
   Sea ships come from all around the world to dock here to trade goods, learn and explore 

Help Wanted: 

Dock loader/Unloader: Sea Captain: 

Sea Men: 

Fishermen: 〄 Jeon Jungkook

Bait Merchant: 


♆ Choi Seunghyun 3 days ago
@☾ Dove Cameron [Forgive me for the late response]

The moon hung high and full over the misty harbor of the Central, casting a silver sheen on the water that lapped gently at the wooden docks. Shadows danced along the edges, twirling playfully in the soft glow. It was here, amidst the salt air and whispered secrets, that the doctor responded to an unusual request.

“Ruka Clan” Seunghyun uttered, strutting along the docks recollecting any piece of information about the woman in the letter. He grunted and clenched his jaw, for the doctor only encountered two werewolves. One a bastard and the other a rogue prince. Nonetheless, the demon residing inside the empty vampire vessel, has lived long enough the witness the wolves scatter and their kingdom lay waste with no one willing to take that responsibility.

In the distance, a woman cloaked in green, pan into his view. “Could this be her?” He thought picking up the scent of a wolf. Dressed in a long dark coat that fluttered against the breeze, his pale skin glowing against the darkness. His eyes, a deep crimson, glinted with curiosity and mischief.

“Dove.” He greeted, his voicr smooth as silk. “It’s a pleasure, truly.”
☾ Dove Cameron 1 week ago
@♆ Choi Seunghyun ~~~~
Dr. Choi ,

My name is Dove. I am of the Ruka pack.

I am writing to invite you to a formal meeting to discuss further diplomacy between the Vampires and Wolves. I am aware of your knowledge of the Vampiric and Underworld Courts, and seek an audience with them under your guidance. We wish to bring the next generation up on a united rather than divided front between our species.

19:00. The Seaport. September 11th.

- Dove

Having written a letter a week I prior, Dove arrived half an hour before her guest would. She had received no written response, but she did not take that as a declined note. The Doctor had gained a large reputation admits his history…it was as if talking to a King’s most trusted advisor. The things he was sure to know could be detrimental to Dove’s success as a future ruler of this land…this world.

She sat on a bench, overlooking the water, in a green cloak. She checked her hanging watch from her pocket before resuming her gaze forward as the sun was setting on the horizon line while ships drew back to their docks. She awaited a change in scents for the Doctor to be near… hopefully he would find her no threat to him…
☾ Dong Youngbae 1 week ago
@❖♕ Bambi Naka † As we stood there in silence, watching the stars twinkle in the night sky. I couldn't help but steal glances at you. Your porcelain skin sparkled in the moonlight, your eyes gleaming with otherworldly beauty. My tender soul finds it challenging not to smile or be a goof in front of you, rubbing my nose a little. There is a mutual feeling that could only grow stronger with each passing moment, transcending years of hatred and prejudice. A sense of respect and camaraderie- I vowed to have your back the first time I realised the kindness behind your fierce exterior.

As the night wore on, the ship glided to the shore and The Captain already announced are arrival. I felt the squeeze around my hand that I had to see if you're doing fine . "So..." I broke the silence but immediately regretted it, allowing the momentarily pause fill the silence. "How did you find this mysterious secret haven?"
❖♕ Bambi Naka † [A] 1 week ago
@☾ Dong Youngbae The natural ease of being with you was strangely unnerving. There was a comforting luxury in the way our hands held and fingers intertwined. After a moment or two, I mustered the courage to steal a glance at you, accompanied by a smile of hoped confidence. I felt so silly. You’ve only shown kindness to me, and yet my stomach is filled with butterflies. I had braved death, addiction, infatuation, and heartbreak, yet a trembling sensation persisted within me.

