☠ Undead Wastelands

Enter the land of the living dead. A continent where humanoid creatures crave the taste of human flesh, even occasionally cannibalizing each other. Watch yourself here, for you could easily become a tasty meal for the undead. Welcome to the swampy home Ghouls called the wastelands.

Currently absent of Monarchy


♆ Huang Mi Ni ¥ 1 year ago
@♆ Karina () yes it is :((((((
enjoy your vaca though
♆ Karina 1 year ago
@♆ ♕ Huang Mi Ni () Aww that's unfortunate... Just when I have a vacay AHDHFJSJ
♆ Huang Mi Ni ¥ 1 year ago
@♆ Karina () nahee left :(
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]
♆ Karina 1 year ago
"Sure." Karina told her before they continue walking along the road, she looked at the map and saw a crossroad where they have to choose which path they should take. "The one is going south while the other is straight to the west... however it doesn't show any sign of people crossing on which ways." She muttered as she looked at the ground, not seeing which path has most footprints. "Something's not right." She told before hearing a sharp whistle and unsheaths her katana from her waist then sliced an arrow into two. A group of rogue ghouls limping towards them, hunting for flesh to eat. "I knew it."
♅ Kim Nahee ¥ 1 year ago
@♆ Karina "I know this is gonna be weird, but m-may I hold on to you please? I get a scared if I'm alone in places like this." Nahee asked while stuttering as she held the light on her hand. "It's fine if you don't want to, I understand." She looked around for a moment as she and Karina start exploring towards the misty realm of the wastelands. "I may have took the wrong train by accident because I just finished school a while ago and was running towards the train station to go home in a rush...then I realized I have ended up here..."
♆ Karina 1 year ago
@♅ Kim Nahee ¥ [SH] "That's fine, as long as we see the road, we're not going to get lost." Karina reassured the other before they start walking to the misty realm of the wastelands. While walking, they went passed the creepy looking cemetery, Karina couldn't avoid feeling uneasy around these area as if someone was watching them. "Why were you travelling around this region, if I may ask?" She asked the other, trying to break the silence and to make sure the other won't feel the unnerving feeling of being watched.
♅ Kim Nahee ¥ 1 year ago
@♆ Karina "O-Oh, I see.." Nahee hummed while giving out a shy smile on her face, rubbing the back of my neck. "I would love that..if that is alright with you, Miss Karina." The fallen angel picked up her things dropped on the ground earlier and held them in her arms. "I can try to give you some light if you want." She brought out before a medium-orb appear out of her palm to create some light for the two of them to see through the fog. "How's this? Or will it attract more bandits?"
♆ Karina 1 year ago
@♅ Kim Nahee ¥ [SH] "Unfortunately, I'm a traveler. I never know about this place either." Karina told her before getting her knapsack and shows the map of the whole Heleo, "I was about to go on a small town here." She pointed at the map within the region, "But with this fog, I couldn't see a thing." Karina looked around then look back at the other. "You can join me if you want to, in case you're not feeling safe in this area."
♅ Kim Nahee ¥ 1 year ago
@♆ Karina Nahee noticed Karina putting her straw hat back on her head after defeating those bandits. "E-Eh? Why not? There has to be something for me to repay you though." She was surprise that the person she just met is a bit more nicer unlike the other passerbys she encountered with during her travelling adventures. "Nice to meet you too, Karina...wait, are you from this area? If so, mind helping me?"
♆ Karina 1 year ago
@♅ Kim Nahee ¥ [SH] "I'm fine as well, the ones you should be asking was them." Karina looked over to the injured thugs she just took down before putting back her straw hat and looked back at the other, "You don't have to repay me, really. I was just passing through." She smiled at her, "And it's nice to meet you, Nahee. I'm Karina." She told her name.
♅ Kim Nahee ¥ 1 year ago
@♆ Karina Nahee became shocked at the fact the mysterious figure managed to knock out a group of bandits on their own using a straw hat without any hesitation. "I-I'm fine..no they didn't." The fallen angel stuttered due to her shyness. "What about you? Are you hurt? As much I appreciate you saving me, you must have gotten hurt because of me..." she sighed since she's feeling really guilty for her saviors to get injured. "I'm sorry you got dragged into my mess...anyways..I'm Nahee by the way..what's your name?" She look at the mysterious figure as she tilt her head in curiosity. "But thank you for saving me though...is there something I can repay you?"
♆ Karina 1 year ago
@♅ Kim Nahee ¥ ( OMG I'M SO LATE I'M SO SORRY ;;; )

