× heart of ice。

out of character

Read Before You Approach Me

FOR PLOTTING. You don't need to do brackets because I don't normally write in personal PMs; however, if we decide to take a more mature thread in there, I am more than capable of discerning what is and isn't OOC talk. Still, if it would be easier for you, I'm happy to introduce brackets.

For Oasis, I intend to follow the main thread/storyline and then have low-key, slow-paced plots for wish fulfilment and character development on the side.

With these side threads, I love plotting and prefer a combination of winging and plotting when roleplaying. Having a rigid storyline can be a little restrictive but I also find completely winging things can be a little 'choice overload'. I prefer to have either an end goal or a series of plot points to work towards, however I will be as flexible as possible.

TIME ZONE & PACE. My time zone is GMT+10, and I'm quite slow to reply. I'm being a hypocrite by joining this RP (how could I not?) when I am supposed to be on hiatus. I work six days a week, and there will be days when I'm completely braindead from work. If you're going to roleplay with me, you need to be aware that there will be times when I disappear on you thread-wise. Do not RP with me if that will be a problem.

As I expect some courtesy with pacing given my situation, you can be rest assured that you will be given the same! If there is a two-week break between replies and no OOC notice has been provided, I will send you a check-in. This message is not a poke! It's purely for me to make sure you're still interested in the plot regardless of when/if you intend to respond, and I will leave it at that. Please take your time, and never feel pressured to respond to me, as I am more than understanding of real life situations delaying things.

Real life is more important than RPR.

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. Mun and muse are both of age ( 25 and 21 respectively ) and I am very open to NSFW threads.

Violence(mild or graphic), death, and other similarly TW/CW-related content is ok with me for threads; the more realistic, the better, as long as it's not gratuitous.

WRITING STYLE. My main writing style is para to multipara, with the odd novella on occasion. Typically, my novella-style replies are starters because I enjoy using background context.

I'm more than comfortable doing script.

It has been a while since I've written, so I'm not quite where I used to be. My struggle is with telling rather than showing. I apologise in advance if my reply comes across as bland; if this is the case, or there's something else you're not happy with, you are more than welcome to ask for a re-write and give me (polite) guidance.

GENRE LIMITS. Everything goes except for three topics: CP, necrophilia, and . However, I'd be very surprised if any of these topics came up.
The Basics

General Trivia

  • Full Name: Kai Kamal Huening.
  • Alias(es): TBD (romantic pet names to be confirmed with other roleplayers).
  • Date of Birth: 14th August 2002 (Age 21).
  • Zodiac Sign: Mermaid (magix) — Leo (earth).
  • Place of Birth: Dyamond, Magix Realm.
  • Current Location: Alveria Academy, Alveria.
  • Education: Alveria Academy of Magic (current) — Alfea (former).
  • Known Languages: Common.
  • Occupation: Student (full-time) — Socialite (full-time).