I tried to find the right words, but they eluded me, leaving me feeling foolish. I scolded myself internally for behaving in a ridiculous manner. It’s not like we’re actually fond of each other in that manner. Our strong ual chemistry and numerous shared traumatic stories are what bind us together. I found solace in the simplicity of our connection. It’s the only friendship left without complications. I convinced myself that we were just good friends. I probably looked like a complete idiot as I silently argued with myself about confronting you, but in the end, I couldn’t find the bravery. The ship emitted a loud sound, and I was extremely grateful that the Captain noticed our arrival at White Harbor, heading towards the Glimmer Brook meadows. I unconsciously held your hand tighter, as a surge of excitement and renewed eagerness to visit my secret haven flooded over me.
☾ Dong Youngbae 1 week ago
@❖♕ Bambi Naka † I chuckled, my laughter like the rustling of leaves. "Ah. I thought they weren't real or extinct at first" I nodded thoughtfully, contemplating the extent of the information I can divulge. "Merfolk could exist as surely as fairies dance in the moonlight. Perhaps they even guard secrets we are yet to uncover. I doubt they're interest in our politics. And I hope one day they'll grace your kingdom with their presence. They're friendly. Well, the ones we met." My heart quickened; I could almost sense the magic in the air, an inviting warmth that seemed to whisper promises of wonder. I remembered their beautiful singing voice that captives anyone who would hear it.

I returned to reality when the captain informed us that we are near The Meadows. Watching the exchange between you and the Captain, I took note of the changes in your aura. Somehow wondering if has anything to do with your current status. I held your hand in mine, slipping my fingers with yours. "Just call me by my name, your majesty." I remarked playfully.
❖♕ Bambi Naka † [A] 2 weeks ago
@☾ Dong Youngbae “You’ve seen the Merfolk before? The thought of meeting at a mythical sea residence piques my interest. “I’m centuries old and not once I’ve ever laid eyes upon. Are they not said to be dead?” I remember reclaiming the tales of the lost city isles that sank under the pressures of volcanic eruption after the Great Battle of Brothers. The clash of two god’s descendants, the Sun, and Moon, seemed like mere stories. Parents would use old wise tales to warn their disobedient children that they would face banishment, just like the Demi-God children from the Haven of Lumiere. The slapping waves incessantly rocked the sturdy wooden vessel. “I’d love to see them someday.”

“We will make it to The Meadows within the hour.” The Captain announced. I turned away from the railing and forced a smile. “You’re boatmen have don’t well Captain. Each of them shall receive an amber coin for their work as a token of my gratitude. The captain favored me with a half bow. “You’re far too kind, Lady Naka. Carry you aboard, be all the token they need.” The man smiled, speaking the common tongue fluently with just a hint of a Faeblian accent. The man gave one more deep bow before returning to his task. “We’re getting close. At least I get to show you something new.” I reached for your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before I could think better of it. “You’re in for a treat tonight, Master Youngbae.”
☾ Dong Youngbae 2 weeks ago
@❖♕ Bambi Naka † The moon hung low in the sky, a glowing orb casting silver beams that danced upon the waves of the tranquil sea. A gentle breeze whispered secrets through the sails of the old ship as it glided silently across the water. Its wooden deck creaked softly beneath the feet of its only passengers: you and I, our silhouettes framed by the ethereal glow of moonlight. The dolphins reminded me of my time on the sea, the joy it brings for a wounded soul. My ears pricked up from sensing the relief that left your lips. There are words threatening to address you but I kept mum cradling the peace that the sound of the waves provide. I sighed and shrugged, "A ship captain once told of its beauty and even planned we visit. But he had to steer the ship around because a group of merfolk opened their home to us. But if you say this place is worth our time, then I cannot wait to see it for myself. Besides" I paused, nudging you a little. "I cannot imagine you being hold up inside the four walls of your castle."
❖♕ Bambi Naka † [A] 2 weeks ago
@☾ Dong Youngbae Your voice brought my attention back from the moon when you extended your hand. With a gentle touch, our hands met and we united by the railing. We were covered in a misty sea spray while the warm night breeze allowed oceanic creatures to emerge. In the inky black night, dolphins joyfully jump alongside the ship as it sailed. With envy, I leaned on the cold steel and used my forearms to get a better view of the pod, captivated by their carefree nature. “That’s right, Fiddler’s Meadow. It would be the last place the Empyrean would look for me since we have no affiliations with the House of Faes.” I let go of a breath I’d been holding onto since we left the Alehouse the moment Central was no longer in sight.

