basic information
posted 3 hrs ago
full name
henry cavill
physical age
39 years
bartender, lounge musician
date of birth
may 5th 1275
biological age
747 years
nocturne city
shapeshifting — while bondless, henry is able to shapeshift into earthly animals at will. once bonded to another, he will 'settle' into the form that most suits his master.
teleportation — able to slip through dimensional pockets and holes, henry can seemingly vanish behind a wall and appear in another location.
subcategory — empathy teleportation; henry is aware of his masters/mistresses location at all times.
empathy — as a familiar, henry is keenly aware of others emotional states. in the case of his master/mistress, he is able to take on their emotional state as well as their emotional and physical injuries.
minor magics — if his master/mistress is powerful enough, henry is able to draw on their magical ability for minor spells.
bond empowerment — applicable only to his master, henry's immediate presence can strengthen his master/mistress.
telepathy — can communicate mentally with his master/mistress regardless of distance.
conditional mortality — despite his centuries old age and relatively youthful appearance, henry is still mortal and can be killed by mortal means(weapons, disease, etc).
conduit limitations — as henry more or less relies on a master or mistress to use magic, the only magic that is solely his is his shapeshifting.
empathic injury— henry, whether willingly or unwillingly, takes on his masters/mistresses injuries and illnesses.
magical consumption— henry relies on the consumption of magic to survive. without, he slowly starves to death.
cornwall, england
cornwall, england
current residence
nocturne city
english, french, latin, attic-ionic greek, korean, old norse
r. orientation
s. orientation
love interest
none as of yet
out of character
writing style
descriptive, casual
writing length
now playing
posted 3 hrs ago
I Am Kloot
Northern Skies
about me
posted 5 hrs ago
Keeping this simple for now.
to be fleshed out later.
— born in the late 13th century into british peerage.
— grew up spoiled and rotten, was almost joffrey from game of thrones level bad. never really grew out of the ty personality as he got older, instead he became more and more selfish, wanting to become a duke and, eventually, king of the british isles.
— he was a cruel leader to his subjects, and was tolerated by his fellow peerage due to his influence and financially savvy ways(lavish parties and grand feasts were common at his estate)
— Henry, at 39 and no closer to becoming duke, would become desparate and seek out a cunning folk(a witch). What he didn't realise what that she was one of his subjects and had personally been subjected to his cruelty so she promised "not what you want, but what you might need. But you need, might not be what you want."
— Now, gotta be honest here, Henry was the not the sharpest arrow in the quiver and accepted the wish, believing that what he truly needed was to be all powerful. Instead he would receive what he needed; a healthy dose of reality. No, ok, he was turned into his worst(at the time) nightmare: the ultimate servant, a familiar of the witch who had cursed him.
— He was magically bound to the witch for the next century and her treatment of him was none too kind. She would eventually be killed by being burnt on the pyre and Henry would make his escape. But being a familiar without a master was bearable to torture and he would wander aimlessly for the next decade, slowly starving to death without a new master or mistress.
— Henry would bond with a new magic user, one who awoke something in him and they would become companions, partners, and even something more. He was loyal to his bond partner, whom he would travel the world with for the next 400 years until he failed to protect them from death. A mistake that Henry would never forgive himself for.
— His wandering the world would become some what of a punishment, one where he barely kept himself alive as punishment. Idk maybe he had an epiphany or something but after a couple decades of this, when he had run out of magic, Henry would realise his former love wouldn't want him to hurt himself like this so when he got word of a city full of magic people, Henry knew that he would likely find a new maste or mistress there.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
posted 7 hrs ago
posted 8 hrs ago
— likes
the scent of dried herbs and spices — dark coloured spirits — roaring fireplaces — acoustic and folk music — icy water — decadent food — late night walks, especially through isolated locations such as the forest, mountains, during the witching hour, etc — christmas.
— dislikes
poor quality or bland food and drink — unnecessary violence — confined spaces — awkward small talk — industrialisation and pollution — movies and tv shows that are too dark (like, literally too dark. the screen is basically black) — 'magicians' aka non magic users pretending to be magical — inaccurate history.
— hobbies
swimming in frozen oceans and lakes — cooking — reading from his collection of ancient manuscripts — antiquing — travelling the world — repairing vintage technology.
— talents
language translation — playing the acoustic guitar and the piano — runic magic — telling the age of the whiskey he's drinking — cooking; especially winter based food — horseback riding.
— goals
to find a new master or mistress.
posted 9 hrs ago
out of character
posted 10 hrs ago
tag here
Coming soon. Please see summary below:
— i'm a busy person ooc, do not expect me to be able to reply everyday please. me disappearing for a few days(esp tuesdays through thursdays) is common. if you need to poke me, please give it maybe 10 days before doing so.
— i am ok with basically anything and everything(sans the standard rpr limits).
— feel free to ask me for a re-write.
— i don't wing plots, i need some sort of direction or a goal in mind.
— you can god mod henry as long as it makes sense to the story; but don't control his speech or his emotions.