Character Trivia

  • Character Inspiration: Lae’Zel (BG3), Elsa (Frozen) & Mikasa Ackerman (SNK).
  • Race: Faerie.
  • Nationality: Androssian.
  • Rank: Nobility (upper).
  • Title: Faerie of Frost.
  • Faerie Level: Enchantix (tbd, dependent on other muns).
  • Faerie Form: design by @iridescenttides on deviantart.
    • Magic Winx / Charmix — Replace the shorts with pants and remove the moob window. Everything else stays the same.
    • Enchantix — Replace the skirt with harem-style pants to match the material texture; the pants meld into the filigree-metal shoes. The top becomes a halter-style crop top, removing the necklace and earrings. The teardrop crown stairs, although it sits 'under' his hair rather over it. Everything else stays the same.
  • Abilities:
    • Cryokinesis — The ability to create and manipulate all things related to ice and cold temperatures. Kai's ability over all things cold extends over snow, frost, and in a more powerful way- atoms.
      "Nature? Fire? Chaotic and untamed. Ice has structure. Is latticed. Ice is light as a feather, and as big as a glacier. In ice, there is power."
    • Memory Reading — Through physical touch, Kai is able to enter and view the memories of other individuals with perfect clarity. While he cannot manipulate or alter what he sees in any kind of way, he can pull lost ideas and memories from a persons subconcious- helping them recover forgotten or lost things. When in his Enchantix form, Kai is able to draw out environmental, historical memory, etc., by touching something important to the person. This works best with ice or personal affects.
      "Ice has memory."
    • Sensation Immunity (Temporary, under the impression it is permanent) — Immunity to all types of physical, and some mental, sensation. Kai lacks the ability to feel things such as pain and physical discomfort, but also the cold(also a subset of his cryokinesis), scent, itchiness, pleasure, etc.
      "We've been right beside each other all this time. But I don't know what your skin feels like."
  • Weaknesses:
    • Sensation Immunity — His lack of sensation does not protect against physical damage. If anything, Kai is more vulnerable as he can't sense when he's at his limit, and keep going until forcibly stopped or is physically unable too; this could mean being unable to move due to broken limbs, passing out, or even death. The only sensation that Kai can feel is heat.
    • Heat Sensitivity — A severe intolerance to heat, made worse by his cursed heart. As an ice faerie, Kai is already weak to hot environments and fire magic, and cannot withstand being near sources of heat for too long without becoming weak. While cursed, even lukewarm temperatures feel like searing heat to him, and Kai cannot tolerate the touch of others- as their body heat burns him(the only sensation he can feel).
    • Dead / Frozen Heart — Although able to function (relatively) normally, Kai's heart is cursed, and is considered 'dead'. His heart has been frozen ever since a childhood trauma, making him unable to feel positive emotions and devoid of compassion. He has avoided becoming a witch by focusing on more neutral feelings- such as peace and balance through the encouragement of his family.

Romantic Trivia

  • Love Language (receiving): Physical Touch.
  • Love Language (giving): Words of affirmation — Acts of service.
  • Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic.
  • ual Orientation: Homoual.
  • Relationship Status: TBC.

    !!ual Content Warning!!
  • Position: Switch.
  • Dynamic: Verse (will vary depending on character dynamic between Kai and your mun).
  • Intimacy Style: Intense, rough, especially if on the receiving end. Will lessen as the story progresses and his heart begins to thaw, as he becomes able to feel again.
  • Stamina: High. As he can't feel things like physical pleasure, Kai doesn't feel anything from /intimacy and can't .
  • Favoured Position(s): Riding — Doggy Style — Missionary.
  • Kinks (Loves): Kissing, tongues — Hands, fingers — Grinding, frottage — play — s, rimming, face-ing/sitting — Edging — Temperature Play (when no longer cursed) — Exposure — Humiliation — Massage — Visible Arousal (on others, especially romantic partners) — Semi-public and intimacy — Blindfolds — Voyeurism and exhibitionism (romantic partners only) — Body worship — , prefers degradation over praise — Pet names — Light body retraints — Lingerie (on others) — Overstimulation — Possessiveness — Wet 'n' messy (saliva, sweat, etc., from the act) — worship — Mirrors, reflection — Mutual ion.

Appearance Trivia

  • Height: 183 cm (6’0″).
  • Weight: 67 kg (148 lbs).
  • Hair Colour: Silvery blonde, almost white. Originally black.
  • Eye Colour: Pale blue. Originally warm brown.
  • Skin Colour: Cool-tone, doesn't tan but burns very easily.
  • Piercings:
    • None
  • Tattoos:
    • None
  • Scars: All of Kai's scars come from past accidents as a child or teenager, and have healed well but some of the more serious ones have remained.
    • Various scars from combat all over his body.
    • A star-shaped scar over his heart.
  • Personal Aesthetic:
The Story

Part I


family tree
Click here to explore Kai's immediate family.

Part II

Chapter I
chapter II

✶ ⁞   trigger warning tbd.

chapter III

The Vibes

Moral Alignment
A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs him. Order and organisation are paramount to him. He may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or he may believe in order for all and favour a strong, organised government.
Current Strengths: Level-headed — Unbiased — Confident.

Likes: Being outside in the cold, especially when snowing or raining — The colours white, pale blue and teal — Sleeping in — The first snow fall of the year — Crystals, gems and minerals — Noodle dishes (finds them fun to eat) — Horror, thriller movies — Magnolia flowers — Books — Petrified and preserved objects — .
Current Weaknesses: Perfectionist — Arrogant — Apathetic — Blunt — Frosty — Lacks personal drive and motivation — Judgemental — Intolerant — Ruthless — Handles other peoples and his own emotions poorly.