It’s my go-to place for seeking solace or taking a break.” I turned away from the sea to you, with a wide grin spreading on my lips. Have you ever visited the Northwest continent of Sedan? It is the home of Man, Kingdom of dwelling of the Faes, and said to host the City of robot ingenuity?”
☾ Dong Youngbae 2 weeks ago
@❖♕ Bambi Naka † Mirthless laughter ring from my lips and said, "Oh that I have plenty of practice."I brazenly stood there, a smug expression messing about my softer side. I'm apprehensive, scanning our surroundings familiarising myself with crew that is sailing the ship. I'm no longer sailing with just you. A queen rightfully so. "Fiddler's Meadow?" I asked, returning my attention to you. "Where exactly is that?" Each step light against the wooden deck. But that weary eyes transforming to awe as the glimmer of the crescent moonlight complementing your beautiful creatures. It is as if the moon goddess gracing me with her presence. I stood close to the railings, resting my arms on it and inhaling the scent of sea breeze. The Central getting smaller and smaller till there is nothing illuminating the darkness but the moon itself. One thing is for sure as I turned around, offering my hand to you. "Care to join me?"
❖♕ Bambi Naka † [A] 2 weeks ago
@☾ Dong Youngbae Teasingly, from head to toe, I gave you one last look and said, “Pitty.” Your stamina was one of the things I used to admire about you. " A playful wink flicked towards you before turning my attention to the first mate of the ship. “Two to Fiddler’s Meadow, please. And tell your captain they’ll be an extra 6 gold if be make haste from Central State.” The young Fae graciously nodded his head several times the disappeared as instructed. Pleased, I made my way to the ship’s deck to stand under the crescent moonlight beneath the blanket of glittering stars. Shame that the city light in Central dims their true luminance. I must have grown accustomed to the endless starry sky in the Summit. The ship’s horn let out a long bellow, signaling its departure.
☾ Dong Youngbae 2 weeks ago
@❖♕ Bambi Naka † Under the silver glow of the moon, keen eyes, a piercing amber, scanned the horizon. Three or few days ago, I was out the sea re-tracing all the paths that led to this - with you, a vampire somehow a dragon, a rare breed drawn to allure the sea. The night's chill nipped at my skin, but I felt invigorated, the moonlight charging me with energy. I held a hand up, back straightening to relish the Vampire Rose that was being a tease. "Trust me, love. Being on the sea taught me a lot, but running like this ain't it." I chuckled, feeling the weight of the world slip from my shoulders. "After you."
❖♕ Bambi Naka † [A] 2 weeks ago
@☾ Dong Youngbae Mist gathered at the edge of the docks. Its salty spray clung to my cloak, peppering my cheeks and concealing me in the coming fog. Eyes lay fixed on the mesmerizing dance of the waving waters. Moonlight glimpsed, reflecting rays on the ocean, swallowed by the dense blackness of a long night beyond the sea. The sound of footsteps pounding from cobblestone to decayed wooden signaled you approached. “No,” relief settled, appeased to see no others following you. I welcomed the comforting familiarity of your canine scent of spice pikes, cinnamon, whiskey, and a hint of maple. “My dear wolf, surely you’ve not lost your touch.” I turned, taking in your exhausted form, allowing a teasing smile to take hold of my lips. It appears someone hasn’t been exploring the woods with the free packs in a while. “Come, the boat will depart soon.”
☾ Dong Youngbae 2 weeks ago
@❖♕ Bambi Naka † Securing the keys inside my satchel, I readied myself and was soon in awe of your doing. One after the other, there were pushing and shoving that escalated to people throwing punches. I caught a glimpse of your dumbfounded guards, leaving them prying off patrons from each other. But some of them got dragged into it. A bottle flew past me, good thing my reflexes are still intact. I managed to dodge it though I pity the man behind me. I posed and sprinted out of there, hearing swearing and heavy footsteps tailing me. I had no time to turn to check who it was. I cursed the moon for taking my powers when I feel the need to stop at the alleyway to pause for a breather. Three. Four minutes. I ventured off through the short way I remembered from my thieving days. My legs and lungs burning but I finally reached the port and bumped into you. “Whoo!” I hang onto your arms, back bent and panting. “If only my wolf—- ah. Are you waiting for long?” I said in between each breath I take.
❖ Park Seonghwa ¥ 1 year ago
@♦ Christopher Bang Seonghwa had been wandering the streets of Central Post and had ended up by the Seaport. These days being by the water was the closest thing to his home that he could get. He tugged on the hood of his cloak a bit more, securing it over his head some more so that it wouldn't fly off in the seabreeze. He stopped standing around like a shadow by one of the beams and began walking around again.