As a wanderer, Karina had many encounters with bandits and thugs, the demon of Wrath has been wandering for centuries now and she knows what danger she might be into as she roam around the world and now, Heleo. The untouchable land of the dead, similar to the Underworld, it was barren and no signs of life and vibrance. She walked through the dried road with her straw hat and then stumbles upon another 50 over 100 of her encounters, thugs. They are asking money on an unsuspecting traveler, it really is a pigsty for Karina. She walked towards them, "Hey, she already said she has no money." When she was about to approach the woman, she was pushed away by the thugs, telling her that it's none of her business.

She frowned and moved along as they said she should, but then she stumbled upon a skull, underneath her foot. She picked it up and looked at the bandits, "If you're looking for a friend here, I'm afraid its long gone now." She called out, now the bandit's attention was on her. Karina walks slowly towards them while holding the skull, "I believe they want you all to join them too." This pissed off one of them before it charges towards Karina where she throws the skull towards them hard, knocking one off before all of them charges towards her. She touches her straw hat and pulls if off before everything went fast until one last bandit was knocked out by Karina using her straw hat. Then she looked at the victim and walked closer to her, "Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" She asked the female.
♅ Kim Nahee ¥ 1 year ago
@♆ Karina After taking the wrong train to her supposed destination which is her home in Crystal Citadel, Nahee ended up in the Undead Wastelands by mistake. "Aish...stupid me, why did I take the wrong damn train?! Curse my stupidity..." she muttered under her breath as she tries to figure out where the actual train to her hometown. Instead of waiting, she decided to explore the place a little bit while waiting for the next train to come in. "Maybe exploring will help for now." She hums to herself while feeling a little frighten about this whole place. She heard stories about this place, being all creepy and eerie, knowing this is the territory of the ghouls are living. As she continues on her mini adventure, a group of demon bandits and thieves sudden appear out of nowhere with their claws out. "Give me your money or I'll kill the of our wings." One of them demanded, not being patient. "Look I have no money if that's what you're asking for.." she told them. "Yeah, right..that's all they say. Now give us the damn money!"
☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago

@♆ Joy ".........?" Christian was passed out, hearing a loud, projected voice in the silence startled him, but it did not immediately sound threatening, nor did it sound familiar. At the very random greeting, he pushes himself upright with some effort, glancing up at the unusually gleeful woman. Odd eyes squint, trying to process what the hell this woman wanted, and furthermore, why she seemed to be anything but afraid. In fact, as she slowly approached, the more uncomfortable he got. Whilst still looking up at her, it's apparent he's covered in excess bodily fluid from returning to humanoid shape, like that of a newly born infant. A subtle threatening grin forms. He will not be taken;"..you have a death wish, madame?"

[] https://i.imgur.com/N0WRbyd.jpg
♆ Joy 1 year ago
@☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ joy observed him at how the human had completely turned into a hideous creature such as this. she could hear the crunch on his bone, the gnawing of his teeth, the guttural screams of madness and agony, it was all music to her ears. she watched the man no longer and went down from the tree to meet him.

