× dragonheart。

kang jihoon
outer • 26 • powerless

What are some things we should know before we approach you to rp?
asked by

FOR PLOTTING. Please pm me if you're interested in plotting with me. You don't need to do brackets because I don't really write in personal PMs however if we decide to take a more mature thread in there; I am more than capable of discerning what is and isn't ooc talkm, but if it would be easier for you, I'm happy to introduce brackets.

I love plotting and prefer a combo of winging-plotting when roleplaying. Having a rigid storyline can be a little restricting however I also find completely winging things can be a little 'choice overload', you feel? Having set goals in place works best for me but I will be as flexible as possible.

TIME ZONE & PACE. My time zone is GMT+10 and I'm quite slow to reply. I'm being a hypocrite by joining this rp(how could I not?) when I am supposed to be on hiatus. I work 6 days a week and there will be weeks where I'm completely braindead from work. If you're going to roleplay with me, you need to be aware that there will be times where I disappear on you thread-wise. Do not rp with me if that will be a problem.

As I expect some sort of courtesy with pacing given my situation, you can be rest assured that you will be given the same! If there is a two week break between replies and no OOC notice has been provided, I will PM you a check-in. This is NOT a poke! It's purely for me to make sure you're still interested in the plot regardless of when/if you intend on responding, and I will leave it at that. Please take your time, never feel pressured to respond to me as I am more then understanding of irl situations delaying things.

Real life is more important then RPR.

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. Mun and muse are both of age ( 25+ ) and I am open to NSFW threads as long as neither muse is in a closed relationship.

Violence(mild or graphic), death, and other similarly TW/CW-related content is ok with me for threads; the more realistic, the better, as long as it's not gratuitous.

WRITING STYLE. My main writing style is para to multipara, with the odd novella on occasion. Typically my novella-style replies are starters because I enjoy doing background context.

I'm more then comfortable doing script.

I haven't really written in a while, so I'm not quite where I used to be- my struggle seems to be with telling, rather then showing. I apologise in advance if my reply comes across as bland; if this is the case, or there's something else you're not happy with, you are more then welcome to ask for a re-write and give me (polite) guidance.

GENRE LIMITS. Pretty much everything goes except for four things(CP, necrophilia and ) however I don't think those three will arise in this roleplay.

Since this is a superhero RP and could deal with some pretty graphic violence, I need to make it clear that I don't do 'Eyeball' related gore. Not even in writing. Sorry if this seems like a random thing to be ick about but I can't help it lol so please, no graphic gouging or destruction to either my muse, your muse or another muses' eyeballs please!

EXTRA. I'm not too sure what the consensus is for closed relationships here are yet; if a relationship in one thread is a relationship for the whole RP or if it's thread-by-thread basis but for now, I'm working off of the latter- meaning I am happy to pre-plot romances. If that will be an issue for you, then don't plot romance with me.
/action: access bs.file#6-U77
pending.... file retrieved.
✶ ⁞   Introduction.
  • Subject Name: Kang Jihoon.
  • Case File Number: #1-u77.
  • Alias(es): Kirin (기린 - Current Moniker) — Emperor (Retired Moniker).
  • Archetype: The Wise
  • Date of Birth: 1 September, 1997 (Presumed).
  • Age: Presumed 26.
  • Place of Birth: Unknown.
  • Current Location: Seoul, living whereabouts unknown aside from location of employment.
  • Known Languages: Korean (Fluent, mother tongue) — Mandarin Chinese (Fluent, confirmed with video log #38_CM.2010) — English (Fluent, confirmed with video log #39_E.2010) — Latin (Fluent, confirmed with student interviews from video logs #54-58_LA.2023).
  • Occupation: Professer of Classical Literature at Seoul National University — Mentor to young heroes.
  • Romantic Orientation: Presumed biromantic from previous research.
  • ual Orientation: Presumed biual from previous research.
  • Relationship Status: Subject does not appear to be involved with other individuals.
✶ ⁞   Physical Notes.
  • Face Claim: Jeon Jungkook.
  • Height: 1.78m.
  • Hair Color: Black (Current).
  • Eye Color: Brown (Current) — Gold (Former).
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: Dermal scar on left cheekbone (Current) — Various bodily scars (Current) — Multicoloured scales on shoulders, abdominals and calves (Former - scales appear to have vanished from subject).
✶ ⁞   Subject's Notable Relationships.
  • Parents:
    • ( Father — Kang Jisoo ) Deceased.
    • ( Mother — Kang Seulyeon ) Deceased.
  • Lovers:
    • See connections
  • Friends:
    • See connections.
  • Pets:
    • Subject owns a Doberman named Bam.
/action: access bs.log#1-kj.14
pending.... log retrieved.
This is Doctor Song of the [REDACTED] facility, interviewing candidate #389- Kang Jihoon, for the South Korean branch of the [REDACTED] program. Candidate has passed all physical and intellectual tests with flying colours, and has been approved to be of sound mind by [REDACTED].