He paused when he heard a clatter behind him and saw an older woman bending down to grab her fallen belongings. He stepped over and began helping her. "Oh you don't have to, dear," she said.

"It's alright, I insist," he said as he reached out for more things with his gloved hands. He began stacking them into the woman's trolley and helped her move everything back into the trolley, securing it all in place. "Where were you headed, ma'am?" he asked, bending down a bit to match her height.

"To the other side of the port, where that one fish shop is," she said. "You don't need to take me over there, dear."

Seonghwa took the handle of the trolley and gestured for the lady to lead the way, "After you, ma'am." The old lady eventually gave in and began walking more comfortably, and Seonghwa followed along beside her, making small talk along the way as they walked at a lerisurely pace.
〄 Jeon Jungkook 1 year ago
@† ♕ Hendery thanks[]
† ♕ Hendery [A] 1 year ago
@〄 Jeon Jungkook ()done
〄 Jeon Jungkook 1 year ago
@† ♕ Hendery what to be a fisherman if you will[]
♆ Huang Mi Ni ¥ 1 year ago
♆ Huang Mi Ni ¥ 1 year ago
/fell asleep on my cloud and when I wake up and look down, all I see is water and some boats
/oops, where am Im
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 1 year ago
@☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ A grin swiped along her lips as she saw the other followed her instructions and approached her. To be quite honest, she didn't think that he would walk over, especially if it's a stranger like her who she's pretty sure doesn't think that he remembers her from a previous timeline. Nonetheless, Emily kept her eyes locked on him and his interaction between his work crew. Oh what his fans would kill to see this view if they knew. Her eyes moved over him once more as if to verify that it's indeed the same person.....same in some sort of way. His appearance was altered by this new species. Her inner witch easily glanced over the shadow casting that displayed who Christian had become. The death scent didn't deter her from her original goal nor made her feel Bayless different toward the vessel in front of her.

Shaking her head at his question, Emily gave a friendly greeting. "No need to refer. It's actually you I'm looking for." Clearing , she walked closer to him. Her black orbs now circling around them as they take in his wendigo shadow. "I don't think you will remember me since I wasn't a big deal but I knew a few of your friends and met you a handful of times." Her eyes moved to her orbs as they hovered right above his shadow outline. "Leave the wendigo shadow alone." She swatted her hand over his head forcing them to retreat back to her side. "Does the names Rome and Ian ring a bell for you?" She didn't want to scare him since she wasn't sure if he retained any memories therefore she settled on that question first. Emily already has to be cautious of how much she can reveal to others. Already accidentally traveling between realms, she didn't need people hunting her down questioning what she knows from those timeline.
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 1 year ago
@⥈ Ahn Hee-yeon ¥✔ @☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ <you have been paid for the month of Jan. Sorry that it took so long. Thank you for being active in your job and paying citizen tax. ~love, Emily>
☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago

@⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  Christian was busy at work, loading things up onto the next docked ship. It was incredibly physical, a job that certainly wasn't for everyone. And, while he wasn't completely away from people, fellow coworkers seemed to be a rough and tumble bunch of lewd men. Something strangely familiar, and seeing how he wasn't ual by nature, most inappropriate, ist conversation went in one ear and out the other. Still, they worked hard, and as long as he did too, they left him alone. Naturally being a pretty boy, Christian got a lot of about it, but knew it wasn't more than sailors jokes. Learning to keep to himself, he doesn't partake in too much off work conversations as he continued to struggle with his identity, as well as being able to just.. be among people like he's normal. A weird contrast to just weeks ago of being restrained like the rabid animal he was and beat to near death. He's kept busy, and he liked being busy. Continuing to pick up cargo to lug it on board, snide chuckles of fellow seamen drew his attention out and away from the dock to see a pretty woman with unusual iris' looking at him. They meet glances, but doesn't automatically think anything of it. It wouldn't be the first time he's drawn eyes from interested women, and certainly wouldn't be the last. Prepared to offer a polite smile and turn his back, a single digit extends out for him to come.

