× green-eyes。

gabriele de santis
don john • the black knight

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( 22.09.21 ) Some kind of mun update would go here! Type as much as you need. It stretche
What are some things we should know before we approach you to rp?
asked by

FOR PLOTTING. Please pm me if you're interested in plotting with me. You don't need to do brackets because I don't really write in personal PMs, but you can if that is your preference. I enjoy a combination of plotting and winging it; mainly I just like to establish a connection and a reason for our muses to be interacting or an general goal in mind to work towards.

That being said, I'm happy to accommodate you however I can so please don't take above(or below- with the exclusion of genre and scenario limits) as a hard or fast rule.

TIME ZONE & PACE. My time zone is GMT+10 and I'm pretty slow to reply most of the time. I work a lot and I'm braindead most days lol. I can sometimes take up to a 1-2 weeks to respond, especially if threads are longer. Do not rp with me if that will be a problem.

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. Mun and muse are both of age. I am open to NSFW threads for my muse as long as they are not in a closed relationship.

WRITING STYLE. I primarily do para to multi-para in 3rd person but I am comfortable doing script.

GENRE LIMITS. My character is not, and will not, be involved in committing any kinds of SA. Most of my taboo topics are generally shared across the rpr platform so I don't think I need to list them.

OTHER NOTES. Please only poke me once if I have not responded to our thread for 3 weeks and you feel that I may have forgotten.
character study
a simple introduction
✶ ⁞   Basic Trivia Concerning Muse.
  • Skeleton: The Black Knight ( don john )
  • Full Name: Gabriele de Santis.
  • Alias(es): Mukundi ( traditional, zimbabwean name - means victor ).
  • Date of Birth: 24th January, 1990.
  • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio, Earth Dragon.
  • Place of Birth: Genoa, Verona.
  • Current Location: Vista Verona, Verona City.
  • Known Languages:
    • Italian ( native )
    • French ( fluent )
    • English ( fluent, recieved pronounciation )
    • Russian ( advanced )
    • Shona ( intermediate )
    • Xhosa ( intermediate )
  • Occupation:
    • Advisor
    • Marquess
  • Religion: Roman Catholic (practicing).
  • Romantic Orientation: Heteroromantic.
  • ual Orientation: Heteroual.
  • Relationship Status: Single.
  • SNS: None.
✶ ⁞   Appearance Trivia Concerning Muse.
  • Face Claim: Regé-Jean Page.
  • Body Type: Soft Classic - balanced, gentle features, classically handsome.
  • Ethnicity: Mixed ( italian-zimbabwean ).
  • Height: 180cm (5'11").
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Eye Color: Brown.
  • Piercings: None.
  • Tattoos: None.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: None
✶ ⁞   Muse's Notable Relationships.
  • Parents:
    • ( Father ) Duke of Genoa — antagonistic.
    • ( Mother ) Unknown.
  • Siblings:
    • ( Younger brother ) Michele de Santis — one-sided antagonistic. 
  • Friends:
    • tbd.
  • Pets:
    • Victor — A long-haired german shepherd.
    • Clara — An irish red-setter.
    • Soraya — A brown arabian mare.
  • Montague Family: crime organisation.
    • tbd.
    • More to come.
character study

a deeper look into his life
On a frigid winter’s day, a frenzied excitement filled the air of the palace. Joyous news spread quickly: the Duchess had given birth to a beautiful baby, an heir for the dukedom. Celebratory festivals erupted across the duchy, as citizens rejoiced, shouting, “Glory to the royal highnesses in these difficult times!” It was a momentous occasion, a time of shared joy.


Beneath the surface of celebration lay the bitter shadow of a little boy whose world had just been upended. Gabriele, the Duke's oldest son, watched as the attention shifted from him to the newborn. His life was a tapestry of contradictions—woven from the threads of opulence and profound loneliness. He lived in the grand palace, served three meals a day, and slept in a warm bed. Yet, he felt invisible, scorned by the Duke and Duchess, and neglected by the palace staff, who served him only the scraps left behind.

In the quiet of his surroundings, Gabriele reached out, yearning for love and acknowledgment. He trained harder, studied diligently, and dedicated himself to being the perfect son, hoping one day his accomplishments would shine bright enough to earn their recognition. But they never did. The only one who seemed to capture their affection was the very sibling who stole everything from him.

The truth, when it came to light, shattered his fragile existence. Gabriele was not the child of the Duchess, but the son of a long-gone Zimbabwean maid. It explained the Duchess's indifference and the Duke's disdain. Gabriele was merely a pawn, kept at the palace to prevent enemies from exploiting his existence. The weight of his lineage pressed heavily upon him, filling his mind with self-loathing. Each night, he asked himself: if he were clean, if he belonged, would they love him then? He vowed to rid himself of his heritage, determined to become worthy of their affection.

Gabriele molded himself into the perfect politician, seeking to prove he belonged by his father’s side. But no matter how charming or talented he became, it never felt enough compared to his sibling's saintly image. The resentment festered, darkening his heart as he watched his rightful place slip away. When the day came for the siblings to assume their roles, Gabriele snapped, unable to bear the injustice any longer.