Now, mr Kang, by all appearances, you appear to be an excellent admission to our junior heroes program. Why don't you tell us in your own words why you're interested in becoming a hero?
interview conducted by

Song Jiyoon:
Song Jiyoon
Um... Do I speak into this thing here? Oh ok, cool, now? Do I talk now?

My name- name is Kang Jihoon and I would like to become a hero because... it sounds cool? Um, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say... I just wanna be able to help people, you know? I don't have a special reason for it.

I like helping people- Doctor Park says it's because of, um, my 'Pure Heart' or whatever she calls it... But I dunno, I just don't like seeing others hurt if I can do something about it.
Ah, yes, Doctor Park, she's the one who did your training in regards to your powers, correct? I have your file here and for the interviews purposes, I'm going to read out your abilities. Why don't you expand and explain? I'm sure you know far more then I do with your training.
interview conducted by

Song Jiyoon
Song Jiyoon
Dragon Physiology
I can turn into a half or full dragon whenever I want too. Mum says that's weird that I can do that already- in a good way! She meant it in a good way, I promise! But dad couldn't do that when he was my age and grandma couldn't either.

It's really cool! I get really big and strong, dad says that I'm a celestial dragon, and that's why my scales are dark blue with stars on them and my fire is blue too. He's just a normal fire dragon, so he's all red and orange. Grandma was a water dragon, so she looks kinda like those dragons you see in England and stuff.

Um... I can fly, when I'm a dragon my skin is super tough, and I have these huge claws!

Flying is probably my favourite though, it's super fun especially at night time. I used to play hide and seek with dad when it was a full moon, cause I could hide in the stars.

My eyes are really weak though. Doctor Park found that out when she got me to transform and sprayed water in my eyes, I was blind for a few days... That was really scary, I didn't like it. I'm also really weak when I'm like this, or in the middle of transforming.

You see this scar? That was an accident, but Doctor Park and the others were throwing things at me when I was changing and the knife didn't bounce off like normal.

I also don't do good with ice and cold weather... I think it's cause my heart is a star? Or made from stars? I dunno, you'd have to ask my dad, he knows more about this then me. Either way, I don't like the cold, warm is much better.
Pure Heart
I don't really get what this is supposed to mean but Doctor Park says that it's really, really hard for me to have bad feelings?

She thinks it's a good thing- cause it means I want to help people because of it and I guess she's not wrong but, like, isn't that normal? I dunno, I don't really have anything to be sad or mad about and seeing animals and people get hurt really .

Can you keep this between us? I just think she likes me, cause I'm nicer to her then the other boys. They're really mean sometimes, to Doctor Park and the other doctors. I try to get them to stop cause I can tell it hurts Doctor Parks feeling sometimes... It sometimes hurts the guys too, though they keep saying they don't care.

I didn't like the tests they gave us with those baby animals, it wasn't fair. I'm glad Bokhee was sent away though... She wasn't very nice, and she killed that bird way too easily... It was so gross, I vomited everywhere.

That happens alot, when people are being mean. The vomiting thing, it , the boys tease me about it but there's nothing I can do!

Doctor Park always looks after me though, I like her a lot too. Even if I think this 'Pure Heart' thing isn't real. 
This is Doctor Lee Woohyuk, conducting the exit interview for Kang Jihoon, formerly known as Kirin, after incident #44-LP.22, loss of power. We, the institute, are deeply sorry for the accident that has occured. How are you feeling?
interview conducted by

lee woohyuk
lee woohyuk
I'm just a human now. How the do you think I'm feeling?
noteworthy additions
sub-heading here
Moral Alignment — Neutral good
Creatures of neutral good alignment believe that there must be some regulation in combination with freedoms if the best is to be brought to the world--the most beneficial conditions for living things in general and intelligent creatures in particular. Creatures of this alignments see the cosmos as a place where law and chaos are merely tools to use in bringing life, happiness, and prosperity to all deserving creatures. Order is not good unless it brings this to all; neither is randomness and total freedom desirable if it does not bring such good. These characters value life and freedom above all else, and despise those who would deprive others of them. Neutral good characters sometimes find themselves forced to work beyond the law, yet for the law, and the greater good of the people. They are not vicious or vindictive, but are people driven to right injustice. Neutral good characters always attempt to work within the law whenever possible, however.
Strengths: Charismatic — Sees the good in everyone, and alternatively, is quite good at picking out those with less then pure intentions — Funny in a dorky way — Enthusiastic — Handles emergencies and crisis well — Down to earth — Realistic, but never mocks or shuts down hopes or dreams even if they're farfetched — Caring and empathetic — Intellectual — Selfless.

