
"Be careful - not all those who lurk in the shadows are kind."

⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 5 days ago
@❦ Kim Hyo-jong ¥✔ Her footsteps comes to a halt in the alleyway. Her black orbs on standby around her as clouds above them roar to life out of no where. Emily remember this. She remembered the way his emotion reflect into the sky threatening the surrounding with a storm. "I thought you have found her already." She jogged to catch up to him. Being only 5'2" didn't help with trying to catch up with Dawn. "But then...we were working on missing people files at the press, that's when it dawned on me, no one had seen anyone in Heleo. Poof. Disappeared out of thin air." Not only that, Emi had also realized that no matter how hard she's been trying to heal No Man's land, the rate at its decay was faster which did not make sense to her. "Dawn, there's something seriously going on here and if that meant needing to find your sister...making sure that Jieun is alive, then it, take my money." She was getting anxious....maybe a little paranoid. With a deep exhale, Emi sighed. "Please Dawn. I want to help. You guys are literally the cloestest thing I have to family when yall found me."
❦ Kim Hyo-jong ¥✔ [A] 1 week ago
@⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  The sound of your footsteps on the cobblestone caught my attention. Frustrated, I released a long breath and rolled my eyes, growing tired of this ridiculous conversation. I walked the narrow alley way driving my hands into the confines of my cloak as it would aid stifling the rage brewing within me. “Yea, yea even more concerning that you haven’t even lifted a finger to find her. A pretty piss poor way of showing her your gratitude.” The sky above was filled with dark swirling clouds, and a strong gust of wind howled through the narrow pathway, signaling the approach of a storm. My anger prevented me from acknowledging your presence, so I kept my eyes fixed ahead, letting another uncomfortable silence fill the space between us.
დ Lalisa Manobal 1 month ago
@დ Kang Daesung The growl to Daesung’s stomach didn’t go unnoticed. In fact she chuckled softly at it before looking around at their surroundings. “Alright,” She began and tugged him into the direction of a small diner. “This will be our first stop.” Lisa had made the decision so quickly by herself. She was used to it afterall. It’s not always easy to lead a bunch of warriors into battle. Especially if they are hard headed and drunk on ale and women. Lisa sat down near the window of the diner. Daesung sat across from her and she waited for the waiter to bring over the menus. Silver bright hues loomed over the menu, trying to decide on what sounded the best to eat. Lips pursued as nature on the deciding factor. “I’m thinking of something like lamb. What do you think?”
დ Kang Daesung 2 months ago
@დ Lalisa Manobal A mild gust of wind swept through the alleyway and the clouds began to roll over head. The first signs of an impeding rain shower. The tinker pondering a place of nearby refuge and mild entertainment wouldn't hurt. It had been a long time since he'd done something so well, spontaneous he was fumbling thinking on hiss toes, as a result his stomach answered for him. A low grumble as he placed his hand to silence it.
დ Lalisa Manobal 2 months ago
@დ Kang Daesung Walking out of the tavern with the man's hand in hers, Lisa adventured out in town and taking in what Central had to offer. She had let go of Daesung's hand just to drop them down to her sides. "Is there a favorite place that you go to around here, Daesung? We can probably just start there. Or if you're hungry, take me to your favorite place to eat."
[post deleted by owner]
დ Jung Nicole [A] 1 year ago
@〄 Jeon Jungkook Her senses spiked up as she felt the other presence in the room. Even in the state that she was in, her body was ready to fight or flight, making her blood shot eye rapidly opened and her nails growing long into dagger like length. "Who......what do you want?" She can barely choked out as one of her nail pressed against the other's neck ready to dig in if needed.
♆ Karina 1 year ago
@♅ Go Yoon Jung *Sighs*
Why do you want to follow me?
*turns to you and squints*
I mean, seriously...
♅ Go Yoon Jung 1 year ago
@♆ Karina /laughes and stick her toungue out.
where are you goingg
♆ Karina 1 year ago
@♅ Go Yoon Jung *Cranes my neck to look at you again*
♅ Go Yoon Jung 1 year ago
@♆ Karina i see..
/chew on cheek
because u smell funny
♆ Choi Seunghyun 1 year ago
@☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ As far as he can remember, the man is more with it. The man’s sanity intact and begging Seunghyun to save him from his misery or better yet give him a chance to survive. The obssessive commentary to leave carcass alone made him chuckle. “Fool. I’m not here for your lousy meal.” The demon took a step forward and levelled himself to meet the man’s gaze. Quick to draw his dagger out, the sound of souls crying for help filled the air as the clouds heavily drowned out the moonlight. His eyes glow in yellow hue in contrast with his vampire vessel. he lifted his hand and across the man’s right arm, cutting him a little deeper to convey he is there for him. “Now, do I have your attention?”
〄 Jeon Jungkook 1 year ago
@დ Jung Nicole *by now, i was back home and I went into the room and opened the door to the other and looked at the being on the floor. Looks around the room that I left and then came back to a long-haired person in it's way. Looking around for the creature. While looking, I found a body of a female. moving closer to the female, I crouch down looking at her seeing who she was*
დ Jung Nicole [A] 1 year ago
@〄 Jeon Jungkook Her shadow friend stayed against the wall, watching her in her most vulnerable state. Memories of her past flashed against their eyes. From the constant time she's gotten hurt to the day she bloodied her hands after the assault. Her arms hugged her bare self tighter, almost crying out both in pain and from her memories. Her hair grew longer, shielding her as she toss and turn a bit.
〄 Jeon Jungkook 1 year ago
@დ Jung Nicole *Arriving back to my 'place' of living. I watched the food, aiming through the direction that was known. My mind went to the tiny creature and i heard a bell behind me. Stopping, my ears ring along with the bell and a quick turn of my head and i looked at a male walking with the bell that jingled. my orbs following the person from where he walked until he disappeared behind a building. Watching, I looked at him and raised a brow moving towards the way. Getting to that way, I looked down the alleyway only to find the male gone. What many would call curiosity took me over and I scanned the area to have no sign of a body. my gaze went back in the direction of 'home'. Walks back home. It wasn't anything or really looked like much. But it was a place i felt 'warm'. so, i walked till i gotten to it*
დ Jung Nicole [A] 1 year ago
@〄 Jeon Jungkook As her body heal, the bandages starts to feel a little tighter as her body starts to want to shift back into her regular self. Thankful that she was still in so much pain from healing, Nicole drifted in an out of consciousness, only barely making out when he said she was lucky. The amount of luck she did come across was truly mind boggling. No matter how much danger she puts herself into when she run through natural disasters, she always manages to come out okay. And in this moment, she's thankful for the kind stranger that took pity on her cat form. She owe it to them now. She didn't know how long her savior was gone, but all she knew was in the process of how fast her body kicked into gear from healing, she manages to break out of the bandages laying there in a fetal position, her bruises and cuts displayed better in her human form still unconscious.
〄 Jeon Jungkook 1 year ago
@დ Jung Nicole *having addressing her wounds, I looked her over and nodded when I was done. Looking back at the male who came to take a look at you. They spoke about giving you pain medicine and keeping the antibiotics. Processing the information needed, I looked at him and a small nod of his words, You were bandage so the regeneration process was unknown. Not so much time inside, I tilted my head* You are. 'lucky' little one. *says while closing the door. hearing your stomach earlier on in the helping process, I decided to go out to get you something to eat. After all, the body needs to feed to heal and to function properly. Unknown what animals eat. I brought a steak. Something that was told to get when one was hurt. Steak. So, that's what was purchased.*
♆ Huang Mi Ni ¥ 1 year ago
/ my lips after snacking on a yummy looking man I dragged in here from the streets
/small, cute ladies can be predators too
დ Jung Nicole [A] 1 year ago
@〄 Jeon Jungkook Her injured limped body rested against the other as he picked her up and took her away from the scene. It'll be good for her. At least in this sense, she's not out here dying on the street. Bless this kind hearted soul who took pity over an injured animal. Thank goodness her quick thinking shifted her to this cat form. Nicole wasn't sure how long it was, but judging from the comfort of her shadow buddy, her body started to regenerate slowly as she felt safe enough in this stranger's home. The smaller wounds closes slowly and if one was to pay attention, they can see a light shadow hovering over those wounds.
⥈ Fukutomi Tsuki 1 year ago
@☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ It was late, possibly the early hours of the morning but Tsuki rarely paid attention to time. The only thing that told her when to go home was the drowsiness when she got too tired, and the pain in her feet from the impractical shoes that she thought looked so pretty.
Now was the time and as she stepped out of the building, she inhaled the cold night air and ran her hands through her hair, messing up the small braids in the front of her hair that some pleasant but pushy fairy had done for her. Then she bent down, unfastening her shoes and slipping them off and placing them into a bag slung lazily over her shoulder. She pulled her dark blue jacket closed, fastening the buckle of it's belt closed at her waist before checking her skirt hadn't got caught up in her jacket and smoothed it out.
Then she was more than happy to take herself home, turning down onto the alleyway humming a tune to herself as she walked down it, paying little attention to the lack of other people in the area.

