× lady of magic。

kim chaewon
hero • 23 • lady of magic!

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( 24.04.21 ) Profile is officially complete! Some finer details may be amended at a later date :)
seoul, south korea
I'm super cute and fierce, that's why I'm becoming a superhero! Watch out, bad guys, imma get you :bicep_emoji:
seoul, south korea
testing out something new... what do we think? :rose_emoji: :sun_emoji: :sakura_emoji:
What are some things we should know before we approach you to rp?
asked by

FOR PLOTTING. Please pm me if you're interested in plotting with me. You don't need to do brackets because I don't really write in personal PMs however if we decide to take a more mature thread in there; I am more than capable of discerning what is and isn't ooc talkm, but if it would be easier for you, I'm happy to introduce brackets.

I love plotting and prefer a combo of winging-plotting when roleplaying. Having a rigid storyline can be a little restricting however I also find completely winging things can be a little 'choice overload', you feel? Having set goals in place works best for me but I will be as flexible as possible.

TIME ZONE & PACE. My time zone is GMT+10 and I'm quite slow to reply. I'm being a hypocrite by joining this rp(how could I not?) when I am supposed to be on hiatus. I work 6 days a week and there will be weeks where I'm completely braindead from work. If you're going to roleplay with me, you need to be aware that there will be times where I disappear on you thread-wise. Do not rp with me if that will be a problem.

As I expect some sort of courtesy with pacing given my situation, you can be rest assured that you will be given the same! If there is a two week break between replies and no OOC notice has been provided, I will PM you a check-in. This is NOT a poke! It's purely for me to make sure you're still interested in the plot regardless of when/if you intend on responding, and I will leave it at that. Please take your time, never feel pressured to respond to me as I am more then understanding of irl situations delaying things.

Real life is more important then RPR.

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. Mun and muse are both of age ( 25/23+ respectively ) and I am open to NSFW threads as long as neither muse is in a closed relationship.

Violence(mild or graphic), death, and other similarly TW/CW-related content is ok with me for threads; the more realistic, the better, as long as it's not gratuitous.

WRITING STYLE. My main writing style is para to multipara, with the odd novella on occasion. Typically my novella-style replies are starters because I enjoy doing background context.

I'm more then comfortable doing script.

I haven't really written in a while, so I'm not quite where I used to be- my struggle seems to be with telling, rather then showing. I apologise in advance if my reply comes across as bland; if this is the case, or there's something else you're not happy with, you are more then welcome to ask for a re-write and give me (polite) guidance.

GENRE LIMITS. Pretty much everything goes except for four things(CP, necrophilia and ) however I don't think those three will arise in this roleplay.

Since this is a superhero RP and could deal with some pretty graphic violence, I need to make it clear that I don't do 'Eyeball' related gore. Not even in writing. Sorry if this seems like a random thing to be ick about but I can't help it lol so please, no graphic gouging or destruction to either my muse, your muse or another muses' eyeballs please!

EXTRA. I'm not too sure what the consensus is for closed relationships here are yet; if a relationship in one thread is a relationship for the whole RP or if it's thread-by-thread basis but for now, I'm working off of the latter- meaning I am happy to pre-plot romances. If that will be an issue for you, then don't plot romance with me.

