× broken boy。

choi yeonjun
the retaliate • shylock

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( 22.09.21 ) Some kind of mun update would go here! Type as much as you need. It stretches.
City, Country
In good company.
City, Country
Do first, think later. That's the natural order of things.
What are some things we should know before we approach you to rp?
asked by

FOR PLOTTING. Please pm me if you're interested in plotting with me. You don't need to do brackets because I don't really write in personal PMs, but you can if that is your preference. I enjoy a combination of plotting and winging it; mainly I just like to establish a connection and a reason for our muses to be interacting or an general goal in mind to work towards.

That being said, I'm happy to accommodate you however I can so please don't take above(or below- with the exclusion of genre and scenario limits) as a hard or fast rule.

TIME ZONE & PACE. My time zone is GMT+10 and I'm pretty slow to reply most of the time. I work a lot and I'm braindead most days lol. I can sometimes take up to a 1-2 weeks to respond, especially if threads are longer. Do not rp with me if that will be a problem.

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. Mun and muse are both of age. I am open to NSFW threads for my muse as long as they are not in a closed relationship.

WRITING STYLE. I primarily do para to multi-para in 3rd person but I am comfortable doing script.

GENRE LIMITS. My character is not, and will not, be involved in committing any kinds of SA. Most of my taboo topics are generally shared across the rpr platform so I don't think I need to list them.

OTHER NOTES. Please only poke me once if I have not responded to our thread for 3 weeks and you feel that I may have forgotten.
character study
a simple introduction
✶ ⁞   Basic Trivia Concerning Muse.
  • Skeleton: The Retaliate ( shylock )
  • Full Name: Luca ( new name as part of the montague family, the alias he goes by ) — Yeonjun ( the name he chose for himself when he joined the circus, as a way to forget his past ) — Pulse ( his circus performance name ).
  • Birth Name: ???.
  • Alias(es): Red.
  • Date of Birth: 13th September, 1999.
  • Zodiac Sign: Virgo, Earth Rabbit.
  • Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea.
  • Current Location: Verona City, Verona.
  • Known Languages:
    • Korean ( native )
    • Italian ( fluent )
    • English ( fluent, coastal urban due to a long stint in the america's )
    • Mandarin ( intermediate )
  • Occupation:
    • Aerial Artist ( trapeze, tightrope, former )
    • Acrobat ( former )
    • Mask designer ( former )
    • Thief
    • Drug Dealer / Runner
  • Religion: Outwardly Catholic (practicing).
  • Romantic Orientation: Biromantic.
  • ual Orientation: Biual.
  • Relationship Status: Single.
  • SNS: @_fknlucky.
✶ ⁞   Appearance Trivia Concerning Muse.
  • Face Claim: Choi Yeonjun.
  • Body Type: Soft Natural — angular, long vertical lines, broad shouldered.
  • Ethnicity: East Asian ( korean ).
  • Height: 182cm (5'11").
  • Hair Color: Bright Red.
  • Eye Color: Brown.
  • Piercings:
  • Tattoos: None.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics:
    • Mass burn scars — 40% of Yeonjun's body is covered in a mix of 2nd to 3rd degree burns; leaving his skin with a waxy, almost leathery feel to it. the burns are found primarily on his left side, especially on his upper thigh and hip. 
    • Facial scars — 25% of Yeonjun's face, much like his body, is covered in second degree burns. The scarring is mostly localised to his left cheek and down his neck.
    • Eye sight — Partially blind in his left eye, his vision in the lower left corner is blurry or almost entirely gone.
    • Mask — A jester-patterned bauta worn whilst on 'the job'. The mask covers Yeonjun's whole face, and is tied with two black ribbons behind his head.
    • Hair — As a thief, Yeonjun's trademark scarlet locks are hidden under a black wig.
✶ ⁞   Muse's Notable Relationships.
  • Parents:
    • ( Father ) Unknown.
    • ( Mother ) Unknown.
  • Siblings:
    • Open to connects.
  • Friends:
    • ( The Nomad ) tbc on the skeleton. Interested in there having been some underlying romantic tones, at least on Luca's side- so doesn't have to be requited by your muse- but it never went anywhere when Luca left you and Arrogant three years ago; but honestly, I place higher emphasis on them being best friends over a 'could've been' relationship.
    • ( The Arrogant ) tbc on the skeleton. I'd like to have these two start out rocky but eventually become the bestest of friends. Both of them weren't the vibrant, ball of sunshine that Nomad is, so they relied on each other for a lot of the emotionally difficult things.
    • Open to other friend connections.
  • Montague Family: crime organisation.
    • ( Sponsor ) tbd but gist is, Luca's former circus came to verona for the first time three years ago and you were attracted to his dark energy, you kinda just knew what he'd been through and after witnessing him flawlessy pickpocket another member of the mob, you decided to manipulate him into joining. they'd have a toxic relo, where there is a genuine friendship bond however your muse would have no issues in emotionally ing with Luca to make him do what you want. You were also the one to give him the name 'Luca'.
    • More to come.
character study

a deeper look into his life
None of your ing business.
character study
what he'd put on his tinder bio
In their unassuming, understated way, people with the ISFJ personality type (Defenders) help make the world go round. Hardworking and devoted, these personalities feel a deep sense of responsibility to those around them.