(I just realised my posted this without tagging you)
⥈ Fukutomi Tsuki 1 year ago
It was late, possibly the early hours of the morning but Tsuki rarely paid attention to time. The only thing that told her when to go home was the drowsiness when she got too tired, and the pain in her feet from the impractical shoes that she thought looked so pretty.
Now was the time and as she stepped out of the building, she inhaled the cold night air and ran her hands through her hair, messing up the small braids in the front of her hair that some pleasant but pushy fairy had done for her. Then she bent down, unfastening her shoes and slipping them off and placing them into a bag slung lazily over her shoulder. She pulled her dark blue jacket closed, fastening the buckle of it's belt closed at her waist before checking her skirt hadn't got caught up in her jacket and smoothed it out.
Then she was more than happy to take herself home, turning down onto the alleyway humming a tune to herself as she walked down it, paying little attention to the lack of other people in the area.
❦ Kim Hyo-jong ¥✔ [A] 1 year ago
@⥈ Ahn Hee-yeon ¥✔ My hand holds onto the tunnel's edge, and my chest heaves, attempting to restore the oxygen in my lungs. Dark clouds dance into the sky. Apart from the discarded trash bags from a nearby diner, there was no other presence in the hallway. A gust of wind roared through the narrow pathway, warning of an impending storm. Raindrops tapping the pavement soon formed small puddles creating beautiful ripples. I turned to you when you guested handling my tab. "Who says I wanted it taken care of?"