Chaewon is a direct inspo of the character Sakura Kinomoto from Cardcaptor Sakura. While I fully intend on diversifying and making her cards entirely unique to her, I am taking card names and effects from the OG series for now.
dear diary,
who am i...
✶ ⁞   Basic Trivia Concerning Muse.
  • Nicknames: Songbird (Mostly my parents call me this because I can't stop singing! Maybe I should've become a kpop idol instead?) — tba as rp develops.
  • Superhero Name: Monarch (because I'm the queen ♡).
  • Species: Homo Magi.
  • Official Archetype: The Natural, I think they called it.
  • Official Classification: Hero, duh!.
  • When Was I Born: 7 July, 2000.
  • Zodiac Sign: Cancer.
  • Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea.
  • Where I live: Seoul, South Korea.
  • Languages I speak: Korean (Fluent, it's my first language...) — English (Limited, I barely passed english as a high school subject).
  • Job Status: Full-time student at Seoul Women's University (Studying fine arts with a minor in graphic design) — Part-time convenience store worker.
  • Romantic Orientation: My heart is just too big to love one gender
  • ual Orientation: That's private! (but I have been known to sample ㅋㅋㅋ)
  • Relationship Status: Single (:crying_emoji:).
  • SNS: miss.singasong.
✶ ⁞   What I See in the Mirror
  • Face Claim: Kim Chaewon.
  • Height: 1.63m.
  • Hair Color: Platinum Blonde.
  • Eye Color: Brown.
  • Piercings: Single piercings in each of her lobes.
  • Personal Style & Aesthetic: Soft, comfortable and feminine. Rarely wears pants or shorts unless working out(so will wear leggings). Prefers a pastel or neutral palette with her wardrobe and loves layering.
✶ ⁞   My Important Relationships ♡
  • Parents:
    • ( Dad - Song Minjuk ) the best dad in the world! He works in the shop with mum selling all sorts of magical items to non-magic people. I'm definitely a daddy's girl, he was, and still is, my best friend and I'd do anything for him. I know I can always rely on him to have my back.
    • ( Mum - Song Saebyeol ) my mum is the coolest, she's the one who gave me my magic abilities and is my teacher; although not so much anymore... I'm kinda weak compared to my brother and sisters, so she spends more time with them when we're all practicing. It can make me sad sometimes, but I'm gonna prove to her that I'm just as good!
  • Siblings:
    • ( Older Sister #1 - connection pending, see connections room )
    • ( Older Sister #2 - connection pending, see connections room ) 
    • ( Younger Brother - connection pending, see connections room )
    • ( Youngest Sister #3 - connection pending, see connections room )
  • Friends:
    • Lim Woohyun — superhero buddy in training!
    • Here
  • Pets:
    • My sweet little cat, Pancake, she's a total goofball!
Abilities and weaknesses
Physical Magical Manifestation.
Chaewon, like her family bloodline, is able to manifest her magic in the physical world. Each magical member of her family manifest their powers in ways that allow them to cast spells and/or wield mystical forces that take a specific shape, often to aid in the efficacy of the intended effect.
For Chaewon, her magic manifests in the form of Tarot cards; each with their own unique ability. The amount of cards and power she can channel through them directly links to her magical ability and reserves. Unfortunately for Chaewon, she is considered the 'runt' of her family tree as her magical reserves are decidedly underdeveloped.
Where her youngest sister can create illusions that last for days on end, Chaewon struggles to utilise one card's ability for more then half an hour; less if she uses multiple cards. Prolonged usage of her magic leaves Chaewon incapacitated, with side effects getting worse depending on whether she has used a Major or Minor Arcana card, and for how long.
She can train herself to grow her magic, however this requires intense dedication and exercise- a time commitment that she struggles to have due to her busy lifestyle.
Card Empowerment / Sentience.
Chaewon's cards grant her various abilities; sich as becoming stronger, being able to fly, granting her visions of future timelines, etc. when activating her cards. Her cards draw directly from her magic, creating a symbiotic relationship that creates a special, mutual bond.
Her cards are sentient beings, with their own individual personalities, and they can decide for themselves if they want to assist Chaewon at any given time. Luckily for Chaewon, with her kind and outgoing nature, she holds a very positive relationship with her current cards.
When a new card manifests, it can be tricky for Chaewon to 'activate' them as there is no relationship between the two. These practices often require a deep level of trust and understanding as the living power may need to feel it can bond with the user confidently.
✶ ⁞   My Current Deck
  • Major Arcana:
    • The Water — the ability to create and manipulate water at will.
  • Minor Arcana:
    • The Jump — the ability to safely jump long/high distances.
    • The Mist — the ability to conjure up mist, obscuring the immediate area.
    • The Glow — the ability to imbue a soft light to an object that permeates even magical darkness.
    • The Sword — the ability to manifest a longsword.
    • The Flower — the ability to manifest flowers of all kinds.
let's dig a little deeper
diary, let me tell you the 411...
People with the ENFP personality type (Campaigners) are true free spirits – outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded. With their lively, upbeat approach to life, ENFPs stand out in any crowd. But even though they can be the life of the party, they don’t just care about having a good time. These personalities have profound depths that are fueled by their intense desire for meaningful, emotional connections with others