"hello there!" she greeted him with a gleeful smile on her face like she was talking to a human being, "i hope you don't mind my curiosity, you are such a peculiar type of an undead. you simply made your way out of your shed just to show your... real monstrosity." joy added as she walked closer but slowly to him.
☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago

@♆ Joy In Christian's feral state, he's about on all fours despite a towering height of 8 feet, and leaping from location to location, almost like an overtly large jumping spider, or agile big cat. Thin and emaciated to the point of looking skeletal, there's no hair, and when he senses company, he turns swiftly, revealing the whited over eyes and jagged, misshapen teeth as they clamped hungrily once in the clear of his slavers. It's movements were quick, yet hesitant at the same time. With the lack of excess skin, the eyes appeared wide at all times, with a mouth that opened that gaped to emit a shrill cry that echoed into the night and through the wooded areas. The hands and feet were elongated, with claws pointed and pointed like talons. Christian was ghastly in comparison to his human appearance, and leapt around surprisingly silently when not emitting a shriek.

It is noted, that when he does cry out, he doesn't move, only turn the head abruptly to any small noise, or sign of movement if there were any, was he trying to lure prey in, or scare predators away? 4 long, effortless hours of this strange behavior, and eventually, he disappears into a small unoccupied cavern and does not come out. It is here, when Joy finds Christian, with the crackling of bones breaking the chirping of the crickets as the inhuman frame crumples down and dislocates bones and joints until all that remains is a and passed out man on cold stone under the cover of night in a cave with enough light pouring in to make out his humanoid outline laying on his side.

[] https://i.imgur.com/tCbZGXF.png
♆ Joy 1 year ago
@☠ Christian Yu ¥ (SH) (i know in late but i could only reply to you in a short one for now ;;)

she walks around the land of undead often to get herself some alone time since only undead could live here and joy loved being swarmed in the presence of souless presence. for once she roamed around here, looking for some lost souls to collect it in her jar of souls she could go back to the kingdom of hell to serve under them.

but when she walked around the dirt path, she sees a lost soul... or a monster. joy followed him until the monster slowly went back to his human state, the demon of greed just looked at him with interest as she sat on a thick branch of a dead tree, "interesting... a slave with an uncontrollable urge of madness." she chuckles darkly.
☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Joy Ever since the return to the slave quarters after the big blood moon trial event gathering, Christian has yet to see the end to the torture. Was one day- one weeks punishment not enough- or was this simply part of the ongoing daily lives of Heleo’s slaves? The days had begun to blur together, the same routine rituals, the same beatings and physical labor to keep its patrons drained with low strength to keep everyone obedient. Christian’s day to day always started the same; staring helplessly at the open doorway, wrists bound by cuffs linked to the wall behind him, waiting for the next meal, and had begun to take a newfound interest in food. Over time, the body underwent change, starting mentally in feverish dreams, and eventually losing standard vision in a left eye. Not having a mirror or obvious reflective surface to see the damage, it was assumed to have been caused from the beatings, and this further instilled a already deep-seeded hatred.

The physical changes were not out-rightly noticeable at first, but sickly white skin that bled less, and less- and seemed to be able to take a harder beating raised eyebrows at first, but one fateful day Christian was not where he belonged, but rather hunched over in the corner of the neighboring room munching on a femur bone while a dead slave, or rather their remnants all over the place. Since then, Christian is labeled a dangerous slave and is quarantined away from the rest- unintentionally isolating him even more so than before.

However, this too was temporary confinement, as full change allowed a freedom slavers were unprepared for. In an effort to lessen the work load and protect any further loss of ‘valuable assets’, it was decided he’d be used as a weapon. Subdued with fire and high powered voltage, Christian was collared with a product very similarly understood in modern day as a hybrid ‘shock collar/cone’. With all the same controls of a basic function, touching the collar resulted in punishment, and attempting to attack slavers or anyone else resulted in the same ‘electrotherapy’ as the slavers took to calling it to intentionally be condescending when threatening. There was a third ‘death’ button, but he was assured that would be an unlikely option.

It’s another day, Christian and the other slaves are gathered to one of many borders to dig trenches and do routine maintenance on the stone walls and towers to keep the peace. Due to the sheer size and gaudiness of the collar, Christian was handed a shovel to dig. The body is exhausted, and the collar was smoldering against the skin, a heavy metal that added unbearable weight to the shoulders and neck. Just one hour in, Christian is pausing and panting, and he knows asking for water would get him spat on, and so he sets down the shovel to squat by the trench he was helping dig out and drink the muddy water coming through.