Likes: Summer, the sun, hot weather in general — Night time — Black tea with a splash of milk or a piping hot latte — Vintage records — Inspiring his students with his extremely witty(read: cringe) jokes and literature-themed euphemisms — Libraries, book shops and art galleries — Extremely spicy foods — Animals — The scent of coffee beans roasting — — Large fireplaces — Copious amounts of pillows on his bed — Thick Duvets — Marigolds, sunflowers and daisies — Romantic Comedy Movies — British Variety Shows.
Weaknesses: Fearful — Too honest at times — Has a superiority complex that manifests in a patronising way(a remnant of his draconic personality) — Opinionated — Stubborn — Greedy — Believes that the government and ALIANCE HERE let him down by not pursuing the villain who stole his abilities, and thus has lost faith in their leadership.

Dislikes: Overly sugary foods — Action movies or TV shows — Reading the newspaper — Senseless violence — Liars and those who are corrupt of heart — Having his eyes touched — Going to the dentist — Autumn, Winter, cold food/drinks, ice, etc., — Going to bed early (Night Owl) — Burgers — Negative feelings — Villains — Death — Fruit and vegetables — False information aka 'Fake News' (except it's actual fake news he hates) — Horror and torture movies — People who insult reading or claim that having a hobby/pursuing intellectual interests is 'lame' — Social media influencers.
Hobbies & Habits
Hobbies: Collecting first edition and other rare books, as well as other archeological items (books and history are his hoard) — Exercising — Stargazing — Sunbathing on the beach — Visiting his parents graves every fortnight — Reading on his balcony in the late evening with a cup of tea.

Good Habits: Swears in classic literature titles(unless really, really aggravated) — Takes care of his physical and mental health as he no longer has his draconic healing/invulnerability to rely on anymore — Doing word-based puzzles to keep his brain active every morning; he enjoys the New York Times connections, spanograms, word searches and crosswords — Is meticulous at keeping his teeth and nails clean.

Bad Habits: Supresses his negative emotions until he explodes, it usually manifests in a very aggressive boxing session with his personal trainer or in a bout of depression that can last weeks — As much as he likes to take care of himself, he forgets that sometimes eating a bowl of Red Savina Peppers is not an appriopriate snack for a normal human stomach — Throws himself into harms way to help others because it's still instinctual to him, it's landed him in the hospital multiple times.
Secrets & Fears
Secrets They'll Share: None.

Secrets Kept to Themself: His former hero identity, more out of necessity to keep himself and his students safe then because of any shame he feels — How, even after two years, he's not coping with negative emotions at all and certainly not in any healthy way.

Known Fears: Being found by any of his former enemies — Those he cares about being harmed, and there's nothing he can do about it — Being trapped in a commercial kitchen fridge/freezer — That he'll never be able to transform into a dragon again.
can also be used as a tracker
name here
Relationship Level  ☆☆☆☆☆
Perhaps you were Jihoon's archnemesis when he was still active as a hero, maybe you only crossed paths once; whatever the case, you are the villain who changed Jihoon's life trajectory forever. Why?
Because you're the one who stole his powers.
name here
Relationship Level  ★★★☆☆
Relationship to be determined with plotting because I don't actually know what I want to do just yet. Some potential ideas include:
a.) a relationship between two heroes that crumbled once Jihoon lost his abilities. Whether the relationship was based off of an attraction to power or convenience due to a shared occupation, who knows? Either way, once of you up and cut the other without warning. Some hurt feelings may apply.
b.) You are a non hero(can be outer or villain, depending on direction) who shared a one night stand with Jihoon and somehow you managed to figure out that this ordinary dude was once the great Kirin; now you're interested in pursuing what was to be a temporary dalliance for the following reasons: perhaps you're nosy and want to figure out why he stopped being a hero? or if going the villain route, maybe you don't know that he doesn't have his abilities anymore and what better way to make a name for yourself then killing the great dragon himself?
c.) a civilian relationship that crumbled when Jihoon couldn't step up to the plate when you needed him most. For all the good of his Pure Heart could do, Jihoon's disturbingly selfless personality had it's drawbacks and it ended up hurting you.
name here
Relationship Level  ★★★☆☆
Although his hero career was shortlived compared to others, Jihoon left an enormous hole when he had to leave. Still, the Government calls on his assistance to mentore and guide young hero's as they begin their journey.
While it seems like a dream to be tutored by the great Kirin, you can't help but be somewhat disappointed- this is the guy that everyone at headquarters talks about? This is the one who saved all those people in 2018 from a collapsing damn? He doesn't seem heroic at all, in fact, he seems kind of sad... And lame.
name here
Relationship Level  ★★★☆☆
Former colleagues who were also friends. Relationship is dependent on what we discuss in our PMs. Did you know Kirin purely as a workplace friend? or did you know each others identities?

Where were you when he lost his powers? Did you even know or do you bump into him on the street 2 years later after thinking he'd disappeared off the face of the planet?

So many ways this could go! Open to other ideas too.
I'd also like some non-hero friends, whether it's through his job as a literature professor, or his many visits to the hospital. Or even an online competition for crossword puzzles where the two of you are online rivals who have never met.
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