× pogue。

out of character

Read Before You Approach Me

FOR PLOTTING. For DBC, I intend to follow the main thread/storyline and then have low-key, slow-paced plots for wish fulfilment and character development on the side.

With these side threads, I love plotting and prefer a combination of winging and plotting when roleplaying. Having a rigid storyline can be a little restrictive but I also find completely winging things can be a little 'choice overload'. I prefer to have either an end goal or a series of plot points to work towards, however I will be as flexible as possible.

TIME ZONE & PACE. My time zone is GMT+10, and I'm quite slow to reply. I work six days a week, and there will be days when I'm completely braindead from work. If you're going to roleplay with me, you need to be aware that there will be times when I disappear on you thread-wise for days, maybe even a week or so, at a time. Do not RP with me if that will be a problem.

As I expect some courtesy with pacing given my situation, you can be rest assured that you will be given the same! If there is a two-week break between replies and no OOC notice has been provided, I will send you a check-in. This message is not a poke! It's purely for me to make sure you're still interested in the plot regardless of when/if you intend to respond, and I will leave it at that. Please take your time, and never feel pressured to respond to me, as I am more than understanding of real life situations delaying things.

Real life is more important than RPR.

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. Mun and muse are both of age ( 25 and 24 respectively ) and I am very open to NSFW threads.

Violence(mild or graphic), death, and other similarly TW/CW-related content is ok with me for threads; the more realistic, the better, as long as it's not gratuitous. Yeonjun will have triggering content in his story- past, present and future- please be mindful of this. If there's anything that makes you uncomfortable, please tell me immediately.

WRITING STYLE. My main writing style is para to multipara, with the odd novella on occasion.

I'm comfortable doing script.

If there's something else you're not happy with in terms of my reply, you are more than welcome to ask for a re-write and give me (polite) guidance.
The Basics

General Trivia

  • Full Name: Choi Yeonjun
  • Alias(es): Tbd
  • Date of Birth: 13th September 1999 (Age 24)
  • Zodiac Sign: Virgo
  • Place of Birth: Seongbuk District, Seoul, South Korea
  • Current Location: Nice to CU MiniMart, Yeonhui-Dong
  • Known Languages:
    ▸ Korean (native)
    ▸ English (conversational)
  • Occupation:
    ▸ Cashier (part-time)
    ▸ Delivery Driver (part-time)
    ▸ Waiter (casual)

Character Trivia

  • Ethnicity: East Asian
  • Nationality: Korean
  • Social Standing: Working Class
  • Net Worth: ₩710,000 (approx $535 USD)
  • Inspiration:
    ▸ God Save Me, But Don't Let Me Drown
    ▸ Don't Go
    ▸ Catra (S:POP), 
  • Trope(s):
    ▸ His Own Worst Enemy
    ▸ Vicious Cycle
    ▸ Stepford Smiler
    ▸ Really Gets Around
    ▸ Inferiority Superiority Complex
  • Virtue: Diligence
  • Vice: Avarice
  • Element: Fire-Air
  • Temperament: Choleric-Sanguine

Romantic Trivia

  • Love Language (receiving):
    ▸ Words of Affirmation
    ▸ Quality Time (primary)
  • Love Language (giving):
    ▸ Physical Touch
    ▸ Acts of Service (primary)
  • Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic.
  • ual Orientation: Homoual.
  • Relationship Status: Drifting.

    !!ual Content Warning!!
  • Position: Switch, leans bottom.
  • Favoured Position(s):
    ▸ Riding / Lotus (primary)
    ▸ Teaspoon / Bodyguard
    ▸ Spooning
    ▸ Doggy
  • Kinks (Loves):
    ▸ TBD

Appearance Trivia

  • Height: 182 cm (5’11″)
  • Weight: 60 kg (132 lbs)
  • Hair Colour: Black
  • Eye Colour: Warm Brown
  • Piercings: 
    ▸ Lobe (both ears)
    ▸ Upper lobe (both ears)
    ▸ Rook (both ears)
    ▸ Helix (right ear)
    ▸ Belly Button (lower)
  • Tattoos:
    Upper Left Bicep (luna moth)
The Story

Part I


Chapter I
chapter II

✶ ⁞   trigger warning tbd.

chapter IIi

The Vibes

Strengths: TBD

Likes: TBD
Weaknesses: TBD

Dislikes: TBD
Hobbies & Habits
Hobbies: TBD

Bad Habits: TBD
Secrets & Fears
Secrets They'll Share: TBD

Secrets Kept to Themself: Wouldn't you like to know?

Known Fears: TBD.
Character Quirks: TBD


huening kai
Relationship Level
to be determined ✦ TBD.

choi soobin
Relationship Level
Romantic-Antagonistic TBD.
kang taehyun
Relationship Level
to be determined ✦ TBD.

choi beomgyu
Relationship Level
to be determined ✦ TBD.

There's no love

                     To shelter me
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