least feed him three times a day with the same old bread and soup. Hearing the doctor’s reply, he shrugged. She went away for a few minutes and returned with his belongings. “Much appreciated.” He said before grabbing his satchel to make sure no one has taken anything from it.
⚜ Murase Sae ¥ 2 weeks ago
@♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ Sae glanced at him as she tilited her head to the side at his question. Like it was something new that she had heard before. Sae had been treated like this all of her life - she was expecting it and didn't know anything else. Ever since she was little - this was the treatment that was placed on her. "What do you mean? I've been treated like this all my life - granted this pretty light for me," She laughed as she looked at him. "I was treated worse when I was younger before I came here to Heleo - so please don't worry about me," Sae nodded to him as she stood up. "Alright, I'll be right back," Sae exited her office. She was only gone for about five minutes before she returned back to her office. She set his back down on the bag and leaned his swords against the wall.
♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ 2 weeks ago
@⚜ Murase Sae ¥ He hoped it to be true for his sake and for the doctor’s. Mackenyu clenched his jaw watching the authorities disappear somewhere in the infirmary. A sense of an imminent danger gripped his very soul. However, that vanished when he glanced at Dr. Sae. “How can you put up with this kind of treatment?” The man asked. He shook his head yet he almost jumped out of the bed. Lucky for the man, his reflexes are still intact. He returned to the bed and nodded. “My swords and my satchel. They have may secret potions and spell books.”
⚜ Murase Sae ¥ 2 weeks ago
@♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ Sae nodded as she looked at him hearing that he was as comfortable as he was. She sighed as she glanced out of the window seeing the authorities walking with another nurse. She shook her head as she wasn't worried about it. "No one here has done anything wrong - plus I'm just doing my job of protecting the infirmary from some ruffians - so don't worry about them coming for you. I wouldn't let them take you," Sae answered as she looked at him. She stood up as she closed her office window. She wasn't looking forward to having to deal the authorities - but graned she was truthful. She hadn't done anything wrong nor had she hurt anymore. Okay, maybe she iced over Dr. Choi's office - but he deserved it and it would melt eventually. She glanced over to him. "Do you need anything?" She asked
♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ 2 weeks ago
@⚜ Murase Sae ¥ He turned enough to see the grin on her face then realised what he missed or forgotten. The doctor is a moon rabbit but he long passed seeing her as that. To him, she is someone who deserves respect. The man shook his head and replied, “I am comfortable this way. Besides,” He paused peeking through the window again. “It seems like someone’s called the authorities.” He said, frowning to see two men in uniform walking as another nurse leading them through the garden.
♆ Choi Seunghyun 2 weeks ago
@⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ Seunghyun nodded, standing there with Chaos and Deception watching the woman picked up herself and do what she was told. The thunder and lightning strikes once more and in the darkness, the superior demon said, “after the storm passed by, make sure that her job becomes unbearable. Use them damn creatures if needed be. And during the time she lowers her guard, snatch the diary.” The lesser demon disappeared while Seunghyun went on his way to treat more patients.

The storm let out its anger throughout the night. More and more patients outflowing the emergency department. Seunghyun together with the team of nurses who works under him, made sure all was seen. A pretentious act of kindness since people are starting to see the changes on the once good doctor.

“Ugh!” The doctor exclaimed, throwing himself onto the bed pushed against the vacant wall in his office. “Such a bull.” He grumbled thinking of the pathetic smile on his patients faces when they were cured.
⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ 2 weeks ago
@♆ Choi Seunghyun Seungwan took deep breathes before looking at the doctor, "I am fine now, doctor." She told the other before she slowly stood from the chair. "I guess you're right, I should go to the staff quarters for now." She went to the staff's quarters, she now then contemplating her next plan. She is not really panicking yet she really made it real for the doctor to hear her heart pounding, her shallow breaths and her almost teary eyes. As she closed the door as soon as she went inside, ideas already surging through her mind. Seungwan has to know something!

She looked around the quarters to see what sort of ideas she could find. What do vampires afraid of? She rubbed her chin as she starts to make a plan on how to discover the vampire doctor is not a vampire. She sees a pack of garlic chips from one of her fellow slaves. Garlic! But how can she put it to the doctor's mouth without noticing? Seungwan shook her head, it's a bad idea. Before she could go to her things, she glanced at the calendar with pictures on it... There! Seungwan's eyes widen, the sun! She grinned evilly as she already had an idea in mind, but since it is raining outside. Seungwan had to stay longer before going back to her quarters.
⚜ Murase Sae ¥ 2 weeks ago
@♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ Sae knew that her status never helped her in this profession - but she had made many friendships and connections and they didn't care that she was as slave. She never understood why some looked at them like dirt on the floor just because they had a brand and the other did not. She glanced up from her work as she heard his question. She caught him looking out at the garden as she gave a small half-smile. "All my life - I was raised to be one. It's part of my heritage being a moon rabbit. Moon rabbits are only destined to be healers or care takers - it is in my nature," Sae answered as she looked at him then back out to the garden. "If you ever feel up to it, I can wheel you out there to sit in the moonlight. The moonlight beams and energy is very healing and relaxing to some," Sae pointed out as she organized the papers on her desk a little.
♦ Mackenyu Arata ¥ 2 weeks ago
@⚜ Murase Sae ¥ He stared at her wishing there words of encouragement that could heal such experience. But he knew better that there's no cure for that or a spell to eliminate it quicker. A slave himself, it felt awkward to be in a place where hierarchy is still considered everything. His blood boiling to a point that he wished to meet this tyrant and end his rule. He chose to silently sit at the edge of the bed and not be impulsive with his actions. The room despite being small, felt cosy and warm. Ironic since Mackenyu was aware of her power. He opened his mouth but close it immediately seeing that she must be under a lot of pressure. So the man divert his attention at the small window near him. Outside, a small garden shade brighter with a fountain. Its water a liquid magic to the soul. Diverse and vibrant plant of life, with a variety of colours and textures creating visual interest at the dullness of this establishment. "So how long have you been a physician?" He asked.


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higuruma 1 week ago
heya! can i reserve kim yerim pls?
direraven 1 week ago
can i request lee taemin as merfolk please?
bvbbles 2 weeks ago
Can I please have Ok Taecyeon as a vampire?
Keepyouwarm 4 weeks ago
is it possible to get Choi Seunghyun as he is before ( a demon)? Thank you
direraven 1 month ago
can i reserve hongjoong as my second please?
SeHYUNG 1 month ago
Been eyeing this place for a bit. I checked the wishlist, but it seems pretty dated. Any updated wishes? Male muses pref.
Keepyouwarm 2 months ago
Can i please have mackenyu arata as a human? (Second character)
direraven 2 months ago
can I reserve Lalisa Manobal as a shapeshifter please?
eliriegrow 3 months ago
hey, can i please have kwon eunbi (eunbi) added and reserved?
Midnight_Muse 5 months ago
this rp still exists XD
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