Typically, being cat-called or eyed by women was promptly ignored, but this time his coworkers egged him on to go see what the pretty woman wanted. After just a few moments of obvious hooting and hollaring about the estranged woman's presence by his peers, he sets down the load onto the ship deck where it belonged and trotted over with a feigned polite smile on his face, though one corner is upturned into a partial smug with amusement, but toward whom was anyone's guess. "Can I help you? I uhm-" An overhead crane device removes netting from a previous shipment, temporarily looking up before returning his gaze back to the woman;"I need to get back to work, if you have questions i can refer you someone else." As he stood there, while familiarity might have been present for her, it was not, for him. Not only was he lacking vision in his left eye, but being in close proximity gave an uncomfortable feeling, like standing next too or on top of roadkill. Not only that, her witch capabilities saw from the beyond, saw his disease. A shadow spirit seen by none but her, barely visible reflected across his face like shadow, showing an outline of the monster than lay temporarily dormant underneath his humanoid appearance. It screeched in the back of her mind and faded from view as quick as a blink. Meanwhile, Christian stood there, crossing tattooed arms over a sweaty chest as she ate up his time.

⥈ Ahn Hee-yeon ¥✔ 1 year ago
Watching the docks a smile played at her face, the sun was still blocked by the clouds but it was warm enough with the salty sea breeze tousling her hair. It felt good, if she closed her eyes she could almost pretend she was back home. Not that she cared for the Forgotten Islands, she hardly missed them, but moments like this when she was alone and working so close to the docks, it felt like nostalgia.
⥈ Ahn Hee-yeon ¥✔ 1 year ago
Whistling a song to herself she begins to set up the stall for the day, the sky is overcast and with any luck it will stay that way. Though maybe she will help the weather out a little bit, and perhaps the fishermen too. Adjusting the little sign at the front of her stall she flips it from 'closed' to 'open'.
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 1 year ago
@☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ Emily paces back and forth a block away from the loading dock. This was not her best work but ever since she saw the ghoul back at the tavern, something about him was too familiar. She had traveled between realms and she is pretty sure that he was someone she knew in one of them. She did not mean to follow him and somehow, Emily ended up at the Seaport where Christian works. 'You're here already, it won't kill you to ask.' Her inner voice wasn't wrong. Once she confronts him, she'll be more at ease once she knew if it was an old human friend from Earth's in the 20th Century. She walked fiercely towards the shipyard scanning from the dock as her red orbs bounced off towards his direction. "That's definitely Rome." A grin spread wide against her face when her eyes scanned up and down the shirtless Christian recognizing his tattoos. He was still the eye-candy that he was when he was in the other realm. Lost in thought she wasn't sure how long she stood there watching him unload working those muscles of his. One thought did pull her out of her stare. How did Rome end up here in Heleo and why is he no longer the human Rome that she met before? When she looked back at the working man, she was shock to see that she's been caught red handed as their eyes locked. Smiling from where she was, she gave him a small formal nod of the head, greeting him in a way. Curling her finger at him to come to her, Emily knew what she needed to say to Christian.
დ Jung Nicole [A] 3 years ago
@[H] ༄ Lily Macapinlac ¥ She shook her head, of all the times she ran away, no regrets at all. Each time only made her stronger. "No. It taught me everything is temporary. Of the last 300 years plus, it taught me to be stronger for me. Scars and all." She leans back into the water looking up. "I dont wish for anyones to be stuck a slave of any sort. Wish you guys can have the freedom to do as you please." Nicole turn her head to look at Lily from what she said, making her laugh softly seeing her embrassed. " be quite honest, i forgot what flirting was like." She smile waving a hand. "Its okay. Dont be sorry. It at least mean you dont mind my presence. So I'll take it as a good thing."
დ Jung Nicole [A] 3 years ago