Without warning, a heavy boot is pressed into the back as the body goes forward into the water. ‘You idiot! his collar!’ But it’s too late, the exposure to water short circuits, sending a few involuntary shocks through the body making him jolt and seize. The stress of getting wet through uncalled for punishment has him struggling to get out of the water with strained cries while the muscles spasm against the high voltage. Finally, gloved hands yank at his arms to pull him from the water, but the very moment the shocking ends, a split decision is made, and a shrill, inhuman cry echos through the encampment as arms suddenly elongate and crack.

‘He’s changing!’ ‘It won’t work, the collar got wet!’ ‘Move the slaves!! quickly!’ Within moments, screaming drowns out activity at the encampment, people struggling against their restraints, and slavers working to free anyone they could get their hands on before Christian could complete his change with the entire skeletal shape stretching and forcing the muscle shape to reconfigure and lean out or appear completely nonexistent. The eyes white out and lose natural fat in the face making the skull look sunken in or somewhere in mid-decomposition, with needle prick teeth jutting from the jowls like a piranha.

Leaping to its feet, people are still scrambling in all directions, there’s too much movement- and in a wild rampage easily massacres a good handful of slavers since it was known between fellow slaves to hold still, and so despite not all being free from their bonds, most remained unscathed. Gunfire soon echoes, buckshot, throwing the monstrous frame back several times over, but it only delayed the beast. Finally, flamethrowers forced Christian in his wild state to flee the encampment.. but at least he had his freedom.. now it was just a matter of waking up..
☠ Kyo [A] 1 year ago
@☠ Tomo The taste of the shapeshifter's blood on my lips pulls a hum out of me when your mouth connects to mine. I can't recall the last time that my lips had touched anyone else's like this, blood-stained and with a hunger unlike any other. I almost lose myself to it, the acrid taste mixed with your saliva coating my tongue as I slide it briefly between your lips; but teeth sinking into my flesh draw me back to reality. I swiftly - but gently - take my blood-coated hand and grab your face, pulling you off me. “Careful, now,” I say gruffly, “Don’t want to bite the hand that feeds you too hard, hm?” I the remnants of my blood from your lips in one swipe, then remove the hand that rests in your pants and use it to guide one of your hands down to my own hardening length. “If you’d like to thank me, there are other ways to do so.”
☠ Tomo [A] 1 year ago
@☠ Kyo I had, if not already, been swallowed up by the endless sea of dark abyss- drowned in the pleasure of simply eating my giften meal. However the barest touch of your hand just sank me deeper. Twisting my torso just enough, blooded hand cupped your cheek and soak dark lips had clashed against yours after you fed from me. I couldn't refrain from rolling my hips upwards into your tough touch wanting more friction. To me, I seen you as my provider, my God. All I wanted to do is worship you to give my thanks for my meal. Sharp teeth easily sunk into the bottom of your brim now and burst of warmth metallic filled my buds. I wanted more.
☠ Kyo [A] 2 years ago
@☠ Tomo My breath quietly rattled in my chest as I gazed upon you taking the organ into your mouth, my tongue unconsciously sliding along the crease of my lips, delighting in the sight as you began to gorge yourself. I couldn't help the faint smile that tugged at the corner of my mouth as you generously offered me the intestine.
A tiny seed of fondness crept its way into the pit of my heart, taking root somewhere in the darkened place that I had not fathomed would ever see light again after spending so much of my recent years in solitude. An offering from a starving ghoul, - a being thought by so many to be the very definition of MINDLESS... the proof of intelligence that so often went unnoticed by the other races that surrounded us - and sometimes even by our own kin...
Parting my lips, I the blood that coated the intestine, my eyes fluttering at the warm, metallic flavor. While I'd fed semi-recently (within the last week, or so), my body longed for the flesh after tasting it, and before long I began to chew at the substance, teeth shifting to their fanged form as I ate. A pleased hum rumbled in my throat while I continued to consume the offered portion, my hand rubbing at your growing through the fabric of your pants as your body into my touch. A few more bites and I found my hand slipping into your jeans after my hands had worked to undo the button and zip of them, one hand sliding beneath your underwear to run my calloused fingers along the bare skin of your .
☠ Tomo [A] 3 years ago
@☠ Kyo I seemed like I was lost in my own small world as I devoured flesh and bone. You, you left my mind until the every slightest touch of your nail upon my neck slowly gripped my throat. I felt the fleshy muscle struggle just barely to get by. Not another moment I felt your other hand slitter down to my crotch and palm my growing . As a response, a low gut grow vibrated from the depths my vocals. Your chilling voice cause a light shudder down my spine. You didn't have to tell me twice about eating. Shoving my hand into the dead shifter's now hollowed shell of his stomach, my hand tangled into the entrails slowly pulling out the intestine. I stuffed my face with the thick soaked like udon noodles then took the small intestine to bring to your lips. Meanwhile with your hand still at my crotch, my hips ed into it greedy for more touch.
☠ Kyo [A] 3 years ago
@☠ Tomo [You already know I'm drunk but i mean... hopefully this makes sense lol]