Dislikes: Heat, fire, summer, all things associated with spring/summer — Witches — People who get too personal far too quick — Having his personal space invaded without permission — Mess — The beach — .
Hobbies & Habits
Hobbies: Reading — Exercising, likes to do calisthenics, martial arts or swimming — Watching movies and tv shows — Challenging himself physically—Visiting realms in Magix — Tanning — Horseback riding  — Combat training.

Bad Habits: Leaves his clothes on the floor, and won't pick them up unless somebody forces him too — Doesn't get angrily easily but reacts badly to having his buttons pushed(anxiety attacks, panic attacks, lashing out, etc.) — Picks at his cuticles when agitated — Forgets that others aren't mind readers, and that he needs to verbally express his wants/needs — He grinds his teeth in his sleep, it's worse when he stressed, frustrated or angry — Has an RBF(resting face) — Rips/shreds paper, tissues, leaves, etc., if holding them.
Secrets & Fears
Secrets They'll Share: None. Kai is an open book to the people he's allowed into his social circle and doesn't keep secrets. Outside of- you know- the ones he does keep.

Secrets Kept to Themself: Wouldn't you like to know?

Known Fears: Letting others too close to his heart and trusting the wrong people with it(has experienced this before).
misc info
aka stuff i couldn't fit into his profile.
Character Quirks: Is ambidextrous — Kai does not smile or laugh (he and all those around him put it down to him being a negative person but the reality is: he physically can't do either of those things and won't be able too until he falls in love) — Sweats easily — 
One of his most treasured possessions is a pearl and shell bracelet made by a Mermaid friend back on Andros. This is the same friend who gave him the tattoo on his back. —  Walks with a very stiff posture, and finds it hard to relax unless he's completely alone — Knows how to play the piano proficiently — Has never played a video game before in his life(his head would probably explode, after all- he's just gotten used to the idea of tv) — Wears boxer briefs daily, but jock straps when working out — Although his build leans wiry, Kai is quite muscular with the amount of training that he does and packs a strong punch — Prefers long-range weapons like his trident and spears, over swords or daggers  —  Kai is a habitual early-riser; the latest his body will let him sleep is 7:30am. His alarm is usually set for 5:30am. Because of this, he goes to bed quite early, and is usually asleep(unless doing something) by 9:30pm — Is a heavyweight when it comes to drinking — Is a flirtatious/sloppy drunk(not that he's ever gotten drunk before) — Will never ever wear shorts, Kai is a pants man through and through — Rarely gets sick but if he does, it's usually serious like a viral tummy bug or a legitimate, see a doctor-type ailment — Will complain constantly when cold and seek out whatever sources of heat that he can.


choi soobin
Relationship Level
to be determined ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
choi yeonjun
Relationship Level
Romantic-Antagonistic Lea, Bahiyyih, you won't believe who I met again. The prince of Linphea, do you remember him? Choi Yeonjun? He's here at Alveria, and he's in my dorm. I don't understand why this has happened- I thought I'd be with the same guys as last year... At least then I could keep my distance, they're already used to it, and Yeonjun(the others too) isn't. I think I hate him. Truely. How can one person be so maddening? It’s even worse that we’re room mates.
We fight all the time because he won't leave me alone. I think he remembers from when we were kids. I don't want him to remember.
It makes this so much harder.
I blew up at him, on the first day, and I know you're both already rolling your eyes but it's too much. He tried to touch me and it burned so badly, it was hard not to freak out.
He’s infuriating, rude and doesn’t know how to take no for an answer...
But he doesn't stop trying. I don't quite know how to describe it, it's... Strange, what it makes me feel. I almost want to call it happiness but I don't even remember what that is anymore. It's not anger, I'm annoyed at worst but I’m not sure what to do about it. I can’t get him out of my head. Do I even want too?
Tell me what to do?
P.S. Please explain to me- I thought hair was supposed to turn grey when you got older, not black?

- excerpt from a personal letter sent to Andros.
kang taehyun
Relationship Level
to be determined ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
choi beomgyu
Relationship Level
to be determined ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
A fun little variation of Kai's character for Daydream oho
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