I push myself off the wall turning my attention fully to you. My tongue slightly runs over my tier, along with a light sniffle. Beautiful sapphire eyes distract me, momentarily derailing my former thought. "Besides, this way is more fun. Isn't it?" I smile in a seemingly innocent manner.
☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Choi Seunghyun Christian is hardly registering what the figure before him is on about, although he registers the spit to the ground, and the expression of distaste when the face is revealed. Unusual, the last time he'd seen this stranger, there was a lot more poise.. restraint even. Still, as the man stepped forward, the ghoul is quick to scurry a few feet back and bark obsessive commentary that this was his food, and he will eat it, and it was no one else's. All the while he's still chewing and trying to eat the bloody muscle, and groaning in response to the supposed question, which outright- looked completely ignored in favor of eating. Not only was the action in itself grotesque, but the noises sounded sensual in nature, that this wasn't just a need to feed, but something that went beyond it.
〄 Jeon Jungkook 1 year ago
@დ Jung Nicole *time came and went as the sun was setting. In fact the sun did set. Walking down the streets, of this newly found place. That I would now have to call home, the images scaning its way into storage so i would know a route upon the next go round. Thinking, i walked down a street unfamilar and seeming hiw i wouldnget home. I follow the path. Clouds roaming abobe. Looking up, i calculated there would be a 75 percent chance of rain. I needed to get home, but walking past a building. My hearing senese kicked in when hearing a small thump, i stopped walking looking down the way the noise sounded. My orbs roamed and ii scanned the area, stopping when my senses caught hold of the smallness. Walking down the small walkway, following where i processed something laying on the ground. Computing what it was. My indicators said it was a cat and was badly wounded, * hello there cat. You are hurt. And i will take you home with me, *i sighed* who would do such a thing? *picks you up holding you closely to my body* lets go home,
დ Jung Nicole [A] 1 year ago
@〄 Jeon Jungkook She didn't know why she choose to go this route. How did she even got her in the first place. All Nicole know was that she was not in the right place at the right time. Shifting was her only was to save herself before someone catches her and hurt her even more. Using what's left of her energy, Nicole shifted into a domesticated cat once she rounded the corner. With enough space put between the situation, she found herself getting light headed from the loss of blood. 'Oh no....' Her cat body collapse against the alley wall, barely hidden from sight as her body attempt to regenerate itself. She can't recall the last time how long it took her. She was on her own now.
⥈ Ahn Hee-yeon ¥✔ 1 year ago
@❦ Kim Hyo-jong ¥✔ Actually running away from a crime scene hit her with such nostalgia, the last time she'd done it she had been just a child with her siblings back on the Forgotten Islands, getting into trouble just for the sake of it. It didn't give her quite the same childish thrill as it had back then, but her heart was still racing and she still found herself laughing when they came to a stop under a bridge. With the rain starting to fall above them, it was probably one of the nicer moments she'd had since she'd come to Heleo. "You could have let me handle it." She said, amused but she was honestly okay with how this turned out. The color of her eyes darkened into a deep sapphire and seemed to glow with an inner light, and the rain began to pick up as the clouds grew darker above them. "A little incentive not to chase us further."
❦ Kim Hyo-jong ¥✔ [A] 1 year ago
@⥈ Ahn Hee-yeon ¥✔ All I could hear was the sound of our fleeting footsteps tapping the cobblestone street as we ran under the dim lighting. Dodging and weaving through the crowd, I did my best to quarter my speed in fear of losing you amongst the locals. Or worst, accidentally dismembering your arm from your socket if I speed at max capacity. “Stop there, you damn thieves!” The owner shouted behind us in the distance. A smile ripples across my face, knowing from the beginning that the man had no chance of catching me. With a quick right turn her and two lefts down a few empty alleyways, I finally find a staff stops to seek temporary refuge. I take your hand, tugging you close to me, waiting a moment or two underneath a bridge underpass. My breath was steady, and a smile was staged on my face stalking a glance around the corner. The smell of rainwater tickles my nose when I notice small droplets of rain tapping against the concrete. A light small breeze courses through the tunnel of the overpass. Citizens began to take cover from the impending storm. “I think we’re all gone,” I say, still peeking around the corner.
♆ Choi Seunghyun 1 year ago
@☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ [] let me know if this is all good ^_^