He fled the palace, rallying those wronged by the Duke to reclaim what he believed was rightfully his. The ensuing conflict was bloody, and though he fought hard, he knew, that this time, he was on the losing side. Yet, even in defeat, Gabriele became a sympathetic figure to the people, surrendering easily to his sibling, who had never wished for the throne. Forgiven, he was granted the title of Marquess.

Gabriele stepped into his new role as an advisor, filling in during his sibling’s absence. On the surface, he portrayed the remorseful brother, but inside, his rage simmered, leaving him lost in his quest for leverage. Two years ago, whispers of a ruthless organization reached his ears—one willing to do anything for a price. A plan began to form in his mind.

Gabriele was willing to become a puppet of the Montague syndicate, trading his loyalty for the chance to eliminate his sibling and reclaim his place in the dukedom. The promise of power, at any cost, ignited a new fire in his heart, one that would lead him down a treacherous path, where ambition and vengeance intertwined.
character study
what he'd put on his tinder bio
People with the INTJ personality type (Architects) are intellectually curious individuals with a deep-seated thirst for knowledge. INTJs tend to value creative ingenuity, straightforward rationality, and self-improvement. They consistently work toward enhancing intellectual abilities and are often driven by an intense desire to master any and every topic that piques their interest
This personality type comes with a strong independent streak. INTJs don’t mind acting alone – in fact, they prefer their own company most of the time. People with this personality type often have no problem making decisions without asking for anyone else’s input. At times, this lone-wolf behavior can come across as insensitive, as it fails to take into consideration others’ thoughts, desires, and plans.
People with this personality type can sometimes be single-minded, with little patience for frivolity, distractions, or idle gossip. That said, they’re far from dull or humourless. Many INTJ personalities are known for their irreverent wit, and beneath their serious exteriors, they often have a sharp, delightfully sarcastic sense of humour.
INTJs aren’t known for being warm and fuzzy. They tend to prioritize rationality and success over politeness and pleasantries – in other words, they’d rather be right than popular. And because these personalities value truth and depth, many common social practices – from small talk to white lies – may seem pointless or downright stupid to them.
People with the INTJ personality type are full of contradictions. They are imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, and curious yet focused. From the outside, these contradictions may seem baffling, but they make perfect sense once you understand the inner workings of this personality type’s mind.
Moral Alignment — Lawful Evil
A lawful evil character is someone who operates within a strict code or set of rules but uses this framework to pursue their selfish goals. He values order, hierarchy, and structure, believing that following laws—whether societal or personal—grants him the right to achieve his ambitions, even at the expense of others. He is calculating and strategic, often using manipulation and deceit to maintain control and power. While he may adhere to legal or moral codes, his actions are ultimately driven by a desire for personal gain, and he shows little regard for the well-being of others if it conflicts with his objectives. This combination of order and malice makes him a formidable and complex antagonist.
Strengths: Rational — Determined, highly focused on his personal goals — Private — Socially adaptable, Gabriele has learned the art reading the room and can adapt as needed, even if he would rather be elsewhere — Independent — Decisive — Informed — Critical Thinker — Chivalrous — Animal lover.

Likes: Archery — Whiskey — Watching live sports events, particularly football or more prestigious sports such as equestrian, hunting, etc — Steak, medium rare — Horses — Non-fiction historical novels — Classical art, museums and galleries — Architecture — Bamboo sheets — Chips and curry (a guilty pleasure) — Football — Cigar lounges — Early morning walks — Rain.
Weaknesses: Arrogant — Dismissive of 'unnecessary' emotions and emotional outbursts — Combative — Shrewd — Cold-natured — Introverted — Spiteful — Cynical.

Dislikes: Abstract art — Greasy, or otherwise 'unhealthy' food — Animal cruelty — His 'family' — Excessive physical contact — Nightclubs, bars and parties — Being forced to stay awake — Being reminded of his heritage, and of his previous coup — Pop music — Children.
Hobbies & Habits
Hobbies: Boxing, mixed martial arts — Horseriding — Hunting — Travelling — Visiting Hammams — Gambling.

Habits: Playing with the gold ring left behind by his mother — Holds his whisky/gin glasses from the top — Stares at nothing when deep in thought.

Vices: Gambling — Cigar smoking.
Secrets & Fears
Secrets They'll Share: no secrets to share.

Secrets Kept to Themself: It wouldn't be a secret if he told you, now would it.

Fears: Vomitting, ill people, hospitals — Being forgotten.
Other Personality Information
  • Apology: Expressing regret — Accepting responsbility.
  • Anger: Judgemental anger — Chronic anger — Verbal anger ( rare ).
  • Aesthetic: Dark chocolate — Black suits — Swarovski crystal glasses — Gilded frameworks — Regency architecture — Wild stallions — French hors d'oeuvres — Stormy nights — Archery — Italian highlands — Arm wraps.
  • Love Language ( Giving ): Words of affirmation.
  • Love Language ( Receiving ): Quality time.
  • Turn-ons:
    • Lingerie
    • Strip teases
    • Confidence
    • Red lipstick
    • Stimulating conversation
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