@[H] ༄ Lily Macapinlac ¥ Nicole let her hold her wrapping her flippers around the mermaid securely. Something tells her that Lily needed this hug and as much as she try not to retort to her old self, these nice supernaturals was making it hard for her to stay closed off. She pulled away to shift back so that she'll be able you to talk to Lily better this time turning her hair a pastel pink with a pastel purple pink color for the tail. "Life made me run. When i turned into a shifter, i watched my family died off naturally." She tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "I ran away from the human life so I dont have to experience losing a family again. Then...i found the shifter that turned me and they adopted me into their life. All was good for a bit.....but i didnt wanna be a prized to be won....didnt wanna be breeding machine. So i fought....and fought til i found a stormy night and ran away." A smile formed on her lip recalling her fist fight against mother nature. "Call me crazy but i went into the storm hoping to just perish. But turns was worth a fight." Nicole move her hair to one side showing a few scars and injuries. "A beautiful witch found me. She healed me." She was very fond of the witch and one may even said they hadd a relationship for a while before things turned bad. "I left her after some times, fought in another storm before being founded and taken to a safe home for supernaturals. I thought that was my forever home. Even manage to fall in love with a human. But...." she turn to smile at lily. "Dont give all your heart away, you'll only be hurt in the end." She winced feeling the ghost pain of that part of her life. The fact that she would had given her life for him only to be returned with lesser of what she offer. "So....i packed up. Grabbed as little as i can and enough to survive." She clear . "Saw a storm....and went towards it. I didnt care rather i survive or not. I just wanted the pain gone and then ot showed me the path here instead. i am many many years later. A wondering body without a home." Nicole mimicked what Lily did with her tail early, twiddling it gently. Her eyes travel to the slave mark. " do one not be a slave no more?" She was curious. A part of her wants to know what to do to free others.
დ Jung Nicole [A] 3 years ago
@[H] ༄ Lily Macapinlac ¥ Nicole smile. "I dont mind. It just been a while since i wanted to shift into a mermaid." She moves towards the deck as she look up to the top of the water. "I ran away from....the life that i had.: she calmly told her since it was a normal thing for Nicole to run away at this point. "I got lost before finding my way here, so now....i guess this is home for now." Shrugging her shoulder, she turn to look at Lily. "Sea creatures...." she smile diving down as she shift into a walrus, her body morphing and changing to the flubber animal coming back up to Lily tilting her head to the side looking at her.
დ Jung Nicole [A] 3 years ago
@[H] ༄ Lily Macapinlac ¥ The voice startle Nicole making her turn around to face an actual mermaid. She shook her head but bow a bit to greet the other. "Im...just a shifter." She smile softly, embarrassed a bit by being a fraud like this. "Im...Nicole. Its a pleasure to meet an actual mermaid here." She moved closure enough to examine the pretty delicate tail of Lily's watching the way she move it around before mimicking it smiling happily. "I dont mind accompanying you if you dont mind me shifting." She eye smile at her pout.
დ Jung Nicole [A] 3 years ago
@[H] ༄ Lily Macapinlac ¥ Nicole sighs softly befofe deciding to stand up, setting her bag down against one of the dock post. "Once more." She grins remembering what its like to shift herself into a mernaid. She remembered how free it felt for her in general, to be so small in such a big water front. The idea that mermaid lore used to fascinate her before she turned many centuries ago. And with that, she backed up on the dock, smile plastered to her face as she ran fast feeling the breeze against her face before diving effortlessly into the water, her legs shifting and morphing into a similar tail of a mermaid that she studied before as her body shift for her to be ablen to breathe underwater. "Still got it in you."


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higuruma 1 week ago
heya! can i reserve kim yerim pls?
direraven 1 week ago
can i request lee taemin as merfolk please?
bvbbles 2 weeks ago
Can I please have Ok Taecyeon as a vampire?
Keepyouwarm 4 weeks ago
is it possible to get Choi Seunghyun as he is before ( a demon)? Thank you
direraven 1 month ago
can i reserve hongjoong as my second please?
SeHYUNG 1 month ago
Been eyeing this place for a bit. I checked the wishlist, but it seems pretty dated. Any updated wishes? Male muses pref.
Keepyouwarm 2 months ago
Can i please have mackenyu arata as a human? (Second character)
direraven 2 months ago
can I reserve Lalisa Manobal as a shapeshifter please?
eliriegrow 3 months ago
hey, can i please have kwon eunbi (eunbi) added and reserved?
Midnight_Muse 5 months ago
this rp still exists XD
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