The way you ripped into the shifter, long claws of your slender fingers digging so deliciously into the man's throat, literally ripping his scream out of him was... a sight to behold, to put it in the simplest terms. I my lips, lower tier tucking between my teeth as I caught the hint of arousal through your jeans from where I stood.

All ghouls feed, this was true - but to watch someone so starved and depraved take what was rightfully theirs into their own hands, to FEED after having gone so long without a proper meal...

I hadn't expected to be quite THIS by the sight. Taking a life with my own hands was one thing, but watching a fellow ghoul do so... Well, that was another thing entirely.

I moved towards you, silently, almost like a moth to a flame. I sank down behind you, one hand snaking along your throat, nails scraping against it, absorbing the vibrations of your Adam's apple as you swallowed. My other hand, almost mindlessly, found its way to the front of your pants, palming at your crotch. "Keep eating," I said, voice laced with darkened notes of lust that I could not control.
☠ Tomo [A] 3 years ago
@☠ Kyo I didn't want to come for his throat just yet. I still need him screaming in pain. To brought music to my ears. Although like any sane person, it would've made anyone deaf. As the flesh and bones crushed between my horrid teeth, I felt the crunch of marrow which satisfied my senses. Only thing that could be perfect for this meal was a good blood wine. The screaming contined to ring through the damp cold cell and now I was getting annoyed. That's when a hand found its way to the shifter's neck and claws slowly punctured the skin. I felt the metallic blood stain pale fingers flowing down my hand and drip from my forearm. Nails brushed against the vocal chords until they were cut. In the next second the shifter became quiet. It's something about taking someone's life by the cruellist means that sparked arousal in slim cut up jeans. I couldn't calm myself down even if I wanted too yet I was so fixed on this now deceased shifter.
☠ Kyo [A] 3 years ago
@☠ Tomo I finally allowed a grin to spread across my features, pleased with the sight before me. There was something immensely satisfying about watching you give into your primal urge to feed. The scene was...arousing, in a way. I posted up against the wall behind you, giving you space to enjoy your meal, the echoes of bones crunching and ripping of flesh providing me with a sense leading me to wonder how long it must have been since your last decent meal. My twitched in the confines of my slacks, the side of my thumb grazing at its outline, eyes still locked onto you feasting. Pride swelled in my chest, knowing that I had provided you with something essential to your existence - and the power that came with that only magnified my arousal.
☠ Tomo [A] 3 years ago
@☠ Kyo I felt you driving us somewhere and all I can do, despite my combating thoughts, was to trust you in guiding to where ever you spoke of. Hopeful I can fully believe and trust you, I didn't speak, protest or even had a series of questions. I am a man with only a few words and conversation isn't my strength. Only actions, sometimes violent, expressed what I thought instead of words. Selective mute I think it's called.
Once we got to the destentation, I followed to the sounds of your footsteps and your scent. I can hear the doors opening, closing and locking behind me. I made a mental note of my surrondings. A unfamilar scent flooded my nose and the sounds of snuffling and whimpers filled my ear drums.
Once I could regain my sight, I first observed the chamber walls surrounding us then my black darken eyes fell onto the shaken shifter. I turned to you then back to the shifter. I was right to trust you afterfall.
With that, I didn't hestitate. Walking closer to the frighten male, I smelled his fear radiating from him. I hate this is delicious. It was addicting seeing their life flesh before their eyes. I knelt down and began my fest by expanding my jaw. The tiers broke exposing a huge row of shark like teeth both top and bottom. I take a good chuck of the shifters shoulder as he screamed in terror and pain. I didn't care. I was satifying myself and my hunger.
☠ Kyo [A] 3 years ago
@⚜ Andy Blossom [H] ⇋ ‘Freedom…’? Kyo mulled the specific word that the woman had repeated over in his mind. Suddenly the woman was approaching him, seemingly fully coherent, causing him to tilt his head ever so slightly in curiosity. Her demeanor had shifted from someone who looked ready to devour him whole with complete disregard to whom he may be, to an entirely different person who wanted her position to be very clearly understood and was entirely capable of communicating what she required. The ghoul stifled a chuckle at the threat of the young woman taking food if he did not give it to her. She was a feistier sort than he’d seen in quite some time, and he couldn’t deny that he was both amused and maybe a little impressed. The man gave a brief nod of his head, acknowledging the woman’s wishes. “Alright, then. I will lead you to food, and I will not blind fold you.” He continued on, raising a single finger up to her as a warning, “But don’t take this gesture for granted. Should you decide that taking, rather than being given what you seek, is the way to go, I will assure you that you will deeply regret it.” He leaned in a bit closer, though still keeping a healthy distance between the two of them. “And believe me when I say that I don’t take threats - nor give them - lightly.” Returning to his upright neutral position, he adjusted his jacket over his shoulders. “Now, come. The authorities have already been alerted about your presence here, and I doubt you want to create more problems for yourself.”