This is a capable, can-do personality type with a wealth of versatile gifts. Though sensitive and caring, ISFJs also have excellent analytical abilities and an eye for detail. And despite their reserve, they tend to have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships. These personalities are truly more than the sum of their parts, and their varied strengths shine in even the most ordinary aspects of their daily lives.

One of the greatest ISFJ strengths is loyalty. People with this personality type are known for dropping everything and lending a hand whenever a friend or family member is going through a hard time. Other people may take advantage of ISFJs’ helpful, hardworking nature, leaving them feeling burned out and overworked. And these personalities may feel guilty or stressed when they contemplate saying no or making changes – even necessary changes – to themselves, their relationships, or the way that they’ve done things in the past.

For ISFJs, “good enough” is rarely good enough. People with this personality type can be meticulous to the point of perfectionism. They take their responsibilities seriously, consistently going above and beyond and doing everything that they can to exceed others’ expectations.
Moral Alignment — Chaotic Neutral
A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer). A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it. Chaotic neutral is the best alignment you can be because it represents true freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal. However, chaotic neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it seeks to eliminate all authority, harmony, and order in society.
Strengths: Loyal — Passionate — Highly dependable ( until presented with an impossinle choice, it seems ) — Charismatic — Protective over his loved ones — Practical — Connects easily with others — Adaptable and can cater to others needs — Knows what he wants, and will work for it, even if he doesn't quite know how to get it yet — Ambitious — Creative — Has a strong sense of duty.

Likes: Getting in trouble with the law ( and then succesfully escaping)  — Fruity cocktails — Punk, rock and grunge bands — People watching at Papa Aldo's cafe — Long Black's — Oversized hoodies — Getting new piercings — Tattoos ( wishes he could get one ) — Marvel tv shows — Attending parties and events, whether they're underground, 'lowbrow' affairs or fancier galas held by the Montagues — Carbonara — Korean BBQ.
Weaknesses: Derives his value and worth from external sources, rather then his own self-confidence — Very needy — Inflexible ( figuratively, once he has something in mind, Luca does not like to reorient ) — Impulsive — Vulnerable to criticism — Cuts people out easily — Self-indulgent — Rowdy — Doesn't prioritise his self-care.

Dislikes: Bonfire parties, smoking — Alcohol — Excessive gore, blood — Horror as a genre — The beach — Fresh vegetables — Mundane daily tasks ( example: brushing his teeth, hair, etc., but will of course do these things ) — People treating him like a pushover ( because he is one ) — Rare steak — Storms, heavy rain — Being a criminal.
Hobbies & Habits
Hobbies: Stretching, exercise — People watching — Parkour, climbing and exploring hard to reach/illegal places — Drinking coffee — Buying panini's from local cafes — Late night walks( and 'walks' ) — One night stands.

Habits: Tucking his hair behind his ears when talking — Rubbing his thumb and the side of his pointer finger together — Is a leg jiggler when nervous — His response to stressful or dangerous situations is flight.

Vices: Alcohol ( he may hate the stuff but genetics are gonna gene, baby ) — Thrilling heists that are a little too out of his depth — Staying awake — Drinking too much coffee — Has recently started dabbling in stimulant drugs such as , as caffeine is slowly losing its effectiveness.
Secrets & Fears
Secrets They'll Share: no secrets to share.

Secrets Kept to Themself: It wouldn't be a secret if he told you, now would it.

Fears: Fire, sources of extreme heat like oil and radiators — Sudden or erratic movements from people he finds intimidating or dangerous — Blood, gore, violence — Guns — Broken glass.
Other Personality Information
  • Apology: Making restitution.
  • Anger: Behavioural anger — Chronic anger — Self-abusive anger.
  • Aesthetic: Cybersigilism — Black hoodies — Chrome and satin nickel jewellery — Smokey grunge bars — Chunky sneakers — Undercuts and eyebrow slits — Chipped nail polish — Lollipops — Pouty lips — 3am adventures — Starting fights with drunk losers — Running — Sour lollies.
  • Love Language ( Giving ): Acts of service — Quality time.
  • Love Language ( Receiving ): Words of affirmation.
  • Turn-ons:
    • Backhugs
    • Dominance
    • Playing with his hair
    • Neck kisses
    • Playing with his lips / playing with your lips
    • Holding him by his neck ( no choking )
    • Treating him like a dog
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