“Disgusting.” The word that resonates from the demon’s lips when he was welcomed by by the man gorging a heart. The rusty smell of crimson blood- a life has been taken away so quickly. “You’re disgusting.” Seunghyun spat on the ground when the ghoul looked over his direction. His lips curled up, nose scrunched as He pulled the hood back, revealing the face of the doctor who the creature encountered in the winter solstice celebration. The demon took a step forward towards the man, unshaken. A side-grin slowly forming on his face, staring at the latter. “Not bad. Though I hope that’s someone with a promising future.. Perhaps a young lad or lassie. So…” There was a paused when he glanced at his face. The demon chuckled in mockery “I’m here to collect.” His hand gripping the dagger he carries around. “A 100 years of service or lose a limb or two?”
♦ Christopher Bang 1 year ago
@დ Kim Youngkyun ¥✔ How... peculiar. This man was seemingly expecting the end of his blade. Well... not expecting it, per say - more like it seemed like he was anticipating it. Craving it, almost. In Vagabond's history of going after all sorts of people for all sorts of reasons, never has he ever came across someone so eager for the kiss of death that they would willingly surrender themselves to him. Most of his targets spent their last moments absolutely terrified of him and of what ultimately made them meet their end. The other half of his targets pleaded with him to spare them with false promises of change and development. But this one, though... this one seemed much too exhausted with the life he was stuck living and wanted a way out.

The marvelous heat under his palm was radiating from Youngkyun. He could feel it through his gloves, which were supposed to be heat resistant. The assassin instantly recognized this smoldering heat as the lingering flames of a phoenix. A firebird, bound to the fate of rising from its own ashes to start anew instead of entering whatever heaven they believed in. Some people craved the "blessing" of immortality. Others knew the damage that it could cause, how lonely and miserable it could be. Vagabond was a merely a mortal and his life was being monitored on a clock that could stop ticking at any given second. Youngkyun, however, didn't have that and it looked as if he had finally grown tired of never being able to be at peace.

How... peculiar.

The assassin retracted his weapon slowly and releases his hold, letting the other drop to the pavement in a heap at his feet. Vagabond stared down at him, the mask preventing Youngkyun from seeing any features or any sort of reaction he had. Mysterious and silent. Then, after a few beats, he turns around and he starts walking down the alleyway. He didn't kill Youngkyun. In fact he had sheathed his weapon before making his leave. His fingers flex outwards as he called upon the Shadows that lingered around them, beckoning them to consume him. All of the darkness that lingered in the alleyway suddenly began moving towards the mage like a magnet, wrapping his entire figure in his endless abyss and then - gone. He was gone. Vagabond, having used his Shadow magic to teleport elsewhere, had refused to finish the job and instead let his target go free. He let Youngkyun live.
[post deleted by owner]


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higuruma 1 week ago
heya! can i reserve kim yerim pls?
direraven 1 week ago
can i request lee taemin as merfolk please?
bvbbles 2 weeks ago
Can I please have Ok Taecyeon as a vampire?
Keepyouwarm 4 weeks ago
is it possible to get Choi Seunghyun as he is before ( a demon)? Thank you
direraven 1 month ago
can i reserve hongjoong as my second please?
SeHYUNG 1 month ago
Been eyeing this place for a bit. I checked the wishlist, but it seems pretty dated. Any updated wishes? Male muses pref.
Keepyouwarm 2 months ago
Can i please have mackenyu arata as a human? (Second character)
direraven 2 months ago
can I reserve Lalisa Manobal as a shapeshifter please?
eliriegrow 3 months ago
hey, can i please have kwon eunbi (eunbi) added and reserved?
Midnight_Muse 5 months ago
this rp still exists XD
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