There was a silence as he led the woman to his motorcycle and offered the side car seat to her. “Go on, sit down.”
☠ Yoon Sanha ¥✔ 3 years ago
@დ Hong Euijin Sanha sighed as he walked through the muk just jumping onto rock from rock as he moved across the swap as he was used to it by now, but he always didn't like it that much. He was traveling back from heleo just to not be around so many people - plus the urge to eat flesh and raw meat other than pig and other animals was getting a bit bad until he ate something which he had something. He didn't like though to eat that around others though. It would make what happened to him real if others saw right? He walked down teh swap bank just holding his trunk on his back as he walked just finding a good spot to hunker down and eat. He pulled his pack off his back as he opened it up taking out a small container, chopsticks, and shut the container. He sat down on the box, pulling up his black hood over his ears as his tail circled around the box. He crossed his legs as he opened up the container of raw meat - whatever meat it was Sanha would never tell as he picked up a piece just eating.


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higuruma 1 week ago
heya! can i reserve kim yerim pls?
direraven 1 week ago
can i request lee taemin as merfolk please?
bvbbles 2 weeks ago
Can I please have Ok Taecyeon as a vampire?
Keepyouwarm 4 weeks ago
is it possible to get Choi Seunghyun as he is before ( a demon)? Thank you
direraven 1 month ago
can i reserve hongjoong as my second please?
SeHYUNG 1 month ago
Been eyeing this place for a bit. I checked the wishlist, but it seems pretty dated. Any updated wishes? Male muses pref.
Keepyouwarm 2 months ago
Can i please have mackenyu arata as a human? (Second character)
direraven 2 months ago
can I reserve Lalisa Manobal as a shapeshifter please?
eliriegrow 3 months ago
hey, can i please have kwon eunbi (eunbi) added and reserved?
Midnight_Muse 5 months ago
this rp still exists XD
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