In their unique way, ENFPs’ introspective nature is driven by their imagination, wonder, and belief in things that cannot always be explained rationally. People with this personality type truly believe that everything – and everyone – is connected, and they live for the glimmers of insight that they can gain from these connections. They believe that how we treat one another really matters. In fact, ENFPs are the most likely personality type to believe in the concept of karma.
Moral Alignment — Lawful Good
A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. She tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished.
These characters have a strong moral character. Truth, honor, and the welfare of others is all-important. They are convinced that order and laws are absolutely necessary to assure that goodness prevails. Lawful good beings will not want to lie or cheat anyone, good or evil. They will not stand for treachery and will not let obviously dishonorable people use their own honor against them, if they can help it. They will obey the laws and customs of the area that they are in, but will attempt to find legal loopholes to disobey a law which is clearly evil or unjust
Strengths: Outgoing — Has a strong sense of morals and personal ethics — Charming — Adaptable in most situations — Hard-working — Enthusiastic — Perceptive about the smaller details— Supportive — Trustworthy.

Likes: Sweet foods, especially pain au chocolat and red velvet cake — Shoujo manga and anime — Korean variety shows — Feminism — Soft, fluffy fabric — Pale yellow — Iced vanilla lattes — Peonies, carnations and tulips — Silver jewellery — Cute girls and boys with nice smiles — Tiktok — Perfume — Lip gloss that tastes like berries — Thriller mystery books.
Weaknesses: Ditzy and a little gullible — Clumsy — Naive about the real world(her parents tell her constantly that she wears rose-coloured glasses) — Childish — Vulnerable to criticism — Conflict Averse — Needy and requires validation(she's used to getting it in her life from dad and professors, so typically expects it from everyone else in her life too).

Dislikes: 'Hardcore' music styles like rock, metal, rap, etc. — Her siblings bullying her — Being told that she can't do something because of so-and-so reason — Spicy food — Red meat — Action and military movies/tv shows — Playing online MMO's — Having no money — Failing — Itchy materials — Hot weather(she's an Autumn/Spring girly) — Going outside without a face of makeup — Exercising.
Hobbies & Habits
Hobbies: Visiting High Tea cafes with her friends — Going for walks and sketching what she sees, Chaewon particularly enjoys architectural and landscape drawings — Spending time in her parents shop — Talking to her cards — Eating sweets — Taking random skills classes in floristry, latte art, etc. — Sampling perfumes and skincare at her favourite stores — Designing superhero costumes.

Good Habits: Has an excellent skincare routine downpat that she does twice a day — Practices meditation twice a day for twenty minutes each — Is always upfront with how she feels — Hanging out with her cards to make sure they don't feel lonely or neglected.

Bad Habits: Complains a lot when doing something she doesn't like — Doesn't eat as much fruit and vegetables as she should — Definitely doesn't exercise as much as she should — Bites her nails when nervous(has her nails painted constantly to try curb the habit) — Is a lightweight — Internalises criticism.
Secrets & Fears
Secrets They'll Share: None.

Secrets Kept to Themself: None.

Known Fears: Afraid that she will never improve and all the people who said that she couldn't become a successful hero were right.

Unrecognized Fears: Violence and gore — Actually coming face to face with a villain.
can also be used as a tracker
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.
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